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Blacksmith21 ago

At least I know we despise the same -alts.

WhiteRonin ago

You do realize that Srayzie has several major alts on this sub too, don’t you?

She is still here. Hence why Crensch is targeting Esoteric.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Claims made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

WhiteRonin ago

Checkout @IMCHAD @hollakost there’s a few more. I’m too lazy to list them all. Just go through my posts and other peoples posts. Their is evidence.

Claims about lacking evidence is a sign of lacking due diligence.

Putt could prove it by running an IP check against Alts. But then some people use VPN. So his inorganic voting algorithm isn’t perfect.

Hey_Sunshine ago

I believe we can find some common ground on this matter. I've no want to read your posts, nor am I obligated to provide evidence to support your claims.

We are both too lazy to look it up. Since we can both agree that we are too lazy to cite sources, how about some first hand testimony instead?

If you're too lazy to provide factual support for your assertions, then why are you making any assertions ab initio?

Why are you shitting up the boards with your low energy posts?

What is the impetus behind your posts?

virge ago

What is the impetus behind your posts?

Type 4's only objective is to put you on the defensive. Forcing you to defend yourself through insinuation, summoning, subversion, manipulation, and outright lying makes you give further information for which to use to put you on the defensive.

Since their objective is never to come to an agreement or consensus with you, but instead to keep you constantly feeding them something for which they can continue to engage you on - the easiest way to deal with a Type 4 is to ignore it.

It's a "don't feed the animals" type methodology. Type 4's are harmless if you don't let them put you on a defensive cycle. They're only trying to keep the circle going, and you control when it ends.

@Vindicator @kestrel9 Just more examples of this method in action.


@virge could you do a post or link a comment with a breakdown of your online personality types

also what do you consider me?

Finally, what do you consider this exchange? I feel like both Vin and myself consider each other possible type 4's

ESOTERICshade ago

He is a sneaky lying snake is what he is. If you say something he doesn't like he will immediately demand "evidence" and then turn around and spout a bunch of bilge about you without providing that precious "evidence" he will always demand from you.

When he wants to censor your free speech he will accuse you of shit like "demoralizing others" and denying them their free speech. So, your opinion is denying others a right to speak according to him.

He will lie like a mother fucker too. zyklon is not a credible source according to him, unless that, whatever zyklon is saying goes in his favor, and then it becomes "evidence."

He is a sneaky lying weasel.

EricKaliberhall ago

Excuse me miss, excuse me miss, @ESOTERICshade.

You've got red all over... Did you stabbed yourself again?

I think you should take this to the next level... It's called 'Amputee Identity Disorder'. The cool people are all over this... Do it ES, just cut it all off. You will be the person you were always meant to be. A meat package.

ESOTERICshade ago

You think I can't see that big red flair and badge of honor? I knew it was there. If it were not for me v/pizzagate would have morphed into v/pizzqanon and v/pizzagate would be dust in the wind. You should be glad I had the guts to stand up and defend v/pizzagate. I didn't see your weak ass helping me do it.