darkknight111 ago

The Promised Neverland may be a good target for another video.

The premise is one in which the ruling elite (demons) eat human children.


Did you catch this Child Clown Skit from AdultSwine and Will Ferrell ?


gamepwn ago

Read the description of his video ;) He got the video from me Lol.


Thought that was going to happen eventually. Your presence is felt @gamepwn !!!

gamepwn ago

Thank you! Yeah a little mad he didn't credit in the video itself but I haven't said anything. I can let that slide since he put me in description. However He took my Venture Bro's one as well without crediting me. If he does again that's when I'm going to leave a comment on his page.


I know you are compiling lists of MSM references to our research. These movies are getting so Dark, I can hardly even justify(stomach) watching them for symbolism anymore. That said, the sheer consistency and persistence of the themes and images in the movies, is arguably what alert the masses into seeking their validity in the first place.

Good work on here and the toob- The world needs as many discerning eye's as possible, even though Setflix might make you want to gauge them out....

Like the Setflix Halloween Movie hit made me feel... add it to the list.


Heres one of the most disturbing and blatant infant cannibal ritual depictions I've ever seen: of course at 1:13:13


Tzitzimitl ago

now put it on bitchute

memphistre ago

Cool playlist. Remember to add Louie CK from his show Louie talking about ordering cheese pizza for a party of girls

13Buddha ago

Excellent. Thank you!

Call_Of_Goat ago

Thank you so much !!!

fogdryer ago

This is the New World Order our agenda 21!


altro87 ago

Greatly appreciated on your work.

Vindicator ago

Well done, Gamepwn. Giving this the Share! flair.

gamepwn ago

Thank you Vindicator!

darkknight111 ago

Dam that’s a huge list.

All its missing is the stuff from Octopath Traveler.

The first two chapters in the Primrose Story deal with combating a sex trafficking ring (implied via multiple conversations and NPCs to have victims that were minors). The Obsidians are an organized crime syndicate with ties to a satanic cult. The final boss of the Tressa Story is a high level assassin of The Obsidians.

Chapters 2-4 of the Cyrus Story focus on taking down a cabal of black magic. Includes on screen witnessing the aftermath of a black magic ritual in the sewers of the Chapter 2 Town.

The last half of the Ophilia Story takes down a satanic cult like group.

gamepwn ago

Thanks for this Dark. I'll add them!

Hispeedtim2876 ago

Thank you. Subscribed and will save videos also.

gamepwn ago

No problem! Hope you enjoy and am always up for suggestions!