Joe10jo ago

Man, you’ve done such a great job with this. Thank you!

darkknight111 ago

This case needs to spread. Judith cannot become the forgotten victim of Pedowood.

MolochHunter ago


very methodical

Quicktor ago


Bolshevism, Communism, Zionism...same the top they're all pederasts and black goo...

elephantdoesntforget ago

Do we know the address where Judith was murdered?

darkknight111 ago

It was in Canoga Park, California.

In Part 8, I found the account of someone who lived in the Canoga Park suburbs in the 80’s. If someone discharged a gun, A LOT of people would have heard it.

derram ago :

Ian Easton on Twitter: "Situation with Chinese infiltration of Hollywood is grave. Even all-American Steven Spielberg productions, Amblin @amblin, have sold out to Chinese Communist Party. Look at their board of directors and relationships with CCPs Jack Ma. Very disturbing— and only tip of iceberg.…"

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