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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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Lansing-Michigan ago

Word is getting around that voat/pizzagate is a gate keeping site. Banning Maria Farmer's video is a "tell" as they say in poker.


Unfortunately there are elements of that everywhere... Care to expound?

Tess81 ago

Is there any new updates on this?


Any updates @Edgewla ? He was working on a summary of his firsthand account and our research when I last spoke to him. I sincerely hope he's just busy dealing with something, or forgot his password.

It has been a little too long for my comfort, with NO response to my concern so I am going to COPY PASTE the PMs below in case they have significance:

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 6:19:29 PM

Checking in post takedown

Ethan Reani Inc

Pizza Delivery

23565 Park Belmonte, Calabasas, CA 91302

(818) 406-4044

Typing Service

144 Lang St, Ventura, CA 93003

(818) 406-4044

Deaf Church

800 S Victoria Ave, Ventura, CA 93003

(818) 406-4044


1220 Winford Ave, Ventura, CA 93004

(818) 406-4044

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 6:18:54 PM

Checking in post takedown

Agam Inc

Pizza Delivery

25045 Ashley Ridge Rd, Hidden Hills, CA 91302

(310) 432-3178

Church of Christ

24738 Cll Altamira, Calabasas, CA 91302

(310) 432-3178


506 Glenwood Dr, Oxnard, CA 93030

(310) 432-3178

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 6:18:22 PM

Checking in post takedown

Ester Inc

----South LA----

Pizza Delivery

5029 Kingspine Rd, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

(310) 927-5076


4703 Rockbluff Dr, Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

(310) 927-5076

Wax Museum

528 Paseo Del Mar, Palos Verdes Estates, CA 90274

(310) 927-5076

----North West LA----

Pizza Delivery

500 Corte Jana, Oxnard, CA 93030

(424) 210-2597


2275 Hilldale Ave, Simi Valley, CA 93063

(424) 210-2597

Church of Christ

14466 E Rutger Cir, Moorpark, CA 93021

(424) 210-2597

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 4:49:49 PM

Checking in post takedown

24738 Cll Altamira, Calabasas, CA 91302

506 Glenwood Dr, Oxnard, CA 93030

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 4:46:30 PM

Checking in post takedown

I'll just drop this here for a second

25045 Ashley Ridge Rd, Hidden Hills, CA 91302

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/13/2020 2:41:24 PM

Checking in post takedown

Today my complete focus is to write something up. I would love to run it past you first when finished. You have been a tremendous guide on this journey. Karma will be kind to you.

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 1 fortnight ago on 5/12/2020 9:45:37 PM

Checking in post takedown

This is absolutely amazing. I'm currently doing some digging, I'll take your advice and not say much but or where. I think dots are connected but want it to present it better than my first run of throwing out a bunch of stuff. I feel credibility is lost if you can point to the whole and say " well 20% is false, so this is garbage " Focusing on the 80% and making it 100% is the goal.

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 16 days ago on 5/11/2020 10:17:03 PM

Checking in post takedown

Also I sincerely appreciate the message today from you, when I was able to access voat just now. Truly an amazing community this is. It's a shame its bashed so much.

reply source delete

Edgewla > ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS | Sent: 16 days ago on 5/11/2020 10:15:18 PM

Checking in post takedown

Hey yeah I'm good. Not going to lie, getting banned from Reddit and Voat going down was pretty spooky. Especially since I went out of town for the weekend... The good news I'll be back tonight and a little more organized!

Tess81 ago

Any more news ? Very strange hes gone quiet ??


Unfortunately no. I agree, despite my better judgement I am hoping he's just dropped the research or is caught up with something else.

Lunareclipse ago

I dropped the research because I didn't know where else to look... but I am here to help. I have been checking for new revies in those establishments but nothing new showed up


Thank you for staying on this @Lunareclipse . The only update I have is that @Edgewla has not been heard from since he said he was going to give us all a synopsis of his findings. I hope he is okay.

You there to quiet my fears @Edgewla ???

Lunareclipse ago

not sure where he is either...

I just checked on the maps the nica inc in Bel Air got a new review last week but it seems restaurant legit and the guy profile took me nowhere either

mooteensy ago

A quick search on urban dictionary shows that Nica is slang for Nicaraguan descent...

redwing14 ago

flimsy evidence tbh. A nice flow chart and randomly finding people 1 or 2 people out of hundreds of thousands of people(hospital and la/hollywood area) is not evidence. One of the findings says a review said 'good pizza, good chicken and waffles'.. yeah it's a restaurant..

Maybe I am not seeing it, but this just seems like you found 1 or 2 bad people out of hundreds of thousand, and try to put circumstantial flimsy evidence.

ProtectEIR ago

No one is claiming to have hard evidence at this point. The point of research is go through the exercise of identifying what is something and what is nothing. If something smells funny, you rummage through your fridge to find what is rotten...don't you?

redwing14 ago

The issue is the hive mind is too stupid to determine real from imagination. So they effectively will say X is guilty of this when it isn't. And then no one in the public will believe pizzagate. It will be seen as a place that will not disavow schizophrenics or get rid of them.. So as of now pizzagate researchers are 70% schizophrenic. The accuracy is shit is what I am saying. This is shit. But people won't shut this down because there are too many retards.

ProtectEIR ago

I see your point. People can and do jump to conclusions quickly, have confirmation biases, etc. People are also quick to make up statistics and dole out psychological diagnoses without being qualified to do so.

Lunareclipse ago

I decided to do a little check at the Auto Nica Parts in LA, it has a strange review from Aurelio Sharks saying "good place for your next party".. decided to check this guy out, he reviews a lot, strange places for sure, one got my attention.

"I have never see .

So many .

Kids variety .plus plus plus.


The best of the dream.

Im speechless.

From Oaxaca.

Ezcal land. "

It is for a Tower Beer, Wine & Spirits in GA.

Lunareclipse ago

nevermind. I think the guy was just talking about beer selection, hehe

Nastyjew ago

OP, I found the social media accounts linked with the pizza place number.

ProtectEIR ago

Informational Flow Chart located HERE

Things to note:

This was created to help me visualize connections and process information. There will be things that are missing and incomplete. Please feel free to bring those to my attention. This is a draft that I will add to and revise as info develops. The right half of the chart ( is less fleshed out. There is a TON of info here to dissect.

Solid lines are considered to be more solid connections. Dashed lines are leads but not absolutely verifiable connections.

Items identified as "Red Flags" are circumstantial evidence directly related to child abuse or inappropriate conduct with a child.

I hope this helps visualize things and guide your research.

rondie ago

flowchart illegible

ProtectEIR ago

Save the jpeg to your hard drive. Zoom in.


Incredible work! I updated the OP so everyone can see this draft. THANK YOU and SALUTE!

ProtectEIR ago

I have noticed that the google pins have disappeared today. Can someone else please confirm.


@Edgewla @MercurysBall2 @MysticMa ^ See parent.^ Can anyone confirm the pins are now gone?

@shewhomustbeobeyed Archived the map below. And didn't you make one Protect?

oogle -

maps - and and and

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Hi OT. Which map are you referring to?


You archived a lot that will help, but I believe it is more the pins on google maps that are missing if I am not mistaken... @ProtectEIR ?

The google map pins said the name Nica and showed a pizza place located over a home in Bel Air - also a church and a welding co and some more different businesses but all had the same number.

I didn't ask you to archive or screenshot those, or link them specifically, it is my fault if they are lost.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have this - It is under the [images] list. It is an archive of an image, but not the actual link.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Gee, I wonder if maybe @IShallNotFear can help? Or possibly @MadWorld. Both of these users are my teachers about archives, and maps. I'll find @Edgewla comment link to see if I got an archive of it that didn't get posted. I did 50+ archives that night, I might have missed posting one.

IShallNotFear ago

The Pin for Nica Inc is still up: Here are the reviews from Owen Holmes and Sammy Garjune

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thanks, again. <3

IShallNotFear ago

@MadWorld See parent comment as Voat only allows for tagging of 5 users at a time


Thank you for your help she and Goats!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I see you've been busy the last couple of days. I'm archiving the new stuff, now. Remember, 5 days after submission date, i won't be looking for new links to archive, unless you ping me to them. cheers.


Thank you for everything. We have been busy. Good goats like you have rallied.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That's super. I'll check in AM, for any new news. goodnight.

ProtectEIR ago

We need to archive the google maps pins and the google reviews for Nica Pizza Delivery, Nica Welder, Nica Chapel, and Nica Global. These items are missing. Please and thank you.

Early today, I did not see the pins. They are there for me now.


Phew can you screenshot just in case?

ProtectEIR ago

Sure can.

Lunareclipse ago

I can see it still. At least the bel air pizza delivery os there.

ProtectEIR ago

Yes, it is back for me now too. Thanks.

CountZero33 ago

Did a reverse number search for (626) 261-4500 (the number linked to the Niaca global house) Registered to a Sam K Kioko from covina california. Doing some digging on this guy came up with two company names, he is listed as the agent for Kiowanexus Inc. and is the founder of Wanjiku foundation. This is some pretty curious stuff but unfortunately the trail goes cold as I can't really find anymore information on these two companies or this guy. I'm going to keep tracing all the numbers of the known nica locations and post anything I find interesting. If anyone else can turn anything up from the Sam Kioko trail let me know.

POdPatriot ago

Also shares a PO box with The Covenant People and Covenant Real Equities,LLC.


reverse number search for (626) 261-4500 (the number linked to the Niaca global house) Registered to a Sam K Kioko from covina california. Doing some digging on this guy came up with two company names, he is listed as the agent for Kiowanexus Inc. and is the founder of Wanjiku foundation.

Thank you for your research @CountZero33

ProtectEIR ago

All - I am in the process of making an info flowchart. This helps me visualize and organize the connections we have identified. I will post it here for your review and use when it is finished.


GREAT IDEA. Thank you so much for doing that @ProtectEIR ! Working on a locations and associations list (if that will help), but I am not the right goat to organize it all- so seriously appreciate your effort. Let me know if I can lend a hoof.

Shillaxe ago

A few more definitions of Nica from the Urban dictionary:


1. a slut who won't stop sleeping with guys.

  1. someone who is a true democrat and a hillary clinton lover

  2. someone who says chode and other naughty words a lot!

MercurysBall2 ago


Former CVS executive Kevin Hourican will replace him while Bene serves as an executive adviser through March.... The company specifically mentioned Hourican’s experience in sales, supply chain, logistics, operations and digital technologies.

Sysco also said that Lead Independent Director Ed Shirley has been elected executive chair. Brad Halverson has been elected to Shirley’s former position...Halverson joined the board in 2016 and is a former executive with Caterpillar Inc.


Hmmmmm..... Part of the mass CEO exodus ?

Sysco CEO leaves with $6 million cash severance

Sysco Corporation has replaced CEO of two years, Tom Bene with Kevin Hourican, who joins from CVS.

Sysco, a food distributor, is one of the largest companies headquartered in Houston. It has a market capitalization of $42 billion, revenues of $60 billion and 69,000 employees.

Tom Bene had been the CEO since January 2018 and Chair of the Board since November 2018. His promotion to the top job was announced in July 2017. Mr Bene had joined Sysco in 2013 as Chief Merchandising Officer before becoming COO in January 2016. Prior to that he spent 24 years at Pepsi-Cola.

MercurysBall2 ago

CVS is a company that we have not done anything on but it's mentioned a couple of times in pizzagate posts.

MercurysBall2 ago

The Secrets of Cedars-Sinai, Hollywood's Glamour Hospital -

From birthing room to deathbed, no institution in L.A. can claim anywhere near as emotionally central or uniquely sweeping a hold on the entertainment industry as the internationally renowned Cedars-Sinai Medical Center. Whether it's Patrick Swayze fighting pancreatic cancer, Frank Sinatra dying of a heart attack, Madonna undergoing hernia surgery, Jessica Simpson having a baby -- or untold behind-the-scenes business players privately tending to the health of themselves and their loved ones -- Hollywood's hospital is almost inevitably involved. ..

"It's a big part of the good times and the bad," says Gersh partner Leslie Siebert, who's active with Cedars' Women's Guild and was born at the hospital, as were her kids. Adds Jeffrey Katzenberg, a Cedars board member since 1998, who says he has never lived more than a mile from the campus during his time in town: "I know the facility very well as a user. Every medical emergency has been there, those breaks and those sprains. My in-laws passed away there; my children were born there. It's defined my life in an essential way, as it has for so many people in our industry."

..t's hard to imagine it was founded as a 12-bed facility in a Victorian house near downtown in 1902. Then called Kaspare Cohn Hospital, it was run by the Hebrew Benevolent Society. Later renamed Cedars of Lebanon, an Old Testament reference to the timber used for Solomon's Temple, it expanded into a grand Art Deco building on Fountain Avenue in Hollywood and tapped the wallets of film moguls Jack Warner and Joseph Schenck, as well as Will Rogers. (In 1976, that property would be purchased by the Church of Scientology for its West Coast headquarters and painted bright blue.) After World War II, Al Jolson deeded his two-acre estate on Mulholland Drive to assist in a $1 million drive toward construction of a maternity and pediatrics pavilion to handle the post-war baby boom.

Meanwhile, another Jewish hospital, the Mount Sinai Home for the Incurables -- which soon decided to go by the only slightly less depressing Home for the Chronic Invalids -- opened in 1926 in Yiddish-speaking, working-class East L.A. In 1928 Louis B. Mayer held a big Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel fund-raiser to help underwrite hospital-stays coverage at $2 a day. Everyone from Norma Shearer and Joan Crawford to Barbara Stanwyck and George Raft attended and even performed at its gala events, often at the urging of the Jewish studio heads who were their bosses.

Cedars' Fountain Avenue facility, located near the Paramount lot, couldn't help but become an industry magnet. Marilyn Monroe had her appendix removed there in 1952. (She taped a note to her abdomen under her gown, imploring the doctor to cut as little as possible: "I know it seems vain … please do whatever you can to prevent large scars."). One time, when Elizabeth Taylor was staying on the fifth floor, Richard Burton had Chasen's send over dinner -- and, to boot, ordered in a pair of the restaurant's tuxedoed violinists to play. One of the hospital's most frequent patients was Peter Sellers. "Lovely guy; his heart stopped all the time," says Barbara Marshall, director Garry Marshall's wife, who was an ICU nurse in the early 1960s, before the use of electric defibrillation paddles. "We used to jump up on the bed and pound him on the chest. I think I did it nine times."

After Cedars merged with Mount Sinai in 1961, in part so the Jewish hospitals would no longer need to compete on the fund-raising front, it began drawing financial support from Jules C. Stein and Lew and Edie Wasserman, as well as TV- and radio-spot fund-raising assistance from Charlton Heston and Jack Lemmon. By this time, Mount Sinai had migrated to the increasingly Jewish Westside to a location at the still far-from-chic intersection of Beverly Boulevard and San Vicente Boulevard, a neighborhood then defined by its unsightly oil derricks, barbecue joints and pony rides. (Chanel wouldn't hang its shingle a stethoscope's toss away on Robertson Boulevard for nearly half a century.) When the two facilities formally became one on the site in 1976, the new centerpiece tower was named after Hollywood makeup kingpin Max Factor, whose family foundation provided pivotal philanthropic support with a then-unprecedented $4 million gift in 1972, while the Debbie Reynolds-backed Thalians Mental Health Center (closed earlier this year) anchored another portion of the property.

In time, Steven Spielberg, TV game show producer Mark Goodson (Family Feud, The Price Is Right) and former 20th Century Fox owner Marvin Davis would have buildings named after them to acknowledge multimillion-dollar gifts, while programs in hereditary and colon cancer and brain tumors would be titled for, respectively, Gilda Radner, Sharon Osbourne and attorney Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. In addition, the two public streets that intersect the campus were named George Burns Road and Gracie Allen Drive, after the comedic couple who were longtime supporters. The A-list giving continues apace: On June 14, Barbra Streisand held an intimate fund-raiser at her Malibu house in honor of Bill Clinton, with guests including Haim Saban and Ron Meyer and tickets at up to $100,000 a couple. Streisand is working to raise $20 million for the Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center at the hospital. (She has also contributed $5 million to a separate cardiovascular research and education program named after her there.)

..These days, Cedars -- whose campus is adorned with a 4,000-piece donated art collection that includes works by Picasso, Warhol and Hockney -- vacuums Hollywood dollars from every direction. There's the Sports Spectacular gala each May, which has raised $21 million for the Genetics Institute by getting Fox Sports, CBS, AEG, ESPN and others to shell out at the Century Plaza for a night honoring a David Beckham or a Kobe Bryant. In the fall, the roving Pink Party, run by super-connected Pacific Palisades boutique owner Elyse Walker in support of the women's cancer program, can pull in more than $1 million in an evening from the fashion-oriented film and TV crowd (Jennifer Garner, Kim Raver, E!'s Ashlan Gorse) as well as sponsors like CAA and the Sumner Redstone Foundation.

Still, the apex of giving remains the hospital's Women's Guild, which turns 55 this year. Founded by a high-powered clique, including Rosalind Russell, Fran Stark and Nancy Sinatra, the guild now counts Anne Douglas, Morgan Fairchild, Wendy Goldberg and Marcia Ziffren (ex-wife of entertainment lawyer Kenneth Ziffren) among its leaders. The group, which began with the modest intent of raising money for newborns' layettes, has ramped up its goals to funding laser technologies, research chairs and, currently, a $20 million Lung Institute. The guild has paid for it all by heavily leaning on their husbands' pocketbooks and studio-head power, relentlessly working their social circles and throwing what was for decades the industry's undisputed top annual charitable event .

Today, the hospital's Hollywood connections are an embarrassment of riches. Who's that doing the voiceover on the in-house video for the new Advanced Health Sciences Pavilion? Oh, just Sidney Poitier. And who is Eskedar Gobeze, a member of the patient relations department, which, when situations allow, can work the insider magic of getting people upgraded to the much-preferred eighth-floor deluxe suites? Why, Gobeze is Berry Gordy's lady friend, of course. (Observes Anne Douglas: "In patient relations, they say you can't go [to the eighth floor] if you're still attached to a machine. You have to be able to breathe on your own!") And the shaved-headed dude yukking it up with Jack Nicholson courtside at a Lakers game? That's his doctor, the head of orthopedic surgery, Robert Klapper -- who, natch, used to consult on E.R.


Eyes on Sinai...

Here some theorists believe its a programming center. They do have a large neuroscience dept.

MercurysBall2 ago

How to Drop a Pin on Google Maps (Mobile and Desktop)

To drop a pin on Google Maps when using an Android device:

Open the Google Maps app.

Either search for an address or scroll around the map until you find the location you want.

Long-press on the screen to drop a pin.

The address or location will pop up at the bottom of the screen.

Tap on the location to share it, save it, add a label to it, or get directions.

Lunareclipse ago

ok, i think i found something.

the president of the Nica Inc is Don Delahoyde.... searching for him, I found he leaves at 1090 A S State St Ukiah, CA 95482.

When searching this address... a page from yellow page comes up saying there is a pizzeria located in that address.. the mountain mikes pizza

Lundy ago

He also owns a company called “Anias Ice Cream.” Weird stuff is popping up.

volunteerwork2020 ago

Contact Information

Extreme Food & Beverage, Inc.

6101 Central Ave

Ukiah, CA 95482

Contact: Phillip Rae Delahoyde

Title: Principal

Phone: (707) 391-6581


Extreme Food & Beverage, Inc. is the only company located at 6101 Central Ave, Ukiah, CA 95482

Call_Of_Goat ago

The only thing missing is watermelon and pineapple

Lunareclipse ago

What that means?

Lunareclipse ago

Wow, just checked your profile... gross

Lunareclipse ago

What do u mean?


Thats the M.O. great find @LunarEclipse !

Don Delahoyde

Lunareclipse ago

apparently he owns a bunch of pizzeria related business... so far all the pizzeria looks legit... there is another address for him registred for Ukiah House Of Pizza, Inc. ... but when following the address on maps, it is just a pub.

Edgewla ago

Damn nice find!!! Seaching into I found this Fair reference. Wasn't NICA fair/carnival related?

Join WFA For An Open House

The WFA Open House season kicks off at the Pima County Fair April 21 in Tuscon Arizona. Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the fair with WFA President Don Delahoyde and Meetings Manager Liz Waxstein at a vendor breakfast and Service Member Mixer at 9:30 a.m. and the WFA Open House from 6-8 p.m. in the Catina.

Next, join WFA at the San Diego County Fair June 23 (tentative). Network with friends, meet new members and take a break from playing the fair to relax and enjoy good food.

Finally, all are welcome to attend the Open House at the California State Fair July 21--a fabulous way to start the Feature Fair Tour!

Edgewla ago

From above

WFA President Don Delahoyde.....

Lunareclipse ago

Don Delahoyde is listed as an Officer with House Of Garner, Inc. in California. The address on file for this person is 1090 A S State St, Ukiah, CA 95482 in Mendocino County.

he also owns a company called Five Star Enterprises Limited.

i will dig a bit deep on those now

Lunareclipse ago

some info here too. nothing shocking but just to register.

Edgewla ago

Speculation but

He owned a pizza shop ("dine in")

He owned a catering company ("I'll deliver")

He owned a limo company ("delivery vehicle and take you to pizza vehicle")

Edgewla ago

Looks like a Curtis Chang used to live at the Nica inc pizza delivery house.

His profile

Curtis Chang is an Faith Driven Entrepreneur

"Curtis Chang is the founder and CEO of Consulting Within Reach (CWR), a team of experts from both corporate and nonprofit backgrounds that uses professional skills to serve social entrepreneurs. Curtis’s own diverse vocational path has included teaching public policy at Harvard, doing development work in Africa, and running a family foundation. Curtis has won a White House award for his work as a social innovator and is an Adjunct Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Washington DC."

POdPatriot ago

The US Dept. of State hired CWR to facilitate investments in human rights NGOs working in foreign countries.

POdPatriot ago

Snagging second place, Homeless: Santa Clara County was developed by non-profit consultant Curtis Chang. Chang was moved to create the app after watching families approach homeless shelters and seeing case workers struggle to find government services under mountains of paper files. The app helps homeless people and families with services according to their specific needs and eligibility.


Curtis’s own diverse vocational path has included teaching public policy at Harvard, doing development work in Africa, and running a family foundation. Curtis has won a White House award for his work as a social innovator and is an Adjunct Professor in the School of International Service at American University, Washington DC."

Again this matches suspected locations and M.O. ...

Edgewla ago

The rabbit hole is deep for Curtis Chang. He is currently living in this guys house

MercurysBall2 ago

There are different units in that building

Edgewla ago

Thank you for catching that!

Edgewla ago

His Twitter is private, which is strange for an editor at Fox news.

MysticMa ago

What about Laurel Canyon? Oscar Wilde said of art, “Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.” And author David McGowan has found that Wilde’s quote is quite prophetic for the rock’n’roll scene that thrived in Lau-rel Canyon in the 1960s and 1970s. Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon The dark heart, covert ops inside Not sure but the spooks were compound embedded & their kids were deep in 60's freedom train with Zappa paving the path.

Royj ago

Center for Informed America website has a great write up about Laurel Canyon's shady beginnings and all it's connections. Highly recommended.


Good Call Ma!

Or Jared Letos underground bunker previously a military base.

Or the acting camp where I AM A PIZZA was performed. There are tons of MK Ultra-esque stories that come out of this epicenter.

mexican_squiggy ago

What are you referring to, the I AM A PIZZA performance?


There is an acting camp/outdoor theater in Topanga Canyon that hosts children's shows and camps


People have suggested that this song by Charlotte Diamond - I AM A PIZZA is code :

and that Peter Alsop a children's artist who performed it at Theatricum Botanicum came from potential MK Ultra roots.

See @MoonMooch 's post: " I Am A Pizza Singer has Album Art with Blue Spirals... "

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Since Hollywood is a giant child trafficking/pedo ring, who will give down first? A big dog like Spielberg? Or someone unsuspected like Tom Cruise who is totally normal and was in Eyes Wide Shut.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Hollywood = pedophilic rapists and millionaires pushing the far left agenda. Boycott California, the MSM and movies/cable TV.

MercurysBall2 ago

From this NICA issue:

Michael Lary of Utter Delights, Inc. joined NICA

I cannot find a website or ANY information on the company Utter Delights.

Michael is a mason


Are those his children? Friendship bracelets?

The only UTTER DELIGHTS I could find was an ice cream vendor at the New York State fair. UTTER DELIGHTS SOFT SERVE

MercurysBall2 ago

635 Center Cambridge Rd, Cambridge is the address of Utter Delights

MercurysBall2 ago

Yes, those are his sons. He lives here

MercurysBall2 ago

@ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS this is going to be a data dump. I have to attend to other things today but I need to post some links here before the connections are lost. Not sure what's going on here but maybe other eyes can look too. I'll create a series of replies to this comment so I don't end up taking up too much space on your thread.

The National Independent Concessionaires Association was only a vague idea when Larry Orme and Gene O'Brien got together at the South Florida Fair in West Palm Beach, Florida in January 1993.

Larry Orme obit

Larry Joseph Orme, 72, of Louisville, formerly of Corydon, died Friday, March 11, 2011 in Brandon, Florida. He was born July 29, 1938, in New Albany, to the late James Melvin and Ethelda Rhoades Orme. He was the founder and president of Carousel Foods, Inc., was the co-founder of Old Capitol Cleaners, the Old Capitol Inn Best Western Hotel, Restaurant and Lounge and Frisch's Big Boy all in Corydon, was the founder and owner, with his wife, of Pop's Rib Bones Restaurant in Hilton Head, South Carolina, and later in life he led the Orme and Reas families to participate in Storm Service, Inc. in providing food, shelter and comfort to people involved in natural disasters. He was also a co-founder of the National Independent Concessionaires Association and a member of the Hurstbourne Baptist Church in Louisville.

[That obit has mason written all over it.]

Googling Old Capitol Cleaners also brought up Habitat for Humanity

Might be something, might be nothing. But I've done a lot of posts on that org, so I was curious.

Google maps shoes that they are a couple of minutes away from each other Note the Harrison County Fairgrounds right in between them. NICA territory.

Here are some of our Habitat for Humanity posts:


The John of God baby trafficking ring has ties to Habitat for Humanity which connects with Dyncorp and RTI Surgical [Deleted unfortunately]

RTI Surgical, Habitat for Humanity, Dynacorp and the Deranged Dentists

Meghan Markle, the Portland Hospital and HCA Healthcare - which takes us to Rick Scott, ... and the Florida ratlines....

That RTI Surgical potentially leads us back to that Cedars-Sinai doctor at the Nica 'chapel' address.. but I don't want to point any fingers just yet..


Dump away. We will edit the original once the dust settles. Appreciate having you on this.

MercurysBall2 ago

Storm Service, Inc:

Eric Crawford has been associated with six companies, according to public records. The companies were formed over a twenty-six year period with the most recent being incorporated eleven years ago in February of 2009. One of the companies is still active while the remaining five are now listed as inactive.

Crawford is President of Zeta Technology, inc and was a director of the now inactive Storm Service, inc. based in Stuart, Florida.

Zeta worked with the US Environmental Protection Agency along with Earth Tech, Inc, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Wisconsin State Lab of Hygiene,

The boat basin has a marina with a dozen boat slips, most of which are currently rented, giving the purchaser an immediate revenue stream, said Crawford, who also is president of Zeta Technology Inc., a Stuart-based utility design and construction company that works primarily in the Caribbean.

British Virgin Islands listing for Zeta

Zeta also listed in this 2009 Children's Home Society of Florida report

MercurysBall2 ago

Frisch's Big Boy:'s

Frisch's Big Boy is a regional Big Boy restaurant chain with headquarters in Cincinnati, Ohio...Leadership of Frisch's passed from founder David Frisch to his son-in-law and finally his grandson, until 2015, when the company was sold to Atlanta-based NRD Capital.

Immediately after World War II, Dave Frisch visited one of Bob Wian's Big Boy restaurants in California.

1963 Food Service Operator of the Year

He was named Humanitarian of the Year by the City of Hope, medical research and treatment center near Los Angeles:

Shriner and Cincinnati Club connections ?

Robert C. Wian (June 15, 1914 – March 31, 1992) was the founder of the Big Boy restaurant chain. The restaurant started as a 10-stool hamburger stand in Glendale, California, opening in 1936 with an investment of $300 raised from the sale of his car. Wian sold Bob's Big Boy and rights to the Big Boy chain to the Marriott Corp. in 1967 for $7 million[4] ($54 million in 2019).

..After selling Big Boy, Wian remained as a Marriott vice-president and president of the "Big Boy Restaurants of America" division for about a year, then sat on the Marriott board for an additional year before retiring. As a board member, Wian recommended Marriott approach his friend Roy Rogers about the use of his name to rebrand the corporation's RoBee's Roast Beef chain.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

Well, my trails are none too happy right now! :(

A Qwant, because fuck google, search for the Cooper House, returned nothing.

Perusing his wikipedia, as far as the restaurant, shows he only licensed his name to Marriott and they rebranded their Hot Shoppes (I remember those), otherwise he had no involvement.

Haven't looked into Roy jr., but appears he is the only surviving natural child, mother died from his birth.

His last movie: > Macintosh and T.J. was filmed at the 👉 6666 Ranch in King County, 90 miles east of Lubbock and near the O- Bar-O Ranch in Kent County.[4]

Rogers was a Freemason and a member of Hollywood (California) Lodge No. 355, the Scottish Rite Valley of Los Angeles, and Al Malaikah Shrine Temple.[27] He was also a pilot and the owner of a Cessna Bobcat.[28]

Lots of red flags here and oh look, another pilot!

I used to watch his show, I don't know whether to be 😥 or 🤮!

MercurysBall2 ago

Just a couple more links before I get to the rabbit hole:

NICA Sysco Marketplace

Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. The company operates 198 distribution facilities serving approximately 425,000 customers. For fiscal year 2016 that ended July 2, 2016, the company generated sales of more than $50 billion. Subsequent to fiscal year 2016, the company completed the acquisition of the Brakes Group, a leading European foodservice distributor with operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Sweden, Spain, Belgium and Luxembourg.

MercurysBall2 ago

Okay I've been looking into the history of the national independent concessionaires association inc (NICA) by first looking into the background to the whole concept of fairs (fayres; faires) and then I started looking into the people who started the organisation which is taking me into a whole rabbit hole. So, I'm just posting this bit of history first and then I'll get to the present day rabbit hole.

A traveling carnival (US English), usually simply called a carnival, or travelling funfair is an amusement show that may be made up of amusement rides, food vendors, merchandise vendors, games of chance and skill, thrill acts, and animal acts. A traveling carnival is not set up at a permanent location, like an amusement park or funfair, but is moved from place to place. Its roots are similar to the 19th century circus with both being set up in open fields near or in town and moving to a new location after a period of time. In fact, many carnivals have circuses while others have a clown asthetic in their decor. [1][2] Unlike traditional carnival celebrations, the North American traveling carnival is not tied to a religious observance.

In 1893, the Chicago's World's Columbian Exposition (also called the Chicago World's Fair) was the catalyst for the development of the traveling carnival.

Modern traveling carnivals usually make contracts with local governments in order to play both state and county fairs, as well as smaller venues (such as store parking lots, church bazaars, volunteer fire department fund raisers, and civic celebrations).

The World's Columbian Exposition was the first world's fair with an area for amusements that was strictly separated from the exhibition halls... This area, developed by a young music promoter, Sol Bloom, concentrated on Midway Plaisance ...It included carnival rides, among them the original Ferris Wheel, built by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr.

Sol Bloom

Sol Bloom (March 9, 1870 – March 7, 1949) was an Orthodox Jewish[2] American politician from New York who began his career as an entertainment impresario and sheet music publisher in Chicago. He served fourteen terms in the United States House of Representatives from the West Side of Manhattan, from 1923 until his death in 1949...

Bloom established his reputation in 1893 at the age of 23 while developing the mile-long Midway Plaisance at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago. The Midway Plaisance offered enticing games and exhibitions presented by private vendors, removed from the more conservative Beaux-Arts splendor of the official exposition and arranged around its "Court of Honor". After initially entrusting the midway to a Harvard anthropology professor, the committee turned to Bloom, whose "Midway" was so successful that the term resided henceforth in the American lexicon. At the "Street in Cairo", the North African belly dance was reinvented as the "hootchy-kootchy dance" to a tune made up by Bloom, "The Streets of Cairo, or the Poor Little Country Maid", whose century-old lyrics had traditionally been sung by young boys: "O they don't wear pants/on the sunny side of France"; "There's a place in France/where the women wear no pants"; "...where the naked ladies dance", etc. Bloom did not copyright the tune, which he'd conceived on a piano at the Press Club of Chicago. Bloom also published and promoted “Coon, Coon, Coon”, one of the most famous entries in the coon song genre.

"Carnival is the oldest festival in the world. Some authors even suggest it originated around 10,000 BC, from the seasonal farming rituals of the ancient peoples. They would greet the return of the spring solstice with singing and dancing. At the festivals to the Egyptian goddess Isis and the bull Apis, and the Teuton goddess Herta, there were already signs of such behaviour. These practices were reinforced in the Roman and Greek bacchanalia, saturnalia and lupercalia feasts."

Lunareclipse ago

this is very odd website

Lunareclipse ago

there is a link from the Carnaval website to which for me is very weird because I am from brazil and gozo in Portuguese is cum... so the name is literally an island of cum... very weird

Lunareclipse ago

when searching for Island of Gozo pedophile... there are severaaaal cases.

it seems that the island of gozo is like epstein island... fucking awful

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

messynessychic -

lamag -

eddit - and

4ch -

oogle -

maps - and and and

opencorporates -

legacy -

wiki -

theraffon -

images - - - - -

theguardian - and

facebook -

homemetry -

bloomberg -

norfolkcasa -

nationalcasagal -

zarekoj - - and

yellowpages - and

manta -

vcstar -

utube -

imdb -

hollywoodreporter -

huffpo -

variety -

bizstanding -

instagram - and and

broadwayworld -

jewelryshopguide - -

wwd -

linkedin -

For you.

IShallNotFear ago

The Google Map of the Narva Border Market OÜ didn't archive correctly. Here is the correct one:

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Great, thank you. I noticed that earlier. When i clicked to the link, all it was showing was pictures, no map. I was able to make this one through wayback -

I haven't been able to get archives from for awhile now, so I've been trying different things. You still way better at it than I am.



shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Anytime you wish. but please, double check spelling of ping, next time. If my husband hadn't seen this last night, I wouldn't have archived anything until 5 days after submission date.

Sorry my name is so long. I blame hubby, he made alt name. the jerk :)


Ugh I am so sorry @shewhomustbeobeyed - I've been a little swamped and must have made a typo. Thank your husband for me ! And thank you! Happy to have you both.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No problem. If you would prefer, you can always send me a PM, by clicking on my name.

My name still easier to spell, than yours. :D

MercurysBall2 ago

I think we should look more closely at

They are an organisation about 'mobile food'. Think about that double entendre.

On their monthly magazine cover is a ferris wheel which is an occult symbol. (I found this out when I was looking into the Hampstead case)

From 1988 Disney's Silly Songs: 20 Simply Super Singable, the very creepy song "Pizza Pie Song" (ping pong paddles referenced in lyrics, among other things)

(Verse 5): (Kids): Give me a pizza with EVERYTHING ON IT! (Narrator): Everything? (Kids): Uh huh. (Narrator): Mmhm. Gimme a pizza with everything on it, gimme a pizza with everything on it, gimme a pizza with everything on it. Everything? (Kids): (Sing in background) Pizza,... (Narrator): You want it with a chicken wing? Oh now let me think, how about the kitchen sink? Or a refrigerator? With an elevator? See ya later! Haha! A crocodile!? Ooo! Or maybe an alligator!? A WAITER! Uh huh huh huh, a Ferris wheel! A fishing reel! A Television set, or better yet, a butterfly net ! How about a dog named Spot? Oh, I think I'd rather not. And, I forgot, a horse with a saddle, a ping pong paddle . Some sandy candy from my cousin, Andy. A block of Granite! THE ENTIRE PLANET! HAHAHA HAHAHA HA HA HA!

During the 1893 Chicago World's Fair, a structure that was designed to make the world marvel received its giant axle from Bethlehem Iron. The world's first Ferris wheel needed enough steel to assemble a 140-foot tower to support an all-steel wheel, altogether making a 264-foot (80 m) structure. The iron made in Bethlehem Steel's blast furnaces was responsible for the world's largest single piece of cast iron that had ever been made up to that time.

From 1949 to 1952, Bethlehem Steel had a contract with the federal government of the United States to roll uranium fuel rods for nuclear reactors in Bethlehem Steel's Lackawanna, New York, plant. Workers were not aware of the dangers of the heavy metals they were rolling and were not given protective equipment.

The company manufactured the steel for many of the country's most prominent landmarks: including: Rockefeller Center, Waldorf Astoria

Hidden Message In London Eye

The iconic London Eye has been turned into a social media "mood ring" for the Olympics games, portraying in a light show the mood of the British people during the games, as interpreted through data analysis of Tweets. WSJ's Andy Jordan reports from London.

Just watched that video. It's very interesting. There's an MIT link. Will have to do some work on that too.


Pizza, Hot Dog and Ferris Wheel on the cover of their zine. It is a fair food service company so maybe just that, but it corroborates with your theory.

Connections to Carnival Cruise , Coca Cola, Pepsi, Sysco...

and why would it have a state by state reference chart about Civil Forfeiture laws in case of A CRIME "for the benefit of their members"?

Also see THE WHEEL in their partner Hummel Group

Salem County 4-H Rutgers Cooperative Extension (facebook)

April 30 at 8:16 AM ·

In 2020, the NICA Foundation Scholarship Program will continue to award multiple scholarships, including the new Regional Councils Scholarship, Past Presidents and Directors Scholarship, Gene O’Brien, CCE Vocational School Scholarship, and one scholarship with a donation from Coca-Cola in honor of CCE-designated NICA Members. The remaining scholarships will be provided using donations from fundraising and the NICA Membership.

Who can apply?

Any NICA member in good standing for three years (including the current year)

Child of a new/current member

Grandchild of a new/current member

Employee of a new/current member for six months

4-H is another children's organization worth looking into...

4‑H is a Community for All Kids. 4‑H gives kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better. 4‑H Grows True Leaders. 4‑H teaches kids life skills like hard work, respect and compassion to create positive change in their communities and the world. Learn About Shop 4‑H Products.


@MercurysBall2 : I think we should look more closely at

Seems SYSCO is NICA INC 's money partner. Could they be linked to Pepsi or HEK-293 ???

There are no aborted embryonic or fetal cells in any of PepsiCo’s final products.

But: Aborted cells are used in the development of artificial flavor enhancers by biotech company Senomyx, with which PepsiCo signed a four-year, $30 million agreement in 2010 for research and development. No Pepsi products containing Senonymx flavor enhancers should be expected until 2013.

Senomyx’s disputed cell line is HEK-293, derived from the kidney cells of an aborted baby. We could go into the weeds at this point, but Wikipedia offers an easy explanation:

Senomyx develops patented flavor enhancers by using “proprietary taste receptor-based assay systems.” These receptors are made from HEK293. HEK stands for Human Embryonic Kidney cells. These cells, which were cloned, originally came from healthy, electively aborted human embryos. Using information from the human genome sequence, Senomyx has identified hundreds of taste receptors and currently owns 113 patents on their discoveries.

YES!!! The CEO of SYSCO Tom Bené worked for Pepsi for 23 years! :

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Sysco CEO Tom Bené

Mr. Thomas L. Bené has become well known since his recent appointment as the Chief Executive Officer for the Sysco Corporation. He took the helm on the January first of 2016. He became a member of the Sysco team in April of 2013, and has steadily provided top notch service in leading the company forward.

  1. He worked for PepsiCo

    Tom Bene had an executive at PepsiCo, Inc. He was the senior vice president of Sales and System Transformation for their operations in North America. He started the position in 2005. By 2009, he became president of the North American Food service company. He had plenty of prior experience before landing the job at Sysco.

  2. He spent 23 years working his way up at PepsiCo

    When Tom Bené first started his career at PepiCo, it wasn’t at the entry level. He served the company well, and received frequent promotions to more responsible and higher paying jobs within the business. He’s a leader and that’s what he was born to do.

MercurysBall2 ago

Are they trying to slow drip adrenochrome light into our food supply?

That's been a quiet hypothesis of mine for a while now.

MercurysBall2 ago

Really good find. I need to go back and look at HEK-293.


Thank you for riffing with me on this. Your camaraderie, perspective and research is highly appreciated Merc!

MercurysBall2 ago

In 1957 Paul and Mary Hummel opened Hummel Insurance Agency in Berlin, Ohio. Paul was a pastor at Berlin Mennonite Church and he began selling insurance out of his home to "supplement his preaching habit."

For over 60 years, Hummel Group has been serving the Holmes County area through our business and through our work in the community. You can see our employees volunteering for food pantries in Millersburg, Habitat for Humanity all over Holmes County, the Swiss Festival in Sugarcreek, and the Harvest Festival in Berlin. We are a member of the Holmes County Chamber of Commerce and are strong supporters of our local schools.

ProtectEIR ago

Very interesting.

This could be related to the Brandon, Florida connection mentioned here. (the Concessionaires) was attached to the pin that takes you to that area.

MercurysBall2 ago

Very good. Try googling that organisation in Brandon Florida and pizza ;-)

Lundy ago

805-603-7051 is registered to “Natalie Tackett.”

MercurysBall2 ago

There's a publication called Nica News.

On that page we have a link to Nica Inc.

The National Independent Concessionaires Association is dedicated to strengthening relationships with the Fair, Festival, and Special Events Industries through effective communication, benefits, education, leadership, and solutions. Our growing membership includes over 1200 mobile food and retail Concessionaires, Fairs, and Festivals in the United States and Canada. NICA's large amount of benefits include discounts on variety of items including food, beverages, supplies, travel, and lodging, so you can make the most of your season. NICA participates in a majority of State Fair annual conventions along with the WFA Convention and NICA Sysco Marketplace in January, NICA Business Expo and Fare Foods Food Show in February, and IAFE Convention in November.

Dedicated to strengthening relationships with the Fair, Festival and Special Events Industries through effective communication, education, benefits, leadership, and solutions.

May be something, may be nothing.


Fairs Festivals and Events attract children and then get out of town. Sounds like something.

MercurysBall2 ago

and if you rearrange the letters in NICA you get CAIN.. just sayin'

MercurysBall2 ago

and next to the ferris wheel is their logo

Ksgbook88 ago

I just made a post on reddit related to this.. on r/pedogate. I don’t have enough points to post link. My user name is ashleecakes


Can you copy paste it here for now? We are filtering relevant info through the comments and then editing the original after what is presented has been weighed in on.

MercurysBall2 ago

Nica Cargo 914 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Finetime Inc

Finetime Inc located at 914 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles, CA 90015-1717 is currently listed on Los Angeles Diamond Stores directory. This business is listed for Los Angeles Diamond Stores, Diamond Jewelers, Diamond Retailers, and Precious Stones & Metals. Last known contact number for Finetime Inc is (213) 683-1028.

Company Specialty: Watches-Wholesale

Finetime Inc is a higher education company based out of 914 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, California, United States.

So which is it? A watch store or a higher education company?

Lyn Fan is the office manager.

Jeffrey Ho is the President https://www.linkedin[.]com/in/jeffrey-ho-190676166/

Cartier, Cartier International, and Vacheron Constantin, divisions of Richemont North America and Richemont International S.A., filed a trademark infringement lawsuit against FineTime Inc., Jeffrey Ho and other unnamed defendants. The complaint alleged that the defendants infringed on the Tank Divan, Da Vinci and Maltese Cross brands. The lawsuit includes allegations of trade dress infringement and copyright infringement of the Tank Divan brand and trademark infringement of the Da Vinci and Maltese brands. The lawsuit asked for statutory and punitive damages, and for the court to permanently enjoin the allegedly infringing activity. Neither FineTime or Ho could be reached for comment.


Finetime Inc located at 914 S Los Angeles St Los Angeles, CA 90015-1717 is currently listed on Los Angeles Diamond Stores directory. This business is listed for Los Angeles Diamond Stores, Diamond Jewelers, Diamond Retailers, and Precious Stones & Metals. Last known contact number for Finetime Inc is (213) 683-1028.

Company Specialty: Watches-Wholesale

THIS is the same story with THE FINDERS WAREHOUSE and WEXNER/EPSTEIN associated LLCs! On paper they appeared to be jewelry / wholesale companies but definitely werent in nice retail buildings youd sell a rolex or diamond out of. It would make a great money laundering front (like art) as they deal with small high value items and transactions that are difficult to track or quantify, from all over the world. I'd consider [ jewelry wholesale ] a red flag business when corroborated by other suspicion.

Edgewla ago

Rupert Murdochs son bought this house 6 months ago. Know to have tunnels. Located between the pizza delivery house and playboy mansion...

Chartwell mansion

750 Bel Air Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90077

MercurysBall2 ago

That would be Lachlan Murdoch.

Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell December 1995 Australia

Lachlan's week on the town THE crateloads of empty bottles of Croser fizz were heaped outside the Elizabeth Bay residence of the News Ltd deputy chairman and publisher of The Australian, Lachlan Murdoch, after last Monday night's party for the company's executives which he co-hosted with his parents...

..Lachlan Keith Murdoch (/ˈlɒklən/;[4] born 8 September 1971) is a British-American businessman and mass media heir. He is the executive chairman of Nova Entertainment, executive co-chair of News Corp, chair of the Fox Corporation, the founder of Australian investment company Illyria Pty Ltd, and a director of Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art.

WinOneForTheQuipper ago

a director of Sydney's Museum of Contemporary Art.

Anything like Pegasus?

MercurysBall2 ago

Nica Inc 759 Ocampo Dr, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272


759 Ocampo Dr, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

Ana Lisa Cesare

Check this out

Edgewla ago

On Ana's Instagram she posted one incredibly strange pic and is tagged in one pic. Someone else is tagged

Can we see his private insta?

Edgewla ago

She follows 4 people only and they are interesting to say the least...


This guys whole career is code.

Cory stars as the lead character in the role of Caleb J. Rooney a New Orleans "police detective by day, celebrity food truck chef by night."

About "The Chef": In the Carnival days leading up to Mardi Gras, Detective Caleb Rooney comes under investigation for a murder he is accused of committing in the line of duty--as a MAJOR CRIMES detective for the New Orleans Police Department. Has his sideline at the Killer Chef food truck given him a taste for murder?

Cory will also be seen starring as, "Charles" in the action, sci-fi, thriller sequel "The Agent II." He most recently guest starred opposite Wilmer Valderrama in the CBS hit series "NCIS." He has upcoming projects that include "The Oath" which he wrote and will direct.

Cory is best known for his film work with Michael Bay in Pearl Harbor and playing "Buzz Aldrin" in Transformers - Dark of the Moon. His most notable television work includes guest star appearances in NCIS, The Orville, Bones, Longmire, the Closer and True Blood.

Edgewla ago

My god good find!!

Looking at it, check the comment. His page is private but profile pics is with snoop dogg...

anon202202 ago

whose instagram are you referencing?

anon202202 ago

found his twitter if your interested his handle is @Brendanw786

Edgewla ago

I tried to compile as much information from the reddit community that was helping. Please forgive me if format or anything is a mess, still learning the ropes.


No problem. Once the goats have had time to respond, I will help summarize and reformat in the original up at the top. You're doing great! Keep it coming...

Edgewla ago

Perfect thank you! Also I tried to add a google map link and its banned, anyway around that?

Edgewla ago

He also has a review for Round Table Pizza saying that its "great pizza, but very expensive". Their menu looks pretty cheap to me.

Either this is a straight up pedo using code words for places, or its a hardcore trolling.

Edgewla ago

Also noticed the owners of some of the houses in the area. Elon has 2 house that he just put up for sale, just down the road. One being Gene Wilder's old house...

Elon Musk Has Quietly Been Buying Up an Entire Cul-de-Sac in Bel-Air for Years

The Tesla billionaire claims to be cash poor, but he sure is rich in L.A. real estate

so joe rogan just posted a new podcast 2 hours ago with elon musk and they are talking about him selling his possessions... they start talking about Gene Wilder’s old house around the 11:00 mark and i think it’s worth checking out... gives me the creeps honestly, especially since i had just read this discovery

i actually had just come across it! it made me feel weird listening to him talk about it so i decided to do more digging and came across that. also it’s convenient that if you search “elon musk pedophile” all you get is tons of stories about when he called the diver who rescued kids from the Thai cave a pedo. so i’m not sure if there is nothing to find or if there’s been some censorship. if you don’t want to listen to it all start at about 10/11 mins in. they only talk about it for a couple mins


I listened to the (only ever pre recorded) JRE as well. Synchronistic to say the least.



Extraordinary remodel opportunity: Sitting above the Bel Air Golf Course w/ beautiful vistas is this charming ranch house w/ the details and flair of Robert Byrd Design. Open floor plan, flex. use of space; pool, patio, grassy yard and guest cottage. Or build your Dream! Prime Location.

YOUR MAMAS NOTES: We can’t decide, does Gene Wilder’s living room look more like the lounge of a “luxury” spa resort in Belarus, or the family room of an Appalachian millionaire?

According to property records, Mister Wilder, who is surely one of the funniest of the funny men who have ever been pushed out of his mama, purchased this property in 1976 for just $314,000, which was probably a hell of a lot of money back then. The 3 bedroom and 4.5 bathroom ranch style house is dated beyond all sense of style and taste, but children, the location is spectacular.

If the first rule of real estate is location, location, location, then this house should sell itself. Located on a bluff overlooking the western finger of the swanky Bel Air Country Club the property is admittedly not on the best part of Chalon Road. But in this neck of the Bel Air woods, that’s just splitting hairs, isn’t it?

...As an aside…anyone who knows Your Mama at all, knows we love candy. All our young life we longed to meet Willy Wonka from the Chocolate Factory so he could guide us into the garden of sweet treats and chocolate rivers. We didn’t even care that he was clearly crazy and not just a little pervy. It’s truly a wonder we have teeth left in our head and it’s prolly even more of a wonder we were never picked up by a crazy eyed stranger in a car offering us a candy bar. Because children, Your Mama was an easy target. At six years old, walking home from elementary school all on our lonesome, Your Mama would have done anything for a candy bar. An-ee-thing.


From the comments :

This home was the last place she was conscious and at peace – On May 17, 1989, in the last stages of ovarian cancer that had metastasized throughout her body, her husband took her in to LA’s Cedars-Sinai for a CAT scan.

With amazing precience, somehow Gilda knew if they sedated her for the scan she would never regain consciousness.

Gilda started fighting the morphine, and Gene tried to soothe her and tell her it as going to be OK, and she begged him not to let them sedate her and to take her home.

Once sedated, her fear came true – she never regained consciousness. Gene Wilder stayed with her at the hospital night and day until she died on May 20, 1989.

She never got her request to go back to her ranch house in Bel-Air.

I can excuse the man for not redecorating since then. I wouldn’t either.

Centerist415 ago

Why would they sedate her with morphine for a cat scan if she didn’t want it?


EXACTLY sounds like Gene's wife knew she was going to be euthanized.


Look at this comment @MercurysBall2 It claims Genes wife knew she was going to die at Cedars. What does that sound like to you?!?

MercurysBall2 ago

Sounds like we need to take a closer look at them.

MercurysBall2 ago

Gene Wilder played the child catcher in the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

That character also featured in the occultic 2012 London Olympic Opening Cermemony

Something is definitely going on.

millennial_vulcan ago

What IS going on with Musk. The $$$ homes sound like laundering probably. This, from last year

He’s everywhere, Trmp’s tweets, Rogan pt 2 thrusting neural link, attention-seeking baby name, movie in space with Tom Cruise....Something very weird is going on. And that whole thing with the Pedo Rescue Guy in Thailand last year. Ends up winning the case. Some kind of message he was trying to send out?

At about the 7 min mark in the first podcast with Rogan, Rogan tries to probe how Musk got planning permission to start digging/boring tunnels in LA. Musk goes off on some weird ramble, totally sidestepping the question, talking about digging a random pit which then turned into a mile long tunnel, practically overnight. At some point, Eric Garcetti shows up and all but wanders off again. No one (NOT EVEN THE MAYOR!) stopped or questioned him.

Think this was posted before on here, can’t remember:

Kimbal (the brother) was on board of Tsla and Space X.



I agree Musk is probably the hottest link in this chain. From my understanding LA had an existing underground infrastructure-rumored to go back to an ancient 'lizard people' city from a 1930's newspaper expose. Take that how you will, but there is a lot underground LA, just search.

Hypothesis: I don't think Elon is Boring tunnels but instead buying / controlling their access points.

Dufuronious ago

Robert Helpmann played the child catcher not Gene Wilder.

MercurysBall2 ago


As Wonka's boat enters the dark, blood-red tunnel and Gene Wilder starts screaming satanic-sounding poetry ("the danger must be growing / by the fires of hell are glowing / is the grisly reaper mowing?" ) things get more than a little unnerving. The psychedelic soundtrack, heavy with strings and accompanied by jagged, Dali-esque camerawork, is absolutely terrifying.

ProtectEIR ago

On recent Rogan podcast, Elon discusses some of the idiosyncrasies of the Wilder house. "Doors to nowhere, strange corridors, and tunnels, odd paintings"

Starts around 11:30

ProtectEIR ago

Synchronistic is the word for sure.

I cannot help but wonder if someone in the area isn't trying to "bread crumb" folks into this discovery. No evidence at all for this - just my gut talking.

Edgewla ago

Had the same thoughts. I'm not a conspiracy theorist as much as I read alot and heard about the pizza stuff in the news. I literally would have never given it any thought when I seen it, if it wasn't for the press of pizzagate putting it in my radar. Most diving I have ever done was about ancient aliens...


Well if it isn't THAT, its still certainly a sign for us to CRUMBLE this thing down.

ProtectEIR ago


Someone in the know showing folks where to hunt without showing themselves? It's plausible. Awful odd that this would be in the very same hood Elon is selling a house in, right after having his twitter meltdown last week.

MercurysBall2 ago

I've been thinking the same thing.


Thats possible. I believe today we are witnessing the power of the great awakening. Someone 'awake' had enough awareness to recognize a pattern in their everyday lives from what anons and whistleblowers have compiled and put online over time, and knew that if he presented the information in the right place, there would be others who could help.

Edgewla ago

Exactly and I made the Gene Wilder's house connection before he went on Rogan because, well it's my area. You kinda know where the old stars lived.

Edgewla ago

Saw your deleted post in r/conspiracy.

One of the guys who left a review on google has a YouTube page that has a bunch of babies. Weird. Archived it here.

There is one other historical web archive of his YouTube page back in 2016 here. Notice the name change between the two pages (S.G. now and previously Y.T.). This guy is apparently some low level native Israeli actor who moved to LA per IMDB page.

He also left a google review on a company in UK called Leisure Sales, some RV store, just saying "Fun and sexy store!"

MercurysBall2 ago

Nica Global

373 Loftyhill Dr, Malibu, CA 90265

Another doctor


Edgewla ago

Nice find!!

MercurysBall2 ago

Alan Schwartz is also known as the hormone doctor

Edgewla ago

Any activity there so far? It's also weird the 3 "Nica Inc's" on Google maps are in a straight line from the Griffith area over the hills to the Palisades. I've heard a lot of rumors about the hills of LA having trafficking tunnels in them.

Yes this is what I think connects these 3 places. If you look at the map, they line up.

Any significant about the other 2 buisness as far as symbolism? Pizza delivery is know but what about chapel (church, obvious pedo connections) and welders (masons)?

Yeah that's my the "chapel" location used for ritualistic abuse maybe? Masons are a possible connection to the "welder" location. I don't know much about welding but I'll do some research a little later.

Edgewla ago

Theres a Yellow Pages .com listing for them as well with one reviewer four years ago giving it 5 stars and saying "good prices,great people and don"t forget the dog,been shopping there for 3 years,she is a good looking women,"

"Best place to reschedule for next party" in the Reviews

Edgewla ago

Go through his reviews and pay close attention to his reviews of liquor stores. Idk if I’m paranoid but the way he words those is super fishy, also the liquor stores are located all over the us. Weird.

Edgewla ago

All 3 Nica Inc have the same phone number listed on Google 805-603-7051 WTF!

1) Nica Inc - Welder

2) Nica Inc - Pizza delivery

3) Nica Inc - Chapel

Nastyjew ago

I added this number in my contacts and synced my contacts to my Snapchat. “Nica.fried” popped up. I then searched Instagram for Nica.fried and found Nica Friedman. I searched Nica Friedman on twitter and found a teenage girl.

instagram dot com/nica.fried?igshid=1tdrv90bbbulh

twitter dot com/nicafriedman

snapchat dot com/add/nica.fried

I had to use dot come because I don’t have enough upvotes for post URLs


Nice work!

Here are your links :


9 posts


21 following

Nica Fried

don’t follow this :)

main @nicafriedman - "Private"

private @sick.madude - "not available"

^^^ follow these 🤤🍒


1 post


659 following

snap ♥︎ nica.fried


Lots of twit back and forth between her and @GraysonDolan @EthanDolan content creators with 8Million plus following!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for removing that.


We are here to save the children.

Nastyjew ago

I could be wrong with the twitter but it seems like it’s the same Nica Friedman as the Snapchat avatar. Also, Nica is short for Veronica.


If it is that child, and not someone by another name then I believe the common link may be that Rock Your Hair front.

Nastyjew ago

That 806-603-7051 number brought up a TikTok profile as well. vm.tiktok dot com/39fsWC/

Nastyjew ago

What does this mean? Why would this girls number be the same as the pizza place???

Vindicator ago

Cell numbers get recycled fairly frequently. My daughter has a number that used to belong to an NFL football player. For three years, she's gotten people calling for him inviting him to parties etc. If the pizza joint is out of business, odds are good this is what happened.

@OrdoTempliInternetis @darkknight111

We should keep in mind this could have been a set up to get pizzagate researchers to harass a minor.


Agreed. DEFINITELY Don't do that! The child is innocent no matter what. Do not text this number in the case that it is hers.

Most likely options:

  • Cell numbers get recycled
  • Father used daughters cell phone to register to his real estate.
  • could have been a set up to get pizzagate researchers to harass a minor.
  • There is more to the Rock Your Hair MLM company than we think.

darkknight111 ago

Good thing we have a strict no vigilanteeism policy set up (in the side bar IIRC).

Edgewla ago

The Singerman's had a company "NATIONAL PRESCRIPTION CENTER, INC" (formerly Baldwin Hills Drug Company)

Cam't find anything on either one.

Edgewla ago

On Urban dictionary it has Nica as a Italian slang word for small... eww

Small pizza?


Save the Littles ... Great work Edge!

Edgewla ago

Okay, let me bounce this off of you guys. No massive "smoking gun" or anything of the sort - just some oddities. I will throw this out here to catalog it. Maybe it is useful or pertinent later on.

- Searching for Nica INC on google earth pulls up all the California (LA area) connections we have discussed. A listing for Nica INC in Brandon, Florida also shows up.

- Following this pin takes you to what appears to be some kind of appliance store "Famous Tate"

- In the parking lot of this store is another pin that says "Tabernacles of Praise" and is listed as a church. Although, it is not obvious that there is any kind of church here (in the traditional sense)

- There is a single review for Tabernacles of Praise stating "Crazy people go here"

- This reviewer has made many reviews, mostly of food joints. What I find interesting is that the only review he's attached a photo to is for a now defunct PIZZA place called "Orlando Pizza Delivery". Orlando Pizza Delivery has many reviews. I have not dug deeply into these, but apparently their food was shitty. Might be worth taking a look.

- The pin for Nica Inc (that took me to this area to begin with) has a website attached to it. for the National Independent Concessionaires Association. I haven't dug into this either. It appears to be some kind of carnival, fair, and festival association (LOL Carnies!). Their logo looked off to me on first glance...not a pedo symbol per se, but still kind of strange [looking] for what they say they do (hands shaking - found at the top of the website).

- It's worth noting that there looks to be some building (strip mall, office park?) behind the Famous Tates appliance store. It's possible the church and the carnies have an office back there. Couldn't verify this.

If anyone wants to spend some time digging on the website, looking at reviews (and profiles of reviewers) for Orlando Pizza Delivery, and scoping out what can be found for Tabernacles of Praise - I think that's worth doing.

As I said, take all this for what it's worth...not much at the moment, other than pointing out some oddities.

I've done enough Moloch hunting for tonight.



Nica - ragua is a place I also saw come up in my search- however it could just be another company by the same name.

Alalao ago

I did research on but could not find anything. Also looked on the names of the executive comite but nothing either. Actually even i google my name i can find more info then those guys. I found it was very strange that it took me nowhere.

Edgewla ago

That's my thought. It's a little too hidden right?


Same story with our investigations into The Finders and Epstein. All the LLC info is there, or a nice article, but nothing else. Likely fabricated. if you want to search back btw

Edgewla ago

This guy left an interesting review of the pizza place

See what Sammy Garjune posted to Google Maps

Level 7 Local

This Sammy may need looking at a bit more - he's left reviews in California, England & Estonia - the one in Estonia is odd and I may be letting my imagination run away with me here....but..Ü/@59.3746533,28.1754511,3a,75y,90t/data=!3m8!1e2!3m6!1sAF1QipOmp_2YeJAp-k-HSZw-Jhz1SSPBgNS32z0NOUyX!2e10!3e12!!7i3264!8i1840!4m11!1m5!8m4!1e1!2s108967145613309323010!3m1!1e1!3m4!1s0x469448188fe7c007:0x4a33aee51e631917!8m2!3d59.3746533!4d28.1754511

A place called Narva Border Market Ou, located on 15, Voidu Prospekt. The google street view definitely doesn't match the front image, which appears to be a bike shop advertising 'Color Kids', even though Sammy praises them for the GPS hardware and garmin collars??!

Just a few things seem really odd:

I don't really use google street view a lot but I don't remember buildings ever being blurred oiut.

The website for Narva Border Market matches the name of the shop in the front image,, which seems to indicate this is a multi-brand corporation that sells various product lines - as well as GPS, bikes, shoes & dog collars, they also sell coffee, metal detectors and baby carriers (?!). On their credit report they are also wholsalers of chemical products...

I thought maybe the street view was perhaps a glitch but the address listed on the website matches the address of streetview - I honestly can't see a company of this supposed size operating out of an ambandoned block of flats in the corner of Estonia.

The person who took the picture used at the front, showing the bike shop, is one Sergey Gridin who reviewed the place in Russian, translated as : "On sale baby strollers, car seats. An excellent selection of metal detectors at surprisingly low prices. For buyers from Russia - everything is 1/6 cheaper due to tax refund. Search for goods in Europe for the customer"

What is it with metal detectors?

He like Sammy has been around a bit and offered a fair few reviews around Europe. Like this one, for 'Varialift Airships PLC', a property management company (?!) which, like your Nica pizzeria is just a house in a suburb, but in England. "I`d like to be a passenger in first flight!",11.538538,5z/data=!4m6!1m5!8m4!1e1!2s103349759931054749440!3m1!1e1

Edgewla ago

Intersting find

NICA - Norfolk International Community Advocacy

2nd floor - Room 208 & 209, 107 Seekel St, Norfolk, VA 23505

(757) 439-5464

They are connected to CASA ( court appointed special advocates)

"Norfolk CASA volunteers advocate for abused and neglected children in the city of Norfolk. We are the child's voice in court, and a support for them during this most confusing and traumatic time. As the ‘eyes and ears of the judge,’ we investigate and report our findings to the court at each hearing. Advocating always for the best interest of the child, we stay by their side until they are in a safe and permanent placement."

It's a national foster care network... meaning it's not just based in Norfolk.

Majoodeh ago

I used to live in VA beach and was doing some unrelated research, stumbled on a similar pattern close to centerville turnpike. A bunch of fake looking businesses in nice looking neighborhoods.

Not sure how to link but look up Navajo bazaar and Undercover bling on google maps. They're on opposite sides of the street and both in culdesacs. Some other ones scattered around the same area too.

Also worth mentioning, there's a greek pizza place that used to be in the same area that's now closed down. Their website is now incest porn. Idk if related or if any of this is anything just thought it was all odd.

Edgewla ago


2360 Christopher Pl # 1, Tallahassee, FL 32308

(850) 488-8191

If you look at Nica in the Florida medical world, it get a little interesting. Google yields some interesting stuff

MercurysBall2 ago

Any links you find please post them. There's definitely a network of links to the Florida medical world.

Edgewla ago

Hey everyone, been following this since the start, found one that may be in Louisville. Check it out on google earth, it’s the same as the rest, just a house.

Nica Products

1923 Winston Ave, Louisville, KY 40205

Edgewla ago

I would love to find more info on any tunnels in Bel Air, Hollywood Hills or the palisades. Trying think this is something to connect. Look at the placement of these 3 Nica inc houses... maybe a stretch but what about any kinda star alignment or planetary alignment. If anyone has been to the Griffith observatory(same area) or read about it, its has astrological significance...

Griffith Observatory

2800 E Observatory Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90027

(213) 473-0800

Edgewla ago

Another strange "cafe" by the Nica chapel.

Mikol's place

25650 Rохьuгу Dгive 4J3F+V8 маdега са 93638, Los Angeles, CA 90046

(833) 939-0324

Also the name of the mountain that has the Nica inc chapel is called "Mt Olympus"

CountZero33 ago

Mikols place is odd, and the number is completely unknown as far as reverse number searches go

Nastyjew ago

A good trick of the trade is to add the number as a contact in your phone. Then go to a social media app like Instagram or twitter for example and sync contacts to the app and see if the number has an account that pops up

Edgewla ago

I feel like we're building up to a big reveal. It really seems like it. People are waking up left and right and some really big names are starting to speak up.

Side note, there is a kids camp down on the beach, that almost follows that line directly. The site has a locked members area only behind it. In the registration section There is a recommendation option called "peach head". I'm not sure what to think of that, and I can't find anything else on it. It seems highly out of place though

Lunareclipse ago

searched for peach head and found this website

scroll down on the page and found "Once you join the PHMain group, you can join the Peachhead Subgroups: PHCaregivers to get recommendations from other parents on nannies, and PHClassifieds to buy and sell your baby and household items. "

sell your baby????

Ksgbook88 ago

Baby items

Angelis_Solaris ago


Edgewla ago


The playboy manson nearby has tunnels too. May or May not be related. playboy Mansion tunnels

Edgewla ago


"The editorial staff at playboy recently revealed that they have discovered a bunch of dusty old blueprints, plans and photographs in an unfinished basement area of the Playboy Mansion, which unveil a network of underground tunnels that allegedly once linked Hefner’s notorious bachelor’s pad to the homes of “Mr. J. Nicholson,” “Mr. W. Beatty,” “Mr. K. Douglas” and “Mr. J. Caan” during the late 1970s and 80s"

MercurysBall2 ago

We have a number of posts on Voat about that. I'll dig up some threads for you in a while.

Edgewla ago

Also this is an interesting read. [Elon Musk's Tunnel Vision for Los Angeles


MercurysBall2 ago

Here you'll find some of our posts on Musk's tunnelling company

Edgewla ago

Screenshot of some texting the number of the pizza place

Nastyjew ago

What was the name of this pizza place “?

Nastyjew ago

I found the Snapchat for that phone number “Nica.fried”


Iphone wifi calling only perhaps. It's likely an apple OS cellphone.

Jsmith543 ago

I tried to call,but it said there are restrictions on this line??

Doom4you ago

“Welcome to Verizon wireless. Your call could not be completed because there are restrictions on this line. Goodbye.”


@IShallNotFear Have you seen this?

IShallNotFear ago

Yes, I read the above article and looked at this picture and some of the other comments. I did not read them all as there is a lot to digest. This screenshot has been archived but I don't know what to make of the phone conversation. Other than it not being very professional, I don't see any smoking gun. The person texted vague questions and got vague answers. If I'm not understanding the importance of these texts please let me know.

Edgewla ago

BohemianBella ago

Maybe that older couple has nothing to do with it, and the address itself is code for another location. If it were the real location, that would be too easy; I am starting to think. I don't foresee people of that age using the internet to ping secret info. I think we need to dig deeper and leave the older adults alone, but we aware that this address is something; it just might not be this exact place. Let's further check the Homeowners of the other locations too.

Edgewla ago

We should look into children/grandchildren that may actually stay there. Also It could be rented to someone?

Alalao ago

Or they could be there just to open the doors and send the “client” downstairs to business..

Sounds crazy but i have seen in movies 🤣

BohemianBella ago

Possible. I only know when I hear the age of of 90 and 94 I think of my own grandparents who are although pretty good with internet, are out of the loop with this kind of lifestyle. Then again I shouldn't assume.

Edgewla ago

The pizza delivery house

This address has been used for business registration by National Prescription Center Inc. Singerman Sam and Harriet Trs own this real estate property. The building was constructed in 1963. The property is 57 years old, which is nine years younger than the average age of a building in Los Angeles of 66 years. The total living area is 2,656 sqft. The price of improvements made to this parcel is $120,210. Public records indicate that one permit has been issued for activities on the site. Here are some excerpts from the application. The most recent permit’s date is September 17, 2018. The property is classified as a single family dwelling. #4369031011 is the parcel number. This home features three bedrooms. The house has three full baths. This is a one-storey house. The house's living area is 2,656 sqft. 0.42 acres is the land size. The lot's width is 106 ft, depth is 174 ft. The approximate length of the perimeter is 560 ft. As for parking options, they are as follows: 1 space. The ZIP code for this address is 90077 and the postal code suffix is 2621. Rent value for a two bedroom unit in the zip code 90077 is estimated at $2,930 a month

Edgewla ago

Ok, here's one.

This fucker Sammy made the following comment:

MSI Photography studio
44 Jendale, Hull HU7 4BD, United Kingdom

- 2 months ago
Love the sexy poses

Go check the website and Google images. It's all babies.

Angelis_Solaris ago

And he also has a youtube page full of babies....


Can you link it please?

Angelis_Solaris ago

Actually Ed posted it above I believe. It's Sammy's youtube account:


Thank you Angelis- wasnt saucing you- just wanted to see it, and couldn't find.


@shewhomustbeyobeyed can you help archive this stuff?

Edgewla ago

Nica may be a Rothschild connection someone pointed out

The name Nica...

Edgewla ago

Anyone find it strange that Gemma Wenger Ministries is a few doors down and a random house?

volunteerwork2020 ago

She definitely has connections.

Edgewla ago

Some of the addresses found

Nica Inc

1201 Chantilly Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90077

(805) 603-7051

Nica Global

373 Loftyhill Dr, Malibu, CA 90265

(626) 261-4500

Nica Inc

759 Ocampo Dr, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272

(805) 603-7051

Nica Inc

2382 Nichols Canyon Rd, West Hollywood, CA 90046

(805) 603-7051

Nica Cargo

914 S Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90015

Auto Nica Body Parts

6309 S Western Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90047

(323) 971-2650

Quesillos Comida Nica

8014 Seville Ave, Huntington Park, CA 90255

Also the address below has some interesting reviews and reviewers when looked at with context

El Nica Restaurant

2212 W Pico Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90006

(213) 365-0074

ProtectEIR ago

Locations Map for Quick Viewing

Distances as the Crow Flies:

Pizza to Welder [5.2 miles approx.]

Pizza to Chapel [5.7 miles approx.]


Nice map. This is helpful.

BohemianBella ago

Here from Reddit research too. Finally became a user. Thanks for this post. Supposed underground bunker and tunnels under the Getty Museum as well which is near by, closer than the playboy mansion if I am not mistaken.


You are very welcome, and You arent mistaken.


EXACTLY. How many other iconic LA sites within a 3 mile radius have underground tunnels? Getty Center, UCLA, Playboy Mansion, ManDEVILle Canyon ... This is the same area of the recent weird fires too.

MercurysBall2 ago

MercurysBall2 ago

How many other iconic LA sites within a 3 mile radius

There's also Greystone Mansion

Greystone Mansion is also the location of "The Annual Hollywood Ball," where hundreds of celebrities gather each year for a grand fashion show, dinner and auction to raise money for the Pure Foundation, helping children in need around the globe.

Pure Foundation? I can't find it.


I'm familiar... Thats a club ran out of an old mansion AKA Greystone Manor. I'm also remembering SNCTM hosting some of their sex parties there/ and out of "mansions" in the same Beverly Hills area.

MercurysBall2 ago

Sam Singerman who lived there was a pharmacist

And at the 'chapel' we have a doctor from Cedars-Sinai. Don't want to give more details about him at this point. Just thought that connection interesting because

whatdaheck ago

Wow this could be a big find. If you check “Nica Inc in Bel Air” on google maps, it looks like a home, yet two people have reviewed it.

One of the comments talks about checking the Yelp waitlist.

“Yelp Waitlist allows you to view a restaurant's live wait time and join the waitlist remotely via the Yelp app or on before arriving at the restaurant. ... In the app, you'll be able to see the time you should check in by, view your place in line, share your place in line or leave the waitlist“

Whatever this place is, looks like they are busy. Cringe


Great find. He mentioned the reviews containing possible code.

whatdaheck ago

Also there are mismatched orange traffic cones out in the driveway, discouraging cars to park out in front of the garage. People must be trying to park there often enough to warrant some cones.

whatdaheck ago

Yeah, I’m having trouble finding the business on yelp. One of the comments from google maps mentions the chicken there, which I’ve heard could mean young boy.


! Another good find. Can you copy paste quote or post the link please?

NinaSparrow ago

Wow what the actual FUCK!?!?


whatdaheck ago

Sure thing. Here you go

ProtectEIR ago

Here from the reddit research. Thanks for setting this up.


You're welcome. Please chime in with anything you can from the comment section. Seems you reds already found a lot.

darkknight111 ago

Given its proximity to LA and Hollywood, do you think these are connected to the underground tunnels under Universal Studios?

Dam, this is the 2nd witness account today.

Gonna be making my post some time later....I know the identity of Judith Barsi’s true killer.

millennial_vulcan ago

You’re a mod now.

Who’s the killer?

darkknight111 ago

Danny Kapon. 61 years old. Encino. Israeli national. Hitman/CP Producer. Deep connections to pedowood and the Deep State.

millennial_vulcan ago

I’m speechless DK. Incredible research, look forward to post and can help research if needed X

This will always be PG for me, as you know :(

Quicktor ago

you've been tearing it up lately Batman...keep your foot on Hollywood's throat...

'Spielberg'...'Disney'...'Mullholland Drive'...


Can we get an appropriate flair @darkknight111 @vindicator ? I understand if you want me to clean up and update the OP with all we have found, but this comments section is FULL. A gift that keeps on giving...

darkknight111 ago

Done, though still debating whether new lead or new evidence is the correct one?


I'd say "New Lead" - its kind of connecting a firsthand account, new suspicious materials/ information, and "old" evidence.


I'd imagine the primary benefit to a tunnel system is that they are ALL CONNECTED.

Looking forward to your post. Great work @darkknight111 .