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ThisIsTheParousia2 ago

How are the Johnsons in Racine, Wisconsin “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?

Who did Donald Trump sign The Deal for “The 8th Wonder of the World” in Racine with?

How are the Rothschilds and Bauers in Racine, Wisconsin “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?

How were the past mayors of Racine “CONNECTED TO ELITE PEDOPHILIA”?


When you mock Jesus Christ and The Truth, your Soul will die, but you can still help share The Truth with others who have not sold theirs.

We are the reason the False Prophet Q Anon was created.

We are the reason why Voat was closed and hidden from most search results.

We Know more than Everyone here combined.

We Know what really happened to @Jem777, @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and others who Knew The Truth.

Their assassins were organized teams of professionally trained adults @MolochHunter, and it took multiple attempts in one case, but they were relentless. They also covered both up with various tactics including misinformation here on Voat.

Voat moderators could confirm easily confirm something that would Prove all of it, but they would never allow that.

Why did George Webb Sweigert claim to have met Jesus Christ with Jenny Moore, and later claim to have never wanted help from either Jenny Moore or Jesus Christ?

Who “had the drop” on George and proved to Jenny that George was Untrustworthy and Unwilling to Repent and Share The Truth?

How did Jenny find out what happened to @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt and why was she really fighting with George before she was Murdered?

The most powerful ELITES in The World will stop at nothing to silence, mock and eliminate Jesus Christ and The Truth.

The Truth has been Shared with All since The Beginning.


MolochHunter ago

oh FFS

you want me to believe Wisconsin_is_corrupt got assassinated?

when you have the exact precise unmistakeably same 'I just escaped Ed Buck's Apartment' writing style as W_i_corrupt used ?


ThisIsTheParousia ago

Paul Ryan was involved in the Tarmac meeting, and the pilot who overheard the meeting was Murdered.

We are the reason for the Tarmac meeting, and the reason why Paul Ryan suddenly resigned.

We are the reason the past mayors and other officials have all resigned.

Jeff Epstein and Seth Rich are both members of the Knights of Pythias closely connected with the Podestas and elites in Racine.

The Rothschilds and Bauers are in Racine along with several other elite families and powerful groups linked with the Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Pilgrims Society, Knights of Malta, Aspen Institute, Brookings Institution, Cato Institute, Center for American Progress and many others involved.

Racine elites are who started the Art in Embassies program, and control the hotel industry which is also used for global surveillance. Trump knows this very well and made The Deal with them for the 8th Wonder of the World in Racine.

The source you are referencing for the story used a stock photo, and there is misinformation just as with Seth Rich and Jeff Epstein, however the pilot was killed and Paul Ryan resigned.

Paul Ryan admitted to being involved in the meeting an exchange with a Fox reporter.

What just happened with the Mormon church and the Boy Scouts?

What is the I-94 Project and how is it connected to elite pedophiles, the Podestas, Tom DeLonge, Ashton Kutcher, John McCain, Carthage College, Penn State University and the Vatican?

Who mentored Paul Ryan, and what program did Paul work so hard to stop?

What did The Pope just announce and how it that connected to Racine?

We Know more than Everyone here combined.

We are the reason why Voat is closed.

The Truth is banned and censored from Voat.

You are all Witnessing The Truth before your very eyes.

What was the last submission made by @Jem777 and who would know what happened?

This is not a LARP or a game.

The assassinations were real, and so is The Truth.

MolochHunter ago

what does he even get out of running the same lie no one believes for 2 years now? All in vain.

it can only be mental illness

ESOTERICshade ago

what does he even get out of running the same lie no one believes for 2 years now?

You mean the self admitted source of disinformation named Qanon that is wrong more than a broken clock?

MolochHunter ago

his 'broken clock' was just synchronised with Barr, Horowitz and Durham's clocks

now, you can think what you like about whether the DoJ is corrupt or not, but there's no more question that Q is working directly with them

ESOTERICshade ago

but there's no more question that Q is working directly with them

Great. That means Q is a criminal like Barr. Barr was the lead man in the Iran Contra dug and gun running scheme. He was the point man for Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. You know back when they slit the throats of those innocent boys and put them on the train tracks for a train to run over. Barr was the guy that watched the money. Barr discovered that some of their criminal associates had skimmed 100 million dollars from the take and told them basically "whoever is stealing our money better stop before you get yourself killed."

It never ceases to amaze me that NONE of you Qberts bother to look into the past behavior of Trump's swamp creatures. Oh, and Barr also let Epstein skate. And there is much more.

MolochHunter ago


so we have 3 scenarios:

1) Q / team Barr / Trump are, despite the sins of their past, now reformers who will significantly damage the global pedomafia

2) Q / team Barr / Trump are bluffing and will just chop off a tentacle or two of the pedomafia to fool the public that they are 'the good guys'

3) Q / team Barr / Trump are totally bluffing and will do fuck all while increasing public awareness of the pedomafia and the nature of corruption

even scenario 3) is a gain in public awareness

I mean - in Q's absence, what 'clean up' job would WE be doing otherwise? NONE. NOTHING. We dont have the numbers, we dont have the authority. We'd just be skulking around voat with shit on our liver every day like you, ES

so even if Q ends u disappointing tens of millions, thats tens of millions more that now know something needs to be done

ESOTERICshade ago

I have a 4th scenario. Q is the t shirt selling grifter Coleman Rogers from Patriot Soapbox that got using the Q trip code twice. And this grifter serves nothing more than covering Trump's ass while Trump fills his cabinet with criminals like Barr and Goldman Sachs bankers. That fact that yall have not been able to see the evolution of "qanon" over the last couple of years and realize that this newest grifter is about Qanon number is pretty sad.

MolochHunter ago

so what youre telling me

if I understand this right

is that Coleman Rogers repeatedly redicts 1:29 9 December as a date of significance for the Department of Justice

and in fulfullment of his prediction, Barr Horowitz and Durham all synchronise their public statements at 1:29

So, what? Its your contention that Barr Durham and Horowitz are doing it for a cut of the t shirt profits? Yea. I'm sure that explains their motivation 🙄

ESOTERICshade ago

Now you are speaking nonsense to ignore the facts. I said none of that. Later.

MolochHunter ago

i didnt ignore the fact. I incorporated the possibility of Barr's corruption in my 3 scenarios, did i not?

yes i did

it is You who has yet to allow the Fact of the 1:29 9th Dec co-ordination between Q & the DoJ to be incorporated into analysis

argosciv ago

Gonna go ahead and give you props for this, 6 days after the fact.

Not only because, regardless of my own position and ES's dodging, you succinctly pointed out the need to factor the 1:29 anomaly into claims such as "Q is not connected to officials in/with access to the Trump admin", seeing as how it shits on them – but also because it'll be an interesting experiment to see how quickly I get downvoted in such an old, nested and peripheral to a suspected stalker comment...

Vindicator ago

Said stalker has become very active lately. Interdasting. I figured, it being a guvmint holiday, that wouldn't be the case.

ESOTERICshade ago

it is You who has yet to allow the Fact of the 1:29 9th Dec co-ordination between Q & the DoJ to be incorporated into analysis

IF it were even true or important it would only mean Q is part of Barr's criminal cabal. Not something I would be using as a "q proof" if I were you.

Vindicator ago

That's my thinking. Possibly the alter of someone with DID.

MolochHunter ago

well i dont mind which personality he talks to me with, just so long as he doesnt bullshit me with whatever one he uses