mollyzbrownpizza ago

Wow great work!

carmencita ago

Oh no. Not Roy and Dale. Another Disappointment.

Factfinder2 ago

Great work!

bopper ago

Remind me to tell you about my meeting with Roy Rogers at his house you mentioned one night where he answered the door w/ a shotgun, in his pajama's. Unless I get in trouble for larping. Right now I'm kind of down lol.

Edit: "But Bopper you always say that, my gosh!" On a serious note, yeah he was big time Hollywood and he and Dale his wife were really into kids and charity work, supposedly big time Christians.

Nothing would surprise me, they kept a very friendly public persona but probably all show (as in show biz). I think Roy was quite powerful and def a big star back in the day. International star.

You're gonna shatter my childhood memories of Roy w/ that Linda Lovelace story. Everybody is so screwed up and not who they appear to be. Roy prob'ly knew Reagan well.

carmencita ago

I am going to be shattered too, but am ready, especially after all the other let downs. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. But. I am not too thrilled with believing anything out of the Enquirer. Was he a philanderer? Could be. Was his org. suspect. Could be. There have been many of these children's orphanages and homes that were horrible places where the elite "received" their victims. I am saying we should do research on this and then come to a decision. I am thinking this will not come out good for the org. but that article with Lovelace is a little over kill. They are not known for their high class journalism, Just Sayin'.

bopper ago

Hey Carmencita, I'd be disappointed too. But I'm not surprised about anyone anymore. I didn't read the Lovelace article. You and I are close to the same age.

When younger we knocked on Roy's door at 11PM at night cause my California cousins lived near him. He had no gates or walls. This was not long after the Manson murders and relatively close to same area. So I'm sure we spooked him (I was telling my cousins they were lying about knowing where he lived).

Dale spoke through the door and we told her we wanted to see Roy and she said hang on and got him. He was in his PJ's and holding a shotgun. Asked us what this was all about. We convinced him we were just innocent kids wanting to see him and he relaxed. He said go to his museum tomorrow.

So while at the counter to pay (next day) Dale called and told the cashier to let us in free, and apologized about Roy having a shotgun but that he was a "deputy sheriff" in the town. They were nice people outwardly. So we got to see Trigger who was stuffed. And the dog. Trigger is in Branson MO now but not open to public.

Roy's museum was in Victorville, above LA, and his home was a few miles away in Apple Valley. We were surprised how relatively modest the home was. Of course back then the area wasn't so built up. I love California. Okay all done!

equineluvr ago

Please -- we do not "investigate" here.


We are armchair researchers. Googling in your armchair in your living room is NOT "investigating."

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago

I smell a rat.

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago

Who the fuck put you in charge horsefucker. This is a fucking investigation, consider it a tribute to the "real investigators" the world has known in the past. In the face of adversity those long-gone heroes did their part to investigate, with the means they had. Much in the same way we're using our meager means to investigate PG. Also: It's about time someone gave a slap in the face of all the corrupt and chickshit "real investigators" who aren't doing shit.