eucalyptus_spearmint ago

The penalty is definitely not high enough.

new4now ago

I agree

There are folks who spend more time in jail for Pot then those who abuse kids or watch kids being abused

That's what happens when you stack our judicial system

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Plus, every time someone watches child pornography, that child is re-abused. Nobody has the right to view a child just like no one has the right to view a grown woman against her will! Imagine how dirty and humiliated they must feel to grow up knowing millions of perverts view them at their most vulnerable and take pleasure in their suffering. #noeasysentences

new4now ago

We have been looking up to people who not only dont deserve it, but abuse it

You would think people in Goverment, Law, Health, Military are people we should trust

Argggg, that red pill keeps kicking me in the gut everyday

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Look up higher than people, friends. Put your trust in the Lord, He never fails. But I know where you are coming from. Public officials are held, supposedly, to a higher standard. Still, I know where my hope comes from!

I_Helppp_1 ago

Maximum sentence of three years and eight months. For distributing and downloading adults raping children. It's one small step from a predator watching and sharing child porn to committing a child rape themselves. I don't know the statistics about this next claim but, to me, it seems like it is more common than not for serial rapists and murderers to have started out with viewing/collecting violent porn.

I get that it isn't ethical by any means to imprisin a person because of what they MIGHT do in the future because of the documented progression of criminals similar to them carrying out the scenarios they get off on in the porn.

I don't know what the solution is for the problem of such minimal sentences being applied to heinous crimes like child porn. It appears to accomplish nothing.

new4now ago

That's what I dont get

They say viewing CP not the same as those that abuse the kids

Tied together in my book

Supply and demand

Your right in how long until viewer tries it himself

Now you have child dolls being made for these warped people, mostly men

With all these groups, in the US alone, that are supposedly fighting to stop this, why is it getting worse

I dont think the penalty is high enough

jealoushe ago

I agree, the solution is castration which is the only known cure for pedos.

I_Helppp_1 ago

Probably true. I believe one hundred percent of them are mentally ill with a diagnosis criteria that hasn't been discovered yet.

Niggardly_Jew ago

Not pizzagate related.

new4now ago

I disagree

We look up to these people,


The director of artificial intelligence medicine at Cedars-Sinai hospital

This is what Nicole Junkerman's Owkin Company does

Peer-to-peer sharing bypasses downloading from a web browser and can help a user avoid detection.

So how did he get caught?

It explains how they are trying to cover up their crimes

But if Mods disagree, we know what will happen

shiva4senate ago

this is stuff that Epstein is interested in as well.

new4now ago

China been doing bad stuff with it

derram ago :

A Los Angeles hospital director has been arrested on child pornography charges, DA says - CNN

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