3141592653 ago

@darkknight111 check out this Reddit post. I so want to see the rest of this document and know where it came from and who wrote it. Any leads??


millennial_vulcan ago

Judith Barsi (RIP Judith and Heather) has seeped back into the public consciousness in an episode of new Quibi (latest Celebrity funded streaming app) show MURDER HOUSE FLIP


Interesting timing. As always, the comments section is worth checking out. Let’s see what pings out of this renewed scrutiny...


millennial_vulcan ago

The whole thing is very sick. The timing too is shameful. They all know. And they’re taunting us.

millennial_vulcan ago

See archive videos and pictures of JUDITH’S house and news reports from the time of the ‘murder’ here:


Truthseeker3000 ago

The numbers mean EVERYTHING. The J’s are heavy into it, Kab-alah S8tanists Luclferian etc. Doesn’t matter if you and I don’t believe in the numbers-they do and that’s what matters. Always, always look to the numbers, dates, etc. Yes, this guy sounds fcked up but he speaks the truth. It’s worse than we think...

Joe10jo ago

Yeah I understand the power of numbers and symbols, but let’s just say, for example, that we’re going with the gematria value of 10 and ALL the time words that fall under that number... does it make all the words that have a gematria value of 10 related to each other, like on an esthetic level, or is it simply letting the “seeker” know the gematria value, nothing more/nothing less?

Joe10jo ago

I’m well-versed in so many areas of Pizzagate, MK, SRA, etc... but the one thing that I still don’t understand is gematria. I’ve been to several gematria sites and I understand how it works.

Let’s say that I gematria my name and the numeric value is 56 and in the list of other words that have a total of 56 are things like bacon, Petri dish, The Amazon. Well does it mean that all things with the same gematria value are on the same vibration... or exactly what?