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ninjajunkie ago

Great post.

One question though; why would you label anything "the Jewish War Veterans Post" when a sign saying "Empty" would have sufficed?

MercurysBall2 ago

On Donald Ewen Cameron

Glad to be able to bring this back up from the main pizzagate subverse where any mention of adrenochrome is tagged as 'disinfo'... the connections to the US and UK militaries, intelligence services, governments and royal families go too deep... anyhoo..

Project MKUltra :

Declassified MKUltra documents indicate they studied hypnosis in the early 1950s. Experimental goals included the creation of "hypnotically induced anxieties," "hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter," studying hypnosis and polygraph examinations, "hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects" and studying "relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis."[60] They conducted experiments with drug-induced hypnosis and with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while under the influence of such drugs.

The CIA exported experiments to Canada when they recruited British psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. ..

During this era, Cameron became known worldwide as the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations. Cameron was also a member of the Nuremberg medical tribunal in 1946–47.

veteran88 ago

How many abortions were really born alive and raises in the tunnels to harvest adrenochrome?

The thots who had abortions actually have children being tortured in the tunnels by pedorapists.

MercurysBall2 ago

Translated from Norwegian:

Review of allegations of unethical medical research in humans - An examination of allegations of unethical medical research with LSD, electrodes and radioactive radiation on humans in Norway during the period 1945 - 1975

.... The commission's mandate states that "it has repeatedly stated allegations that subjects are abused in medical research in postwar Norway." Such research should, among other things, have taken place because vulnerable groups have been the subject of research with LSD. ..The claims that psychiatric patients should have been exposed to research with LSD were, according to the commission, first made public in 1992.

“More than 500 patients at Modum Bad Nerves Sanatorium were treated with LSD from 1961 to 1973. Dr. Gordon Johnsen led the experiments with blessings from the health authorities. The CIA may have paid the bill. ”

The paper's background was the report "Psychiatry's use of LSD in treatment and research", prepared by psychologist and criminologist Joar Tranøy. The allegations were elaborated on in a chronicle by Tranøy, which was printed in the newspaper the following day, on May 27, 1992. In 1995, Tranøy published the book "The Chemical Power of Psychiatry", in which these claims are continued.

The claims that especially war children should have been exposed to similar research were only made public at a later date.

"Norwegian institutions must have used war children and other weak groups as" guinea pigs "in military trials with LSD in the 50s and 60s. Three or four of the ten children of war must have died in the experiments. »

"The experiments will have taken place at Modum, Reitgjerdet and Gaustad hospitals in collaboration with the Pharmacological Institute at the University of Oslo, the Army's weapons technical corps and the CIA."

In the extension of the reports on the war child case, Professor Tore Pryser wrote in Dagbladet on October 14, 2000, an article entitled "War children, LSD and CIA". In the Chronicle, Price reviews the book "Journey into Madness" by British journalist and BBC producer Gordon Thomas. Referring to Thomas, Pryser writes:

"What is noteworthy in the Norwegian context is Gordon Thomas' claim that" the CIA was using German SS prisoners and Norwegian quislings taken from jails and detention centers as guinea pigs to test Cameron's theories about mind control. The Agency preferred to conduct such clinical trials outside the US because sometimes they were terminal - the guinea pig ended up dead. ”


«At the Pharmacological Institute of the University of Oslo, German prisoners of war, prison inmates, psychiatric patients and so-called war children-children are re-admitted for human trials. In Latvia, it was the descendants of Norwegian women who became pregnant by German occupying soldiers. After the war, the children were forcibly separated from their mothers and housed in orphanages, homes for heavy-duty or mentally ill. In several dozen of the five- to ten-year-old children, studies were conducted under the leadership of Professor Sem-Jacobsen in clinics and in Modum and Gaustad attempts with LSD; three obviously received such high doses that they did not survive the trials. "

..In his book, Tranøy writes that Sem-Jacobsen's "efforts in the field of LSD research began in 1955 on American soil, specifically Rochester State Hospital, Minnesota - - the site was also revealed to have received research assignments paid by the CIA." 70 Further writes Tranøy that Sem-Jacobsen collaborated with the so-called Tulane group, led by Robert G. Heath, who according to Tranøy's information was a well-known CIA doctor.

Tranøy himself seems to belittle this claim by referring to two articles. 72 First, he refers to the article " Effects of Mescaline, LSD-25 and Adrenochrome on Depth Electrograms in Man, " which Sem-Jacobsen, in collaboration with Bert E. Schwartz and Magnus C. Petersen, published while staying at Rochester State Hospital. Second, he refers to the article « Correlations of rhineceohalic electrograma with behavior », Authored by RRMonroe, G. Heath, WAMickle and RCLlewellyn, published in Electroenceph Clin Neurophysiol 9: 1957 pp. 623-624. The Commission does not see that Tranøy, by referring to these articles, can document the claims that Sem-Jacobsen cooperated with a "known CIA doctor". The Commission also cannot see how the information in Tranøy's book can substantiate the claims made by Koch and Welch that Sem-Jacobsen conducted experiments with LSD on war children or others.

A cover up then by the Norwegian Government. I note the review reference: NOW 2003: 33

MercurysBall2 ago

2004 article: Pioneering psychiatrist who coined term 'psychedelic' -

The outstanding achievement of the psychiatrist Dr Humphry Osmond, who has died aged 86, lay in helping to identify adrenochrome, a hallucinogen produced in the brain, as a cause of schizophrenia, and in using vitamins to counter it.

This breakthrough established the foundations for the orthomolecular psychiatry now practised around the world.

British by origin, but resident in North America for more than half a century, he also saw value in the wider use of hallucinogens, whether to increase doctors' understanding of mental states; architects' appreciation of how patients perceive mental hospitals; or general imaginative and creative possibilities, notably through his association with the writer Aldous Huxley. A cultural by-product of their exchanges was the coining of the adjective "psychedelic".

Sensing little support for his work in England, Osmond left in 1951 to accept an appointment at a psychiatric hospital in Saskatchewan. It was a desolate place, but he found ample research funds from the Canadian government and the Rockefeller Foundation.

Earlier, at the St George's Hospital, Tooting, London, he and fellow researcher John Smythies had examined the experience induced in normal volunteers by mescaline, the active hallucinogen extracted from the peyote plant, and realised that in many ways it was similar to people's experience of schizophrenia. It then struck them that mescaline is similar in structure to adrenaline, and that the schizophrenic body might contain a substance with the properties of mescaline, and somehow related to adrenaline.

The psychiatric hospitals in Saskatchewan housed about 5,000 patients, of whom half were schizophrenic. Admission was for them a life sentence, and conditions were appalling. The work of Osmond and Smythies, who also came to Canada, offered a way forward: the adrenochrome hypothesis was reported by both men and Abram Hoffer in a paper in the Journal of Mental Science in 1954.

They contended that in schizophrenic patients there was an abnormal production of adrenochrome, a derivative of adrenaline, and that this played a role in the genesis of the condition. Three questions presented themselves: was adrenochrome really formed in the body, was it a hallucinogen, and would an antidote be therapeutic for these patients? The answer to all three was yes.

To further their understanding of the psychology of schizophrenia, their biochemical team worked on adrenochrome, to establish how it was made and what it did. Then the clinical team conducted the first double-blind controlled experiment in psychiatry. They proved that adding one vitamin, B3 (niacin), to diets doubled the recovery rate of acute or early schizophrenic patients over the course of two years, and the results were confirmed by research in the US.

Convinced that they had discovered a very important, new and safe way of helping patients, in 1966 they were joined by the double Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who first employed the term orthomolecular psychiatry for the technique in a paper in the journal Science in 1968.

Osmond approached other disorders with equal originality. The problem for chronic drinkers was complementary to that of schizophrenics, but rather the reverse: they needed to experience the hallucinations of delirium tremens in order to give up drinking. So for those whose brains had not generated the necessary chemicals, from 1956 onwards they adopted a hallucinogenic treatment. Out of more than 2,000 alcoholics in four institutions, 40 per cent recovered.

Osmond's extensive list of papers and books, often co-authored, included The Chemical Basis Of Clinical Psychiatry (1960) and How To Live With Schizophrenia (1966), Psychedelics: The Uses And Implications Of Hallucinogenic Drugs (1970), and Models Of Madness, Models Of Medicine (1974).

Born in Surrey, Osmond went to Haileybury school, Hertfordshire. Medical studies at Guy's Hospital, London, led to second World War service as a surgeon-lieutenant in the Navy, and training as a ship's psychiatrist. After the war, he obtained a psychiatric post at St George's.

Once his work had found recognition and resources in Canada, his observation of the chemical similarity of mescaline and adrenaline came to the notice of Aldous Huxley. Drug use had been a feature of the novelist's Brave New World (1932), and he was keen, in 1953, to offer himself as a guinea pig.

..After Saskatchewan, he became director of the Bureau of Research in Neurology and Psychiatry at Princeton University, New Jersey (1961-71), and then went to the University of Alabama School of Medicine (1971-92).

CheeBooga ago

Every. Single. Time.

MercurysBall2 ago

PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROUND TABLE ON Lysergic Acid Diethylamide and Mescaline in Experimental Psychiatry - American Psychiatric Association, 1955 -

Attendees inclded: Harold A. Abramson, M.D., Mt. Sinai Hospital , New York, New York, Eugene S. Boyd, Rochester State Hospital; A. Cerletti, Sandoz Basel Switzerland; Edward Evarts, National Institute of Mental Health Maryland; Aldous Huxly;

...Mental phenom ena, produced by mescaline, were especially the object of intensive research in England by Osmond and Smythies . .. adrenochrome, an adrenaline metabolite, attracted their interest... They reported the results of a number of experiments with adrenochrome, .. They observed marked psychological changes... In discussing their observations, the authors state that "adrenochrome is the first substance thought to occur in the body which has shown to be a hallucinogen."

..We hypothesized the involvement of the adrenalin cycle in the production of psychoses. .. Of such adrenalin met abolite s, two have been described: adrenochrome, which ha s been isolated, and adrenoxine, which has not yet been isolated. P. Heirman ,9,10,11 however , obtained adrenoxine by carrying enzymatic adrenalin oxidation beyond the adrenochrome level. Pharmacologic and physiologic effects of adrenoxine, according to his description , seem to be similar to th ose obtained by LSD administration.

GetWoke ago

Great post, thanks

Every sentence just about, could be a new thread

MercurysBall2 ago

Thanks. The topic is a minefield with many tentacles.

PotusUpAllNight ago

The Hatch Act is not enforced.

This may be of interest -

The First Unitarian Society of Madison is a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Shorewood Hills, Wisconsin. Its meeting house was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and built by Marshall Erdman in 1949–1951, and has been designated a U.S. National Historic Landmark for its architecture. Wikipedia

MercurysBall2 ago

Thank you, yes. Unitarianism takes us straight to the theosophists at the United Nations and the push for the one world government. Adrenochrome has a special relationship with light and therefore has a special significance for the Luciferians. But I have several more posts to do before I get there.