Psalm144-1 ago

William Barr? You mean the same William Barr who said the Epstein death was indeed a suicide and that there's nothing more to see there? The same William Barr that allowed Epstein to die on his watch? THAT William Barr?

MolochHunter ago

does this letter demanding his resignation signed by 11 congresstraitors suggest he's doing the right thing by the republic or the wrong thing?

Psalm144-1 ago

All due respect, but that letter doesn't mean dick. Using one WWE characters' disdain for another WWE character does nothing to prove a point that is not all scripted show. Catch my drift?

ThisIsTheParousia2 ago

How are the Johnsons in Racine, Wisconsin “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?

Who did Donald Trump sign The Deal for “The 8th Wonder of the World” in Racine with?

How are the Rothschilds and Bauers in Racine, Wisconsin “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?

How were the past mayors of Racine “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?


When you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth, your Soul will die, but you can still help share The Truth with others who have not sold theirs.

We are the reason the False Prophet Q Anon was created.

We are the reason why Voat was closed and hidden from most search results.

We Know more than Everyone here combined.

We Know what really happened to @Jem777, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and others who Knew The Truth.

Their assassins were organized teams of professionally trained adults @MolochHunter, and it took multiple attempts in one case, but they were relentless. They also covered both up with various tactics including misinformation here on Voat.

Voat moderators could confirm easily confirm something that would Prove all of it, but they would never allow that.

Why did George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ with Jenny Moore, and later claim to have never wanted help from either Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

Who “had the drop” on George and proved to Jenny that George was Untrustworthy and Unwilling to Repent and Share The Truth?

How did Jenny find out what happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and why was she really fighting with George before she was Murdered?

The most powerful ELITES in The World will stop at nothing to silence, mock and eliminate Jesus Christ and The Truth.

The Truth has been Shared with All since The Beginning.


MolochHunter ago

oh FFS

you want me to believe Wisconsin_is_corrupt got assassinated?

when you have the exact precise unmistakeably same 'I just escaped Ed Buck's Apartment' writing style as W_i_corrupt used ?


argosciv ago

[TrustTheTruth(+alts) has] the exact precise unmistakeably same 'I just escaped Ed Buck's Apartment' writing style as W_i_corrupt


Also, fucking well done, @kestrel9.

ThisIsTheParousia ago

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, and the pilot who overheard the meeting was Murdered.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting, and the reason why Paul Ryan suddenly resigned.

We are the reason the past mayors and other officials have all resigned.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are both members of the Knights of Pythias closely connected with the Podestas and elites in Racine.

The Rothschilds and Bauers are in Racine along with several other elite families and powerful groups linked with the Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Cato Institute, Center for American Progress and many others involved.

Racine elites are who started the Art in Embassies program, and control the hotel industry which is also used for global surveillance. Trump knows this very well and made The Deal with them for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine.

The source you are referencing for the story used a stock photo, and there is misinformation just as with Seth Rich and Jeff Epstein, however the pilot was killed and Paul Ryan resigned.

Paul Ryan admitted to being involved in the meeting an exchange with a Fox reporter.

What just happened with the Mormon church and the Boy Scouts?

What is the I-94 Project and how is it connected to elite pedophiles, the Podestas, Tom DeLonge, Ashton Kutcher, John McCain, Carthage College, Penn State University and the Vatican?

Who mentored Paul Ryan, and what program did Paul work so hard to stop?

What did The Pope just announce and how it that connected to Racine?

We Know more than Everyone here combined.

We are the reason why Voat is closed.

The Truth is banned and censored from Voat.

You are all Witnessing The Truth before your very eyes.

What was the last submission made by @Jem777 and who would know what happened?

This is not a LARP or a game.

The assassinations were real, and so is The Truth.

MolochHunter ago

what does he even get out of running the same lie no one believes for 2 years now? All in vain.

it can only be mental illness

ESOTERICshade ago

what does he even get out of running the same lie no one believes for 2 years now?

You mean the self admitted source of disinformation named Qanon that is wrong more than a broken clock?

MolochHunter ago

his 'broken clock' was just synchronised with Barr, Horowitz and Durham's clocks

now, you can think what you like about whether the DoJ is corrupt or not, but there's no more question that Q is working directly with them

ESOTERICshade ago

but there's no more question that Q is working directly with them

Great. That means Q is a criminal like Barr. Barr was the lead man in the Iran Contra dug and gun running scheme. He was the point man for Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. You know back when they slit the throats of those innocent boys and put them on the train tracks for a train to run over. Barr was the guy that watched the money. Barr discovered that some of their criminal associates had skimmed 100 million dollars from the take and told them basically "whoever is stealing our money better stop before you get yourself killed."

It never ceases to amaze me that NONE of you Qberts bother to look into the past behavior of Trump's swamp creatures. Oh, and Barr also let Epstein skate. And there is much more.

MolochHunter ago


so we have 3 scenarios:

1) Q / team Barr / Trump are, despite the sins of their past, now reformers who will significantly damage the global pedomafia

2) Q / team Barr / Trump are bluffing and will just chop off a tentacle or two of the pedomafia to fool the public that they are 'the good guys'

3) Q / team Barr / Trump are totally bluffing and will do fuck all while increasing public awareness of the pedomafia and the nature of corruption

even scenario 3) is a gain in public awareness

I mean - in Q's absence, what 'clean up' job would WE be doing otherwise? NONE. NOTHING. We dont have the numbers, we dont have the authority. We'd just be skulking around voat with shit on our liver every day like you, ES

so even if Q ends u disappointing tens of millions, thats tens of millions more that now know something needs to be done

ESOTERICshade ago

I have a 4th scenario. Q is the t shirt selling grifter Coleman Rogers from Patriot Soapbox that got using the Q trip code twice. And this grifter serves nothing more than covering Trump's ass while Trump fills his cabinet with criminals like Barr and Goldman Sachs bankers. That fact that yall have not been able to see the evolution of "qanon" over the last couple of years and realize that this newest grifter is about Qanon number is pretty sad.

MolochHunter ago

so what youre telling me

if I understand this right

is that Coleman Rogers repeatedly redicts 1:29 9 December as a date of significance for the Department of Justice

and in fulfullment of his prediction, Barr Horowitz and Durham all synchronise their public statements at 1:29

So, what? Its your contention that Barr Durham and Horowitz are doing it for a cut of the t shirt profits? Yea. I'm sure that explains their motivation 🙄

ESOTERICshade ago

Now you are speaking nonsense to ignore the facts. I said none of that. Later.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt ignore the fact. I incorporated the possibility of Barr's corruption in my 3 scenarios, did i not?

yes i did

it is You who has yet to allow the Fact of the 1:29 9th Dec co-ordination between Q & the DoJ to be incorporated into analysis

argosciv ago

Gonna go ahead and give you props for this, 6 days after the fact.

Not only because, regardless of my own position and ES's dodging, you succinctly pointed out the need to factor the 1:29 anomaly into claims such as "Q is not connected to officials in/with access to the Trump admin", seeing as how it shits on them – but also because it'll be an interesting experiment to see how quickly I get downvoted in such an old, nested and peripheral to a suspected stalker comment...

Vindicator ago

Said stalker has become very active lately. Interdasting. I figured, it being a guvmint holiday, that wouldn't be the case.

ESOTERICshade ago

it is You who has yet to allow the Fact of the 1:29 9th Dec co-ordination between Q & the DoJ to be incorporated into analysis

IF it were even true or important it would only mean Q is part of Barr's criminal cabal. Not something I would be using as a "q proof" if I were you.

Vindicator ago

That's my thinking. Possibly the alter of someone with DID.

MolochHunter ago

well i dont mind which personality he talks to me with, just so long as he doesnt bullshit me with whatever one he uses

twistedmac11 ago

I don't see how this is pizzagate related. There's no direct link to elite pedophilia, only indirect through Q. If this is enough of a connection, why can't we post any old news article about the Clintons or Podestas here?

darkknight111 ago

The connection is that a lot pf people involved in covering for the sickos are implicated.

Ie, the accomplices.

twistedmac11 ago

So another indirect connection. Because those people are being implicated by Q, that makes this post pizzagate related?

Rule 1: Relevance: Posts must be directly relevant to investigation of Pizzagate

Emphasis on "directly" is not mine - that's how its shown in the sidebar. So, again, how is this directly related to pizzagate? Or can I post anything involving the Clintons, Podestas, etc here, even if it has nothing to do with pedophilia?

21yearsofdigging ago

Nothing surprises me and if only we could see how really convoluted the world is, we would die of heart attacks. Behind the scenes none of us would believe what is going on. It is a nightmare and most have no idea. By the way, am convinced after today, that Brad Pitt is the father of my daughter. I know, most will find this funny or silly but I mean it. Believe the information because I often don't want to read the road signs, too gruesome. P.S. took down my post on Paul Newman because we already have enough problems and it is true, never saw him in the act but had enough people telling me the same stories.

think- ago

Maybe you might want to repost your Paul Newman submission to v/pizzagatewhatever - I'd love to read it, missed it here. Thanks! :-)

21yearsofdigging ago

Sure, if I live that long

human_2000 ago

Barr, Durham & Horowitz have constitutional powers and authority to do their jobs. Why go through Q?

Q = No Accountability + Plausible Deniability

Until I hear it from the horse's mouth, I assume it's coming from the horse's arse.

Psalm144-1 ago

Human_2000 is right, you know....

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

doubt Q's Authenticity as a clandestine counter intelligence operation within the Trump administration

'clandestine counter intelligence operation' could also easily be interpreted as' re-elect DJT2020 campaign operation', couldn't it?

this is the biggest Q proof yet, and it proves that Q Anon is working with US A.G. Barr, Prosecutor Durham & IG Horowitz.

And that is linked to what? You haven't explained what the FISA Review has to do with pedophilia.

Do we have any submissions on FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation? I don't recall this.

Please answer my questions, I am trying to understand how this is relevant. Honestly.

Roughpatch ago

Have any of you compiled your "research" and presented it to anywhere but here? Has your research helped in any investigations? Three years is a long time, you should have pages and pages of info.

Roughpatch ago

I deserved every one of your downvotes, you caught me pointing out how just freaking hawkish this sub is. I guess not one of you compiled anything on paper or video and sent your findings to someone who could present it to the public all nice and neat. Facts. So your research, deleting comments or posts because of rules, calling people names and infighting, is for nothing? Just power? Pat yourself on the back, let's get this party started.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why are you asking me? OP is the asshole who posted this drivel.

Maybe you should ask Q team, they 'Have It All' don't you know?

Roughpatch ago

Must have went over your head!!! Click click

darkknight111 ago

How the FISA Review relates to us?

Many of the people implicated are either Pizzagate suspects (Obama) or involved in the coverup protecting the elite pedophiles (accomplices).

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okay, then shouldn't OP make those connections in his submission? Have we got any evidence on Obama? This is shit.

Why is it okay for Qtards to post crap from their shitposting sub here? This is forum sliding legitimate submissions. The Qturds have 5 or 6 other subs to circle jerk each other off in.

MolochHunter ago

If it is contended that Q anon is an undisputed part of the Trump administration, then it stands to reason that as an unofficial policy, nodded and winked to supporters of the Trump administration via Q, that Trump A) admits pizzagate is real, and B) has an ethical responsibility to bring justice to the perpetrators

It doesnt matter whether or not it is an openly articulated 'Campaign Promise' of Trump - Trump knows that his supporters (those who follow Q at least) regard it as his acknowledged responsibility to do something about the pizzagate networks

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Your if/then statement doesn't answer my questions. I'll try again.

  1. You say, "clandestine counter intelligence operation". I say, " re-elect DJT2020 campaign operation". Can you prove that I'm wrong?How does your scenario relate to PG?

  2. What does the FISA Review have to do with Elite Pedophilia? Why should we believe any of it?

  3. Do we have any submissions on FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation?


I don't think worship of politicians belongs here. NO ONE has been tried and executed, no one is in jail. All we are seeing is a regime change.

When it is PROVEN that Q is legit, AND not working against the people. THEN we should document any evidence that Q brings forward. That hasn't happened yet.

Vindicator ago

You say, "clandestine counter intelligence operation". I say, " re-elect DJT2020 campaign operation". Can you prove that I'm wrong?How does your scenario relate to PG?

Let's posit that you are correct and Donald Trump has created the citizen-fueled corruption research and networking movement known as QAnon as part of his "Drain the Swamp" platform to increase his popularity and win re-election. Why is that bad?

Why do you think involving Joe Citizen in researching and exposing globalist corruption -- including their abuse of kids -- is not related to pizzagate?

What does the FISA Review have to do with Elite Pedophilia? Why should we believe any of it?

Let me quote from our Definition of Pizzagate, which reads "Relevant submissions would be any content that can be linked (by the OP in a sourced explanation) to organized human trafficking of children, the sexual/physical abuse and/or murder of those children, and/or the systematic cover up of these activities and/or the protection/assistance provided to the people who engage in said activities."

Using illegally obtained FISA warrants to wiretap the candidate (Donald Trump) who ran on the promise to Drain the Swamp, Build the Wall, and stop child trafficking falls squarely under "systemic cover up" and "protection provided to the people who engage in" pizzagate.

Furthermore, using information obtained from that illegal surveillance to attempt to destroy Trump supporters who spoke up about pizzagate such as General Mike Flynn and Roger Stone is also clearly directly related.

Do we have any submissions on FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation?


@MolochHunter you are welcome to add any of this to the body of your OP that you see fit.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Let's posit that you are correct and Donald Trump has created the citizen-fueled corruption research and networking movement

That's what you and the other qtards call it, not me. NOT what I said. DJT re-election campaign headquarters created Q, is my guess.

Why do you think involving Joe Citizen in researching and exposing globalist corruption -- including their abuse of kids -- is not related to pizzagate?

Why are you asking such a stupid question? I see posting Q as redundant, most all of Q PG stuff came from here in order to hook researchers away from digging deeper, I think it makes people go backwards in truth, not forward. Qtards are incapable of redpilling pizzagaters, since they still think government is gonna fix PG. The people who knew about this before 1990, have experienced the Governments help before, they know different.

candidate (Donald Trump) who ran on the promise to Drain the Swamp, Build the Wall, and stop child trafficking

When did DJT promise to end child trafficking? I missed it. You do know that walls are made to keep people in, too. I would rather 'gut shoot 'em at the border' than waste money on wall.

Do we have any submissions on FBI's Crossfire Hurricane Investigation?

Yep - - You use 'russia trump' as search words, not 'crossfire hurricane'

There have only been 2 submissions to PG that metion it - One of them by @NOMOCHOMO - & by @13buddha. Would you please unban him, you said you would.

It's nice that the GA Mods can get you to do their work for them. Too bad OP is too stupid and cowardly to answer for himself.

If he had even come close to providing any sort of answer, I wouldn't have kept asking.

Vindicator ago

Don't worry. Your "asking" has been highly enlightening.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Why can't I ask questions?

Vindicator ago

Did someone say you can't? Please, keep it up!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Seriously?!? Cuz if I thought you really meant that, I would take the time to go back through all of the literally hundreds of unanswered questions I've asked Qturds in the past. and post some to be answered. I know i erased many in my DMs, but there are probably still some in my comments.

MolochHunter ago

oh, another thing has come out of the woodwork

why is Q and the top brass at the DoJ all using 9 Dec 1:29 as their chosen time of reckoning?

anniversary to the minute of the JFK assassination

Vindicator ago

You don't say??? :-)

MolochHunter ago

thx Vinster

MolochHunter ago

this proves that Q is legit

just because they havent reached some arbitrary step in the process of justice that you decide, doesnt mean you get to decide on behalf of the pizzagate community not to legitimise Q posts

1) i dont have to prove youre wrong bc both propositions can be simultaneously true. they arent mutually exclusive

2) the fISA review is peripheral to elite pedophilia. But THROUGH it, we have established incontrovertible co-ordination between the DoJ and the world most widely recognised anti pizzagate/pedogate advocate known as Q anon. Why that would be bad news to anyone genuinely invested in this sub is frankly curious

3) I dont know, do we? I imagine you could find something, given the pedo porn conviction of 'star witness' George Nader

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

1} You're right, both of us can be correct. I still don't see the connection to PG. Show me clear links, please.

2) Your submission implies that the FISA Review reveals something we need to know about in PG.

Why that would be bad news to anyone genuinely invested in this sub is frankly curious

I'm curious why you want me to believe you, when you clearly have no proof. HOW IS THIS CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA? There are many PG sub members who do not follow Q.

3) If we haven't covered OP /hurricanecrossfire then how do you know it's PG related?

I dont know, do we? I imagine you could find something, given the pedo porn conviction of 'star witness' George Nader

It's YOUR responsibility to tell ME how your post is relevant to PG. Aren't you a mod on GA? You should have a ton of clearly written evidence at your finger tips.

MolochHunter ago

arguing that you cant post anything whatsoever about Q - the worlds most recognised anti pedogate proponent - unless the specific development it is 100% about elite pedophilia is like saying we arent allowed to post about the alleged assassination of Jenny Moore

bc murder is different to elite pedophila right?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

the worlds most recognised anti pedogate proponent

Nope. I have been watching Q from the beginning and "it" no longer posts about pedophilia. Just cryptic shit nobody can decipher.

Roughpatch ago

He's trolling you..

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Okay, one more time:

You said:

As Q Anon frequently posts confirmation of Elite pedophile ring issues, this post is relevanrt to Pizzagate. And I know we normally quarantine Q posts on other subs in deference for the hardcore pizzagaters who doubt Q's Authenticity as a clandestine counter intelligence operation within the Trump administration

I doubt Q Authenticity as a "clandestine counter intelligence operation within the Trump administration"

Please show me your proof.


You said:

however, in regards to his bona-fides, this is the biggest Q proof yet, and it proves that Q Anon is working with US A.G. Barr, Prosecutor Durham & IG Horowitz.

How is this related to elite pedophilia? it's politics as usual. Anybody in Gitmo, yet?


You said:

On Dec 2 Q posted a watch showing the time 1:29. At precisely 1:29 on 9 Dec, all three Lawmen posted IG reports & [rebuttals 1] and 2 (

it is also important to incorporate Q post 309 (which he reposted on 2 Dec 2019)

309 simply says 'Justice

but it was posted 9 Dec 2017 - a 2 year Delta

Where are the connections to Elite Pedos or their arrests. Still just politics.


You said:


Q first posts on Durhams 1st day of appointment, then on 9 Dec 2017 at 1:29 he says, simply ' Justice' (time and date are Mirrors 12/9 and 1:29)

precisely 2 years later, with a one week lead in reminder, Durham Barr and Horowitz make co-ordinated public addresses about draining the swamp (note the Durham announcement slipped in 4 minutes early at 1:25, for the fickle )

Where is the swamp draining, that it isn't being filled with a new batch of more of the same old shit?

No one that is a cousin of DJT has been made to pay for their crimes, not anywhere in the world. Yet we KNOW that they are guilty. Why is Q not explaining that?

Why can't you do a research post instead of trying to push something that is as easy to prove as flat-earth? Pssssh

I want Q to be true. I only see woo-woo theories. The swamp ain't draining.

MolochHunter ago

ok, one more time

Q anon could fart and it would be pizzagate related

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Q anon could fart and it would be pizzagate related

He'd fart, and you'd shove your face right in it.

Breath Deeply, Patriot.

How come not one single Qtard can answer my questions? You do know that PG existed before Q, right?

MolochHunter ago

you get answered

you just refuse to accept the answers

so you deserve all the frustration you experience over the issue

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

you get answered

You haven't answered one question.

you just refuse to accept the answers

You didn't answer my questions.

so you deserve all the frustration you experience over the issue

While you may think I'm frustrated, that would be a lie. I am capable of answering every question as to why I don't trust DJT, Q, DOJ, Jews, RCC, LDS, FBI, CIA, NSA, REP, DEM, FEMA and even OSHA. You have yet to explain to anyone who doesn't follow Q, why it should be believed.


I'm telling everyone that the mods of GA are incapable of answering one persons questions. EPIC.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @NOMOCHOMO @think-

MolochHunter ago

you want to bring in all the other mods to witness proof of my assertion that you simply dont accept answers given to you? knock yourself out

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Naw, I just think it's funny you won't give an honest answer to honest questions. I never denied not trusting Q. But I don't need to trust Q or you. If Q is all you say it is, then great, prove it. But if it is another psyop being played on everyone, then I think it belongs elsewhere, just like seth rich stuff.

@Vindicator, Why can't Q posts be forced to go to v/pizzagatewhatever, since it is an unproven theory? I bet this would solve all the problems. @EricKaliberhall @heygeorge @think- @gamepwn

Vindicator ago

Why can't Q posts be forced to go to v/pizzagatewhatever, since it is an unproven theory?

Because that would require all submissions to v/pizzagate be only made to v/pizzagatewhatever. Just about everything we research is an unproven theory:

  • Food code in the Podesta emails
  • Satanic beliefs of elite pedophiles driving child trafficking and sacrifice
  • Rampant pedophilia among numerous Hollywood celebrities
  • Epstein being part of Mossad
  • Child rape kompromat as a requirement to hold most positions of power in most countries and industries

The answer to your question is so obvious that it casts a very dark light on your intentions regarding this subverse.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

There is proof of those points you listed. Still no proof that Q is a good guy. NONE.

Why do you keep saying that my distrust of some lying anon, on another website equals "dark intentions". Or are you saying that Q doesn't lie? Cuz I know that all them Qtards run around squealing that "disinfo is necessary". it isn't needed in PG sub. We need truth.

When Q stops lying, I'll start listening. Not before.

Why is this bad?

Vindicator ago

You: Makes a proposal that would lead to the shut down of all major lines of inquiry on v/pizzagate

Me: Notes this is a sign of dark intentions

You: Claims I said you have dark intent because you don't trust Q

Dishonesty noted

ESOTERICshade ago

You: Makes a proposal that would lead to the shut down of all major lines of inquiry on v/pizzagate

Huge sack of horse shit.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Twist my words, and intentions all you want. I won't stop you. But I will forgive you.

Vindicator ago

"Twist my words" she says, after twisting my words.

So disappointing.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Separating Q into it's own sub has not "shut down all major lines of inquiry on PG", but you say that my and others wanting to keep an admitted source of disinformation out of PG, unless independently verified means we have "dark intentions".

When did valuing truthful sources become bad? You've known my opinion on this for a long time. Why are you always accusing me of things that aren't true?

Vindicator ago

I've never accused you of anything untrue. It's you who makes unsourced claims, not me. You are not arguing from a place of honesty and good will. Anyone reading this thread can see you dodging, weaving and deflecting. Just because you pretend you are not doing it doesn't make people blind. But let me spell it out for you:

Enty is an admitted source of disinfo. FBIAnon is an admitted source of disinfo. Wikileaks is widely believed by many goats to be a source of disinfo. Remember the much vaunted "Phase III" of Podesta emails that Assange never dropped? The cryptic chess board tweet? All major MSM cited in research here are sources of disinfo. A large portion of the work of this board is to analyze disinfo and document it. Why only whine about QAnon? A fair application of the dictatorial content curation you are pushing for would require removing ALL of these.

And that doesn't even take into consideration the fact that Q has been proven true dozens of times, despite your constant chanting otherwise.

Your continued desire to censor discussion of it from this board -- a board that was very likely created directly because of what later became known as QAnon -- is going to get you exactly nowhere with me. Not from you. Not from ES. Not from those he recruited during his consensus cracking operation. Not from that doxing piece of shit Slime. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever. And guess what? I don't fuck around playing games here. I've left you thugs, malcontents and manipulators no leverage points to use against me. You are stuck.

If you don't like that, I recommend you leave. You are wasting your time.

And lest you think that you will wear me down by wasting mine, you should know that every time I see another one of these QAnon attack threads it has exactly the opposite effect. The asschap fills me with joy and vindication.

On that happy note, I will leave you with Q's latest assertion:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264 Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


And here's an interesting take on just who that first unsealed indictment might be, and how it's pizzagate related: I find this plausible, given the fact Voat was hit with a three day deplatforming when we were in the middle of the Maggie Nixon photo dig.

Nahhhhh. We wouldn't want to discuss any of this on this board. No fucking way!!!!!! LMFAO

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You and your frens accuse me of being a shill, thug, malcontent(kinda true), manipulator, GG, think-, part of ES crew, ZB crew, PV crew, WoS crew. Said I have dark intentions. The only thing you haven't accused me of is dox. I thank you for that.

Enty is an admitted source of disinfo. FBIAnon is an admitted source of disinfo. Wikileaks is widely believed by many goats to be a source of disinfo.

You have allowed people to ask questions and argue about these in past. Why is it bad to argue Q? If you say me asking for Q to goto PGWE is overkill, fine.

Remember the much vaunted "Phase III" of Podesta emails that Assange never dropped? The cryptic chess board tweet?

No and no. Those were not my forte. Don't follow politics.

Why only whine about QAnon?

Because this is PG not GA, tGA, TA QRV, and all the other Q subs. And I never said that proven Q post didn't belong here. Just not all.

Your continued desire to censor discussion of it from this board -- a board that was very likely created directly because of what later became known as QAnon

Bullshit, no evidence that DJT, Q, Assange, seth rich and all others work together.

You are stuck.

No kidding. This is why I ask for proof.

If you don't like that, I recommend you leave. You are wasting your time.

Is that what you think, really?

The asschap fills me with joy and vindication.

What does asschap mean?

On that happy note, I will leave you with Q's latest assertion:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264 Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)

First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


And here's an interesting take on just who that first unsealed indictment might be, and how it's pizzagate related: I find this plausible, given the fact Voat was hit with a three day deplatforming when we were in the middle of the Maggie Nixon photo dig.

I think if that happens, it will be wonderful. What is Marker [9]? I'm not interested in someone elses take on who might be in indictment, who do you think it is?

Nahhhhh. We wouldn't want to discuss any of this on this board. No fucking way!!!!!! LMFAO

I WANT to discuss it. The minute I say don't trust Q or DJT until a cousin gets arrested everyone asumes I'm enemy instead of person who never believes politicians.

Vindicator ago

You have allowed people to ask questions and argue about these in past. Why is it bad to argue Q?

Where did anyone ever say this? More spin and shitty innuendo.

You never made a single attempt to "argue Q". All you've done here is snipe. Just a lot of bitching and moaning about how you don't believe Q. Not one single attempt at making an argument at all.

I'm not interested in someone elses take on who might be in indictment, who do you think it is?

I think there's a good chance it will be Obama, for signing off on Page and Strok's illegal surveillance. There's proof he was being kept in the loop on the whole wicked scheme.

I also know that Trump doesn't give away his moves in advance, so this could be a bait and switch designed to make them waste even more ammo. We might get an RBG state funeral out of that one.

Another possibility could be high ranking individuals in the Catholic Church. That would cause a "mass pop awakening".

I WANT to discuss it. The minute I say don't trust Q or DJT until a cousin gets arrested everyone asumes I'm enemy instead of person who never believes politicians.

Yeah...except for the fact that you want Q discussion moved to PGW. That pretty much demonstrates this claim is complete bullshit.

Bullshit, no evidence that DJT, Q, Assange, seth rich and all others work together.

There absolutely is evidence DJT, Q and Assange work together. If you bothered to "follow politics" you wouldn't make such an ignorant claim. ProTip: If you don't want to look like a shill, don't pontificate about things you admit you know nothing about.

If Rich was the source of the DNC emails, that would make him a participant as well. I tend to think that Rich gave Craig Murray the DNC emails for his own reasons, though, not because he had any knowledge of a whitehat counter-coup.

Because this is PG not GA, tGA, TA QRV, and all the other Q subs. And I never said that proven Q post didn't belong here. Just not all.

v/Pizzagate was the first Q sub on Voat, with lively collaborative research and discussion for months. The most influential voices -- at least a dozen -- were targeted and attacked by proven shills, just as you have been attacking MH for bringing up the subject, so as to split and divide the community and pit people against each other. And guess what? They failed. v/Pizzagate is still a "Q sub" and it will remain so as long as I am here.

How ironic that you claim "proven Q posts" a thread about a proven Q post that you are claiming doesn't belong. Do you even read what you write?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You never made a single attempt to "argue Q". All you've done here is snipe. Just a lot of bitching and moaning about how you don't believe Q. Not one single attempt at making an argument at all.

I have tried to vet Q, I get lost in the disinfo. When I ask questions, i am given mostly silence. People don't like questions they can't answer. The questions keep piling up to the point i forget the subject. All my own failings, i admit. Still doesn't mean I didn't try.

Yeah...except for the fact that you want Q discussion moved to PGW. That pretty much demonstrates this claim is complete bullshit.

Why is putting a submission that makes claims that haven't been proven on PGWE, a bad thing? OP stated:

It is now Incontrovertible. Q anon co-ordinates directly with Barr, Durham & Horowitz

To me incontrovertible means that one if not all three people mentioned in title CONFIRMED it by saying, "Yep, we did that".

There absolutely is evidence DJT, Q and Assange work together.

That would have probably made MSM if true. Isn't JA still in prison? If he's working with DJT, i feel sorry for him.

v/Pizzagate was the first Q sub on Voat,

Did the creator of PG sub call it that? I understand that it is your position that PG is now Q shitposting sub like GA and the others. Your sub. Your rules.

How ironic that you claim "proven Q posts" a thread about a proven Q post that you are claiming doesn't belong. Do you even read what you write?

I still say this submission doesn't even come close to what it says in the title, 'Incontrovertible' my eye.

Vindicator ago

That would have probably made MSM if true.

You have to be kidding. MSM won't touch Q with a 1000 yard pole. Just like they wouldn't address a single one of the real questions collectively known as "pizzagate". They push a set of canned talking points, none of which accurately reflect the truth.

Did the creator of PG sub call it that? I understand that it is your position that PG is now Q shitposting sub like GA and the others. Your sub. Your rules.

I love how you deliberately miscontrue what I said, which is literally true on its face, exactly as written. v/Pizzagate was the first Q sub on Voat. Literally. The first subverse to discuss Q posts was v/pizzagate. The OP who made those first posts DMed me a week ahead of time to find out how to talk about it without getting sideways with Falcon and the ruleset. The discussion was virtually shill free for a few weeks and no one had a problem with it. Then BOOM! Suddenly all the submissions on the topic were filled with trolls. I didn't take it very seriously until I saw that happen. Then I started to pay very close attention.

Why are you asking about the creator of PG? He abandoned the sub within months of pizzagate breaking, over a year before Q began leaking. Are you just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks?

To me incontrovertible means that one if not all three people mentioned in title CONFIRMED it by saying, "Yep, we did that".

That is essentially what they did do by timing their various actions to occur at the same time. You do understand what a backchannel is, right? Trump and his team can't just come out and say "Yep. That was me posting hints about classified information on 8chan." They'd actually have a reason to impeach him, then. Why would you want someone that ham fisted in charge of the nuclear codes?

It's like you don't want there to be a way for Trump to communicate with his base that the MSM can't control.

I recommend if you want to get questions answered, you ask them in good faith and stop acting like a troll all the time. No one takes you seriously anymore. Why would they waste time explaining stuff to you that if you cared you could find out for yourself?

SearchVoatBot ago

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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You have to be kidding. MSM won't touch Q with a 1000 yard pole.

I was referring more to DJT and JA working together. That would have been reported if true, imo. MSM would have had a field day with that.

I love how you deliberately miscontrue what I said, which is literally true on its face, exactly as written. v/Pizzagate was the first Q sub on Voat. Literally.

So the first round of owners DIDN'T call PG a Q sub, but I'm 'deliberately misconstruing'. Okay.

The OP who made those first posts DMed me a week ahead of time to find out how to talk about it without getting sideways with Falcon and the ruleset.

I don't know who you are talking about here. Is it iamq, iami, or someone else?

Why are you asking about the creator of PG? He abandoned the sub within months of pizzagate breaking, over a year before Q began leaking. Are you just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks?

Why can't I ask about the creator of PG? I am curious, maybe others are too. Thank you for at least admitting that Q was not involved in KKWW starting PG.

That is essentially what they did do by timing their various actions to occur at the same time. You do understand what a backchannel is, right?

This is where i get lost. Didn't it come out that most of these people don't run their Twit Accts by themselves? That assistants and other office personnel use their accts too? I know I read that somewhere, very early in my exploring the web. It surprised me cuz I would never let a secretary have access to something like twit or FB, with my name on it. My point is that i don't know if those people made those tweets, or some other people did. No way to tell.

Trump and his team can't just come out and say "Yep. That was me posting hints about classified information on 8chan." They'd actually have a reason to impeach him, then.

So your position is that DJT is a criminal, and deserves to be impeached for leaking classified intel?

My position is that Q is brainchild of reelection campaign, and doesn't have access to classified material. Therefore, DJT is not breaking law by letting Q larp.

Why would you want someone that ham fisted in charge of the nuclear codes?

I don't want ANYONE who has ever considered themselves a Democrat to have access to anything other than hemlock laced hot chocolate. RINOs SUCK BIG GREEN DONKEY DICKS (yes i was saying this years before i met Donqi)

It's like you don't want there to be a way for Trump to communicate with his base that the MSM can't control.

I didn't say djt couldn't tweet. Putting words in my mouth, again.

I recommend if you want to get questions answered, you ask them in good faith and stop acting like a troll all the time.

I asked in my Qs in good faith, they weren't answered. I have given up.

No one takes you seriously anymore.

I know you don't.

Why would they waste time explaining stuff to you that if you cared you could find out for yourself?

My questions have always been about things i could find answers for.

Fake impeachment is DOA

I'll have to take your word for that. I have no way of knowing.

or your pals would have referred it to the Senate

My pals don't have access to the Senate. Are you talking about Dems? Never had a dem pal, ever.

Q was dead right.

about what?

I'd better never see you dare to appeal to the U.S. Constitution again

I can use it as i please, it is birthright. Have you figured out 1A yet?

since you are kekking over it's systematic perversion by those pedovores.

Stop lying about me. I was laughing at Q being a liar, AGAIN.

Not only will Q be vindicated by their inability to remove Trump from office

I doubt they will be able to remove DJT from office. Although the Senate seems to hate him more than they did WJC.

Americans contributed $5 million to his campaign during Pelosi's kabuki theater.

Shame on him for taking campaign funds from the poor. I hate all politicians who do. I've long dreamed of lawsuiting the Dems out of existence, starting w/ pelosi.

I recommend you leave. You are wasting your time.

You have asked me to leave your sub. Maybe if you leave me alone, I will.

Or maybe make a submission to PGmods and make your complaints about a former PG sub member who you are sure is out to destroy all your fine work. After all, isn't that what you want everyone else to do with their complaints against others? If you really consider me to be such a subversive, then you owe it to the other PGers to make sure they know not to talk to, or listen to me. It would also be nice if you could let them know the list of people who if they fraternize with, could get them on your shit list. New people must be warned, help to keep them from wrongthink.

argosciv ago

Okay, I'm going to jump in here for a second on one particular subject:

JA (Julian Assange, etc).

Consider me an observer at most for all else, but something must be said. However, I'm standing as I type this, very much on the way to bed. I'm going to finish reading the above comment before bed and, if I have the energy, write/post my strictly-JA-related response.

If a follow-up/second reply isn't posted by me within, say, 20 mins of this one, I probably had to crash. In which case, I'll come back to it.


shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Not interested in JA, Q subs, or subjects any longer. Save your chalk for someone who will appreciate it.

When you stop making false allegations, I will stop having a problem with you.

MolochHunter ago

youre welcome to say 'dont trust Q or Trump'

no one's ever denied you that right

but you take it a step further. You want to disallow discussion of trusting Q or Trump on v/pizzagate

thats what makes you a suspicious motherfucker

i personally think Fiona Barnett is garbage

but every time soemone posts about her here, you dont see me up in the OPs face and telling mods it should be disallowed from the v/pizzagate sub , now, do you ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

My reaction to Q has become more vicious over the years. But in my defense, I used to read some of the drivel being posted.

You want to disallow discussion of trusting Q or Trump on v/pizzagate

Says you. I want people who trust them to show me proof they should be trusted. You know, like arresting someone.

i personally think Fiona Barnett is garbage


but every time soemone posts about her here, you dont see me up in the OPs face and telling mods it should be disallowed from the v/pizzagate sub , now, do you ?

What's your point? I'm not going to stop you from trying to determine if she is fake or not. Why haven't you?

MolochHunter ago

nice how you try to pursue the Fiona Barnett angle deeper, knowing i only raised it as a 'for instance', rather than concede your double standard on whats a permissable post here

you writhe like a worm

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Nice how you fail to answer my questions, again. You really are too low IQ. You should go back to letting @Vindicator fight your fights for you. He's better at it than you are.

MolochHunter ago

if im lazy its a function of just not really giving the first fuck what you think

howboudah ?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're a bit late, You've been inconsequential to me since 2016.


MolochHunter ago

lol that kinda sounds more like ive been rent free in your head since then

were you even here back in 2016? I never noticed you

MolochHunter ago

Bravo my man

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Vindicator ago

Ah, the old ad hominem bludgeon and create a hostile environment tactic. So Donkey derivative. Aren't you a peach.

@MolochHunter is about as far from being a coward as you will ever find on Voat. He has real life responsibilities that would make you blush with shame at your words. I am proud to know him.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You friend is very good at blowing

his own horn.

Your pride is noted.

Vindicator ago

Fake impeachment is DOA, or your pals would have referred it to the Senate. Q was dead right.

I'd better never see you dare to appeal to the U.S. Constitution again, since you are kekking over it's systematic perversion by those pedovores.

Not only will Q be vindicated by their inability to remove Trump from office, Americans contributed $5 million to his campaign during Pelosi's kabuki theater.

kestrel9 ago

Just my two cents... All things considered, Pizzagate doesn't exist as the spot to prove or disprove Q to be what he/they claim. So Q proofs are better posted and discussed on PGW, due to it being generally off topic. But Q related research does cover ground in PG and beyond (delving into politics and powerful people is relevant to international child trafficking topics), and some things should be freely posted here regardless of how one views that specific info (pov of being pro or anti Trump). Example: regarding

Clinton Foundation and Ukraine

(Not so much about the link provided

So if someone connects Ukraine and CF in relation to kids being exploited I see no reason why the link to that particular Q drop shouldn't be allowed to be mentioned solely because it's considered "Q" related.

Or posts relating to Adam Schiff and Standard Hotel, why shouldn't someone be allowed to mention the Q posts about those within the context of the topic, (not in an attempt to prove or disprove Q as the reason for posting).

PG contributors should be able to get along on common topics, whether the pro Trump user mentions that Q posted something relevant to a topic that is PG related or whether an anti Trump user points out why they think Trump is really not what Q claims. But the overriding goal should always be to stay on topic, respect the rules and further the body of research.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

But Q related research does cover ground in PG and beyond (delving into politics and powerful people is relevant to international child trafficking topics),

Never said that some Q post don't belong here. The problem is that Q doesn't post anything that we don't already have.

Example: regarding

Clinton Foundation and Ukraine

We had that three years ago, iirc.

Or posts relating to Adam Schiff and Standard Hotel, why shouldn't someone be allowed to mention the Q posts about those within the context of the topic,

Had this before Q, too.

PG contributors should be able to get along on common topics, whether the pro Trump user mentions that Q posted something relevant to a topic that is PG related or whether an anti Trump user points out why they think Trump is really not what Q claims. But the overriding goal should always be to stay on topic, respect the rules and further the body of research.

Thank you. It may surprise you to know, I'm not anti-DJT. I hold all elected officials to the same high standards. All of them fail, miserably.

I don't care where PG submitters get their info, as long as they can back up what they claim with clear, linear evidence, it's good to have differing sources.

EricKaliberhall ago

QAnon flair is activated.

MolochHunter ago

thunderbirds are GO

EricKaliberhall ago
