flyingcuttlefish ago

Bette Midler and Julianne Moore became best friends in only 9 months

fogdryer ago

Midler husband runs a children’s charity.


Vindicator ago

This is a child trafficking front by her.

Gamepwn, do we actually have any evidence of this? Did TerraMar do any work with kids? Or is your thesis that it's related to child trafficking as a vehicle for moving and laundering dirty money?

gamepwn ago

It was run by Maxwell. She was the best friend and associate of Epstein. If I had to make a bet it's a front, since the U.S. branch closed their doors down six days after Epstein was arrested.

Vindicator ago

I think we need to remember that unsubstantiated claims make it easy for disinfo pushers to discredit our research. Adrenochrome itself falls into this category. Our strength lies in our ability to document our suspicions.

gamepwn ago

How so? There are over a dozen references to it in pop culture. I got to disagree with that one. It's not unsubstantiated at all. Now with Maxwell running TerraMar and being so close to Epstein it does tend to raise alot of flags. I'll dig more into TerraMar later however.

Vindicator ago

How so? There are over a dozen references to it in pop culture. I got to disagree with that one. It's not unsubstantiated at all.

Are you familiar with the COINTELPRO disinfo tactic of "flooding fake"?

gamepwn ago

Yes. I don't think that applies here although I'm open minded to it.


Terramar Clinton Connection:

In 2013, the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA) committed to mobilize the international community and the public at large on the importance of the Oceans and the Seas and to ensure that the 193 Member States of the United Nations recognize and incorporate oceans in the Sustainable Development Goals, to be adopted in 2015. This two pronged approach will mobilize Member States of the United Nations to include Oceans in the SDGs and the global campaign will engage citizens around the world to have a say in the effective and efficient management, and preservation of oceans and seas.


Commitment : Sustainable Oceans Alliance: Impacting the SGDs

Launched : 2013

Est. Duration : 1 year

Estimated Total Value: $1,250,000

Region: Northern America

Countries: Global

Commitment by The TerraMar Project

Partner(s) of the Commitment Maker(s) : Global Partnerships Forum, Michael Dorsey


My seemingly related notes from the video posted here- in case anything's useful.

Swamp Creatures of the Pacific - Human Trafficking (pizzagate) submitted 15 hours ago by @lamplight :



Attorney General and NY Youth Sex Trafficking Outreach advocator from NYC, Age 33 shot 3 times , killed while walking dog in Yap.

Friend Julie Hartup Manta Mom (more Ocean Advocate fronts?)

38 people on (perhaps HT) compound on Yap Island

Marshall Islands Pedo Haven? (Micronesia) (Utah, Arkansas, Arizona, New York connections) (Terramar Maxwell connection)

AZ County Assessor and Adoption Agent, Paul Petersen charged for running human trafficking ring and baby farm

Paul also allegedly part of "Never Trump" political campaigns

Sanctuary For Families

Supported by Judge Nicholas Garaufis of the NXIVM Case, Time Warner Chairman, Millions and Celebrities

They have a whole district in NYC with nearby Dead Rabbit Grocery and Grog


The ONE Foundation (Bill and Melinda Gates)

UN and Gates: Global Center on Adaptation location again Marshall Islands

Mission Blue

Filmmaker Sylvia Earle works with Podesta

IG @ 3_ringcircus and child Maggie Nixon (n.n. Wendy) friends with Obama and James Alefantis

David Brock covering for Epstein via Code Blue shills

Top speed for this is 1.25 ... Map/web style image and overview starts around the 35minute mark.

think- ago

Maxwell is the president and founder of a non-profit that helps protect the ocean, the TerraMar Project. And as recently as 2013, she attended the Clinton Global Initiative, where her charity made a public commitment. The press release from the Clinton Global Initiative read,

"Sustainable Oceans Alliance
 Commitment by: The TerraMar Project
. Partners: Michael Dorsey; Global Partnerships Forum
In 2013, the TerraMar Project committed to launch the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (SOA) to mobilize the international community and the public at large on the importance of the Oceans and the Seas and to ensure that the 193 UN Member States recognize and incorporate oceans in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), to be adopted in 2015."

The TerrMar Project commitment is still listed on the Clinton Foundation website.

think- ago

Here's a post by @swordfish69 about the TerraMar project -

Members of Rothschild, Rockefeller, Habsburg and Soros families supported nonprofit founded by Ghislaine Maxwell

Endorsements at the Bottom of the page came from members of several billionaire families, including:

Sir Richard Branson, David De Rothschild, Francesca von Habsburg, Shepard Fairey, Lord Peter Mandelson, Nick Pritzker, Leon Koffler, Jonathan Soros, Jacqueline and Mortimer Sackler (Purdue Pharma), Richard Rockefeller, Barry Diller.

Many of these names have been previoiusly named by Pizzagate researchers, including the Sackler family, who held events in Washington DC attended by Tony Podesta and James Alefantis. Ghislaine Maxwell is particularly interesting because her father, Robert Maxwell, has been associated with Mossad and MI6.

Most incredibly, however, this charity actually links David Brock and James Alefantis to Maxwell, the Rothschilds and a series of "Ocean Health" charities.

lamplight ago

This should be linked to the video I just posted. Swamp Creatures of the Pacific - Human Trafficking - by Lamplight. In this video, Poly links several Manta Ray ocean conservation projects to human trafficking, AZ politicians and others, and selling babies from the Marshall Islands. A lot more to research.

fogdryer ago

derram ago :

Bette Midler on Twitter: "It's Oceans Day at my house. Become a citizen of the oceans; @theterramarproject ...the seas need you; all hands on deck!!!"

This has been an automated message.