PedoHunter12 ago

Just bringing this up, because very seldom is the connection between Trump and Epstein ever brought up on this sub..

Trump has referred to Epstein as a "terrific guy", and noted his interest in younger girls, and even flown on his private jet at least once, according to Epstein's own brother.

Epstein also plead the 5th in court, when he was asked about his relationship with Trump and female minors.

Epstein even admitted to "socializing" with Trump while on trial in 2010. But he curiously plead the fifth when asked if he had ever socialized with the businessman around minor-aged girls. Unfortunately for Epstein, Trump had already revealed their mutual appreciation for underage women in a 2002 interview.

"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,'' Trump told New York Magazine. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life."

derram ago :

Pedophile's 'Fixer' Maintains Close Ties to the Clintons

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urbanmoving ago

So under the guise of whacked out unscientific environmentalist mumbo jumbo they hid a child trafficking sex slave op, sounds about right for these dregs

YogSoggoth ago

Elimination of competition and innocents. Largest Caribbean Drug Case Points To High Level Corruption In Dominican Republic, Update - Mexican Drug Cartel Active In DR!

neptunium1 ago

Giovanni’s Favorite Room during his IV visit to the White House beginning his statesmanship career

Lucky boy. Seems he has a bright future mapped out for him.

neptunium1 ago

HIDE. It's still going on via the UN !