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17182579? ago

I will write this post fast & hard so the message sticks.

The McMartin abuse scandal was the flag of the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 80s. The case was delegitimized intentionally in order to install the idea that there was a paranoid witch hunt in the american society with no real evidence. Abused children showed real signs of abused corroborated by experts. Also they spoke of tunnels below the school which were never corroborated by the police, though the media used the statement to further reinforce the theory of all being fabricated fantasies of the children. Fact is there are tunnels, the families of the abused children dig them up in the 1990s."The tunnels are extensive, include a large room just as the children said, and lead to further sites off the property. The tunnels were found in an archeological dig under the pre-school conducted by Dr. E. Gary Stickel, archaeologist and director of Environmental Research Archaeologists, a Scientific Consortium." Here is the link

And now, the most important part of my findings. Paul and Shirley Eberle were the authors chosen by the Cabal to dismiss the McMartin abuses as fantasies and paranoia, bringing down the entire SRA panic to a mockery. He wrote "The Abuse of Innocence" which is basically a lie and established the idea that children were forced to declare fantasies. The Eberles also wrote the Politics of Child Abuse (Secaucus, N.) Lyle Stuard Inc., 1986) which centers on the McMartin case as the bellwether of the nationwide “child abuse witch hunt” (p. 285) “resulting in the devastation of innocent peoples lives and families (p, 283). Both books lionized defendants and defense interests while defaming everything and everyone associated with child protection. Such polemics also illustrate the gospel of the dual attack on child protection. Ritual abuse cases are first debunked as de factor frauds, then all sexual abuse complaints are tarred with the same brush..” We believe that every molestation case in which there has been a conviction should be reopened and reviewed.” (The Politics of Child Abuse, p. 284). The Eberles have been cited as experts in sexual abuse trials. They were featured speakers at a conference of the Victims of Child Abuse Laws, a group formed to protect accused parents.

Now, who were the Eberle? This is where it gets interesting. The Eberle were publishers of and Underground magazine called FINGER (a word easily recognizable by the pedocommunity and widely used in the Elsagate videos). This magazine featured zoofilia, scat, S&m and yes, pedophilia. So i found a cover of the mag. And check the title "Masters, Slaves, Babies, Dog, etc" Editorial by Paul & Shirley Eberle. (if somebody can archive this image please)

I also found this issue complete. It features a lot of hardcore stuff.

Check this out

So basically what you have just read is evidence that the writers that wrote the book which summarised and delegimitized the McMartin case (which mas the most important case of the SRA panic in the 80s) and which were later cited for counsel on how to make the McMartin movie (Indictment) which was based, of course, on their book, yes, they were publishers of the most important pedo-magazine in USA.

“the Eberles were the most prolific publishers of child pornography in the United States” a statement made by Sgt. Toby Tyler, a San Bernadino deputy sheriff who is a nationally recognized expert on child pornography. The Tampa Tribune-Times, July 25, 1993, p.10.

Please help me spread this like wildfire and archive everything.


17200694? ago (((Incredibily little info)))

In 1972 they wrote The Adventures of Mrs. Pussycat, a children's book.

17198175? ago

Langenwalter, Paul E., Kevin Peter, Jane King, and Robert Beer, 1985. Report on a forensic archaelogical investigation conducted at the Goldstein property at Manhattan Beach, California. Report prepared for the Los Angeles County District Attorney. Unpublished report on file at the contracted firm of Scientific Resource Surveys, Inc., Huntington Beach, California, and at the Office of the District Attorney.

Nobody is going to find that. Where are the photographs of the tunnels?

17220293? ago

This magazine cover literally says "child abuse" on it.