MichaelClayton ago

Wouldn't want innocent parties to get caught up in this ugly mess.

Fuck you FlippantLaker. Thanks for spotlighting Todd Eberle who has the pizzagate look now GTFO

mrohm ago

Sandlers are evil people, but this is really just about dominoes.

Skippy has some degree of pull at SNL, which led to this http://m.sfgate.com/restaurants/article/Herb-Sandler-takes-on-SNL-after-snark-attack-3191211.php#item-85307-tbla-3

See this, too: https://content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1877351_1877350_1877343,00.html

Wealthy, scummy wheeler dealers. Perhaps not paedophiles, but filth just the same.

ESOTERICshade ago

The word "dominos" was found in the Wikileaks John Podesta email dump. This is the definition of the word "domino."

This is related to Pizzagate because the word "Domino" was found in the Wikileaks John Podesta email dump in an email from Herb Sandler to John Podesta. This term has been heavily investigated and speculated about and what it could mean to the Pizzagate investigation.


Ps. Do you think I’ll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

Definitions and explanations of the word "Domino" come from Dictionary.com and Wikepedia.



Question asked by a poster in the Pizzagate subverse.

Do we know what "playing dominoes" means yet?


  • 1. a large, hooded cloak with a mask covering the eyes, worn at masquerades.
  • 2.the mask.
  • 3.a person wearing such dress.

Domino Origin


Italian: hood and mask costume

Medieval Latin or Middle French: black hood worn by priests in winter; obscurely akin to

Latin dominus lord

Word Origin and History for domino

1801, from French domino (1771)

perhaps (on comparison of the black tiles of the game) from the meaning "hood with a cloak worn by canons or priests"

Latin dominus "lord, master" (see domain),

Klein thinks it might be directly from dominus, "because he who has first disposed his pieces becomes 'the master.


dɒmɪnʊs ʊ noun

  1. God or Christ

Domino mask

A domino mask (from Latin dominus, "lord", and Medieval Latin masca, specter ) is a small, often rounded mask covering only the eyes and the space between them

domino (cloak)

The name in use to describe this partial mask derives from the Latin for dominus, for "lord" or "master"

[1] combined with the word mask (itself deriving from medieval Latin masca, for "specter" or "nightmare")

[2] Masks of this type became known as domini because they resembled French priests' winter hoods, which were white on the inside and black on the outside.



The name in use to describe this partial mask derives from the Latin for dominus, for "lord" or "master" [1] combined with the word mask (itself deriving from medieval Latin masca, for "specter" or "nightmare") [2] Masks of this type became known as domini because they resembled French priests' winter hoods, which were white on the inside and black on the outside.






Occult symbolism seldom ever just means one distinct object or thing, but many multilayered things that shape a concept.

"He who knows does not talk, he who talks does not know."

"He who explains it does understand it, he who understands it cannot explain it."

In this context it can be a case of playing Lord, Master, Dominant position, being a specter.

Also think about contextually what a "mask" represents. A mask hides, veils, keeps secret.

"Their rituals and practices are unknown because they are masked, cloaked."

"It was masked, unknown, an unseen force of evil and stealth."

"Their methods served as a cloaking device."


Immelda ago

Domino was also the name of one of the prostitutes in Eyes Wide Shut.

Are_we_sure ago

also a game played by millions of people who don't know the orign of the word.

ESOTERICshade ago

also a game played by millions of people who don't know the orign of the word.

Its probably true that some of the few million people that make up the global child rape network don't know the origin of the word or even use it.

DapperDaanMan ago

No offence but that sounds a little delusional, considering the email is speaking about a game of dominoes.

ESOTERICshade ago

No offence but that sounds a little delusional, considering the email is speaking about a game of dominoes.

Nope. It is spelled differently. "dominoes" is not "dominos"

DapperDaanMan ago

If you believe this is a deliberate tactic, then I am sure you will agree that the missing parenthesis from the pizza related map email, is also relevant. Hm?

DapperDaanMan ago

Espanol es dominos y francais c'est dominos

ESOTERICshade ago

Espanol es dominos y francais c'est dominos

How is the food at the kibbutz in Israel? Good?

DapperDaanMan ago

I would love to visit Israel properly and swim with dolphins, unfortunately I wouldn't know about the food in kibbutz. I have only spent prolonged periods in Arabic countries.

ESOTERICshade ago

you're not missing anything. Israel is a real shithole and it is full of racists.

gaystapo ago

Just like the walnut sauce emails. If you read the entire set of email exchanges, they're clearly talking about a southern Italian walnut sauce. Pizzagate is real, don't get me wrong, but to be called a shill for pointing this out makes us look like fools. Where does that code word legend come from anyways? How do we know walnuts are code for black child? Pizza is clearly code for CP/pedophilia but the other code terms seem to be pulled out of thin air and regarded as gospel.

Are_we_sure ago

a southern Italian walnut sauce.

Northern. It's from Liguria where Podesta's Italian family comes from. Same area that makes Pesto with Basil and Pine Nuts


Where does that code word legend come from anyways? How do we know walnuts are code for black child? Pizza is clearly code for CP/pedophilia but the other code terms seem to be pulled out of thin air and regarded as gospel.

Screenshot from an anonymous user on 4chan. No link because that code is made up completely.

Pizza is absolutely not code. The origins of this were CP was used as code on 4chan for child pornography. People would say post CP, or Mods are asleep post CP. People began to parody that using other terms for CP, like pictures of Chocolate Pudding or Copier Paper or Captain Picard and the one that took off was Cheese Pizza. Pudding or Paper or Picard or Pizza by itself were not used.

This is literally where this whole idea goes back to. http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/post-cp

Post CP is an acronym in which CP can have a variety of meanings. Initially used as an acronym for 4chan posters to indirectly mention or request a child pornography thread, in later years the acronym became commonly associated with the posting of other subjects with the same first letters (C & P, most notably “Cheese Pizza”) to parody prohibited request threads or to troll those who hope to find child pornography. The users can also ask for illegal pornographic materials by requesting photos of delicious cake.

DapperDanManual ago

Thank you, why is this post being attacked? Weird.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm still up in the air as to exactly what walnut sauce really means. I'm not convinced that I really know.

Psalm144-1 ago

Do a google image search for "adrenal gland"

then do a google image search for "walnut"

.... i think we were off base on the "walnut = colored child" theory. In reality, I think it is much more sinister...

ESOTERICshade ago

Walnut and adrenal gland are practically identical. Have not seen that before.

DapperDaanMan ago

You sound like a paranoid fantasist. Dropping one interpretation for another more insidious, despite the option to opt out by way of rational thinking...

Psalm144-1 ago

Don't be so California...

DapperDaanMan ago

Meaning what exactly?

Psalm144-1 ago

i'll keep that one to myself for now. Good luck in pursuit to change people minds in this forum... you'd probably do better in youtube/instagram comment sections though.

DopperGaanMan ago

Thanks but I'm done with pizzagate.

Psalm144-1 ago

You sneaky little person, you. i almost didnt catch the that "Dopper"

DopperGaanMan ago

That's me. Sneaky.

Psalm144-1 ago

But for real, legit question here. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

DopperGaanMan ago

I don't get the joke.

Psalm144-1 ago

It's not a joke. It's a real question that i am asking you. Do you think ill do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?

DopperGaanMan ago

What is the purpose of your question?

DapperDaanMan ago

Are you nuts? It's just as likely to be code for the walnut moon of Saturn called Pan, since that is what Alefantis names himself.

However, since I myself use pine nuts in pesto, I am quite convinced this is just a recipe for a walnut based sauce.

Are_we_sure ago

Bingo. Not only are pine nuts used in Basil Pesto, but Ligurian Walnut Sauce is from the same region that made Pesto famous. It's known as salsa di noci in Italian.

John Podesta has published his walnut sauce recipe online and there's even video of him making this sauce you can in an article on him from 2014. It's chicken stock, walnuts, olive oil, butter, tomatoes, salt, pepper, basil and parmesan.

Amazing that this forum has not posted video of John Podesta cooking Walnut Sauce from before pizzagate, but there you go.

Psalm144-1 ago

Good for you! Bravo, bravo!

realityisinsanity ago

Archive of 4chan thread http://archive.is/MI6ly

ESOTERICshade ago

Its monday. Trolls back on the job.

Psalm144-1 ago

Get em ES!

ESOTERICshade ago

Get em ES!

They don't fool me :)

gaystapo ago

Also not a troll.

DapperDanManual ago

This post is reasonable, you sound determined to confirm bias. @psalm144-1

Psalm144-1 ago

"which food would give him the mental ability to play better. Like saying, will I be more likely to win poker on beer or wine this evening?"

^ I wouldn't call this a "reasonable" analysis. I would call this a team of damage control specialists trying to spin this email out of the pizzagate "conspiracy". If this "reasonable" explanation is the best spin you can come up with then it just shows me how desperate you really are to make this thing go away, it also motivates me to look into the Sandlers even more. thanks for the help!

DapperDanManual ago

Well it's the author's interpretation which I deem to be reasonable, more so than the nefarious interpretations. Since it is an email talking about a game of dominoes.

Psalm144-1 ago

I'm sure its just another coincidence that you and the author have both created accounts within the past day, less than 24 hours from each other.

Maybe Qanon was right, "these people are really stupid"

DapperDanManual ago

Hey, are you there? I'm not a troll.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey, are you there? I'm not a troll.

Yes you are. Your latest tactice is to thumb through the wikileaks and post circular bullshit that will go no place, hopefully fall within the posting rules, and slide the forum.

DapperDanManual ago

This isn't my post.

DapperDanManual ago

How so?

Psalm144-1 ago

Uhmm yea... This changes nothing. The Sandler domino emails are still very suspicious and will remain to be a key piece of the Pizzagate puzzle. Just google Herb and Marion Sandler and tell me thats not what elite-pedo-satanists should look like...

DapperDanManual ago

So the way someone looks it determinate of guilt?

Psalm144-1 ago

The eyes are the window to the soul

DapperDanManual ago

So if you have glasses you have a damaged soul?

Psalm144-1 ago

You really should have stayed with the law school pursuit.. I'm sure it would have payed better than playing spin doctor for a bunch of pedo/elite power brokers in an obscure online research community. What are you even doing here? Did you create an account 3 hours ago with the sole purpose of distancing Herb and Susan from this movement?

It too late, here's the unfortunate reality for you and your masters. Anyone who is featured (on any level) in the Podesta files is now a person of interest. Good luck containing all this... you're gonna need it!

DapperDaanMan ago

What are you talking about should have pursued law school?

How did you know I was in law school? @VictorSteinerDavion @Vindicator Hey, this person has doxed me.

Psalm144-1 ago

I haven't doxed anyone. You gave yourself away when you starting defending the Sandlers for no apparent reason.

DapperDaanMan ago

Psalm144-1 1 points (+1|-0) 54 minutes ago You really should have stayed with the law school pursuit..

You have doxed me which is against the rules.

@VictorSteinerDavion @Vindicator @Honeybee

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping, Dapper. The only doxxing that is against the rules is sharing of senstive personal info like soc #, financial account numbers/pw's associated with someone's real life identity. This is just free speech.

Word of advice: When someone guesses facts about you, confirming them makes you party to the dox.

VictorSteinerDavion ago

The account/user claiming doxx is (to me) an obvious bait drama troll.

No need to expend any effort to dealing with it.

If someone has doxxed for reals it will not be an issue, but this one is bait for the next wave of drama

Gothamgirl ago

Just a question if someone knows. Is it normal for the source of that email to look this way?

On Sep 1, 2014, at 10:22, "Sandler, Susan" <[email protected]<mailt= o:[email protected]>> wrote:

Hi John,

I so enjoyed having a chance to spend time and relax with you and Mary. Th= anks for teaching me the domino game=97I=92m going to get a set!

I would really like to get in touch with Tara McGuiness about a few things.= Would you or Eryn be able to connect us?



Are_we_sure ago

Yes, It's what is known as special characters, that is rendered by the display software as an EM-DASH Thanks for teaching me the domino game—I’m going to get a set!

Microsoft Outlook and other email tools cover two hypens into an em-dash https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/microsoft-office/four-ways-to-insert-an-em-dash-in-a-word-document/

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for explaining.

DapperDanManual ago


Gothamgirl ago

How do you play dominoes on cheese rather then pasta? How is that normal?

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you.

DapperDaanMan ago

Why on earth would you be looking at the source code in the first place?

Gothamgirl ago

I am nosey, when it comes to the possibility of children being abused. Podesta is well versed in crypto to.

DopperGaanMan ago

You are creepy more like.

Gothamgirl ago

What does that even mean?

DopperGaanMan ago

Means you spend every day on this forum, make disgusting CIA tactical remarks and you are pathetic.

Gothamgirl ago

"Disgusting CIA tactical remarks and you are pathetic"

Nope not me fuck off. Why do you care about what I do everyday anyways?

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

i upvoted all your comments. ignore the hater they just jealous

Gothamgirl ago

You're very kind thank you.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

no problemo pretty lady

DapperDanManual ago

Shit, have not seen that one before.