Magonia ago

Gimme a pizza with bananas! It's a pizza with a peel. (Appeal?) or maybe banana pizza = uncircumcised boy? What the actual fuck?

Oh and OP didn't bold it but near the end : A television set? Or better yet? A butterfly net.

It's not a significant line but if you take the butterfly logos into consideration and the whole MK ULTRA thing I feel it needs to be to the very long list of fucked up things in this song.

And what the actual fuck would a pizza with a butterfly net be? A kid that can lure "butterflies" into its net?

concernedvegan ago

you are correct, i should have put in bold. i'll edit it.

quantokitty ago

So weird ... WTH Disney?

concernedvegan ago

YEAH, wth and wtf Disney?

rickman ago

Kangaroo? In Australia there was a TV series about a kangaroo called Skippy.

concernedvegan ago

i read in a few places in reviews that Skippy was in syndication during the 50's and 60's in the U.S. and was compared to shows like Lassie and Flipper. I've read about the skippy peanut butter references, but i haven't heard of this show before. how odd would it be that the name skippy came from a kangaroo show instead of the peanut butter brand? probably not likely, but still weird.

paulf ago

Yeah this is deeply suspicious. Pizza, ping pong, flying saucers, the name Skippy, Disney. What are the odds?

concernedvegan ago

pizza+ping pong+flying saucers+a kangaroo ( skippy the kangaroo?)= this creepy song. i don't understand how this song even got approved for release. the lyrics (i got from a lyrics site) at the end are truly disturbing, in reference to what would you like have as a topping on your pizza:

" Some sandy candy from my cousin, Andy. A block of Granite! THE ENTIRE PLANET! HAHAHA HAHAHA HA HA HA! (Hysteria sets in for the Narrator)"

what is sandy candy and why would it go on pizza? why would granite go on pizza? why would someone put the entire planet on pizza? who would approve of this song?

Judgejewdy ago

Chicken wing.

153sdsd ago

Great find, keep it up

concernedvegan ago

thank you!

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