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TrustTheTruth ago

If the rule is rescinded, why is The Truth still banned?

The Blood of Jenny Moore (@Jem777) and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt are on your hands.

We know more than everyone on Voat combined.

We are the reason why Voat changed the rules and manipulated the forum to ban The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know.

We are the reason why the False Prophet Q was created.

SenateAnon was the Anon before Q, and before he went dark, one of the last things he said was:

Keep digging into Racine

The corrupt moderators partnered with those who openly worship Satan and drink blood.

The corrupt moderators conflated Pizzagate with QAnon and created the GreatAwakening for profit, censorship and manipulation.

The corrupt moderators created alts, blackmailed users, ran psyops, doxxed, attacked and threatened members of Pizzagate.

We are the reason why Voat was closed.

@Nomochomo, @EsotericShade, @fogdryer, @carmencita and many others all play their roles in the plan.

They all turned their backs on Jesus Christ and The Truth for a seat at the table with Satan’s Army.

We are the reason why 8chan was targeted.

The Truth about Racine, Wisconsin and The Deal that enables the Agenda beyond 2030 with the Mark of the Beast has been shared since The Beginning.

We are the reason why Reddit Pizzagate was shut down.

You should be afraid.

Your souls will die and be forever irredeemable.

This is not a game.

This is not a LARP.

This is The Parousia.

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

kestrel9 ago

Do you know why the pilot from the Tarmac meeting was murdered?

What is your source for that claim?

On 13 July 2017, the America’s Last Line of Defense web site published article reporting that the “Clinton killing machine” was about to get a new enrty, as a pilot named Dimitri Noonan had revealed information about a secret meeting between former President Bill Clinton, former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and House Speaker Paul Ryan... uses fake news to “expose the extreme bigotry and hate and subsequent blind gullibility that festers in right-wing nutjobs.”

In a cynical world where the news of the day often seems fake, The Last Line of Defense offers today’s busy conservative a place to go to read things they’ll enjoy and congregate with a bunch of people they agree with. So while everything on this site is a satirical work of fiction, we are proud to present it to those who will have called it real anyway.

In other words, if you believe this crap you’re a real dumbass. is arguably meta-satire. 'fiction'

But Last Line of Defense is a self-described fake news website. The site’s disclaimer states that it “present fiction as fact and our sources don’t actually exist,” so it’s reporting should not be considered factual. And, disclaimer aside, the stock image of “a confident pilot”, a photo that supposedly shows Dmitri Noonan appearing with the story, has been misidentified as Clinton pilot Dmitri Noonan.

Although Dmitri Noonan isn’t a real pilot, and the original report was a work of a fiction, new follow-up reports had emerged by July 19th that Dmitri Noonan had been found dead. Fringe websites speculated that the Clintons had Noonan killed...

Before stating that the pilot was murdered, please provide a non rumor mill source for what pilot's name is, provide source (not a fake satire site) that such a person died at all. All the spread of this story seem to expose a chain of rumor mills. If you know everything you must have an explanation for it (besides the simplest explanation, which is that you are part of the anti-conservative rumor mill industry and besides making our sub look like dumbasses, your intent is to drive traffic to those sites which exist for $$$ and whatever other politically driven reasons there may be).

You can talk like a normal person like this: and scrap the staged presence Bela Lugosi theatrics if and when you reply.

TrustTheTruth ago

We Know that Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting from First Hand Knowledge and Experience.

We are the reason the Tarmac meeting was held.

We are the reason why so many officials in the area suddenly resigned, and why they had to speed up the timeline.

What is Eugenics, and who is related to and contributed to the new mayor’s campaign?

How are Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich connected with the Knights of Pythias in Racine, and what is the story of Pythias?

How are Anthony Weiner, Chuck Schumer and Robert Byrd connected with the Knights of Pythias in Racine?

Why are the Knights of Malta and Pythias closely linked with FLDS, Boy Scouts and NASA?

What is Space Force and what is Project Blue Beam?

How is Tom DeLonge connected to Racine and the I-94 Project, and linked with the Podestas who claimed to have gotten their big break into art and politics when they met with certain people in Racine, Wisconsin?

Who are the Royal Order of Jesters and what is their role?

We also know that Paul Nehlen is a fraud.

Paul Ryan also may have slipped to a Fox reporter that he was “bamboozled” into the meeting.

Paul Ryan represents the district of Racine, Wisconsin.

His district is The Bellwether of America - even Huffington Post admitted as much.

There are certain states and districts that hold great power and importance over America.

Long ago there was a Whistleblower from Paul Ryan’s district that Knew about extreme crimes involving some of the most powerful politicians, businesses and families in the world.

What really happened to @Jem777 and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt?

Why were teams of assassins hired and sent to murder them?

What is George Webb Sweigert’s involvement?

How is MMA connected?

Who is Cesar Sayoc?

What False Flag hate speech event just occurred in Racine and why?

The past mayors, administrators, attorneys, reporters and many others in the chain suddenly resigned just as Paul Ryan did.

Why is a Russian adoptee named Jung being groomed as the next mayor of Racine as Pete was groomed for South Bend?

Paul Ryan is closely linked with Mitt Romney and the coalition between global religions that are connected with The Agenda.

There is a massive coverup of crimes and systemic abuse within the Catholic Church and Boy Scouts linked with Paul Ryan, and with FLDS groups linked with Mitt Romney.

Racine, Wisconsin is the global hub of the real definition of Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, and is the Model for the real Agenda.

The Clintons are closely connected to Racine, and Loretta Lynch was personally involved and connected to major players in Racine.

@ORDOTEMPLIINTERNETIS - Why did Kristin Bauer van Straten change her name, how is she connected to Ari Emanuel and Scientology, and what roles does she almost exclusively play and why? What was Mayer Amschel Rothschild’s real name?

The Rothschilds live in and control Wisconsin and Racine.

The weak link in the global chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons.

What industry is Trump in? Who bailed him out? Who controls the industry? What University is the key?

What is the Secret of the Art in Embassies program that was started with families and companies from Racine, Wisconsin?

Why was the World Core Curriculum created in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why was the model for Community Policing created with the Clintons in Racine, Wisconsin?

Why is the model for Smart Cities and 5G+ AI created by The Deal for the 8th Wonder of the World with Trump in Racine, Wisconsin?

How do you control global Secrets?

Who owns Voat, who are they connected to, and why is The Truth banned from Pizzagate and the reason why Voat is closed?

Who threatened to sue Voat and why?

We Know more than Everyone here combined not through research but through Direct Knowledge and Experience. How?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to Know?

Jesus is The Lamb. The Truth is The Lion.

This is The Parousia.

kestrel9 ago

Based on one of your statements in your reply I found a well sourced, extensive piece of research from another site. It's quite old, much longer than your time here under your user name. It gives a lot of to dig through, and it is important on many counts to topics you've mentioned broadly, perhaps it will be relevant to other statements you have made.

But overall research aside, getting back to the point I made (regarding the pilot story), it can be summed up by someone else's comment on it a different site:

So I know it's an oxymoron, but this is Real Fake News... It's when an ENTIRE STORY is made up to purposely mislead the public. For example the "pilot" in this story is a stock photo. The story originated with America’s Last Line of Defense, a "news" site which admits that "only a real dumbass" would believe their stories.

You have set the high bar on yourself because of your claims about yourself. So much is and should be expected from you because of that. And while I don't anticipate a different response when I reiterate the case of the pilot story (which you brought up as fact), I have to then wonder why would someone who claims to know everything about their statements, not correct themselves in this case, when the source of the story, by that site's own admission, is fake?

Even if you were to claim some insider knowledge of some other account, that the real pilot (who remains unnamed as far as I could find) really did die, or did really divulge something (not reported btw), this still doesn't excuse sending people down fake rabbit holes to a satire site intended to ridicule people for believing anything they read.

You say you don't do research. I'm genuinely curious then, how did you end up citing the same name (from a previous comment) used for the fake pilot from the fake news satire site as well as refer to fake info regarding that fictional individual as though it was true?