carmencita ago

You made your case well as usual. I totally agree there is total coverup by the LAPD. Imo they know EVERYTHING that’s going on in LA and of course Hollywood. They know who all the Star Rapists and Pedos. are too. Yep you’re right again due to your deep research and total devotion to finding justice for both of those beautiful and precious Girls. RIP Judith. RIP Heather. Thank you @darkknight111 Seriously.

carmencita ago

Hmm. Gates oversaw the Manson and Hillside strangler cases. I think there is way more to both of those cases. Don’t think truth has been told about Manson and personally I think the Strangler case may have been someone else entirely. Possibly some LAPD guys. I think police were involved in that case and a huge coverup on the Manson case. We know we can’t trust Polanski.

Yes LAPD has covered for many “Suicides” as well. And how many rappers gone lately? They know who’s behind all of it.

3141592653 ago

Great work, once again

bartmanson ago

Dark night: so glad you have taken the time and effort to compile this info (as well as all of the other PG related digs!) You deserve a medal. —AtlasHugged