FantomasSF ago

He also performed “I am a pizza” in 1992 at a Disney: For Our Children Concert

carmencita ago

Poop goes the weasel? What kind of song is that? Pedos love poop. And who lets their 11 yr old daughter tour with a man?

This is so all wrong.

YogiPokes ago

This guy has "pedo" written all over it!!

Truthseeker3000 ago

He has an Instagram: thepeteralsop. Since when is this freak a “Doctor” his website is listed as also his son is listed as Ian Flanders from his Insta. Ellen Geer is Peter Alsops wife. Willow Geer and Megan Geer-Alsop are their daughters. Peter is still performing for kids camps in Topanga California where he still lives.

Instagram: alsopfamilyadventures almost 12k followers for a family with babies and some of the pics are just weird with adults with their hands on babies bums. Next is: michaelalsop he is a “photographer” and father of the babies from Virginia

Peter Alsop wrote a parenting book called Nurture the art of parenting!!

YogiPokes ago

Of course he's a "photographer"!


Look up the MKUltra connection to Laurel / Topanga Canyon and the music industry...

allahead ago

Guy could be a pedo but it's the triangle spiral and the rounded triangle that is associated with pedophilia, not the circular spiral.

YogSoggoth ago

I disagree, the rounded one most likely means goes both ways. I have seen it in too many places now.

allahead ago

Have you seen it any places related to pedophilia though? I've seen it lots of places, including on cave walls from thousands of years ago.

auchtung ago

Found another goodie on this scum fuck....! Friends with pedos

Yuke ago

Friends with pedos indeed. Too coincidental. If he has links to Jimmy Saville this one is done.

YogSoggoth ago

He has the Saville haircut at bottom, but kind of looks like Randy Any on the seesaw.

CJFish ago

I have a gut reaction of visceral disgust to all of these images. Not that this proves anything, but this shit feels very "off" to me.

Aasb ago

Same. What does the spaghetti picture symbolize other than pedophilia, seriously.

fartyshorts ago

Does anyone know how long this has been a thing?

The website where the symbols originate is from 1998 and they claimed to have invented the symbols, but who knows.

auchtung ago

Okay, so his wife is the director of Theatricum Botanicum a theater school that does children, teen, and adult classes.

Hispeedtim2876 ago

auchtung ago


TheAntiZealot ago

Whose face is on the moon in the "Stayin' Over" poster?

Hispeedtim2876 ago

I don’t know. Who?

auchtung ago

The Alsop Family is well connected, CIA, journalism, publishing, law, politics, merchants, OSS, Yale's Scroll and Key Society... I for some reason am having an issue finding out who his parents are. I havent checked out his wife yet, but she is an actress, so i am guessing you have opened one hell of a rabbit hole.

auchtung ago

So I have checked about every way I know how to find out who his parents are, however even checking, however no luck. Anyone have access to a genealogy site or maybe a background site?

auchtung ago

He worked with emotionally disturbed children.

Aasb ago

Savile style?

auchtung ago

This will give you the shivers....

carmencita ago

Her first fin was Hocus Pocus also starting Bette Midler. We just discussed that witch. Many of her other movies were horror films. She worked with Kubrick in EWS and Wes Craven. Her dad is a psychologist. Look at that picture of her. Look at her eyes. She has no soul.

TheAntiZealot ago

Vinessa Elizabeth Shaw was born on July 19, 1976, in Los Angeles, California, the daughter of Larry Shaw and actress Susan Damante. Shaw's father, a native of Los Angeles, is a psychologist and former adjunct professor of psychology at Antioch University. Her family's original surname was "Schwartz", and her ancestry includes Russian-Jewish (from her paternal grandfather), Italian (from her maternal grandfather), German, Irish, English, Mexican, and Swedish. Her name, Vinessa, spelled with an "i" rather than the common "a", was a variation of her grandfather's name, Vincent.

Shaw made her first formal performance in a UCLA acting camp short at age 10, and subsequently toured with children's folk singer Peter Alsop at age 11. She also signed on with the Elite Models agency in 1989 at the age of 13 before beginning her acting career, and did a few modeling jobs and commercial work throughout her earlier career.

auchtung ago

Makes a man wonder. I am still trying to find his parents, because the Alsop family in Connecticut are super well connected, but I have yet to flesh it out. Almost like it is intentional. I never have this much of an issue finding lineage.

Truthseeker3000 ago

It has a Jewish menorah on it. And Chris Moose takes away the Christ in Christmas.

TheAntiZealot ago

Whose face is on that moon?

auchtung ago

No idea, what is it supposed to be?

TheAntiZealot ago

Two kids bent over; one one Peter's arm with pizza and a girl drooling at the pizza. And the other down below with a gator's mouth open.

The animals in this one have strange expressions on their faces.

YogSoggoth ago

The dog is humping the couch and balls are popping out from under the cushion? The bear is well known in pedo code, as are most furries.

auchtung ago

Fuuuuucking anger.