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YogSoggoth ago

Has Rabbit Burn the video game came under the radar? It came out about Easter, unsurprisingly. Gamer told me.

YogSoggoth ago

Just hit ZH. Money laundering. 5 Days. But they did wait until the buyer/s were exposed. Steve Cohen.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

And today May 18 is International Museum Day. There was huge scandal years ago with museum exhibits supposedly using the bodies of executed Chinese prisoners to display different systems of the human body. Many museums all over the world participated in this disgusting exhibit. It still is active. The Connecticut Science Center is currently hosting it. Do children really need to see this? I understand how learning basic anatomy is important, but with actual human corpses. Why not animals?

pittsburghisapedoden ago

The organizations sponsoring the exhibit are the Connecticut Tourism Board, United Technologies, Travelers Insurance, Andrew J. & Joyce D. Mandell Family Foundation, Roger and Sondra Beit & Mark and Luanne Paley, Maximilian E. & Marion O. Hoffman Foundation, the Hartford Foundation, Pitney Bowes, and Stanley Black & Decker.

pittsburghisapedoden ago

United Technologies is an aircraft company. Trafficking?

pittsburghisapedoden ago

Pitney Bowes is a logistics company which is a major red flag.

sore_ass_losers ago

Just thought I’d throw this in. There’s this notion in the art world that art should push the notion of what is art. This has been called the shock of the new. One of the early examples is Marcel Duchamp signing a urinal (not with his own name, incidentally) and submitting it to a show.

I’m not defending this, it goes to explain a little bit how utter crap can be considered art.

Truthseeker3000 ago

“Art” dealer Peter Brant (married to Stephanie Seymour) has this shit all over his Brant Art Museum in Connecticut, NY including the giant gnome holding a butt plug. He just held his Basquiat collection for viewing.

letsdothis3 ago

Just thought I'd throw this video from the Outer Light into the mix: 5 Things about the sale of Jeff Koons “Rabbit”

Something I noticed about the numbers. At about the 8 min. mark he shows the Wikipedia entry for Robert Mnuchin, who bought the 'art work' for some mysterious client. The price he paid for it was rounded to $91.1 M - That's 9/11. :

A little later on he brings up the bio for Steven Mnuchin, who is the 77th US Sec. of the Treasury So, the double 7 has significant meanings for freemasons (See: Christine Lagarde's speech 2014 IMF speech) as well as being a significant date in the UK : 7 July 2005 London bombings

The 7 July 2005 London bombings, often referred to as 7/7, were a series of coordinated terrorist suicide attacks in London, England that targeted commuters travelling on the city's public transport system during the morning rush hour.

..In an interview with the Portuguese newspaper Público a month after the 2004 Madrid train bombings, Syrian-born cleric Omar Bakri Muhammad warned that "a very well-organised" London-based group which he called "al-Qaeda Europe" was "on the verge of launching a big operation." In December 2004, Bakri vowed that, if Western governments did not change their policies, Muslims would give them "a 9/11, day after day after day."

In the video Ed notes the coincidence that Steven is at this very point in time in negotiations with China

Dow down more than 700 points on trade war fears

Makes you wonder who Robert's client is, doesn't it?

Oh_Well_ian ago

nice catch


Blacksmith21 ago

The 91.1M is interesting on it's own. Why the decimal point - the extra 100k? Seems to me if one is buying a piece of art for that amount, that extra 100k is irrelevant, so why add it on to the price tag? "$91M is a touch too low, how about $91.1M and it's a deal?"

Oh_Well_ian ago

and wow...

holy fuck.

carmencita ago

Yeah Leslie Wexner gets the same pas with his Limited LLC He also sold Epstein his mansion for $1. Heaters under the sidewalk to melt the show. These people know how to live. Ambassadors sail right through as well. Wonder what that 91M is now?

con77 ago

Oh that's easily worth $92 million!

ScientiaPotentia ago

No human can find this 'art' beautiful. It has to have some other meaning or purpose. I'm not sure whether they are just money laundering, this is a payment for some crime or there is some esoteric meaning but there is no possible way that anyone thinks the art itself has any value.

Are_we_sure ago

Pizzagate Exposed Artist Jeff Koons as a Pedophile Involved in Money Laundering

When did this actually happen?

WeirdlyEerie ago

"here's truly horrific testimony by Koons' first wife, Ilona Staller (aka Cicciolina).

But I told the psychologist in New York that I suspected my husband was a psychopath. I walked in on him nude on the bed while our child was playing with his genitals, and I told him, “It’s not nice to do that with a child.” I certainly saw other horrible things, but I can’t tell you about them. In other words, my husband is mad as a hatter.""

Are_we_sure ago

So you're taking Cicciolina's word? Based on what?

Also you're aware they had a massive custody dispute? One that saw the NY courts award custody to him. Do you think she made these claims to the NY court? or that she made them up after she defied a court order and took the child out of the country.

progressbin ago

Remember, Mnuchin is skull and bones.

think- ago

Remember, Mnuchin is skull and bones.

You mean Steven Mnuchin or his father?

TrustTheTruth ago

Who was instrumental in fabricating legitimacy for the Art in Embassies program?

Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine, Wisconsin)

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

Who are the Knights of Pythias?

How are these families related to Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption?

What is the Clinton's Model for Community Policing, and what is the result?

Where did Trump make The Deal for the 8th Wonder of The World, and the Model for 5G+ AI, Smart Cities and Community Policing?

Racine, Wisconsin

Where did Tony Podesta get his big break into art and politics?

Racine, Wisconsin

What is the I-94 Project, and why did Chris Kutcher, Tom DeLonge, Mark Ruffalo, Caron Butler, Mark Wahlberg and other celebrities back out of events, and what roles do Elizabeth Smart and Kristin Bauer van Straten play?

What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild's real name?

Why did Paul Ryan and so many other officials in the area suddenly resign?

What really happened to Jenny Moore, and what was The Truth Jenny found?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

drstrangegov ago

These people have to launder money with this shit.

Are_we_sure ago

How would that work?

auralsects ago

I described one way long ago, in a post showing its a market dominated by Jewish hedge fund owners. How could it NOT be a scam.

First they inflate the values by cultivating the artists through gallerists like Gagosian and Saatchi and complicit auction houses like Christie's and Sotheby's, reaching 9-figure transactions often since 2009.

Then they start tax-exempt foundations or private museums, like Bill Clinton’s Jewish friend Eli Broad of L.A., whose personal attorney was Hillary as far back as 1983, because established museums don't want to display their retarded “contemporary” artwork anyway and because they can save millions in taxes by donating cash or even stock to it.

drstrangegov ago

The art is sold as a "package deal" with children, drugs, hell I dunno. Uranium? The public rabbit transaction happens in public while 90 million dollars worth of whatever rolls out in trucks. And someone has a 91 million dollar piece of "art"

Z11Mama ago

This is my thinking, exactly. You pay millions for a piece of art. The piece of art represents a human package that is included free. No one but the approved bidders know there is more to the art.

drstrangegov ago

There is no way this "art" has that kind of value. We've heard about cia involvement in art since Andy Warhol.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Blacksmith21 ago

That is insane - American artists like O'Keefe, Klee, Pollack, etc. don't even command prices like that. This reeks of a money laundering operation.

What really throws me is Mnuchin being involved. But art is art, regardless of who or what created it. I love art, but the industry is filled with freaks and creeps.

Nice find.

truthdemon ago

Who money launders whose money... Or is this up front payment for children traffciked in the art for embassy program... R the podestas behind this transaction...the artisit is a front ..the art is definitely not worth 90 million..maybe good to wipe ones ass...but definitely not 90 million amount of work.. Trump.hs stopped child trafficking across the mexican border... So the supply shortgage has pushed the price up...and so the art work

Blacksmith21 ago

This is all a game for the Pedo Elite. Like buying and selling wine, cars, spirits, etc. When one is worth 2B, 90M is a drop in the bucket. Just like buying/selling/trading/disposing of humans.

TheMystic ago

Caught this on the news tonight. I remember reading on this board awhile ago about Koons and possible money laundering through artwork.

When I heard the amount, the name Koons and that it was a damn rabbit, I knew you guys would be on top of it!

I am also scratching my head over the Mnuchin connection. Then I read this article and this part stood out. The sculpture was projected to sell for $70 million but exceeded expectations when Robert Mnuchin outbid several Asian investors.

Could the Asian investors be from China? Right now they are probably freaking out about what a Trump reelection could do to their economy. Could they have been trying to launder money into our country to financially help the cause of outing Trump? I wonder if Koons will ever get that 91 million or just a big middle finger when it comes time to pay up? Was Robert Mnuchin prepared to outbid them whatever the cost in order stop the transaction? Who knows but something is up, this is really weird.

Are_we_sure ago

Then I read this article and this part stood out. The sculpture was projected to sell for $70 million but exceeded expectations when Robert Mnuchin outbid several Asian investors.

The selling price was 80 million, the commissions and fees bring it up 91 million. The auction house had estimated it at 50-70 million, so it exceeded expectations, but not hugely. That article makes it look like Mnunchin came it at the last minute. That's incorrect. There was about 4 bidders going through most of the bidding which started at 40 million.

Could the Asian investors be from China?

They certainly could be, but Asia is a pretty huge place with a lot of serious players in the art world, Japan, China, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates come to mind. India has wealth too, but not sure if they have any serious collectors in this market.

Right now they are probably freaking out about what a Trump reelection could do to their economy. Could they have been trying to launder money into our country to financially help the cause of outing Trump?

No. The money laundering aspect of this makes absolutely no sense. They spent 91 million bucks on this. There's only 4 people in the world willing at the moment to spend more than $60 million on this, you will need to hold on to this for a long time to get back what you paid.

I wonder if Koons will ever get that 91 million

Wonder no longer. Koons gets exactly $0 of this money. Why? He didn't own the piece up for sale. He created back in the 80's and sold it. The guy who eventually bought it died and now his estate put it up for auction, after the auction houses take their cut, his estate will get $80 million dollars and his heirs will get some chunk of that once it all works out. Koons, as a living artist, gets to charge a lot of money for new works, but he made nothing from this sale.

Was Robert Mnuchin prepared to outbid them whatever the cost in order stop the transaction?

How does this make sense? If the Chinese were going to pay $60 million and Mnuchin paid $70 million, what exactly was gained? The Chinese still have $60 million bucks and the guy who owns the sculpture just got $10 million more.

Who knows but something is up, this is really weird.

It's not really weird. There's a strong market for Jeff Koons work and post war American art has been selling really strongly.

TheMystic ago

You are correct about the money not going to Koons. I forgot that it was a piece that had already been sold and the proceeds would go to the auction house and estate of the deceased owner.

I still think something is up within the art world though and some of the outlandish prices being paid are payment for other things.

Are_we_sure ago

I still think something is up within the art world though and some of the outlandish prices being paid are payment for other things.

I think a giant part of this is we who don't have $91 million dollars can't conceive of spending $91 million dollars on anything. If we came into that much money we would buy a big house and big vacation house. So the whole thing doesn't make sense to us.

Well, these are folks who either grew up with big houses and vacation houses or got so rich they have already had those things for decades, so another luxury vacation home isn't going to do it for them. But owning a singular piece of art may excite them, the idea of owning David Hockney's Portrait of an Artist (Pool with Two Figures) ($90.3 million), something that there is only one of,...that gets there juices going. That will also make your other rich friends envious maybe. And also it marks you as someone, not just with a lot of money, but taste and discernment, perhaps.

The other thing about our suspicions, is we should test them against the other alternatives, especially easier alternatives. For instance, isn't there a lot of other easier ways to make "payments for other things" that using art. I can think of dozens. The old suitcase or duffle bag full of money being one of them.

TheMystic ago

I see some of your points, but you have to admit you can't just pay someone 90 million in many duffel bags would that be?

Plus they need the tax write off and a way to hide the money. If you went around paying everyone cash in such large sums, it won't take long before you have the feds breathing down your neck.

I have been around the business world a little bit and have seen some of the ways they get around things. A couple of examples.

We will get approached by clients to give money to a charity of their choosing or one they have started themselves. I wonder how much money is really going to these charities and how much is going into their pockets.

We also see a lot of them use third party accounting firms. You run all your invoicing through them and they take a fee off your invoice usually 2-4%. I seen one publicly traded company have a problem when the third party accounting firm pocketed the money, did not pay the invoices and later claimed bankruptcy leaving many people across the country high and dry. It was later found out the CFO was also getting paid big kickbacks from the 3rd party firm. Surprise, surprise no one went to prison either.

Haha, I really don't know where I was going with this other than there is a lot shady stuff like this going on and I'm totally okay with never being filthy rich because some of them are crappy individuals willing to do things I could never do.

Are_we_sure ago

I see some of your points, but you have to admit you can't just pay someone 90 million in many duffel bags would that be?

And also you never use an amazingly high profile art auction for this either. Do you realize that both of the scenarios are incredibly unlikely.

High profile auctions are the best protected segment of the art world, because the auction houses have to do Know Your Customer, Due Diligence. Sotheby's or Christie's ain't gonna let you roll up with $90 million in cash and get in on the auction. So you have already had to get your money into the banking system and to get into an auction, you need to explain how you have $90 million to spare

Also how often do you have to make single payment of $90 million?

If you have that much money, you set up a couple of companies and send invoices between the two. Often these would be owned by one or more shell companies and ownership in a place like Cyprus or the Cayman Islands would be helpful. For $90 million you would probably have a network of companies.

Plus they need the tax write off and a way to hide the money.

What tax write off? How do you write this off on your taxes? Putting money in obscure art may hide it, but not the piece with the highest price tag by a living artist. You not hiding anything at that point.

If you went around paying everyone cash in such large sums, it won't take long before you have the feds breathing down your neck.

Who would you need to pay cash in high sums? As long as you are not banking, you can find an awful lot of people who will take the cash. In fact, experts say cash that never sees the inside of bank is the hardest to trace.....but that much cash is an issue.

give money to a charity...

This is not an example of money laundering and doesn't involve art.

third party accounting firms....

This is not an example of money laundering and doesn't involve art.

Haha, I really don't know where I was going with this other than there is a lot shady stuff like this going on

Haha. Yeah, I think you got sidetracked....your examples appear to be straight out fraud.

A couple of interesting example of real life money laundering are Paul Manafort. He got secret payments in Ukraine, moved the money to a countries with shady banking, I think it was Cyprus and others. Then he did a couple of things. He used the cyprus money to fund a shell company and used that shell company to buy three pieces of new york real estate. Free and clear no mortgage. Then he quietly had the deeds transferred from the shell company to him personally for $0. Then he took out multiple mortgages on the properties (and lied on the applications) to get money he could use. He know had bank checks he could deposit and use as he wished.

He also spent $900,000 on rugs from one store and $800,000 on clothing from another store....or at least he appeared to. What he was probably doing was paying 4x times the normal price for a rug use wire transfers from cyprus banks and then getting a rug and 75% of his price back in cash. He could then either use the rug or sell it to a different store for cash.

The other example is the Russian Laundromat, a single money laundering network that moved $20 billion in cash out of Russia.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Hmmm... interesting thought.

Are_we_sure ago

Explain your money laundering claim.

This reeks of a money laundering operation.

Exactly how? People keep repeating this without explaining how this works. How does putting a painting with a proven ownership history up for auction launder money. Who's money is being laundered? What makes it clean?

People are confusing the impulse I don't understand why some art is so expensive with the absolutely evidence-free claim of art is expensive only because of money laundering.

art prices

As for US artists, Pollack had piece go for $140 million, Edward Hopper had one go for $92 million. I suspect if there were more super rich women, Georgia O'Keefe prices would be up there. Alice Walton of Walmart wealth bought an O'Keefe for her museum for $44 million in 2014. Basquiat had one go for $110 million.

2019 is a more favorable time to sell art based on stock market and tax scenarios, so

letsdothis3 ago

Here, let me help you out:

The link between art and money laundering

The notoriously opaque and largely unregulated art market faces greater scrutiny as financial authorities discover it has become the ideal money-laundering tool, an art conference in London heard on Thursday.

One of the presenters at the Art Business Conference, Michael Martin, head of the forensic and anti money-laundering services at Deloitte Luxembourg, said "art is one of the asset classes that obviously lends itself to money laundering."

He noted that European financial regulators are starting to clamp down on the art market to make it transparent and reduce its appeal to money launderers. In June, Stiliano Ordilli, head of the Swiss Money Laundering Reporting Office, said "there must be a real regulation of the art market, if only to protect the honest traders."

Mr. Martin said that "if he [Mr. Ordilli] calls for it, he has to have concerns" that using art sales for money laundering – concealing the source of illegally obtained money – is a big business.

There are no accepted estimates on the amounts of money laundered through the art market, although the general belief is that it is enormous and expanding as regulations on other asset classes, from real estate to foreign exchange, tighten up everywhere. The International Monetary Fund estimated that "the amount available for laundering through the financial system" was worth 2.7 per cent of global gross domestic product in 2009 or $1.6-trillion (U.S.).

The relative ease of laundering illicit funds through art dealers and auction houses is thought to have contributed to the spectacular rise in the value of fine art in recent years.

Some high-profile economists, including Nouriel Roubini of New York University's Stern School, have been making pleas for greater regulation of the global art market, which was worth €51-billion ($75-billion) in 2014, according to this year's Art Market Report, published by the European Fine Art Fair.

At the World Economic Forum in January in Davos, Mr. Roubini, himself an art collector, said: "Whether we like it or not, art is used for tax avoidance and evasion. It can be used for money laundering. You can buy something for half a million, not show a passport, and ship it. Plenty of people are using it for laundering."

Speaking on the sidelines of the Art Business Conference, Pierre Valentin, head of the art law practice at London law firm Constantine Cannon, said laundering illicit funds through the art market was seductive because purchases at auctions "can be anonymous and it's a moveable asset. You can put the art on a private plane and take it anywhere. Plus there is no registration system for art."

Once purchased, the art can disappear from view for years, even decades. A lot of the art bought at auctions goes to freeports – ultra-secure warehouses for the collections of millionaires and billionaires, ranging from Picassos and gold to vintage Ferraris and fine wine. The freeports, which exist in Switzerland, Luxembourg and Singapore, offer a variety of tax advantages because the goods stored in them are technically in transit. The Economist magazine reported that the freeport near the Geneva airport alone is thought to hold $100-billion (U.S.) of art.

Once inside the freeport, the art can be sold privately and anonymously to other buyers. The art need never leave the warehouse after the private sale is completed.

In February, Swiss businessman and Singapore resident Yves Bouvier, known as the "king of the freeports," was arrested in Monaco on suspicion of manipulating art prices and money laundering. His company, Natural Le Coultre, specializes in the transportation and storage of fine art and luxury items.

Recently, some countries in Europe, including Luxembourg and Switzerland, have passed laws to clamp down on money laundering in the art market. Starting in 2016, Switzerland will cap cash transactions at 100,000 Swiss francs ($135,000). Payments above that cash limit will have to be made by credit card, creating a paper trail, or the seller will have to carry out due diligence to ensure the legal origins of the funds.

The Chinese art market, where regulation is lax, is thought to be particularly prone to money laundering. "The [Chinese] art market has become more and more abnormal," Wang Shouzhi, dean of the Cheung Kong School of Art and Design at Shantou University, told the South China Morning Post in April. "It is saturated with business tricks, fake works and fake prices. … It has become a tool for corruption and money laundering."

Are_we_sure ago

So yeah.

To use that article to claim the entire art market is based on money laundering is ludicrous. Further more this article is focusing on two things: 1) the NON-Transparent sections of the art market and, more importantly, 2) they are focusing on using art as a way to STORE money. And art would be a useful way to store money because art has value it's an asset, there's a real market that exists. Just like the real estate market or the diamond market, the art market exists completely aside from money laundering. The article refers to money laundering as "an asset class" like real estate and "a moveable asset" like diamonds

From the article

starting to clamp down on the art market to make it transparent....

it's a moveable asset. You can put the art on a private plane and take it anywhere

and this part of the article which is the key part

You can buy something for half a million, not show a passport, and ship it

This and putting art in a freeport is about storing your money. The people who buy something for half-a-million and ship it, expect to set it for half a million OR MORE. They are storing their money. They are not using modern art to conceal secret payments to people. This completely the opposite of how the pizzagate crowd talks about art and money-laundering. They talk about it as if the art is valueless and can ONLY command 10 figure prices because the prices are inflated due to chicanery, This is the characteristics of a a pump and dump stock scheme, not the modern art market. If that were the case, you see quick crashes in the price of over inflated art when you ran out of buyers. That's not happening.

Everything discussed in that article would not apply AT ALL in the case of an auction of one of the most famous works by Jeff Koons where we know the exact provenance of the art and we know who bought it. Who is laundering the money Minuchin? To Whom? The estate of a dead man?

Auction prices are not set beforehand, they are based on demand.
Btw, you can watch the auction for the Koons piece here, seems like there were 4 major bidders. I'm sure the

Sotheby's had estimated the piece at 50-70 million before the auction, the gavel fell at 80 million and the fees brought it to $91 million.

The idea that money laundering is raising money in the art market is true...but that doesn't apply to individual pieces. It means there's a rise in price across the board.

Here's a typical way art is used for financial crime. It's when you need move money across borders.

According to the air bill slapped on the crate that arrived at Kennedy International Airport from London, an unnamed painting worth $100 was inside. Only later did federal investigators discover that it was by the American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat and worth $8 million.

This, of course, is just straight up fraud by someone hoping to fool the authorities it was worth much, but it was 80,000 what he claimed it was worth. So real art crime goes in the opposite direction, claiming something is worth less than it is to avoid taxes or custom fees.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

"So yeah.

To use that article to claim the entire art market is based on money laundering is ludicrous. "

No one is saying all art dealing is criminal, lawdy.


so yeah,

you are a bad shill... and you are a horrible writer.

Using a limp-wristed millennial filler word as an introduction to a rebuttal?

I hope you get bad papercuts.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Epic link. Did you notice this story was published Sept 2015 and updated YESTERDAY?

letsdothis3 ago

No, I didn't. Good eye.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Doh! Except I was mistaken, it was updated a year ago yesterday. Sorry. This present year thing keeps escaping me....

letsdothis3 ago

Ah, I didn't notice either.. multitasking has it's downsides.

WeirdlyEerie ago

As long as its upsides continue to include bitchslapping are we shill, it's fine ;)

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh look...Sotheby's Head Shill in Charge is weighing in. Art is only worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. If a piece of art would normally sell for 2 million based on market conditions, but the parties involved in the sale agree to inflate it's value, then a $2M piece of art (market) could be sold for $18M, or whatever price of to include black money being laundered through a sale. Koons is not O'Keefe, Pollack, Picasso, Rodin, etc.

Apologies that I cannot simplify this any further.

Are_we_sure ago

The reason it's hard to simplify further it because it doesn't make sense.

If I have 18 million dollars and I pay 18 million dollars for a $2 million dollar piece of art. I just lost 16 million dollars. I cannot sell that painting for 18 million dollars, so how did I just launder my money? And why would I accept only getting 11 percent of my money back? Even if my money is black. I can get a much, much, much better return for my money in a lot of ways.

Remember it's the person with the money who needs to launder it. Why wouldn't I buy 18 million dollars of art or real estate or anything I could later sell for 18 million dollars.

Koons is not O'Keefe, Pollack, Picasso, Rodin, etc.

This is completely irrelevant to the argument because there is obviously a very strong market for Koons and your personal judgment isn't going to affect that. Neither your opinion nor my opinion prevent Justin Beiber from having a career.

There's zero evidence this Koons auction involved money laundering.

Blacksmith21 ago

I bet you did well on the debate team at prep school.

Here's a little precedent:

"This isn’t about the money. The finances are just a side show for most art world participants. Big league art deals are exercises in money laundering, tax evasion, and insider trading, but not that many get into that high roller category. What is most concerning is what it says about those controlling our cultural expressions."

@vindicator @srayzie @think-

think- ago

I bet you did well on the debate team at prep school.


Thanks for the links.

@letsdothis3 @Factfinder2 @swordfish69 - please see parent.

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting.. a link from that last Koons article which links to : OxyContin Outcry Forces Purdue's Sackler Family to Suspend Arts Donations

This March, Britain’s National Portrait Gallery said it would not accept a long-discussed $1.3 million donation from the trust. The Tate in London also said it would no longer accept money from the Sackler family, and the Guggenheim in New York followed suit.

think- ago

Yep. I think it was Nan Goldin, a photographer, who said she would withdraw a planned exhibition if the museum in question (I think it was the National Gallary) would accept a donation from the sackler family.

Althought the lady in question has nothing to do with the sackler pharma branch.

It's not so much about developing a conscience, more like choosing between losing a donor, or losing famous artists, and thus having lower numbers of visitors, and a damaged public image.

Are_we_sure ago

And my favorite: Jeff Koons Accused of Ponzi-Like Scheme in Lawsuit

How would this apply to a piece of work that Koons doesn't own? Koons made no money from the auction of the Bunny sculpture.

Always why would you accept that claim at face value. The judge surely didn't

Instead, she encouraged the two sides to reach a settlement so they could resume business as usual. “Next year, Mr. Tananbaum will go buy more art from Mr. Gagosian,” she said. “I’m the only one getting agita.”

I bet you did well on the debate team at prep school.

You make a couple of assumptions here. Both are incorrect.

Vindicator ago

Boom. :-)

AWS whistling into the wind again. What a surprise.

think- ago

You should turn the above comment into a submission.

Yep! Please consider doing a submission based on the links above, @Blacksmith21.

You might want to post it to v/pizzagate, but we can then crosslink it to my v/pizzagateart sub.


ImmaLueserBaby ago

American artists like O'Keefe, Klee, Pollack, etc. don't even command prices like that

No kidding? I had to search this Koons guy and his work is nothing special. It looks like the same mediocre pop art you see in marketing campaigns. A team of graphic artists could easily churn stuff like this out.

think- ago

A team of graphic artists could easily churn stuff like this out.

well, and that's exactly what happens. He employs a team of artists who create most of his works for him.

Are_we_sure ago

I think execute his works might be more accurate.

Are_we_sure ago

You are aware that original art sells for more than copies do?

And if had to look up Koons then the entire art market, not just his stuff, but all of it, probably makes no sense. It's probably something you don't care about.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

You are aware that this is money laundering, right?

Are_we_sure ago

It is in absolutely no way money laundering.

Take me through this transaction and explain how it's money laundering. Do you know enough of what you speak about to do that?

truthdemon ago

How much does a kidney translplant cost in europe..

truthdemon ago

R we sure , we have a village idiot in da house... Yes

Are_we_sure ago

educate me. Thrill me with your incandescent brillance.

Or are you just going to post nonsense about kidney transplants?

The_Real_Wahrheit ago

Hey asshole A_w_s, you and I both know there were postings here on Voat about how this all works. You don't buy art, you pay someone by taking the piece off their hands. The art is a receipt for a payment made. The art has no real value in and of itself.

Are_we_sure ago

you and I both know there were postings here on Voat about how this all works.

Posts on Voat.....LOL. Yeah. These are absolutely infallible. Just pure sources of truth.

You don't buy art, you pay someone by taking the piece off their hands.

What the fuck does this even mean? How about hamburgers? Can you buy hamburgers or are you just paying someone to take the hamburgers off their hands?

The art has no real value in and of itself. Yeah, this is completely false and reflect no knowledge that there is a genuine art market and no knowledge of how money laundering works.

Money launderers like real estate or gold or art BECAUSE of its value. They use it as a store of value. Claiming the art market is driven by money laundering is like claiming the real estate market is driven by money laundering. It's not, it's driven by some fundamentals and basics and much larger marcoeconomic forces. Money laundering causes some distortions, it doesn't drive the market. And in the case of this particular auction, money laundering had absolutely no influence on the 91 million price.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

Isn't this also part of the plan? To make shitty 'art' seem more important than it actually is? It's kind of telling people to stop thinking for themselves. I mean I have been to art galleries and have laughed my head off and said so. The looks you get when you point out that the 'emperor is naked' are priceless. They are all falling for this. They don't see when they are shafted and pretend to be knowledgeable, when in fact they are sheep.

This isn't art, it's to influence people to be told what to like and what not. Anyone with a brain cell can see that most of modern art is a load of crock. And yes I do understand art and that some has a message, but when you see some wood laid out on the floor and a stone plonked in the middle, and people go 'hmm yeah, yeah, fascinating..'I lose my rag.

ImmaLueserBaby ago

I agree. I've seen masterpieces that took years to complete IRL and art was a requirement in college. There's just no comparison between industrialized pop modern "art" and the craftsmanship of the more classical styles. Same goes for architecture- modern designs look tacky and quickly date themselves.

Baichu ago

You took the words outta my mouth. Shitty art is everywhere and the shitty artists think that they are really good. They are narcissistic, self absorbed people who don't want to work. (I grew up in a family of artists, except me and out of 3, one was excellent). And I do think it is part of the plan. I would've loved to be in that gallery when you started laughing at the crap on the walls or floor.

It is definitely a money laundering scheme for some of the crap like the "rabbit".

cguinevere ago

Exactly. It is the desecration of beauty. It is so inverted that real artists capable of actual expression through their work can't get paid for it. The market for ugliness is created and maintained by the likes of Jeff Koons and those who launder money through his work.

Are_we_sure ago

And yes I do understand art and that some has a message, but when you see some wood laid out on the floor and a stone plonked in the middle, and people go 'hmm yeah, yeah, fascinating..'I lose my rag.

What's a piece of work you like and why?

Blacksmith21 ago

The Art in Embassies program is without doubt a massive money/human laundering op. I can't see any other reason.

TrustTheTruth ago

Johnsons and Case from Racine, Wisconsin were the primary companies involved in the initial development of the Art in Embassies program.

What happened with the Johnson family directly associated with Pizzagate?

What happened with other Cargill and DuPont executives?

What houses burned down in Caledonia and Chappaqua?

What was the nanny accused of?

Who did they make illegal campaign contributions to?

What Foundations are associated?

Who is Samantha Marq and who does she work with?

What roles does Kristin Bauer van Straten take and why?

What is the Young and the Guest?

What roles does Mark Ruffalo take and why?

What roles does Chris Kutcher take and why?

What roles does Mark Wahlberg take and why?

Who is Tom DeLonge and how is he connected to John Podesta?

Where did Tony Podesta get his big break into art and politics?

What is the Model for Smart Cities and Resilient Communities?

What was Mayor Pete doing in Racine?

Who are the Knights of Malta and Pythias?

What is the Knight Commission on Trust, Media and Democracy?

Who are the real Pilgrims (Society)?

What is the purpose of Rotary, United Way and other service clubs?

Who are the Sons of Norway and Dutch Brotherhood?

What did Frank Lloyd Wright's father do?

What is Strangite and what are the Voree plates?

What is FLDS and why is it connected to NASA, and the Boy Scouts?

Where were the Majestic 12 from?

Why did Paul Ryan really resign?

What is Scientology?

What is Kabbalah?

What is O.T.O.?

What is the Global Interfaith Coalition?

What is CERN?

What is Satan's Ability?

What is the foundation of Agenda 21 and 2030?

What is the Sphinx Head (Society)?

What is The Deal Trump made for the 8th Wonder of the World, and what are the other Seven?

Who did Trump reserve a Front Row Seat for?

Where was the official Signing held?

What is The Deal the Clintons made for the Model of Community Policing?

What is The World's Most Valuable Resource and Key to Life?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

auralsects ago

What really throws me is Mnuchin being involved.

That's because you're stupid. I pointed out long ago that his sister Valerie is ON THE BOARD of the Child Mind Institute.

And the Jewish publishing family who sold this Koons piece to this Jew Mnuchin is responsible for Teen Vogue's child-tranny, "Guide to Anal Sex" content (by Jewish writers).

You're something a Jew-lover, if I recall?

11-11 ago

BTW auralsects, you are sounding a litte impatient. Blacksmith21 isn't stupid.... he/she probably didn't see what you said earlier. Let's not bite each other - we are all going after the same enemy here.

Blacksmith21 ago

Do me a favor, dickhead. Point where Mnuchin's sister is on the BOD:

She co-chaired an event.

You're something of a pillow-biting Muslim bottom, IIRC?

HaroldTheGhoul ago

nice burn. top kek.

auralsects ago

LOL, so youre saying I made it up?

Disputing it means it's damaging to you; why wouldn't you just vaguely brush it off as 4-D underwater backgammon? you're so bad at this

looks like she left a month ago, to pack for GITMO right

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't dispute it, just didn't see it. If you weren't such a faggot asshole, you'd be slightly useful.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol good times

Lowbatt34 ago

The rabbit stainless steel sculpture stands 3 feet high. The height of a toddler. Money laundering mk ultra pedo bastards.

Are_we_sure ago

The rabbit stainless steel sculpture stands 3 feet high. The height of a toddler.

Yeah. But's a sculpture of a rabbit, usually viewed at eye level on a pedestal. Explain how your mind went there.


Obligatory for pizzagate newfags. I'll add pics of anyone wants to add to the pasta

Pizzagate 101


Newfag rundown on the players

It all started with Hawaii bro and secret pedo media distribution bunker

Comet ping pong connection

Comet ping pong was hacked during the election and Anons found this download portal but couldn't get further

On a separate page Anons found pizza menu items in detail

And these pictures. They've essentially been completely blacked out. NSFL

Comet ping pong false flag shooter

Elsagate rundown

The CIA has been running child trafficking rings since the beginning. Definitely NSFL

They've been threatened before and they killed a sitting senator and her husband

It's all about the adrenochrome

Justin Beiber snaps because he was pimped out

Child actress Heather Orourkes, 5,  raped to death by Hollywood executives.

Sex trafficking of children on YouTube

More #pizzagate

Tony Podesta smocking Trump tweet

Anderson Cooper slips up, #pizzagate

Israel children farming

Allister Crowley and human sacrifice

expose ago

proof this user is a spamming fraud:


Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. You are spamming me. Oh the irony. At least my posts are informative and useful.

expose ago

i'm spamming your spam, moron. you're scared of criticism.

you fraud people with disinformative useless shit. anyone who clicks my link knows it.


Whoa. Pizzagate rundown is useless?

Whatcha doin rabbi?

expose ago

when you spam wrong shit in there on purpose you're fucking right that's useless.


Except you haven't proved it wrong...

expose ago

i'm spamming your spam, moron.

you fraud people with disinformative useless shit. anyone who clicks my link knows it.

expose ago

i'm spamming your spam, idiot.

you fraud people with disinformative useless shit. anyone who clicks my link knows it.

rabbitpelts ago

I keep hearing about the rabbit symbolism, and it makes me think of the South Park episode about easter bunnies and the Catholic Church. Were they trying to tell us something?

Oh_Well_ian ago

LQQK Anons !!!! ^^^^^

PANIC!! check out this faggot new account with the pithy name re-directing this thread to the Catholic Church and POP TV culture lol

rabbitpelts ago

You sound like a faggot. I'm glad your my first response.

zyklon_b ago

its the ga fags

Oh_Well_ian ago

Hitler was Jew puppet, responsible for killing more Whites than anyone in history.

eat shit, Jewboy

auralsects ago

Mainstream authors like Peter Hitchens and Pat Buchanan have published works arguing Hitler didn't start the war.

We don't do your Patriotard bullshit here in v/pizzagate, fuck you and fuck America

zyklon_b ago

where were you in 1990?

Oh_Well_ian ago

none of your fucking business, you Kike

zyklon_b ago

So you will not even deny raping that white baby?

trevmon ago

more proof trump owned by goldman sachs

Oh_Well_ian ago


Drawing a straight line to Trump from this fascinating development is dubious.

trevmon ago

reread it. this pedo money launderer is the father of trumps treasury pick

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol no shit guy.. I'm the OP. You think I didn't realize that when I posted it? You think I have not known about Koons for YEARS ?

You can throw single a rock on Wall St. or in DC and hit 5 shitbags at once.

Mnuchin, like Transportation Secretary Acosta, was likely brought into the fold intentionally.

How many black hats have left the Administration in the last 2.5 years?

trevmon ago

damn you should have known then. going to go ahead and post proof then deny your own words? clown world.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Now you're just talking out your ass, faggot.

Gee.. your ZERO v/pizzagate posts make you quite the authority in here.

fuckin shill

trevmon ago

next time don't post anti trump facts if you want to suck his zionist dick

auralsects ago

Lol you're literally the worst poster ever. Imagine being such a retarded annoying faggot that you get BANNED from v/GreatAwakening LOL

"Every suspicious person Trump hired is a triple secret agent" Fucking die already, boomer, I hate u