carmencita ago

I wonder how many of them drink their blood after scaring them to death. This has occurred to me before and then it’s hard to block it out.

This is impossible for your mind deal with.

WhiteRabbit44 ago

You should be crediting the person who found all this. Because I know you didnt! Your only 21. The person who exposed this has a youtube channel and you literally took EVERYTHING trying to claim you researched this. @ENTERTHESTARSRELOADED

SearchVoatBot ago

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gamepwn ago

Excuse me? I went through these for the past year myself getting all of these. I went through the pizzagate fourms, Hollywood satanism trope on TVTropes, various website fourms. Second you don't know my age. Go fuck yourself.

carmencita ago

Right on.

WhiteRabbit44 ago

I hope your crediting the person who documented/found all this and exposed it. @enterthestarsRELOADED. Unless your him.

gamepwn ago

He was not the found all of this you fucking liar.

lopus ago

true. Thank you for your thread!

I thought the same when watching that movie last year.

There was something - really (and I mean "really"!) creepy about it!!

sid_of_d_woman ago

Thanks Makes a whole of sense. freaking Reptiles. lil wonder fellow reptiles Ninja turtles love pizza.

forget the whole kid's laughter thing, that's just for some "happy-ending" effect.

just curious what those doors mean?

Portals from other dimensions or what? any ideas?

racmo ago

And why make a movie 'for kids" about fear. Something's off


Whats in the Nonfiction Section of the Library? :

The Baphomet Codex collection , The Vampire Predator Bible , and Bloodlines 1-4 to name a few...

SearchVoatBot ago

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Here's the Nonfiction Version :

from the Vampires themselves...


Definitely WAY more than 9 examples displaying energy vampirism or harvesting of Drenchrome, blood, organs, DMT etc but great examples @gamepwn .

The pervasiveness of this theme in modern media/ pop culture AND its reoccurrence across ancient cultures, leads me to believe that we are dealing with something inherently beyond human lifespan. Whether a controlling force (ie; demons), a cult of belief who's sacrificial benefits have allowed them advantage over humanity enough to last until now, or truly a secret life extension science which makes us a resource for those who know, it seems there has never been a time without these evils.

Youth. Prana. Vril. Energy. This essence can be sensed, and is closely associated to creativity. Hollywood covets those who have it. Uses those with high energy (innocents or artists) to manipulate our emotions and cause more emotional leakage in the population. It is no coincidence that the industry is filled with these energy vampires. Perhaps adrenochrome is necessary for some of these creatives to work, to channel, their next movie, tio get through their writers blocks, or have enough energy for the stage. Thus, it is the same story repeating over and over.

jealoushe ago

Don't forget the book/movie the Witches, book by Roald Dahl. Creepiest movie, so good though.

Hamton ago

"So in total that's nine references in pop culture to Adrenochrome."

Here's another reference to add to the list.

In Stanley Kubrick's "A Clockwork Orange", the droogs sit at The Korova (Cow) Milk Bar - a twisted version of a milk bar which serves milk (moloko) laced with drugs ("moloko plus").

The word "Drencrom" (Adrenochrome) is written on the wall of the Korova Milk Bar along with the word "Synthmesc" (Synthetic Mescaline).

YogSoggoth ago

Lot's of people make fun of me on line. Short list from Tales of the Unexpected; the Flypaper, Skin, and Scrimshaw. Watch all three and get back to me. They were advertising on TV.

carmencita ago

That movie is so bleeped up. Written right in plain sight. How many times have we read posts and I don’t remember it.

Holy Cow. WTH is next? I am sure those with blinders on will surely have other explanations for it. Is pretty cut and dry how macabre those words look there. And it said in the wiki that it’s not illegal. So It’s OK for Kids. Also mentions how it’s a drink taken before violence is to be committed.

Barfin ago

dark crystal is full of jews ruling the world symbolism

Jay3Fisher ago

They drink it in fear the walking dead

CaJuN-M8 ago

Supposedly they have to tell us what they do for some reason i forgot. Sorry.


Karmic Neutrality. Earth is a free will zone so our complacency/awareness of what they do is in some ways, consent. This spreads out the karmic debt/blame. This could be for the bad actors personal karma (to decrease or neutralize their bad karma) or to make us also sinners, insuring that we stay within this cycle of degradation, and keep the bar low. The latter would explain why they would sneak cannibalism into our food and vaccines (HEK).

21yearsofdigging ago

Good points. Yes, def. feel it is to bring us all down to their level which is, in my opinion, why porn is so easily available and all the anal(plays out big in the dark spiritual world) is everywhere. Weak people have no idea that they are being manipulated into this cycle of degradation.

Kahlypso79 ago

Its high level satanism, they believe that showing you what they are doing and being public about it. (Such as normalisation of pedophilia through MSM) ensurds that their karmic balance isnt disrupted for their next incarnation. Along the lines of.. you didnt stop me even though you were aware of the problem. Ergo I dont incur any karmic debt through hurting you as you didnt stop it from happening. You have to remember that Hinduism is the oldest religion. It derives from the same practises shown by the Annunaki whos descendants became the Aryan people who invaded Indian and massacred the Happapis and brought caste systems with them. Read up about EN.KI and Inanna. The tablets she 'stole' were the tablets concerning religion and reincarnation.

hello_reddit ago

Reincarnation isn’t reserved to Hinduism. All religions beleive in life after death. And to say that their actions are Hinduism is like saying satanism is Christianity just because satan is in the Bible.

It’s kind of like the jewish thing where they kill a chicken and supposedly pass their bad karma off to it, or kill a royal family and pass their bad karma off to all of them. This could be based on how brahmanas would sacrifice an animal in order to elevate themselves spiritually and the result would be that the animal would be reincarnated as a person in good spiritual standing with a chance to know god and be elevated themselves. The jewish thing with the chicken is a bastardized version; for one it is based on material desire which is inherently binding. Actually that’s probably all there is to it really. This satanism stuff they’re doing will surely cause them to be tangled up in the karma because it’s all based on material desires rather than the desire to be free from the endless cycle of material birth and death.

indr4 ago

This is perfectly illustrated in the recent movie "Midsommar" in which a cult shows its victims a tapestry soon after they arrive that literally shows what's going to happen to them. The victims are willfully ignorant. The director, Ari Aster, also directed "Hereditary", a movie that focuses on the worship of a real demon, King Paimon. As Hollywood gets more and more literal with these soft disclosures, it seems like we get closer and closer to a terrifying crescendo of some kind.

QAnon117 ago

Displaying their intent helps their plans and ambitions come to fruition through the satanic/occult magic they practice.

fogdryer ago

Their belief is exposing/ behaving this way in plain sight

Will help all come true for them.

TheVOATangel ago

if they tell you and you dont stop them that means to them that you give consent

Barfin ago

like how you have to let vampirs in your house for them to enter. more symbolism

ScannerDarkly ago

Do you not fucking remember how the movie ended?

Childrens' laughter generates far more energy than fear.

This movie is awesome. Do you only see the bad in things? Your balance is way off.

ArielQflip ago

Watched that recently. Thought the same thing.

Phantom42 ago

Oh, a QRV faggot. That explains quite a bit.

Auf wiedersehen, untermensch.

RodentLord ago

You joined during the Q wave as well.

Phantom42 ago


Barfin ago

and you're a paid shill that should be banned

Phantom42 ago

Got any proof?

KillerKap ago

he got you dead to rights, fuck off retard paid faggot

ArielQflip ago

Yeah. And you have nothing to back up weidersehen, and or untetmensch. Only a obscure posit of bullshit.

gamepwn ago

I have 210 threads here on Pizzagate. You have zero. Go fuck yourself.

Phantom42 ago

Oooooohhhhh! You have words on a closed off website!

Please, tell me more on how you've done anything to build an Eternal Reich and save the White Christian world? I'd love to hear it.

gamepwn ago

I have 210 threads here on Pizzagate. Go fuck yourself.

RoundWheel ago

Silence is consent.

hello_reddit ago

How so?

ArielQflip ago

Fuck off consenter

fogdryer ago

Bette Midler had an Hocus Pocus act.

Bette Midler was promoting Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar project, the Clinton-affiliated “nonprofit” she closed down Epstein was arrested. twitter-----

Kahlypso79 ago

Shes in the coven. Think joan collins too and that old dear who always played witches... in Bedposts and broomsticks or whatever that disney occult film is..

carmencita ago

Angela Lansbury. One of my greatest disappointments. She was in the movie Picture of Dorian Gray. Satan played a big part in this movie. I never knew until I saw it again last year. The whole thing hit me really hard. Things click once you are woke. @fogdryer

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

They sure do.

carmencita ago

I sure am glad I know. Actually as you well know there are new horrors we have to wake up to constantly. People we thought were on the up and up and now we know the bow to satan.

In that movie she won best supporting actress. She was marvelous. I never forgot the song she sang. About a little bird. I can not watch it again now for I won’t enjoy it as before. I turned off Andy Griffith last week. Knowing what I now know about Ron H. Yuck.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fogdryer ago

I’m sorry what is it your saying to me ?

gamepwn ago

First time I'm seeing this! Thanks for this!

magzy ago

(((They))) call it Loosh

Wazhappenin1 ago

The pyscholgists that were brought in to consult for Inside out were Paul Elkman and Dacher Keltner

Notice where Keltner was raised!

Dacher Keltner was born in Jalisco, Mexico, the offspring of two early members of the counterculture. Keltner's mother, a literature professor, and father, an artist, raised both him and his brother in Laurel Canyon in the late 60s. When his mother secured her first job as a professor in 1970, they moved to a conservative town in the foothills of the California Sierra Nevada.

Keltner received his B.A. in psychology and sociology from the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1984, he received his Ph.D. from Stanford University in 1989, and he completed three years of post-doctoral work with Paul Ekman at the University of California, San Francisco.[4]

Wazhappenin1 ago

Director of monsters inc Pete docter

Docter is also a devout Christian. Though he incorporates his personal morality into his work, he has said that he does not intend to ever make a movie with an explicitly religious message.[10] About the relationship between his faith and his filmmaking, Docter has said:

I don't think people in any way, shape, or form like to be lectured to. When people go to a movie, they want to see some sort of experience of themselves on the screen. They don't come to be taught. So in that sense, and in terms of any sort of beliefs, I don't want to feel as though I'm ever lecturing or putting an agenda forth.[7]

From His movie Inside Out poster:

Meet the little voices in your head!

Check out this synopsis:

At the age of 11, Riley's parents move the family to San Francisco for her father's new job. Riley's first experiences are not good; the new house is cramped and old, the local pizza parlor only serves broccoli as a topping, her father is under stress from his job, and due to a mix-up the moving van with their belongings gets lost and won't arrive for weeks. When Sadness begins touching Riley's happy memories, turning them sad, Joy tries to guard them by isolating her. On Riley's first day at her new school, Sadness causes Riley to cry in front of her class, creating Riley's first sad core memory. Joy tries to dispose of it but accidentally knocks the other core memories loose during a struggle with Sadness, deactivating the personality islands. Joy, Sadness, and the core memories are sucked out of Headquarters and sent to long-term memory storage.

Vindicator ago

That sounds like MKUltra. Jeez.

cursedcrusader ago

I saw the first episode of the Dark Crystal the other day on Netflix. My wife was watching it, I don't watch TV.

That shit is blatantly the Jews vs Whites.

pnwpatriot97 ago

Fun fact: The Dark Crystal is banned in Germany. No coincidences.

Bottled_Tears ago

I am in the minority of this idea but I truly believe this is because of the Chakra energy. The source of strength through Chakra is from the anus. I believe Chakra energy is real and some know of it and use it as an advantage.

bruddah ago

You are on to the truth sir! The root chakra is the first and generative force of the kundalini, which when rising through the rest of your chakra, can put you at greater harmony with God and the Universe. Root chakra is not directly at the anus but closer to the perineum, in between the anus and the genitals.

Bottled_Tears ago

It's always been a negative idea but I think it's one of those don't talk about it" kind of idea.

bruddah ago

Yeah, like all things this energy can be used for good or for evil, and this knowledge has been hidden from the masses for so long and demonized so that people would not explore this aspect of reality, and so this knowledge could be used against is.

cyber_dum_runner3 ago

Monsters Inc is a good analogy for Adrenochrome and is almost the same plot, though I don't think that necessarily means the original author of the story knew anything about adrenochrome. It's possible though. I would argue the same about dark crystal. The plot is almost the same as adrenochrome though it doesn't necessarily mean the original author was referring to it. Although there has been some talk on /pol/ about the skeksis.

muh_dik ago

Hocus Pocus does this as well. Just re-watched it and they literally give a child potion to put the kid into an etheric energetic state for essence extraction by the witches to stay YOUNG!

Spoopy stuff

HarveyHarveyJones ago

It is a Halloween movie....

KillerKap ago

fuck off you are spent

Barfin ago

just allow it bro let kids watch it then leave the room

fogdryer ago


gamepwn ago

Right it is in that movie! Thank you!

kazza64 ago

when i realised the concept of the film .... it made me uncomfortable ..... because its just wrong

derram ago :

Monsters, Inc. is about Adrenochrome. Children's fear is energy in the movie. - YouTube :

Silverchair - Freak (Video Version) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Wynterwhisper ago

I remember watching the dark crystal as a child and that scene was completely terrifying.. and to think it's referencing something real. Btw, was Bowie one of the bad guys?

lopus ago

I hope not. But I think he was involved with "them" in the beginning of his career. He was interested in kabalah, but also in many other ideas and religions.

He was nosey as hell.

And he was on that "rockstar"-trip and was very talented. So "they" might have groomed him in the beginning.

But I think, that he kicked their asses in the mid-seventies, when moving to Berlin and firing his manager Tony DeFries (who is creepy) and separating from his wife (who is creepy as well).

I saw him many times live, and I know people who knew him personally/worked with him over the years. Everyone says, what a nice chap he was. And I also never noticed some Evilness emanating from him. And , now he is 3 years dead and still no bad stories (just the same old stories everyone knows.).

And his daughter seems to me pretty normal (as you can be, when loosing your dad to cancer at the age of 15).

But I think, yes, he was involved with them. I think we should have a look on the mentioned people (De Fries, Angie Bowie), and also at the time he spent in Los Angeles in the early 70ties. He was full of coke then and later always said, that he cannot remember those days. But there are some creepy stories from this time. I think he also knew Kenneth Anger then, who wanted to get him into O.T.O. I don't know if he joined them.

Interesting is his album "Outside" he released in the 90ties. This album is dealing with a super creepy story about "Art Crime" and "Ritual Murder of Baby Grace Blue" and a drug dealer "Ramona" giving drugs to kids... etc...

When I heard it first, I thought it's just a 90ties psychopath horror story.

But today I read it with different mind.

Bowie also said (I think! But I do not know the source anymore), that he created the story from a diary he wrote in the 70ties.

So, my guess is, Bowie KNEW and maybe witnessed or was even taking part in some evil shit in the early70ties.

But I am also convinced, that he did not enjoy it, and cut the strings to these people.

But he also kept quiet about these things because he knew, he would be a dead man, if talking too much.

We also know that Bowie planned a follow-up-album to "outside", but this never happened. Interesting is that few years ago some material from the "Outside sessions" appeared, where he sings the line "I'd rather be chrome"... well, wtf is he talking about? .."chrome"...?

"Lazarus" (the musical) is again a trip into his own mind... also with the evil "characters" inside him.

I think he had his "demons" inside, maybe also a guilty conscience about what he maybe witnessed or even took part years ago. But I also think that removed these things from his life in later years - but, of course, still had to deal with them in his mind.

The song "Lazarus" is just beautiful. I want it to be played at my funeral.

"Blackstar" has many meanings (space, end of life, but also a kind of cancer). Bowie was very philsophical about his own death. I really love the album. And it helped me to get over the death of a family member, who also had died of cancer shortly before Bowie. I know that many terminally ill people take comfort from the album. So it is in fact a "good album", not an evil one.

But maybe he also wanted to give us a very big hint at the end of his life - about what the world of popmusic and entertainment is about...

Well, my 2 cents... !

21yearsofdigging ago

Great reply and thanks for your 2 cents

Wynterwhisper ago

That's all really interesting. Must have been some really great shows too. I'll look into some of the things you mentioned. That baby grace thing is creepy, now knowing what I know.

3141592653 ago

Bowie sexually abused the same 14 year old girl that members of Led Zeppelin repeatedly raped

lopus ago

This story is not new and everyone knows it. This happened in the 70ties, and Bowie was just a few years older than those girks then. And these girls were not innocent little girls he was grooming, they were "professional groupies", who came to Bowie with exactly having in mind, what later happened. They later bragged about it (Sable Starr, Lori Maddox)

Of course today we see these things differently - and I agree, that Bowie should have kicked them out of his room instead of letting them in.

As far as I know, this is the only story of that kind about him. He was promiscuous, yes, but everyone knew, he liked tall and a little bit "masculine" women, not kids. (guess he would have liked Michelle Obama, lol). He never was a pedo.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Didn't he have to marry a nigger?

Chrisrmathews90 ago

Bowie practiced the kabalah, that's why his alter egos came and went, he was killing off the lesser parts of him to become a god. Listen to his last album black star, he was evil.

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Someone will take his place as he said.

trseeker ago

Black star = Saturn/Satan.

Barfin ago

n my eyes, indisposed

In disguises no one knows

Hides the face, lies the snake

The sun in my disgrace

Boiling heat, summer stench

'Neath the black the sky looks dead

Call my name through the cream

And I'll hear you scream again

Black hole sun

Won't you come

And wash away the rain

Black hole sun

Won't you come

Won't you come (won't you come)

  • soundgarden song

YogSoggoth ago

It is a song not only of the situation they were in, but the knowledge of what causes really big ice/hot ages. That would be the sun's fluctuations with the universe.

iwasthey ago

I thought Chris Cornell was snuffed out because he was helping Chester Bennington (John Podesta's son) try to escape the rape of John Podesta. What if we were fooled and Cornell and Bennington were the baddies.

Barfin ago

not sure if baddies but i don't subscribe to the whole killed for trying to do good thing, if they knew about pedo crimes speak out about it and do something

iwasthey ago


Wynterwhisper ago

That Lazarus song was weird. Filmed only a month before he died. Sucks he was bad. I really liked his older stuff but couldn't determine if he was just weird or evil

ReadPastHeadlines ago

They all are one of the bad guys

UEMcGill ago

They killed bowie so they could use his music in Stranger Things.

He was a hedonist miscegenator (sp?) though, so prob gobbled some Dreno aka Substance D

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Love is lost.

Wynterwhisper ago

WTH is that? I've never heard of a hedonist miscegenator

SerialChiller ago

Pleasure-seeking Race-mixer. (also see De Niro)

UEMcGill ago

Imagine your life depended on you discerning the meaning of those words.

If you still can't figure it out, then blow your brains out.

Wynterwhisper ago

Lordy, I'll look it up. Just asked cause you seemed to know.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Lol this person hates equally the fact that Bowie married a black woman as much as the fact that he was a hedonist. Should tell you volumes about UEMcGill right there.

Racism is a huge problem in voat.


I think its a car part

Wynterwhisper ago


Charilko ago

I always found the premise a little creepy. I know the point of the movie is the monsters figuring out that laughter works better...but still.

Bottled_Tears ago

That's when it becomes about trannies lol idk jk but it's a good response