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MercurysBall2 ago

Keep digging into adrenochrome. It has many uses. We can stay away from the sensational stories in pop culture which were probably injected by the whores of the psyop units to distract from the main story. I'll give you an example:

Schizophrenia in a nutshell.


Project MKUltra :

Declassified MKUltra documents indicate they studied hypnosis in the early 1950s. Experimental goals included the creation of "hypnotically induced anxieties," "hypnotically increasing ability to learn and recall complex written matter," studying hypnosis and polygraph examinations, "hypnotically increasing ability to observe and recall complex arrangements of physical objects" and studying "relationship of personality to susceptibility to hypnosis."[60] They conducted experiments with drug-induced hypnosis and with anterograde and retrograde amnesia while under the influence of such drugs.

The CIA exported experiments to Canada when they recruited British psychiatrist Donald Ewen Cameron, creator of the "psychic driving" concept, which the CIA found interesting. Cameron had been hoping to correct schizophrenia by erasing existing memories and reprogramming the psyche. ..

During this era, Cameron became known worldwide as the first chairman of the World Psychiatric Association as well as president of the American and Canadian psychiatric associations. Cameron was also a member of the Nuremberg medical tribunal in 1946–47.

The US state department sent scientists to Germany when the second world war ended to study adrencochrome and brought back a few of those scientists too:

From: Departments of State, Justice, Commerce, and the Judiciary .. 1946

German drug Adrenochrome .. German scientists have discovered a drug called adrenochrome which is understood to be highly successful in the treatment of high blood pressure. A representative sample is being sent to George Washington University and Mount Sinai Hospital...

I'm putting together a post on the history of it all as I find the hypersensitivity to the topic on adrenochrome on this board intriguing.

HennyPenny ago

What's interesting/curious with the 1946 Belgian rabbit ear experiment is at the very bottom it says :

"translated by US Major F J Lewy US Army medical corps". Per Dr. Frederick J. Lewy b 1900 d 1969 was born in Berlin, came to the US in 1934, had a medical practice on 5th Ave, NYC, went into the Medical Corps and after the war was a health lecturer who made 4 trips to Switzerland. Why was the Army Medical Corp translating adenochrome studies?

The wealthy have access to chemicals?treatments? something that enables them to live longer than the rest of us. Kissinger is 96 and still compos mentis. Jane Fonda at 82 looks better than she did at age 73. If the source of that fountain of youth is illegal/immoral I don't think they would think twice about using it irregardless of sourcing. Injections of black sheep fetuses/livers for Debbie Harry.?

I don't know about black sheep but you can't go out after dark in Dayton Ohio because kids get abducted way too often.

Switzerland has very pricey longevity treatment spas for the wealthy. La Prairie has just franchised out to Thailand via Minor Hotel Corp owned by Billionaire BIll Heinecke, US citizen but longtime Thai resident as was his parents. He wants to cater to the yacht crowd because they leave a smaller carbon print than a jet load of tourists. His father just happened to be career Marine then foreign service involved with Voice of America and USAID. In 1981 family was kicked out of Malta accused of being CIA. Heinecke also runs Golden Triangle elephant rescue camp/resort 16 mi from jumping off point for Burmese heroin/amphetamine. He has the customary philanthropic gig of donating scholarships to needy Thai children who pose unsmilingly in the pr photos.

Adenochrome has been like you say oversensationalized perhaps for a purpose. To discount it is to discount human behaviors that have persisted for centuries. Smithsonian has a good article on corpse medicine history over the centuries. Even today with spirit cooking coexisting with rational human beings, it seems to have resurfaced in the media as a fad for the wealthy. If there have been further studies on derivatives of adenochrome that are life enhancing, I don't think it would have been published for public consumption or we'd be overpopulated by now with nonagenarians.