MilitaryTribunals ago

Something is up with Samaritan's Purse for sure! as I was browsing their Twittler TL pics, and found this:

Now compare with this:

Then there is this this thread reader research link:

So later on, I went back to get link for pic and guess what? The picture is deleted.

Nothing to see here folks..

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you for your comment. I was just thinking of doing another post about what is happening in NY re Hart Island.

Have a look at this image of Tom Hanks and his ring :

It reminded me of this Samaritan's Purse image:

So I did a search for the two and whaddya know: 'Mama Gump' brings Operation Christmas Child to Tupelo

Known affectionately as "Mama Gump," Mary Damron has traveled around the world through her involvement with Operation Christmas Child. A project of international relief and evangelism organization Samaritan's Purse, Operation Christmas Child delivers shoe boxes filled with small gifts, toys, and candy - along with Christian literature - to suffering children across the globe.

Damron acquired her knickname for her knack of stumbling onto momentous occasions like the novel and character Forrest Gump.

Like Tom Hanks' character in the 1994 movie, "Mama Gump" even met the president. In 1995, Damron's involvement with the children's shoe box project led to her meeting President Bill Clinton, who invited her to the White House for a news conference showcasing volunteer efforts in Bosnia.

Shoe boxes for God'

Damron first heard about Operation Christmas Child while watching television one night. Franklin Graham, Samaritan's Purse President and son of evangelist Billy Graham, was explaining the project and inviting viewers to participate.

"I went up and down the hollers, telling everybody that Brother Graham needed shoe boxes for God," Damron said. Despite the region's poverty and high unemployment, she collected more than 1,250 gift-filled boxes.

Last year, 25,000 boxes were collected from the north Mississippi area, and 8,678 from Tupelo.

But Damron is quick to point out that the project is not about numbers - or even shoe boxes.

"Every box represents a child to me and the caring person that sent it," she said. "It's not just the shoe box, it's touching people and saying, I care.'"

I feel that something very sinister is going on in New York. Going to do some more digging.

MilitaryTribunals ago

Since twitter doesn't want me to show this pic I showed you around twitter, entering Samaritan's Purse in YouTube search brings back some interesting results like central park is a death camp video.

It seems these people working on damage control had that video removed and has a "handy" summary that shows a summary of that they do.

Last week, Someone had a video of person saying another person they knew works down there and they are treating children there. I am calling bullshit on all of it, because there are pics of patients still on twitter, and one can clearly tell by looking at the patient's feet, these are clearly adults.

Going further, I saw they are setting up playpens in Texas for future patients, but are being set up by National Guard.

I read an article about MKU once, and Billy Graham was in article itself. Apparently, he was a satanist himself, and that really hit me hard because so many people believed he was a man of God, and here is his son running the show at SP.

MercurysBall2 ago

Well, would you look at that. Now the Cathedral of St John's will be hosting coronavirus patients:

Temporary hospital planned for New York’s St. John the Divine

Plans are now underway to construct another temporary hospital in the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, seat of the Diocese of New York and the largest (by some measurements) Anglican cathedral in the world.

As far as I am concerned the Anglican church is satanic.

Sinister Sites - St. John The Divine Cathedral -

The destruction of New York city (including the Twin Towers) sculpted right on the building... Strange occult symbols on the floor... Weird rituals being performed in the sanctuary... Home of the Temple of Understanding which admittedly seeks to instate a new world religion... This cathedral is definitively "different", as some people might say. But the "difference" lies in the fact that the cathedral is in fact a temple for the occult elite...

This unfinished building has been claimed as being the world's largest cathedral. It is realistic to maintain such high aspirations when your sources of funding include tycoons like JP Morgan and prominent figures like the Grand Master of the Masons of the state of New York. The completion of the cathedral was such a prized accomplishment for the Freemasons that it was featured on the front page of "Masonic World" of March 1925.

St. John the Divine is the headquarters of the Temple of Understanding, an interfaith effort to steer away people from traditional religions to a hybrid kind of spirituality based on New Age philosophies, Neo-Paganism and a mix of organized religions' traditions. The "friends" who have assisted the founder Juliet Hollister include John D. Rockefeller II, the XIV Dalai Lama, Pope John XXIII, Eleanor Roosevelt, UN Secretary-General U Thant, International Planned Parenthood and the Jewish Theological Seminary.

The Temple has received full UN accreditation and has been a key actor in the "spiritual" department of the UN. Twelve individuals listed as Directors or Advisors of the Temple of Understanding are also members of the UN's Global Forum councils.

Voat posts re St. John's:

Joyce Chang, Charles Rockefeller [Asia Society Trustee], Elissa Doyle and Muffie Nixon attend Alliance for the Arts: Friends of the Arts Party at Christie's on November 29, 2005 in New York City ..

Getting Creative at Church, Plus the L.A. Spirit in New York -

or a lot of social people, going out is a kind of religion, so the fact that the public art organization Creative Time threw its gala Monday at the grand and beautiful Cathedral of St. John the Divine in Morningside Heights surely held some significance. ..

Princess Firyal of Jordan, Cindy Sherman, Calvin Klein’s Francisco Costa, Thelma Golden, Jenna Lyons, Suzanne and Robert Cochran, Jamie Tisch, Renee Rockefeller, florist Eric Buterbaugh, newlyweds Elissa Doyle and Matthew Dontzin, “Pitch Perfect” director Jason Moore, Melissa Schiff Soros, and Philip and Shelley Aarons were just some of the guests who came to enjoy a “last supper” by Daniel Boulud honoring the artist Vik Muniz.

Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan, Princess Firyal of Jordan Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah of Jordan and Princess Firewater of Jordan attended UNA-USA 2007 GLOBAL LEADERSHIP AWARD dinner at Cipriani Wall Street NYC on October 25, 2007

See: Rachel Chandler and Susan Sarandon of SPiN at UNIQLO Fifth Avenue opening leads to the sweatshops of the retail fashion industry and the Jordanian arm of the human trafficking network - and The Children of War Foundation, Operation SMILE, the Chagoury Group, Clinton Foundation and Boko Haram - It's another UN/NGO rabbit hole... -

I'm sorry to say this but this is feeling more and more like a ritual to me. Please try to keep a close eye on what is happening in Central Park.

Vindicator ago

@MercurysBall2, lots of tantalizing odds and ends here. Is the pizzagate thesis that Samaritans Purse/Mt. Sinai may be trafficking kids through the hospital in Central Park, and that the "kids are being rescued" rumor that's being pushed is actually the opposite of what's going on? That point needs clarification.

You've linked a GreatAwakening submission about World Vision as your support for the idea that it is a CIA operation, but that submission has zero links supporting any of it's claims. It doesn't meet our evidence requirements. As is, this really belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever. However, if you want to source the claims in that guy's submission and add them to this one, I will give this the 24 Hour Grace flair.

MercurysBall2 ago

I've edited as per your requirements.

Vindicator ago

Thanks MB2. I've removed the flair.

They aren't my requirements, btw. They're the subscribers'. I'm happy to alter them at any time to whatever the majority desires.

PizzaGates ago

Now might be a good time to Question, why there is a "secret" Q-Tunnel underneath New York's Central Park

That makes me question the etymology of the word Park...or is it "ParQ"

I ran across the word parquet used in the French sense of ‘prosecutor’s office’ and decided to look it up in the OED. Much to my surprise, it turns out to be a French diminutive of parc ‘park’; neither the OED nor the French dictionaries I’ve consulted explain the semantic transition. So of course I had to look up park, where I found a far more complicated etymology than I had expected (I’ve pruned some of the more remote twigs of information):

< Anglo-Norman and Old French, Middle French, French parc large enclosed area of land or woodland where one keeps and raises animals for the hunt (1160-74), enclosed place planted with fruit trees, orchard (c1220-78), mobile enclosure where one keeps livestock when they sleep in the fields, area thus enclosed (1269), large enclosed area of land or woodland maintained for the decoration of a castle or country house, or for pleasure or recreation, etc. (1337), fortified camp (end of the 15th cent. …), collection of vehicles which an army makes use of (1823 …), prob. < post-classical Latin parricus fence (8th cent. in Ripuar. Laws as parracus, but prob. earlier: see below), pen for animals (9th cent.), park, enclosure (12th cent. in a British source; from 13th cent. as parrocus), prob. < an unattested *parra pole, rod (cf. Spanish parra artificially supported vine, Catalan parra (type of) vine, Portuguese parra grapevine leaf; perh. ult. related to the base of Old French barre BAR n.1) + –icus -IC suffix. Cf. post-classical Latin parcus park, enclosure (freq. from 9th cent. in British sources), fence (12th cent. in a British source), pen for animals (freq. from 13th cent. in British sources), Old Occitan, Occitan pargue, parc, Italian parco …, Spanish parque …, Portuguese parque …, German Park (from early 17th cent. in travel writings, after English and French; 15th cent. in Middle High German in sense ‘compound, enclosure’; < French). Cf. PARC n.

Currency of post-classical Latin parricus earlier than the date of its first recorded attestation is suggested by the probable early West Germanic loan represented by PARROCK n., and also by the widespread currency of reflexes in Gallo-Romance dialects and in northern Italy. Most (although not all) recent commentators have regarded it as less likely that the word is a borrowing from Germanic into Latin (as frequently suggested in the past), on account of: (1) the initial p– (which is very rare in Germanic (see P n.), although it might be explained if the word were an earlier borrowing in Germanic from another language and not an inherited Indo-European word; this might also explain the fact that the word is recorded only in West Germanic); (2) the lack of evidence for a corresponding simplex in Germanic (although see PARROCK n. for discussion of PAR n.2 and PAR v.1); (3) the Latin suffix (although it is uncertain whether the vocalism of the last syllable in the continental West Germanic forms rules out the Germanic suffix -OCK suffix); (4) the possibility of Celtic cognates for the Latin word (although it is unclear what, if any, evidence there is to support the forms posited, e.g. Welsh parr enclosed place, Breton par plot of land); and (5) the possible connection with the base of Old French barre BAR n.1 There is thus no completely convincing argument for either a Latin or a Germanic origin. In favour of a Germanic origin, J. Corominas (Diccionario Crítico Etimológico de la Lengua Castellana (1985) s.v. parra) argues that Occitan parran enclosure, garden (a1168) is likely to be a borrowing from Germanic on formal grounds, and hence that the same is likely to apply for the other Romance words.

Welsh parc and Irish páirc are either < English or directly < French; Middle Breton, Breton park is < French.

Any other dictionary would replace almost all of that by the statement “There is no convincing argument for either a Latin or a Germanic origin,” but the OED lets you peer into the etymologist’s workshop and (if you are so inclined) decide for yourself where the probabilities lie.

MercurysBall2 ago

Samuel Curtis Johnson, Sr. founded S.C. Johnson & Son when he purchased the parquet flooring business of Racine Hardware Company in 1886.

David Bowie/Pat Metheny - This Is Not America

PizzaGates ago

dang. I wasn't even hypothesizing a Racine connection

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Me neither but there must simply just always be one!

PizzaGates ago

More etymological Qlues from internet Qomments:

+Was one of the “twigs” you snipped off, “parc” with the meaning “playpen”?

I never connected “parquet” and “parc” and don’t know why the word “parquet” acquired a judicial meaning, but it is possible that originally the wooden “parquet” did not cover a floor wall-to-wall but only a smaller area – somewhat like the smallish wooden dance floors in some nightclubs. So back to the Petit Robert, which basically agrees about “parquet” and adds precisions (I paraphrase):

1) “parquet” (a diminutive form of “parc”) = “espace délimité” – an area which is defined (here, by a distinct type of flooring) and possibly confined (by some kind of barrier); more specifically: (1366) an area of a court of justice where judges and lawyers assembled, and later (1549) a room or area reserved for members of the prosecutor’s office, hence also the group of magistrates so involved;

2) (concrete technical meanings applying to a type of wooden floor or a supporting platform in a boiler room).

+So the judicial meaning has a derivation similar to the English “bar” referring to all the barristers or lawyers admitted to practice in a particular jurisdiction, which in turn comes from the “bar” or railing that encloses the area where the a court’s business is transacted — same as the 1366 “parquet” citation above.

So how come I “park” my car?

+Probably because before it became customary to leave one’s car on the street, the first cars (then very expensive) were “parked” in a garage or other enclosure.

The French word for “bar” in a judicial sense is “le barreau”, designating the barristers (“avocats au barreau”), while “le parquet” means the prosecutors.

+Parquet is a term I came across when translating some documents from DR Congo. I assume it’s moved into the wider reaches of Francophony.

Michael Pearce’s splendid ‘Mamur Zapt’ series about a Welshman serving as the secret police chief in early 20th century Cairo) regularly mentions the Parquet. The British ran the police and the army, while the French organised the judiciar.

+I did check out parque of Valery’s La Jeune Parque (= one of the Latin Fates, e.g. Nona, Decima, and Morta)and it comes from the Latin Parcae. Too bad — what a fun derivation that would have been.,and it come

+Another derivative of “park” is the verb “parquer”, as in “Les Indiens sont encore parqués dans les réserves” (a sentence one comes across in French descriptions of North America). This does not mean that hey are “parked” together with their cars but stuck in reservations like cattle in pens.

+Oh man! That means there’s an ancient German cognate: Pferch, a rather obsolete word denoting some kind of fenced area for livestock. Zusammengepfercht means “squeezed together like sardines”.

Still, this doesn’t mean it’s not a loan from Vulgar Latin into Proto-West Germanic or something. The High German consonant shift happened late enough, and the vowel steamrollering (all vowels became e or disappeared, unless they escaped) came even later.

+Etymonline s.v. park thinks it’s a native Germanic word borrowed into Mediaeval Latin, though it admits the reverse is possible. But there’s no doubt of OHG parrih (obviously cognate with E parrock > paddock) is the ancestor of Pferch.

MercurysBall2 ago

World Vision and War Child :

World Vision leads new programme to eradicate child slavery in East Africa -

There are more than 40 million victims of modern slavery worldwide, a quarter of whom are children. This is nothing short of a global tragedy. Partnering with World Vision and War Child, the UK is prioritising the protection of children from the worst forms of child labour and trafficking. Through our UK Aid Connect programme we are helping businesses root out child labour from supply chains, educating children on the often-hidden risks of trafficking and helping provide a platform for their experiences to be heard.

Tim Pilkington, CEO of World Vision UK

World Vision UK will lead a consortium of organisations, including War Child UK, Thomson Reuters Foundation and Columbia University.

In Data Dump for Eastman Kodak, Lucent Technologies, RFID, the Crowley Company and the Occult

The Crowley Company ..THEIR GOVERNMENT CLIENT LIST:including: Central Intelligence Agency, the Navy, US Mission to the UN, NASA, NIH, US Senate, House of Represenatives, etc ..

Connections with the Hague:

Very involved with the pharmaceutical industry. For example, Sterling Drug

HQ address: 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016

The Company was established in 1901 (then called Neuralgyline Co.) in Wheeling, West Virginia, by Albert H. Diebold and William E. Weiss, a pharmacist.[2][citation needed] At the end of World War I in 1918, Sterling purchased the US assets of a German company now known as Bayer AG for US $5.3 million...

there are the connections between The Crowley Co., Eastman Kodak, Mercy Corp and Bright Horizons (SC Johnson Child Care Learning Center):

That brings us up to date to the connections with the IPPF : International Planned Parenthood Federation, the world's biggest sexual health charity, is accused of offering YOUNG volunteers to adults at events in Africa...Here's what we know.. .. .IPPF works with Mercy Corps

REPORT from ActionAid, War Child International, International Center for Research on Women, Islamic Relief, Marie Stopes International, International Planned Parenthood Federation, CARE, Mercy Corps, Handicap International - Humanity & Inclusion, Action Contre la Faim France, Oxfam, International Rescue Committee, International Medical Corps, Save the Children, Plan International, Women's Refugee Commission, Legal Action Worldwide

Planned Parenthood?

See: Scientific paper on ADRENOCHROME leads to the Rochester State Hospital, GEORGE Eastman and the start of Planned Parenthood in New York

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Diebold is a major voting machine manufacturer from Ohio, nice and close to West Virginia.

Jk9999 ago

Didn’t SC Johnson buy a major division of Bayer and is that connected with Zika? Does the new covid virus have connections with Zika, Ebola, SARS, vaccine programs and 5G? Are the Carolinas and Universities involved? What about Cornell? Is this all connected to UN, Rotary and vaccines, Save The Children, USAID, Clinton Global Health, Red Cross and Sustainable Development? And the NXIVM doctor was from Wisconsin? Is Frank Lloyd Wright connected with Unitarianism and the occult? Didn’t Susan Sarandon also have a part in the World’s Greatest Prom documentary? Now the Wisconsin election is cancelled and DNC convention might be virtual? What happened to Paul Ryan, where is he in all of this? Is Foxconn going to make ventilators? What is going on here?

MercurysBall2 ago

To most of your questions I think the answer is 'yes'.

To your last question : that's what I'm trying to figure out.

MercurysBall2 ago

U.S. Agency for International Development and 29 Partner Organizations Launch U.S. Global Development Lab to Help End Extreme Poverty by 2030 -

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Dr. Rajiv Shah announced today the establishment of the U.S. Global Development Lab at an event in New York City. The launch event featured a keynote address by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who has been a strong supporter of the use of science, innovation and partnerships to further U.S development goals. The Lab and its 29 inaugural Cornerstone Partners will advance a science-and technology-based approach to development, creating a new global marketplace of innovations and taking them to scale to help end extreme poverty by 2030.

A U.S. Global Development Lab was a key recommendation made in the first Quadrennial Diplomacy and Development Review, a sweeping evaluation led by then-Secretary Clinton on behalf of President Obama to redefine diplomacy and development to deliver results for the American people. Secretary of State John Kerry has continued to underscore the importance of science, technology, and innovation as cornerstones of the American economy and invaluable tools for engaging our foreign partners.

The Lab’s Cornerstone Partners include a large cross-section of corporations: Cargill, Cisco, Coca-Cola, DuPont, GlaxoSmithKline, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Nike, Syngenta and Walmart; civil society organizations and foundations: CARE, Catholic Relief Services, Plan, Save the Children, World Vision, the Global Impact Investing Network, the Skoll Foundation, National Academy of Sciences, and the Smithsonian Institution; universities: The University of California at Berkeley, Duke University, Johns Hopkins University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, Stanford University’s Freeman Spogli Institute, Texas A&M University, and the College of William and Mary; and a bilateral donor: Sweden.

Related voat post:

In 2007 GFC launched its Under-8 Initiative (U8), a pledge to invest $10 million over five years in groups working with children under the age of 8 in developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The initiative was sponsored by the Clinton Foundation as part of the Clinton Global Initiative.[10] Within the first year of operation it reached an estimated 47,000 children in 19 countries and awarded a total of $487,300 in grants.

Other GFC strategic partnerships include Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Johnson & Johnson, Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Oak Foundation, GoodWeave, Feizy Rugs, and Tea Collection

Oh_Well_ian ago

Who was behind WORLD VISION? John Hinkley Sr. ( father of Reagan assassin )

Who ran WORLD VISION CAMPS in Central and South America? Clowns

Did Hinkley Jr. attend those camps? Yes

Who else went to those camps? Mark David Chapman - John Lennon Assassin

i_scream_trucks ago

the seagrams building

Nexium or whoever the fuck they are.

MercurysBall2 ago

Yup. Our Seagrams building posts are here:

MercurysBall2 ago

About time I looked into the origin of the word 'samaritan'


a charitable or helpful person (with reference to Luke 10:33).

"suddenly, miraculously, a Good Samaritan leaned over and handed the cashier a dollar bill on my behalf"


a member of a people inhabiting Samaria in biblical times, or of the modern community claiming descent from them, adhering to a form of Judaism accepting only its own ancient version of the Pentateuch as Scripture.

Let's look at the second meaning.


Samaria (/səˈmɛəriə/;[1] Hebrew: שומרון‎, Standard Šoməron, Tiberian Šōmərôn; Arabic: السامرة‎, as-Sāmirah – also known as Jibāl Nāblus, "Nablus Mountains") is a historical and biblical name used for the central region of the ancient Land of Israel, also part of Palestine, bordered by Galilee to the north and Judaea to the south

Samaria was revived as an administrative term in 1967, when the West Bank was defined by Israeli officials as the Judea and Samaria Area,[8] of which the entire area north of the Jerusalem District is termed as Samaria.

Jordan ceded its claim to the area to the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in August 1988.[9] In 1994, control of Areas 'A' (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority) and 'B' (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control) were transferred by Israel to the Palestinian Authority. The Palestinian Authority and the international community do not recognize the term "Samaria"; in modern times, the territory is generally known as part of the West Bank.

[Red and green]


MercurysBall2 ago

Sexual Predators and Serial Rapists Run Wild at Wal-Mart Supplier in Jordan: Young women workers raped, tortured and beaten at the Classic Factory, 2011 -

It was only because of several extremely courageous women who were victimized while sewing garmentsfor Wal-Mart, Hanes and other labels, that we now know of the horrific sexual abuse and rapes that have been going on in Jordan since at least 2007. The women, whose lives were destroyed, taped their testimonies using cell phones. It was only in December of 2010, when the Institute was in Jordanmeeting with Classic and other workers, that the taped testimonies were given to us. When we returned tothe United States, we had them translated from Sinhalese into English. When were finally able to watchthe tapes, we sat there and cried. We were stunned at how these young Sri Lankan women had beenraped and tortured, while sewing clothing for the largest retailer on the face of the earth, Wal-Mart, andfor Hanes, the most popular label in the United States

Labels produced at the Classic Group of Factories are: Danskin Now (Wal-Mart) Champion (Hanes for Target),Style & Co (Macy‘s) and Sonoma (Kohl‘s).An order for the large food service company, Sodexo had just been completed at Classic

Classic opened its first garmentfactory in Jordan in 2003.. what seems incomprehensible, the Jordanian Ministry of

Labor has awarded the Classic Group of factories ―Golden List‖ status for the last 4 ¾ years!Being on the ―Golden List‖ means these factories are in full compliance with all local Jordanian laws as well as with the labor rights provisions in the U.S.-Jordan Free Trade Agreement.

Pg. 32

What is truly disturbing is that Jordanian Ministry of Labor officials from Amman and the local MOLoffice in Al Hassan made several visits during the strike.

This means MOL officials knew exactly howAnil, Priyantha and possibly others had been preying on vulnerable young women for years.

In fact, Sri Lankan and Indian workers had given both Classic‘s owner, Mr. Sa nal Kumar, and Ministry of Labor officials letters in which the workers documented the gross violations they suffered at the hands of Anil

Ministry of Labor, Jordan [Nike's hockey stick logo]

MercurysBall2 ago

Pizzagate Exposed Artist Jeff Koons as a Pedophile Involved in Money Laundering - His 'Rabbit' Sculpture Just Sold for a Record $91 Million to the Father of Treasury Secretary Mnuchin Robert E. Mnuchin, an art dealer and the father of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, made the winning bid for Mr. Koons’s 1986 “Rabbit” from an aisle seat near the front of the salesroom. He was seated near Peter Brant, the collector and private museum-owner, and Jeffrey Deitch, the dealer.

white rabbit = human trafficker ?

MercurysBall2 ago

Watch the water

September 2018 article:

Italy health authorities investigate pneumonia outbreak -

Health authorities in northern Italy are investigating whether bacteria—including the one that causes Legionnaires' disease—inhaled from the water supply is behind an outbreak of pneumonia that has afflicted nearly 150 people.

..Experts said Monday that a single contamination but spread out over several towns and villages in Brescia was likely responsible since the cases were mostly reported in a short timeframe, not the usual person-to-person transmission that would drag out during a typical outbreak.

At least two of the cases reportedly involved victims with Legionnaire's disease—a severe form of pneumonia that is usually caused by inhaling droplets from a contaminated water source such as air conditioning systems or cooling towers. Pneumonia is typically caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi and is spread by airborne droplets. It is usually treated with antibiotics.

MercurysBall2 ago

TEL AVIV, Israel (CNN) -- Four years ago, a young, cash-starved Israeli answered an ad in a newspaper for a kidney donor.

"I decided I wanted to make a positive change in my life and do something different," Nick Rosen told CNN. "So I saw an ad in the paper and it said, 'Kidney Donor Wanted.' And called the ad in the paper, and they asked me my blood type."

Ultimately, Rosen flew to New York and underwent surgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center to remove one of his two healthy kidneys.

"Let's say I donated a kidney and received compensation," he said.

Rosen's story is one of several that have come to light in recent weeks as part of a worldwide CNN investigation into what appears to be a widespread black market in human organs currently under scrutiny by authorities in the United States and Israel.

Rosen says he was paid $20,000 for his kidney -- something he admits he lied about in interviews with the hospital's transplant team.s://

MilitaryTribunals ago

I thought Comfort is at dock 5 & 5th Avenue?

It stuck out to me because of the 5:5 reference.

MilitaryTribunals ago

Yup, you are right, my bad.

MercurysBall2 ago

No worries.