MercurysBall2 ago

In 1946 the University acquired Willow Run airport in Ypsilanti, Michigan from the federal government for $1.00, and in fulfillment of the requirement that it be operated also as a research facility, the Michigan Aeronautical Research Center was established. It was administered as part of the Engineering Research Institute (ERI) of the University, which was created in 1920 to facilitate research in the College of Engineering.

Willow Run airport served as the main airport for Detroit and southeastern Michigan, but with the creation of MARC, some of the hangars, peripheral buildings and even part of the Terminal Building itself were used to accommodate a growing research activity. The initial thrust of the research was established in 1946 by project WIZARD, which was concerned with defense against ballistic V-2 type rockets and, later, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and the Center played an important role in the development of the country's entire air defense capability. Analysis, control, system design, simulation and computation were all aspects of the work involved.

For a time, the university housed some of its students in the apartments previously used by plant workers. Many of the buildings at the airport were used by University of Michigan physicists and engineers in research for national defense, including early work in antiballistic missile defense and remote sensing, at a facility which would become the Environmental Research Institute of Michigan (ERIM) after separating from the university in 1972.

The University of Michigan

Willow Run Laboratories

MercurysBall2 ago

Project Wizard

Project Wizard was a Cold War-era anti-ballistic missile system to defend against short and medium-range threats of the V-2 rocket type. It was contracted by the US Army Air Force in March 1946 with the University of Michigan's Aeronautical Research Center (MARC). A similar effort, Project Thumper, started at General Electric.

Early results demonstrated that the task of shooting down missiles appeared to be beyond the state of the art, and both projects were downgraded to long-term technology studies in the summer of 1947. They moved to the US Air Force with that force's creation in fall 1947. Due to budget constraints, Thumper was cancelled in 1949 and its funds re-directed to the GAPA project. Partially due to the perceived threat of Soviet long-range bombers being more serious, and that the systems still appeared to be beyond the state of the art, the Air Force later cancelled Wizard as well. Funds from the Wizard, Thumper and GAPA concepts were all channeled into MX-606, a long-range surface-to-air missile project that eventually emerged in the late 1950s as the CIM-10 Bomarc.

In 1955 the Army announced its intention to develop a new anti-ICBM system based on its Nike systems. The Air Force immediately re-activated Wizard as an entirely new project with Convair and RCA, and later added Lockheed-Raytheon and the Bell Labs-Douglas Aircraft team developing Nike. The Air Force called Wizard the "Top Defense Missile" in 1957. In 1958, with the Army's Nike Zeus system planning to enter testing and Wizard still a paper project, The Pentagon told the Air Force to limit their work to long-range radars. In 1959 the Air Force cancelled Wizard, stating that any ABM system was less cost effective than building more ICBMs. These arguments would also be directed against Zeus, which was cancelled in 1963.

...With this change in strategic threat from aircraft to missiles, in 1954 the Army contracted Johns Hopkins University's operational research office (ORO) to prepare a detailed report on an ABM capable of countering ICBMs. In 1955 they followed this with a contract with Bell Labs, who developed Nike and Hercules, to determine whether an ABM system was now within the state of the art. Bell took 18 months to deliver their response, stating that recent developments in radars, and especially transistorized computers, offered the range and performance needed for the mission.[1] Bell was given the go-ahead to start development in 1957, under the name Nike Zeus.[

Almost immediately after the announcement of the new Army ABM program, in 1955 the Air Force started their own anti-ICBM development under the Wizard name. Convair won the prime contractor contest, partnering with RCA for the radar and computer systems. The Air Force soon followed this with similar contracts for a Lockheed-Raytheon group, and also invited Bell Labs-Douglas Aircraft to join.[17] Both forces were now in a direct fight to deliver an ABM system, even competing for the teams who would handle development.

MercurysBall2 ago

WK Kellogg Foundation and Altarum work together

Soros, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Ford Foundation: Donor List Of Anti-Trump 'Resistance' Group Revealed - IOW They're Funding Domestic Terrorism!

Tracking the Well-Being of Children and Youth at the State and Local Levels Using the Federal Statistical System : ... The project has received funding from The Annie E. Casey Foundation, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, The Ford Foundation, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Commonwealth Fund, the Stuart Foundation, the Weingart Foundation, The Fund for New Jersey, The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Joyce Foundation, and The Rockefeller Foundation.

MercurysBall2 ago

Epstein and the Leese Family

The connection between Epstein and the Leese family is one that has been interesting to me, and it's something that I don't see talked about much - which is understandable, because they seem to be rather shadowy.

The Independent mentions mentions that Steven Hoffenberg of Tower Financials was introduced to Epstein by Douglas Leese:

Mr Hoffenberg said he was introduced to Epstein by Douglas Leese, a British arms dealer. “The guy’s a genius,” Mr Hoffenberg said Mr Leese told him. “He’s great at selling securities. And he has no moral compass.” Mr Leese did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Douglas Leese's son, Nicholas Leese, appears in Epstein's black book with multiple contact numbers, with a listing for a company called "House of Orient PTD Ltd", based out of Singapore (one registry lists a "Key Design PTE Ltd" that is "formerly known as House of Orient PTD Ltd"). Leese also appears as an advisor to East West Capital Partners Pte Ltd, a Singapore-based biotech and medtech firm. And here's another appearance as the contact person for Creeyan Laboratories Sdn Bhd, a Malaysian-based biotech/tech manufacturing company.

Douglas Leese's history (which we can piece together) is fascinating. He pops up in the UK House of Commons debates around the al-Yamamah deal between Britain and Saudi Arabia - which was riddled with controversies concerning bribes, kickbacks, and at the farthest edges, all sorts of money laundering, gun smuggling type skullduggery.

Those middlemen included Wafic Said, who became a business partner of the right hon. Member for South Thanet (Mr. Aitken) and a close friend of, and generous benefactor to, the Conservative party. They included Mark Thatcher, the son of the then Prime Minister, who gave 10 Downing street as his address at the time, but who was later given his own house and other lavish benefits by Wafic Said and who has become mysteriously and inordinately rich. Among those who shared the millions of pounds sucked from those commissions was the former Cabinet Minister and former Chief Secretary to the Treasury, the right hon. Member for South Thanet. Some of those secret commissions on the Al Yamamah deal have been handled by British Aerospace through a British business man, Douglas Leese, who has close connections with an offshore bank, the Bank of NT Butterfield in Bermuda... Half of those bribes paid off the Saudi princes and the other half went--via a small-scale arms dealer, Michael Gay, who, interestingly enough, is based near the British Aerospace headquarters outside Preston--to those mysterious bank accounts in the Bank of NT Butterfield in Bermuda. There, like other things that venture into the Bermuda triangle, they promptly disappeared.

The Bank of NT Butterfield is shady as hell. One report issued by the US government talks about how they would send people on foot into wealthy retirement communities in Florida to pitch offshore-banking. Another report talks about how Butterfield ended up with some of the accounts of the liquidated BCCI bank. More recently, it pops up in an expose by the Guardian about the US intelligence community's covert attempt to start a 'color revolution' in Cuba using a twitter-like app promoted by a front company called ZunZuneo:

To cover their tracks, they decided to have a company based in the United Kingdom set up a corporation in Spain to run ZunZuneo. A separate company called MovilChat was created in the Cayman Islands, a well-known offshore tax haven, with an account at the island's Bank of NT Butterfield & Son Ltd. to pay the bills.

Funny enough, a 2017 press release announced a new member to their board: Meroe Park, "most recently the Executive Director of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (“CIA”), serving as the Agency’s chief operating officer in its most senior career post."

According to some old posts on the OffshoreAlert forum, Doug Leese was also associated with the Mariner International Bank in St. Vincent. This bank was at the center of a scam run by a fellow named David Tedder, which involved the funneling of money from Gold Metal Sports, "an offshore sportsbook located on the island of Curacao". The deets of this particular affair can be read here.

The OffshoreAlert posts also offer this info:

Sir Douglas Leese has established a long and distinguished career in the International business community stretching from the United Kingdom to China, the United States to Australia. Whether it is manufacturing, high tech, or financial industries, he has extensive experience to draw upon. From Managing Director to Chairman of the Board, in partnership or joint venture, his resume reads like a Who's Who of International Business to include companies such as Boeing, Westinghouse and many international financial institutions. Of British nationality, Sir Douglas Leese maintains residence in St. Helier, Jersey and the Channel Islands. He has been recognized with the Queen's Award to Industry for Technology and the Queen's Award for Export Achievement. His many honors include Freeman of the City of London, Honorary Consul (Channel Islands) for St. Vincent and the Grenadines as well as Knight and Grand Prior of the Order of St. Hubertus

and this odd bit:

Please have Sir Douglas Leese contact me, or anyone who is part of the Knight Order of St. Hubertus. The contact would have to be someone who is into Satanism or wicca and who also lives in Europe. I would very much like to speak to them. Also, I would especially appreciate anyone who lives in Germany, Switerland, Austria, or Russia to contact me and who has additional contacts in this religous order or who is into wicca or Satanism and who has contact with royals. My request is honest, without harm, or conditions. I want to locate a family member in Europe, and one of the Knights or one of their friends, my know the person I need to make contact with.

Yet another post has the following recollection about Douglas: "I have such unusual memories of him in the 70's when he had a house in Belgrave Mews 14, when he had bought Lord Long's Wraxhall Estates... and gave very unusual parties..."

In the mid-90s, it seems that both Douglas and Nicholas Leese found themselves in a boondoggle with a British company called Littlewoods, which at one point led private investigators to bug Douglas's phone system and steal his mail (they were hit hard with lawsuits).

The Independent has all sorts of juicy details on what went down (other details, including how Littlewoods got Nicholas Leese arrested for bribes, are discussed by The Independent here):

Virage Holdings, a Bermuda-based holding company, has issued a writ claiming £1m damages from Littlewoods after a joint venture turned sour. Virage alleges Littlewoods, through its Hong Kong subsidiary Striker, owes the money as part of a payment agreed last June... The dispute stems from a partnership between Littlewoods and Lorad, a sister company of Virage, in 1991. In an attempt to cut out the middle man, Littlewoods tried to source its goods from Hong Kong, Taiwan and the other main Far East manufacturing centres, direct. Lorad, a local trading company was identified as a suitable partner. Under the plan, Lorad was to share its network of offices and contacts, in return for commission on all the supply contracts. The marriage turned sour when members of the Moores family, Littlewoods' owners, became concerned about Lorad's connections with the international defence business. One deal - a proposal that Narinco, the Chinese government- controlled defence and electronics manufacturer, would sell washing machines to Littlewoods while at the same time, providing weapons to Lorad - set off alarm bells among the image-conscious Moores.

Hardly any information on Virage Holdings and Lorad to be found, other than cursory mention of Virage in the Panama Papers database.

MercurysBall2 ago

tamfamgram connects to Haley Strategic Partners

Travis Haley has evolved into one of the most respected and knowledgeable trainers and product developers in the defense industry. A former United States Force Recon Marine and private military contractor with an amazing lists of credits to his name he continues to advance his community and others with his unique ability to build weapons and tactics programs, films, and knowledge transfer through science.

His first appearance was in 2004 on YouTube as the famous Blackwater sniper in Al-Najaf, Iraq. This battle was known as one of the largest insurgent assaults in the history of the war. Back in this day real combat footage was not common. Travis served as a door gunner/counter sniper and intelligence gatherer on the Black water MD530 Little Bird helicopters based out of the Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq. On April 4th 2004 "444" they were called into Al-Najaf to support and evacuate a stranded team. Once they landed they realize the insurgent numbers were estimated to be 1500 to their 20. The fight lasted for 2 days and Travis and his team worked tirelessly to hold back the invading forces. Not knowing the outcome Travis took his surveillance camera out and hit record. Later this footage was posted to YouTube by an unknown person. This being one of the first combat videos of Iraq on the internet made it a hit with over 10 million views with multiple shares and counting.

Travis Haley is certainly cut from a different cloth. In our world, he is a man who needs little introduction, thanks to his Marine Corps background, Special Ops experience, and combat-training prowess. Legions of fanboys laud him as their hero, ready to kick in doors, scale walls, and blast away bad guys for him, even if it is only in their own vicarious, G.I. Joe, alpha-male fantasies.

MercurysBall2 ago

Big find here w Leon Black/Epstein. His company Apollo Management owns Constellis, a private military contractor that owns Blackwater (Erik Prince) and the Olive Group (where the guy who founded the White Helmets used to work)

THREAD on why this matters re: child trafficking:

MercurysBall2 ago

One of the arms dealers that Epstein apparently knew quite well was the British arms dealer Sir Douglas Leese. Leese was involved in brokering the first of a series of controversial British arms deals that involved Khashoggi, known as the Al Yamamah Deal and allegedly involving bribery of members of the Saudi royal family and top Saudi officials. In addition to Khashoggi, several of those officials and royal family members had deep ties to BCCI.

Later iterations of that arms deal were allegedly brokered with the involvement of Prince Charles of the British royal family, and corruption investigations into Al Yamamah were later shut down by the efforts of Tony Blair as well as Prince Andrew. Leese is said to have spoken of Epstein’s “genius” and lack of morals when he introduced him to Steve Hoffenberg of Tower Financial, and soon after that introduction Hoffenberg hired Epstein.

Two years after BCCI’s fraud-driven collapse, Tower Financial imploded in 1993 in what is still considered to be one of the largest Ponzi schemes in American history. Hoffenberg later asserted in court that Epstein had been intimately involved in Tower’s shady financial practices and had called Epstein the “architect of the scam.” However, by the time Tower Financial had collapsed, Epstein was no longer working for the company. Despite Hoffenberg’s testimony and abundant evidence regarding Epstein’s role in the scheme, Epstein’s name was mysteriously dropped from the case.

MercurysBall2 ago

More about Altarum:

Altarum works with government and private insurers, health systems and provider organizations, and foundations to improve health outcomes of Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries. ..

Altarum’s roots date back to 1946 with the founding of an applied science research institute by University of Michigan engineering professors. We work closely with defense and intelligence agencies on satellite and signal processing technology, including the groundbreaking discovery of how to apply the theory of holography.

Partners with:

Palladian Partners is an award-winning health and science communications firm based in Silver Spring, Maryland, just six miles from downtown Washington, D.C. Palladian specializes in targeted communications that reach and inform researchers, health care professionals, policymakers, educators, patients, families and the general public. Clients include the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and a variety of health-focused foundations and nonprofit organizations.

MercurysBall2 ago

Students for Operation Smile 9at University of Michigan)

Ann Arbor, MI 4810 United States

find the connection

MercurysBall2 ago

Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation at the University of Michigan

IHPI partners with five local organizations..

-Center for Health and Research Transformation

MercurysBall2 ago

Michigan WIC partnered with Altarum, McMillen Health, Delta Dental Foundation, and the Michigan Health Endowment Fund to implement a WIC-oral health pilot project over 3 years in 50 Michigan WIC clinics in rural and urban settings. Staff in these WIC clinics received training to integrate oral health education and dental referrals into the nutrition education provided to mothers with young children. Through the BRUSH training, WIC staff learned about the importance of children’s oral health, how to discuss the topic using the CCS approach, and were provided with resources to share with clients.