21004586? ago

" In A Clockwork Orange Moloko Plus is Adrenachrome."

Would that Moloko maybe have something to do with moloch?

21002411? ago

Arcade Fire, Ready Start;



Businessmen drink my blood

Like the kids in art school said they would

And I guess I'll just begin again

You say can we still be friends.

Etc etc

21002372? ago

Nooo! not Silverchair. Fuck.

21001494? ago

Anybody remember the movie " I come in peace" from the 90s.. dolf lundgren plays a drug dealer from outer space sent here to murder people extract drugs from human brains. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rkWQxQHjlw

21000810? ago

Shining..... The Shining... "Look at the SHINE in this one" search Shine and Shining in Popular Culture and you will see...

21002570? ago

I think the assumption was that Tony was being probably violently sexually abused by his father. So yes, I can imagine the "shine" they are referring to is the adrenaline filled pain he's suffered, causing his fractured mind and psychotic, psychic episodes. The whole family went down the rabbit hole and the whole movie is about the mind fuck of sex abuse and mkultra.

These people are sick.

Sicker than I ever imagined.

20999971? ago

The movie 'Stardust' falls into this category.

The witches encourage their victims to scream and be terrified so their hearts "shine brighter" and will make the witches young again when they eat the hearts.

These people are evil and sick.

20999782? ago

I have one more Anon to ad to that list. South Korea : when they are allowed every year to eat dogs they cage and torches them before eating them - adrenichrome

20999597? ago

Is it all from the same source? Human Pineal gland?

21006103? ago

There has always been a bit of a secret hope of mine that HST's involvement was simply a former of gonzo journalism. Infiltration in order to better understand and summarize...but I know it is probably not true. His style of writing was captivating and, being a writer of some limited talent, I've always tried to employ that same colorful turn of phrase and cadence that he used in his work.

21013945? ago

Depends on your perspective. When I was unrepentant (young and dumb) he WAS a breath of fresh air. Now, he's a fraud, and a self indulgent, pompous blowhard. The elites KNEW it (we didn't), he committed suicide. MY perspective on him at least. FLASH (even subtle sophisticated) isn't substantive. It's manipulative in MY experience. He wasn't writing from insight, but from rebellion.

21002464? ago

Yes. The pineal gland is considered the 3rd eye, and it too has cones and rods like the human eye. Ancient Egyptian eye makeup distinctly mimics the scientific diagram of the pineal gland. Hence one eye symbolism. I've often wondered about the human eyes ability to handle constant radiation from the sun. The eye must contain a "sunscreen"? We can't look at the sun, yet Luciferians worship it? The eye and the pineal have something to do with the true God, Jesus the Nazarene. Something about it separates us from them.

21014016? ago

I looked at the sun for a LONG time. I looked at the sun during a full eclipse (over a minute). I can STILL see fine. Apparently I NEED to see for now. Eyes to see, ears to hear (rock drummer). STILL working.

Up is down, good is evil and visa versa...up is the abbreviation of down (dn) when flipped.

20999264? ago

As someone who’s tried Adrenochrome, please understand it’s not all that great. It doesn’t very long and makes you feel like you’ve been plugged into an electric socket.

Admittedly I haven’t tried “kiddy krome”, only that derived from cows including calves. You feel like shit while on it but the afterglow is really what this product is all about. 2 days of feeling godly, like you’ve have had a reboot and are operating on full power with a lot of clarity and purpose.

I did sample ‘chrome from human cadavers (don’t ask) and it was superior to cattle chrome. It had a certain “frisson” that the animal product lacked and the afterglow was superior and was less edgy on the come up. I can only imagine what kiddy krome is like but alas, my days of experimentation are over.

21000847? ago

Ahhh look at you Shining!

21000307? ago


20999158? ago

The music video for the song "Freak" by Silverchair is about it to.


Near the end of the video, she writes a check for the service.


Notice it says "Mutant World Bank"

Also the address on the check is..

"3111 S La Cienega Blvd, Los Angeles"

If you look it up on GGL Maps, it appears to be a company called "Hungry Man".. WTF!?!?

20999119? ago

Add "We suck young blood" by Radiohead to that list

20999053? ago

what about Blade movies?

20998909? ago

I bought some off the dark web out of curiosity and can say it’s some seriously mind blowing shizz!!! 2 BTC a pop but worth it XD

20998810? ago

The song "Nemesis" by Shriekback: 'We drink elixirs that we refine from the juices of the dying' - ( not enough CCP to submit the url, but you can find it on YouTube at v=6bMM61Y5CEU )

20998960? ago

Thank you for this. Adding now.


20998579? ago

You forgot the biggest one: Google has two products called Adreno (a graphics processor) and Chrome (a web browser).

20998622? ago

You know the Mason symbols? https://i.imgtc.com/sBdPbhx.jpg It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM.

Plausible deniability is ALWAYS involved. It’s how they hide shit out in the open.

Nobody wants to be seen as crazy....The google mail symbol is a Masonic apron...Research Albert Pike.

20998328? ago

See also: Death Becomes Her.

20998456? ago

Organized by jew huffman and mudshark Ellen Pao, the money laundering 'artist' Marina Abramovic during her reddit AMA where she talks about occult rituals https://vlare.tv/v/s8CKhzXj Make Me Believe - Ep 18 - Adrenochrome

20998290? ago

All this about shit you can buy from any chemical supply house? Come on man, get with the fucking times. You're making the movement look bad with this shit.

20998513? ago

multiple denominations of the same underlying religion of evil. https://files.catbox.moe/eiaruj.png ...Who are the Shriners?

20998266? ago

That fucking Hocus Pocus song has been lurking around my head for 26 years. Now I know why.

20998591? ago

Babylon rituals? https://vlare.tv/v/s8CKhzXj masonry is a perversion. If no other Freemason organization is calling them out, then to me they are all the same! Repugnant in a free and open Society! JFK. SHRINERS CIRCUS of ABOMINATIONS! Icke forums : 'THE ANCIENT ARABIC ORDER NOBLES OF THE SHRINE, 1975 edition, (pages 20-22). Remember that Allah is not just another name for God. Allah is the name of another god. In usual occult fashion, the initiate swears that he will be inseparably obligated to this "most powerful and binding oath", in advance, and that he may NEVER retract or depart from it. During the butchering of the people of Fez, the streets literally ran red with the blood of the martyred Christians. The Muslim murderers dipped their caps in the blood of their victims as a testimony to Allah. These blood stained caps eventually were called Fezzes and became a badge of honor for those who killed a Christian. The Shriners wear that same red Fez today. The greatest tragedy is that the Fez is often worn by men who profess to be Christians themselves. It must cause God to weep.' A Disney movie National Treasure with Nick Cage https://files.catbox.moe/jlndge.jpg Why did Bush and Blair call it a 'religion of peace' after the Collapse of the WTC & 911 attacks?

20998235? ago

You missed the mother load.

Monsters Inc

20998243? ago

I have that one Lol

20998258? ago

Sorry, missed that!

Very good thread. I myself have a weird fascination with adrenochrome too. I think because it’s so evil it just blows my mind.

20998132? ago

Good thread

20998564? ago

Savile Knighted by the Queen was a Mason? Epstien and a Prince.... Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta... did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? ... which came first the global Jew or Masonic...they believe they are aliens, something about blood type or blood temperature or some pagan voodoo bullshit... They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, but you see Eastern Star stuff, the weird and 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed? Order commander of the British Empire title, Jimmy Savile or James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG was an English DJ, television and radio personality who hosted BBC shows Died‎: ‎29 October 2011

20997754? ago

I'm also fascinated by the number of famous people that mention selling their souls, or the rock songs about the devil.

20998529? ago

The Enemy is The Cult of Baal? ...maybe old Arab Jewish Paganism...One of the higher globalist-elite organization is called the Bilderberg Group. The highest religious globalist-elite esoteric organization, within its top ranks, is Freemasonry, along with its many various offshoot religions. Although most Freemasons are simply dues-paying dupes, unaware of its higher doctrines. For those who are interested in extensive scholarly documentation regarding elite esotericism, including Freemasonry, and its practice by the globalist oligarchy... dark horrible things and blackmail?

21002409? ago

Theres some deal of research on how the fallen angels came through on Mount Hermon. I believe its the paramount pictures logo of the mountain and the stars that makes reference to Mt Hermon - I have yet to figure out why they ended up in California - LA Lost Angels - perhaps it was the last edge of the Earth to over take?

20997049? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=8KHwuOtcALQ&list=PLWFVc-16Vt5O_l73eCWWYgMZqmk4qmvfo&index=8YouTube :

Silverchair - Freak (Video Version) - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=gEYgyWC_BpMYouTube :

Hocus Pocus (1993) Sarah - Come Little Children - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Z6uIQ7qJneQ&t=14sYouTube :

In the show "The Boys" Compound V is Adrenochrome. - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=tyzmZVBOaxkYouTube :

In "A Clockwork Orange" Moloko Plus is Adrenochrome. Notice behind them it says Drencrom. - YouTube

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