Primalredemption ago

So how do we spread this? Most peeps in social media don’t know about the McMartin case.

B_dog ago

This rabbit hole leads to the False Memory Syndrome Foundation which formed in 1992 to 'debunk' any child witnesses who dared to come forward. FMSF links to MKULTRA and associated trauma-based mind control programs implemented on an industrial scale after Dulles took over the Agency. Ultimately it's impossible to separate kid crimes from mind control and the cult link best discovered through the so-called Greenbaum speech. The mind control figures - with links high up into industry, politics, law, policing, government, education, and the mil-intel community - always come forward to protect against public knowledge of systemic crimes against children, as a deep dive on early FMSF leadership reveals.

The McMartin dig info I never saw until late 2016 (30 years late) is why I first joined here back in 2017, to show the organized cover up going back so long ago. But I've sort of been in shock for a couple years once I realized how big and connected to power this really is.

angelafogo ago

Exactly. Thank you for your input. To my eyes its quite similar to what happened to Pizzagate. Once a scandal and its blatant evidence comes under the public eye, they work with all their power to turn it upside down. Now if you speak up of what really happened in McMartin you will be a loonie, same thing with Pizzagate.

In McMartin i believe they intentionally hired a psychologist to use questionable practices that delegitimize the case and talk about the dangers of believing in childrens fantasies. In Pizzagate they hired an actor to make a false flag attempt to a Pizzeria in DC and then speak up about the dangers of fake news and conspiracies.

Mammy ago

Excellent work, @angelafogo. The McMartin preschool case was one of the first topics I dug into when pizzagate first broke. I went fairly deep and I do not recall even an inkling about the Eberles. You've found a HUGE connection.

YogSoggoth ago

EEEEEE. My Dad was right. Those freaks need to die. He was talking about everyone from up North generally speaking, and Tampa is technically up North. Granny said, "don't trust anyone North of Sarasota, and then she said well .... maybe Manatee County because of kinfolk and all.

3141592653 ago

GREAT post. I have discussed here how FBI's Ted Gunderson, and also Dr. Gary Stickel, both conducted investigations that proved the tunnels were real.

I didnt know anything about the Eberle family, although im familiar with that horrid movie "The Indictment."

Great work here. And i must never fail to mention, the horrid movie "The Indictment" stars James Woods.

angelafogo ago


Mammy ago

Interdasting. Look at the name and address "Daffodil" Distributors on good ole' Hollyweird Blvd. Hmmm, I wonder what significance hath daffodils? Also wonder as to date of publication. These people are sick.

angelafogo ago


assistance1010 ago

We need to look more into Suzanne Somers' background.

Lansing-Michigan ago

Tunnels found underneath McMartin preschool...not instigated by govt. officials. Ted Gunderson brought attn. to it.

angelafogo ago

Thanks a lot! Blessings

Angelis_Solaris ago

Does anyone know who published this website?

They claim to have debunked the tunnels and all that, they did a very thorough job. I think they are lying but I haven't looked through it yet and I don't know if this is a CIA post or something else. I highly doubt it is what it claims to be, an honest journalist

angelafogo ago

I gave it a look. Its like they recognised there are tunnels, but they state those tunnels present technicial difficulties to be used. My question is, if there were in fact tunnels, why didnt the police look for them? Nevertheless the consulted Geologist does not match the one who discovered it. Please take at this investigation and to the chapter referring to the tunnels.

Angelis_Solaris ago

Also see this scientific report (Ted Gunderson was a big player in getting the school reinvestigated):

Angelis_Solaris ago

Also here is all of Ted Gunderson's evidence:

He is the one who apparently kickstarted the tunnels investigation

think- ago

@angelafogo: Angela, can I link this submission to v/ElitePedophilia? I try to archive the best v/pizzagate posts there.

Thanks! :-)

angelafogo ago

Yes, please help spread

think- ago

Great job, Angela! :-)

I wonder which kind of connection they might have to the Church of Satan - remember, it was Zelda Schreck, daughter of Church of Satan founder Anton LaVey, who was in charge of the 'satanic panic' PR campaign against survivors and their families, starting with the McMartin case.

@kestrel9 @SandHog @new4now @maurice

Mammy ago

@think- Please see my reply above. There are no coincidences -- Schreck is in the first result of the search results for Temple of Set

angelafogo ago

They found black robes and occult books in the accused houses.

3141592653 ago

I did not know that about Lavey's daughter. Damn.

I do know the Church of Satan publicly supports the evil False Memory Syndrome Foundation.

Heisenberg123 ago

Church of Satan defends Comet Ping Pong now as well.

3141592653 ago

Really?? Any links on that?

Heisenberg123 ago

I hope it's because of their ignorance and lack of investigation into hundreds of facts pointing to pedophilia and surrounding Comet.

3141592653 ago

Wow, thanks. And I think its more nefarious than thatof

SandHog ago

Let's not forget horse-faced Chelsea Clinton appears to be a fan.

letsdothis3 ago

During the 70's The LA STAR Family terrorized the publishing & ruling establishment of Los Angeles with their radical publications, "America's First Reader Written Magazines". The cooperative work of Max Lobkowicz aka Mickey Leblovic, Paul Eberle, Shirley Eberle and Willem De Ridder. the magazines were immediately prosecuted by the Los Angeles authorities for obscenity and whatever other charges they could dig up from their dusty old law books. But alas they lost every case losing millians of dollars in taxpayer money trying to keep people from having free access to the media. It was Max Lobkowicz and De Ridder who pushed the boundaries of uncensored publishing that eventually had them fleeing the country with the publication of GOD MAGAZINE which featured images never before seen by coming off a printing press. It was shortly after Leblovic & De Ridder fled the country that the valey boys made a deal with the L.A. Police as to what would be acceptable standerds for the fine city fathers who could imagine their wives and daughters exposing themselve in nthe pages of these magazine. ABOVE: Early members of the Star Family which included Mickey Leblovic, Shirley Eberle & Paul Eberle, Susan Leblovic, Rick Dante, Herb, Jody Roberts, Thor, Willem De Ridder and others who's names slip my mind as I write this.

I'm getting a CIA vibe from all this. CIA? Well..

CIA Anal Food Rape - by Dr. Susan Block : CIAproject - Reddit

Here's her Youtube channel

Vindicator ago

I'm getting a CIA vibe from all this. CIA? Well..

CIA Anal Food Rape - by Dr. Susan Block

Yeah, that "Dr." is piece of work. Another degenerate liberal trying to get people to pay her to give them permission to act like animals:

Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is an internationally renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels.


Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio 😊. Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?

VoxDawg ago

This case made the "Adam Ruins Conspiracy Theories" episode of Adam Ruins Everything.

Vindicator ago

Are Paul and Shirley Eberle the porn pushing SRA debunking couple related to Todd Eberle, the photographer of Hillary Clinton?

I did a SearchVoat of "Eberle" and found this submission which mentions him:

The 4chan thread also contains a photographer who I had not heard of (Todd Eberle) but seems we should maybe investigate as he spends time with Terry Richardson, which is relative to our celebrity threads, especially Jared Leto.

argosciv ago

Quite possible - I'd hazard a guess that it's a fairly rare surname.

argosciv ago

A look at both sides to the claims against the Eberles.

Surprised nobody's come across it yet.

letsdothis3 ago

The author of that piece is John Earl of the Institute for Psychological Therapies. And here's an appeal court case for a child sex offender who wanted to use two therapists from the Institute of Therapies and whose testimonies were not allowed by the court.

I think we should look further into Mr. Earl and the Institute. @ angelafogo

argosciv ago

Just to illustrate the point that the above written piece contains otherwise useful info:

Okami sees the best-selling book Show Me: A Picture Book of Sex for Children and their Parents (Out of Print) (Fleishchhauer-Hardt & McBride, 1975) as a manifestation of the rise and fall of that era of sexual liberalism. Show Me contained photographs of nude children and adults, including juvenile masturbation and intercourse, and was widely praised by sex experts and mainstream media reviewers, including Time magazine.18 It sold over 100,000 copies before its publisher issued a nationwide recall in an effort to avoid prosecution on child abuse or obscenity charges.19

argosciv ago

By all means. He was even a contributor to one of their books.

John Earl is a freelance journalist. He contributed research material used in The Abuse of Innocence

letsdothis3 ago

They seem the have 3 addresses... and all in the middle of nowhere..

Court case has 2 addresses.. one could say a mistake but it's the number 23 and 32 which are reversed so..

13200 Cannon City Blvd. Northfield MN 55057-4405


12300 Cannon City Blvd. Northfield MN 55057-4405

Then in the article, address given is:

5263 130th Street East, Northfield, MN 55057-4880

argosciv ago

Probably a typo. If you check google maps, they're within the vicinity of 13200, 12300 shows a property but I'm not sure what it is(appears residential).

Actually, they might even use both addresses, 13200 isn't far up the road at all.

Honestly wouldn't be surprised one way or the other.

argosciv ago

Probably a typo. If you check google maps, they're within the vicinity of 13200, 12300 shows a property but I'm not sure what it is.

letsdothis3 ago

Interesting. I missed that.

argosciv ago

Yeah I bet @angleafogo did too.

She's too busy claiming that I'm defending pedophiles, to actually read the content. There's more tidbits in there too.

Example (unrelated to McMartin):

By the late 1970s and early 80s, former LAPD detective Lloyd Martin had earned a national reputation for running a fanatical campaign against homosexuals and pedophiles. During vice raids, Martin confiscated alleged child pornography and stored it in his garage at home.29 He stirred public outrage during lectures to citizen groups by showing them samples from his stockpile, referring to the boys and girls within as his "children."30 In 1981, Martin made almost $9,000 for his private "non-profit" foundation from solicitations made at such meetings.31

letsdothis3 ago

Yeah I bet @angleafogo did too.

Is that snark? Lol.

@angleafogo Here's the website of the institute


I am 68 years old and a licensed psychologist in Minnesota. Although in the past I provided psychotherapy for a variety of clients with a wide range of problems, my practice now is devoted to forensic issues. I consulted with attorneys in several of the high-profile day care cases in the 1980s and early 1990s. I consult with attorneys in criminal, civil, and family court cases. I have been qualified as an expert in 26 states and in Federal and Military courts.

Uh huh...


Ralph Charles Underwager (28 July 1929 – 29 November 2003) was an American minister and psychologist who rose to prominence as a defense witness for adults accused of child sexual abuse in the 1980s and 1990s. Until his death in 2003, he was the director of the Institute for Psychological Therapies, which he founded in 1974. ... He was also accused of being a supporter of pedophilia because of controversial statements he made, including those in an interview to Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia.

Underwager was a prolific defense expert for people accused of child sexual abuse. By the late 1980s, he had appeared in court on behalf of defendants in child sexual abuse cases more than 200 times in the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain.[8] In court and in the media, Underwager claimed that 60% of women sexually abused in childhood reported that the experience was good for them [!],[9] he characterized child protection investigations as nothing less than an "assault on the family as an institution"[10] and he alleged that 75% of mothers alleging sexual abuse in custody proceedings suffered from a "severe personality disorder" that prompted them to manufacture false allegations [!!]

Psychologist Anna Salter argued that Underwager and Wakefield's claims as outlined above demonstrated "systematic misrepresentations" of reputable research, and often that Underwager and Wakefield made claims contrary to their sources. Underwager later filed several unsuccessful suits against Salter who claims that it was in retaliation for her criticism of Underwager's courtroom testimony and for claiming he lied in order to help child molesters evade punishment. Salter also claimed Underwager engaged in other threatening actions.

argosciv ago

Is that snark? Lol.

Absolutely. If she's going to ignore the useful info and accuse me of condoning pedophilia or defending pedophiles, I'm gonna be at least a little snarky.

The bottom of the Underwager wiki page is also worth reading.

Could be disingenuous from them, though.

angelafogo ago

And now a guy that is a confessed blood drinker has decided to defend pedophiles. Argosciv really. Have some pride and go away. You are not helping your masters.

angelafogo ago

Yeah. Fuck you Argosciv. We know who you are. Go back to your cage.

@think @Vindicator

Vindicator ago

Why the anger? That was a valuable contribution.

argosciv ago

Try reading it. It actually contains some useful info and sources both for and against them and provides some background information on investigations into them. Albeit written mostly in defense and from a contributor to one of their books.

I personally don't give a shit about the Eberles, first I heard of them was from your thread, but apparently people have been speaking about them for years.

angelafogo ago

Mods just banned me on 4chan. This article worries them. Please anybody can inform the 4chan guys of this voat post and that i have just been banned?

QisforQuakery ago

Your big info on the Eberles and Finger has been on their Wikipedia page for at least 10 years.

And you don't need the Eberles to know there was something wrong with the McMartin prosecution, a prosecution that resulted in a spectacular failure.

After six years of criminal trials, no convictions were obtained, and all charges were dropped in 1990

This is a pretty big clue. And why didn't they get convictions?

The initial accusations were made a woman who was mentally ill. She claimed Ray Buckey could fly. She said her son had his tongue stapled and scissors were put into his eyes. Of course, there was no evidence of these injuries because they didn't happen. The cops and prosecutors knew she was mentally ill, but this was kept from the defense. A prosecutor quit over evidence being withheld from the defense.

Other accusations claimed Chuck Norris would stop by the preschool and abuse the kids. Children would be flushed down a toilet.

Fact is there are tunnels, the families of the abused children dig them up in the 1990s."

This is false. There were not tunnels. The children were not flushed down toilets to clean them up before they went home. There were not orgies in car washes. The children were not routinely flown to other cities. This all the results of pressuring kids into answering the same questions over and over over until they start making stuff up to satisfy you. We know a lot more about how to interview children than we did in the 1980s.

When they looked for tunnels, they found the concrete slab the pre-school was built was pretty much undisturbed...i.e. there was no tunnel access at all. The did find stuff under the house, but they didn't find anything that would keep a tunnel from collapsing, especially one that had people walking right above it. They found an old mailbox and bunch of cans and bottles from 30's through 50's. The preschool was built in 1966. Basically what they claimed were tunnels was the old trash pit for the house which was then filled in and the concrete foundation poured over.

mrohm ago

Read Ross Cheit's The Witch Hunt Narrative. He febunks all of your claims.

QisforQuakery ago

I'll take it that febunk means falsely debunks?

3141592653 ago

No. Those are the lies they tell.

angelafogo ago

Your tone stinks of shillery my friend. Nothing of what you have stated is true.

My investigation shows actual images of the magazines from the Eberles, the pedophile experts in child abuse. Your link just states the Eberle published porn magazines. That is clearly not enough.

Regarding tunnels, i will copy a fragment of Dr Stickel findings "The depth of the tunnel in the room-like area was a little more than 6’8″, which would have permitted most adult males to stand upright. In contrast, the depth of the tunnel in the passageway leading up to the room-like feature was more shallow, at an average of 5’11”, which would have required most adult males to bend over when walking through the passageway"



QisforQuakery ago

My investigation shows actual images of the magazines from the Eberles, the pedophile experts in child abuse. Your link just states the Eberle published porn magazines. That is clearly not enough.

My point was the Eberle's are not central to the idea that these charges were unfounded. It doesn't matter who they are or what they did. It was the longest trial in California history and resulted in zero charges and juries are eager to convict child molesters. It's obvious just from that fact that something was up with this case. And that something was the authorities handled wrong in about every way they could. It went from a mentally ill woman making charges about one boy to the police setting off a panic.

Regarding tunnels, i will copy a fragment of Dr Stickel findings

Stickel's "findings" are the very things are the very things addressed and refuted in the link I provided.

In fact Stickel was brought into the case, precisely because NO TUNNELS WERE FOUND. So they switch theories, tunnels existed, but the defendants filled them in with small amounts of dirt over a long period. Quoting from the link I provided.

While it was true that there were no tunnels evident upon investigation of the property, some of the parents believed that the children’s reports of tunnels should be investigated further. This was because, as Stickel rightly pointed out, the site may not have been properly secured by the police. The defendants had maintained access to the preschool for more than a year after the initial allegations had come to light. Some parents believed that the defendants could have filled the tunnel spaces by gradually bringing in dirt in small amounts so as not to have been noticed. It was thought that an archeologist, trained in soil compaction and artifact analysis, could best determine whether there had ever been tunnels under the preschool.

Thus, I obtained a copy of the report and reviewed it. Finishing my review, a more plausible conclusion than that of the archeologist emerged—that evidence of filled-in tunnels had not been found. Rather, Stickel had found a family trash pit of the type that was, and is, often dug on the property of rural homeowners. Often such a pit is dug by hand. Old bottles, tin cans, table scraps, metal objects and other trash are disposed of in the pit. Combustible refuse is sometimes burned in the pit. When the pit is nearly full, a new pit is dug in the space beside the first pit, with its dirt used to cover the first pit. hen covered with dirt as a third is dug, and so on until, over many years, a string of pits has been dug, each filled with trash, and covered with a thin layer of soil. This string of covered pits might later give the appearance of having once been a tunnel. This, most likely, was the archeologist’s discovery

what they found in the soil under the concrete slab of the preschool was a lot of garbage, including the old mailbox from the previous owners, bottles and cans from the 30 to 50's, broken china, etc. All of this points to this being the previous owner old trash pit. Furthermore the link I provided points to the conclusions of the team that did the ground penetrating radar tests. This is part of Stickel's own report


On May 8 and II, 1990 Spectrum Environmental Services, Inc. conducted a ground penetrating radar (GPR) investigation on the McMartin Preschool Facility located at 931 Manhattan Beach Boulevard in Manhattan Beach, California. The purpose of the investigation was to identify areas of disturbed soils which could indicate below ground tunnels.


Our approach was to conduct a GPR investigation to determine areas that may represent disturbed soils inside and adjacent to' the pre-school building (see Figure One). Both north/south and east/west traverses spaced approximately five feel apart were established by Spectrum with GPR data collected continuously along each traverse.

The equipment used in this investigation included a GPR with a 300 and 500 MHz antenna.


In Areas One, Two, Three, and Four, (see Figures Two, Three, Four, and Five) the GPR depth of penetration was approximately 8 to 10 feet below ground level. No evidence was found to support the existence of filled-in below ground tunnels.

Donald J. Kirker Project Manager

Let me repeat that

No evidence was found to support the existence of filled-in below ground tunnels

Aasb ago

I know too little about this case. Can anyone support what the poster wrote here? Even if it goes against the narrative, its important to know the truth rather than play confirmation bias. Other than that I still find it pretty weird that a couple who were publishing hardcore fetish porn with shit and stuff are entitled to be experts on child abuse cases. Also their books were published by Prometheus Books. Prometheus = Lucifer. This publisher is all about scepticism and atheism.

Here is an amazon review I copied:

Paul and Shirley Eberle: A Strange Pair of Experts by Maria Laurina

Paul and Shirley Eberle wrote The Politics of Child Abuse, a book that accuses mothers, mental health professionals, and prosecutors of feeding children stories about sexual abuse. Since the book was published by Lyle Stuart in l986, the Eberles have been cited as experts in sexual abuse trials. They were featured speakers at a conference of the Victims of Child Abuse Laws, a group formed to protect accused parents. What is startling about the Eberles' reputation as ground-breaking experts in the field is that their dubious credentials have not been widely challenged. Paul and Shirley Eberle edit a soft-core magazine in California called the L.A. Star that contains a mixture of nude photos, celebrity gossip, telephone sex ads, and promos for The Politics of Child Abuse. In the 1970's, however, the Eberles were also publishing hard-core pornography. Their publication, Finger, depicted scenes of bondage, S & M, and sexual activities involving urination and defecation. A young girl portrayed with a wide smile on her face sits on top of a man whose penis is inside of her; a woman has oral sex with a young boy in a drawing entitled "Memories of My Boyhood." The Eberles were featured nude on one cover holding two life-size blow up dolls names "Love Girl" and "Play Guy." No dates appear on the issues and the Eberles rarely attach their names, referring to themselves as "The L.A. Star Family." The Eberles were the distributors of Finger and several other underground magazines, says Donald Smith, a sergeant with the obscenity section of the Los Angeles Police Department's vice division who followed the couple for years. LAPD was never able to prosecute for child pornography: "There were a lot of photos of people who looked like they were under age but we could never prove it." The pictures of young children in Finger are illustrations, and child pornography laws were less rigid a decade ago than they are today. "Sexpot at Five," "My First Rape, She Was Only Thirteen," and "What Happens When Niggers Adopt White Children" are some of the articles that appeared in Finger. One letter states: "I think it's really great that your mags have the courage to print articles & pixs [sic] on child sex...Too bad I didn't hear from more women who are into child sex...Since I'm single I'm not getting it on with my children, but I know of a few families that are. If I were married & my wife & kids approved--I'd be having sex with my daughters." Another entry reads: "I'm a pedophile & I think its [sic] great a man is having sex with his daughter!...Since I didn't get Finger #3, I didn't get to see the stories & pics of family sex. Would like to see pics of nude girls making it with their daddy, but realize its too risky to print." Lyle Stuart plans to print the Eberles' forthcoming book on the McMartins preschool trial. Carole Stuart, the publisher, describes the Eberles as "experts in the field," and family friends "for years."

@angelafogo @sandhog @think-

QisforQuakery ago

Prometheus = Lucifer

This is not true. From Wikipedia

In Greek mythology, Prometheus meaning "forethought") is a Titan, culture hero, and trickster figure who is credited with the creation of man from clay, and who defies the gods by stealing fire and giving it to humanity, an act that enabled progress and civilization. Prometheus is known for his intelligence and as a champion of mankind and also seen as the author of the human arts and sciences generally.

3141592653 ago

A similarly titled book called "The Politics of Ritual Abuse" is wonderful, and proved the Eberles are full of shit.

SandHog ago

Well, that's pretty damning if true. What the hell is wrong with these people? While I am not familiar at all with these people or any of the court cases they were involved with it sounds like the magazine's main purpose was to recruit pedophiles with access to children people more than anything.

It's been a long time since I read over any of the material regarding McMartin. IIRC there was a lot of physical evidence found on the children but the case really hinged on the 'expert' testimony. If these were some of the 'experts'...yikes.

think- ago

Other than that I still find it pretty weird that a couple who were publishing hardcore fetish porn with shit and stuff are entitled to be experts on child abuse cases.

You'd be surprised how many people who have served as 'experts' in sexual abuse trials (later) turned out to be pedos.

It might be important to keep a list of these cases/names. @angelafogo @letsdothis3 @Vindicator @darkknight111 @ASolo

The first who comes to mind is Ralph Unterweger, a former member of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation, who was an 'expert witness' at countless sexual abuse trials.

When it was confirmed he was a pedo they had to throw him out, but the damage was already done.

Another case I remember was in Norway, where a pedophile 'expert witness' made influenced the decisions made in family courts.

angelafogo ago

Sargent Kouba works as an abuse victim counsellor. But on the weekends he is Podestas lapdog when he goes child hunting on the weekend. I made a post about him.

ASolo ago

False Memory Syndrome "experts" and deponents also revolve back into my research into the mkultra mind control handlers who masquarade as professional "magicians" -starting with the "`Amazing Randy"

3141592653 ago

FMSF also has strong cia connections

angelafogo ago

Thats all taken from an article from Maria Laurina. The most important aspect of my investigation is the actual images of the magazines, not just accounts, they effectively show they were pedo related and published by the Eberle. i have read accounts of this magazines being exposed in conferences and the photos inside there were children smeared with feces. Being told about it was not enough. An image is worth 1000 words. My article got hot in 4chan, and they banned and deleted once, somebody reposted and it got hot again so they closed the thread. This is a very easy red pill, they know it, so thats why we should concentrate on spreading it. The evidence is undeniable (just like Pizzagate was) and i understand scepticism over something as blatant as this, but thats how they work, their hold of the media and the information they feeds us is very strong. Look at this recent finding. LA STAR was published by the Eberle as well.

angelafogo ago

Too late. They deleted my post which was being stirred too much for their taste.

YogiPokes ago

My heart continues to break for these children....


Check out the Children's Book the Eberle's published in 1972:

The Adventures of Mrs. Pussycat

The adventures of a cat family that adopts a little girl and whose friends keep people for pets.

angelafogo ago

Yeah. Thanks. I’been looking for that book for a while now. These people are just too much.

Vindicator ago

Great digging @angelafogo! I've given this the NSFW warning and the New Evidence flair. Did you notice the first link has "Babies" on the cover? I wonder if some brave soul can find out what is inside that nasty rag about babies?

Also, we should do more digging on who this couple are connected to.

And can we get a link for this:

“the Eberles were the most prolific publishers of child pornography in the United States” a statement made by Sgt. Toby Tyler, a San Bernadino deputy sheriff who is a nationally recognized expert on child pornography. The Tampa Tribune-Times, July 25, 1993, p.10.

Great job!

angelafogo ago

Vindicator ago

Thanks :-)

angelafogo ago

I went to the Tampa Tribune archives and found that the quote is legit. Unfortunately i cannot view the article completely because you need to be registered as member. But it shows up in the search engine with a small screen showing the pertinent part of the quote within the article.

letsdothis3 ago

“In addition, some of authors of false memory hooks also turned out to be pedophile advocates. For example, one of the most widely cited books claiming that cult abuse reports were mass hysteria is Paul and Shirley Eberle’s The Abuse of Innocence: The McMartin Preschool trial.(6) Taken quite seriously by reviewers and widely quoted In later magazine articles as authoritative, the book makes such claims as that the over 100 McMartin children who reported they had been abused by a cult were all “brainwashed” and the mothers were all “hysterical” and that it was meaningless that physicians found three-quarters of the children bore physical evidence that corroborated their stories. What reviewers didn’t mention was that the Eberles had been called “the most prolific publishers of child pornography in the United States” by Sgt. Toby Tyler, a San Bernadino deputy sheriff who is a nationally recognized expert on child pornography.(7) Their kiddie porn material that I have seen and the articles they have published such as “I Was a Sexpot at Five” and “Little Lolitas” Included illustrations of children involved in sodomy and oral copulation and featured pornographic photos of the Eberles.”


angelafogo ago

Thanks. There is much more. But its quite frankly overwhelming how they got away with it.

letsdothis3 ago

They get away with it in just the same way that happens in the UK. The network of protectors is huge and the public are not sufficiently engaged to open their eyes. People would prefer that child abuse did not exist.

Heisenberg123 ago

This is big. I believe the same thing is happening with Pizzagate now. Pedophiles defending pedophiles.

angelafogo ago

Now doubt about it. They are very good with words and labels. “Satanic Panic” = “Pizzagate Conspiracy & Fake News” If you even bring this subject up they will label you as a wackhead. But the evidence is there and very clear. We must shed light on them.

Joe10jo ago

Thank you!! Funny bc just last night I corrected someone on Twitter who referred to this case as Satanic Panic B/S. Believe me, I corrected him!

Vindicator ago

I think I saw that!

angelafogo ago

Thank you. Pleae help spread this info.

NowThatsInteresting ago

Now that’s researching. Well done.

angelafogo ago

Thank you

NowThatsInteresting ago

I’m baffled as to how this new info has only 17 upvotes till now. 🤔

angelafogo ago

Voat is ((them)) i dont know they do it. But this post with 64comments is being pushed down. My guess is they are somehow downvoating it without it showing up.

Vindicator ago

Voat is ((them))

Wrong. Voat was founded by this guy. He and his partner PuttItOut were doxed and threatened. He was financially deplatformed by PayPal and then its credit card processors. His servers originally hosted in Germany were shut down. When all that failed to prevent them from providing a genuine free speech forum to people around the world, incredibly well-funded operators launched massive, dynamic DDoS attacks to try to force Voat off the Internet. That failed, too, and fighting it made the codebase stronger.

@Atko and @PuttitOut and many loyal goats have worked very, very hard to provide an authentic free marketplace for ideas.

Only one person downvoted this post. It's probably the 6 day old account who complained about the number of upvotes you received in order to plant this idea in your head.

NowThatsInteresting ago

I upvoted your submission even though you had a small go at me. “The 6 day old account”??? You can also use my username. And my intentions were not to put anything in her head, rather to question the few upvotes this sub had at that time (17).

Why upvoting your comment? Because everything you said about voat and its founders is absolute bang on the money and i have immense respect for what they do. Specially looking at all the similar platforms i.e Reddit, chans..etc.

My account maybe 6 days old but I’m here reading everything since the very beginning. I don’t know you, yet I have lots of respect since I’m reading your comments since a long time. So I will give you the benefit of the doubt since you don’t know me. Only time will tell if I’m on your side or not. I say I’m here because I believe pizzagate to be true. Well, once you filter out the disinfo.

I’ve researched the deep web 5 years prior to pizzagate, the language and symbologies used were familiar to me. I didn’t need to be convinced.

The deep web consists 70% cp, 25% drugs/weapons/other criminal acts (I.e bounty hunters, head hunters, hackers...), and there is also 5% of useful sites with lots of info that’s forbidden to talk about on the clearnet.

So the root of our problems is the deep web (in relation to distribution). Accessed with Tor, which was originally created by the US Navy. Then bitcoin is introduced and made the life for criminals so much easier. So they needed a platform and tor was born. They needed to win over the trust of criminals to lure them in, which they did. The last step was to make transactions easier, e voila bitcoin/cryptocurrency was born. How convenient.

So you see I’m not a noob. I’m here to help.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the reply, NowThatsInteresting. If you've been lurking here as long as you say, you will recognize how frequently we have sketchy new accounts in here pushing the idea that Voat is a limited hangout controlled by our enemies, and won't take it personally when comments that echo that sentiment get a bit of pushback. I stand corrected about the downvote, and look forward to constructive contributions from you. :-)

NowThatsInteresting ago

Much appreciated. I do know about the sketchy accounts that pop up each time there’s good info. They try to bury it.

I’m also working on my first submission and am looking forward sharing it with you all soon. I’m not going to giveaway anything, only that we all missed a lot of info in the first 6 months of pizzagate.

Thanks again for your reply.

Vindicator ago

Looking forward to your submission, NTI. Let me know if you have any questions about any of the submission rules.

think- ago

Angela, the up-or downvoating of posts here isn't manipulated.

Posts go slowly down the thread when there are a couple of new posts submitted after them.

My guess is that this post might not have gotten the traction it deserves, because many people don't know what the 'McMartin' case is, so they probably don't even click the post in order to read it.

You're doing excellent work, and we all appreciate it. Please keep it up! :-)

angelafogo ago

Sorry but a site that has a goat as a pet logo does not have my blind trust. It is of course the best we have at the moment. But allow me to be wary without being paranoid.

I made this research because i think it can help red pilled a lot of people, because it is clear evidence of a fairly famous case. You can open somebody eyes in 10min just by looking at this. So i just wish this had more exposure. If the mods can give me a hand with that i would appreciate it. As many users have mention in 4chan if this reaches mainstream somehow it could hit them hard.

NowThatsInteresting ago

From a technical point of view this can be manipulated without the knowledge of voat. Could we sticky this submission for a short while @vindicator ? Wanna see if it gets more votes and more traction. I still can’t fathom this new info. It’s so blatant, so out there. This could help us redpilling many deniers.

Vindicator ago

From a technical point of view this can be manipulated without the knowledge of voat.

How would that work, exactly?

NowThatsInteresting ago

Most of the hacking in this world goes unnoticed. Usually it only gets exposed because of two reasons: 1. Not skilled enough. Or 2. The hacker wants you to know you’ve been hacked.

The rest of the time, hackers (white/grey/black) go in and out without anyone ever knowing.

What I was implying is that if we are researching the dirty section of the elite, and assuming they have access to some brilliant minds (technologically) then getting into reddit, voat or Chans is not impossible.

We know the NSA + various other intelligence agencies around the world have that ability. It’s not far fetched to assume that NSA (example) has some pedophile employees that would do various favors for their lords.

Vindicator ago

What I was implying is that if we are researching the dirty section of the elite, and assuming they have access to some brilliant minds (technologically) then getting into reddit, voat or Chans is not impossible.

So...what's your point? Are you saying NSA hackers are here manipulating votes on this post, but making their votes not show up in the vote count? If so, where's the evidence of that? Why this post and no others? @Peaceseeker, is something like that even possible?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Seriously? Do you really think that someone behind the scenes is 'secretly' down-voting your submission?

I think it is more likely that people are lazy in their up-voting or they are just not bothering to read PG submissions anymore. Also something to consider is that you are not a prolific or 'popular' submitter and therefore do not have a following of dedicated readers who seek to read your work. I try to read everybody's PG submissions, but when I want to relax I seek out the writers on VOAT that I enjoy reading, there is nothing 'enjoyable' about reading the work that goes into this sub.

Idk, just my opinion. Please don't get discouraged.


dandelion2319 ago

I personally look for Angelo's submissions.

MyTinyOpinion ago

Holy shit, great work!

angelafogo ago

Thanks. Help spread!

carmencita ago

Thanks for digging this up. This is EPIC!

angelafogo ago

Thanks carmencita. Please help spread

carmencita ago

You know you can count on me :)

SearchVoatBot ago

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