18229702? ago

POL stop posting on this.

This is what people see when they come. Stop!!

A child is tied down.

Stop it. POL is getting owned.

18229706? ago

t. podesta

18229703? ago

Day of the rope is coming for pedophiles like you.

18229707? ago

Are you high.

I am unconformable seeing children tied down for remarks.

Fuck you Islam child fuckers.

\This is an Islamic child fucking post.

18229688? ago

Postan if it hasn't been posted already

18229690? ago

Thanks! And please don't forget to arcive this thread, brothers.

18229687? ago

Anyone remember this vid?

18229693? ago

I remember

18113854? ago

I would like to indly ask for this thread to be archived

18113855? ago

*I would like to kindly ask for this thread to be archived

18113856? ago


I would advice you to capture any and all images you think that need archiving. Because when it does get archived, these are the things that mostly are lost, especially through archive.is. You could also visit the snapshots saved through archive.org/web, but it's never perfect. In any case, look to the general archive thread at here: >>12778446

As the archiver, I speak of experience.

Remember to save locally, bump relevant threads at the bottom of the catalog and wash your balls.

18229684? ago


18052597? ago


18052594? ago


Hmongs are best IMO lol I met a funny one

18052593? ago

The correct response to over the top depravity remains channelled depravity. Legalize prostitution, make banks deal openly with red markets, and leave filth purveyors untouched for all crimes of filth purveying without distinct victims.

17987563? ago

o~Make sure you guys buy lots of my Boolbool on Alibaba okay

my profile transactions are hidden but if you buy enough you might get a special surprise ;) o~

17987561? ago

This channel is bizarre. There's thousands of videos like this on it.

18071358? ago

Try to capture a histogram and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Something is encoded in these videos. It's like another way to transfer files instead of using zip or whatever.

18065602? ago

There's a shit-ton of data in these videos.

It looks like they've taken files/source code and put them through an algorithm to generate these videos.

Try to capture a histogram and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Something is encoded in these videos. It's like another way to transfer files instead of using zip or whatever.

18052590? ago

Wtf did I just watch?

18052589? ago

That is really fucking weird.

Seems like it could be Monarch programming, there really are thousands of them, all posted relatively recently. The overwhelming majority of them have absolutely no views whatsoever. That's fucking weird…

18052592? ago

I remember a similar channel which "turned out to be" "Quality tests" done by google. then the thing was kinda memory holed cause "good explanation" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Webdriver_Torso

18052595? ago


in b4 "Quality tests" done by google

17973109? ago


And that's a global report.

17973108? ago




and quite a few more.


18052596? ago


claiming this

in a thread specifically against pedos

You schizo boomers are generally fucking retarded.

17973113? ago

If you post to 8 chan you support pedophilia

17973102? ago

This dude here has some connections to a pizzeria in Brazil

17973115? ago


He was a mod on the Pizzagate sub on Voat too. I got banned a few times due to that bastard.

17973097? ago

Hilarious how a jew, is showing a little bit of truth about Joe Biden and immediately the comment section gets spammed by glowniggers.

Attention, the following video is from a shill site called rightwingwatch

Josh Bernstein Says Congress Should Investigate If Joe Biden is 'Possibly a Pedophile'


17973101? ago

The hole deepens

17973099? ago

Bumping for justice

17973093? ago


17851438? ago

Why aren't we marching on them, seriously, what matters if these fucks can just eat and rape our kids with impunity.

17851427? ago


Former Arizona Rep. David Stringer's views on child sex trafficking were captured in a video released as part of the House of Representatives' investigation into his past.

In the recording, Stringer states that he doesn't "like to demonize" child sex trafficking and jokes that there are "a lot of 15-year-old prostitutes."

Stringer resigned March 27 over accusations that he raped children in the 1980s. The video was obtained by investigators who reviewed ethics complaints about his sex-crime charges.

After the speech, Stringer allegedly defended child sex abuse during an argument he and Hamilton had in the parking lot.

Hamilton told investigators that Stringer said he didn't think there was any "damage" from child sex trafficking, saying, "If an uncle takes his niece or nephew to a playground, and they go on the merry-go-round and have some ice cream, and then do their thing, that’s just part of the experience."


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Stringer - https://archive.fo/hZlhk

David Stringer is an American attorney, businessman, politician and a former Republican member of the Arizona House of Representatives elected to represent District 1 in 2016. Stringer operates the Comfort Inn in Prescott, Arizona. Before his resignation from the Arizona House, he had been a Republican precinct committeeman and state committeeman, and a co-chairman of the county GOP's finance committee.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3140733

17975488? ago

how many cameras were in that ro0m………………...

17973095? ago


House Speaker Rusty Bowers said Stringer’s resignation ended the ethics probe and public documents gathered over the course of the investigation would soon be released.

Two days later, the ethics committee released 426 pages of documents, including a 1983 Baltimore Police Department report that said Stringer was arrested for allegedly paying boys younger than 15, one of whom had a mental disability, to perform sex acts multiple times.

On Saturday, Stringer issued a long statement on Facebook defending himself, saying the “salacious allegations of sexual improprieties … had no basis in fact.”


17851426? ago


This story breaking today talks about 2020 democratic party candidate Kirsten Gillibrand has ties to NXIVM via her father, who worked for them.


source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3140872

17851425? ago

A woman at the NXIVM Symposium spoke out publicly that her daughter was taken by NXIVM and is being held as a sex slave in Wisconsin. The mother was involved with a man who worked in cybersecurity for the government and was involved in the "backend operations" of NXIVM. She said he has abilities and access to able to alter medical records and has changed the daughter's record to show he is her father. She emphasized that these operations continue today despite the ongoing legal cases. She says her name at one point but I cannot make it out, the audio is bad, it would be great if someone could make a transcript.

It is unclear to me if this mother is the same as the mother in blue that interrupts the hearing and also claims that a child was kidnapped and is being held for sex trafficking and that she herself was raped in the last week in order to intimidate her to stay silent.

I made a link post earlier that was deleted. Here are the comments that were made to the post before it was deleted:

u/letsdothis I believe both women on that stage were there to distract from the child trafficking aspect of NXIVM. Raniere's so-called ex-girlfriend played the part of enabler saying we should have sympathy for the women who got involved because many came from dysfunctional backgrounds while Catherine Oxenberg focused on her adult daughter who is involved with the cult and who she says was 'brainwashed'. She was there to sell her book. The genuine ones were the mother and daughter who approached the lawyers and press after the talk to try and highlight the case of the young girl who has allegedly been taken. I don't trust Oxenberg…


comment by @ASolo https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2317461/11510868


Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected…

u/NOMOCHOMO Just like the girl who is suing the Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints for blindfolded ritual sexual abuse in Arizona

u/Beaucephus The actors we've seen associated with fake events have been pure and utter shyte. This lady is one hell of an actor or, as I personally believe, is completely legitimate in her allegations.

u/letsdothis3 He says there was a lot of talk about cyber hacking. That's quite possible.. Check out my post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3140338

Jeffrey Epstein is deeply embedded in the tech industry and government organisations.

u/Bitchutearchive https://www.bitchute.com/video/vs5hnMFB89ldBitChute

u/derram https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=Jr6i_IwVMBw :

Did The NXIVM Symposium Reveal Something Totally Unexpected? - YouTube This has been an automated message.PNG

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3141061

17851434? ago


17851423? ago

Nothing about Timmothy Pitzen on here who was found alive yesterday after missing for 8 years?

Kid escaped a pedo trafficking ring & his pedo kidnappers.



""He described his captors as two white men in a Ford S.U.V. with Wisconsin plates, both of them built like bodybuilders. One had curly black hair and a tattoo of a spider web on his neck; the other man was short and had a snake tattoo on his arms."

18071354? ago

Nigger, both of those articles clearly state he didn't fucking escape, and at most some faggot pretended to be him. Do you even read what you post?

17851404? ago

I recently found this guy


From what I can tell, he seems to have found legitimate Pizzagate info and become entangled in the legal system as a result.

It all seems pretty credible. Especially the confession letter, /222/ all that stuff seems credible. I've found some blogs and stuff that make the case that he's a loon and not credible, but that might be damage control.

The confession letter is especially chilling. Makes me believe.

17851417? ago

The timothy holmseth saga is amazing. He's a great example of exactly how high up these rings go, and what they do if you try to fuck with them. He's been completely deplatformed. Hard to get updates about his situation.

It was through following him I learned about the pedo legal and private detective networks. Buncha judges are pedos, they exist across different states….one of the more interesting things that no one ever seemed to catch are these legal firms that represent 'the falsely accused'. They make it look like they work for 'victims', but if you read a bit closer, they're the legal arm that protects pedophiles who have had their children come out against them. Here's two examples of such firms:



Tim kinda went a lil crazy and became a Q-tard, so he's kinda easy for people to dismiss as a kook at first glance (his horrible website design doesn't help)….but I imagine that's what happens when you're just a normal dude that gets embroiled in trying to expose a pedo ring that then works tirelessly to destroy your life for almost 10 years. He's been on this way before Trump, too, which is what initially made me feel it was legit and not part of pizzagate. Lori Handrahan is another one with a similar story:


The sites you see discrediting Tim are made by the people in the pedo ring.

17851413? ago


Fuck, solved my own ignorance.


This shit is so sinister I can’t comprehend the existence of these demonic sick-fuck-people. I mean emotionally.

Intellectually sure.

Anons w sociopathy along w ethics - infiltrate these groups, release their intel & comnections, evidence, tapes etc etc. ofc after you butcher each and every one of them…slow.

Martyrmode: surrender self to cops along e full confession.

An Hero: suicide(boom) a known building, hub of such activities - prolly for the best as you’ve had to do unimaginable things to get into the know.

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”

17851419? ago

17851410? ago


Hook me up w the letter/confession link

Can’t look up shit on the page w 222 or confession letters

Thanks in advance

17851409? ago


17851422? ago

i mean look at this

as much as /pol hates Q, he had posts saying 'follow the white rabbit'. Culkin's site is full of references to aliens dressing themself up as humans abducting kids and sucking their blood.

17973116? ago



I noticed some seriously offputting shit like that T-Shirt in recent rlm videos. Also pizza slut shirts shortly after pizzagate broke out. Really want to chalk it up to coincidence though, since I love those guys.

17987559? ago

That fat Josh fatass was acting very weird when rlm reviewed some police training tape about recognizing Satanic ritual abuse.

He just seemed really uncomfortable and angry at the topic.

17973117? ago

that mustache looks fake

17973114? ago


17851424? ago

Isn't Jack Packard a registered sex offender? There's a meme floating around about it somewhere.

17778757? ago


17778749? ago


17778746? ago


17778742? ago

That nearly direct road between the VP house and Comet Ping Pong, and the CHILD Centre and the fucking cemetary


Whites have a healthier body, why not pollute more so that we can poison blacks, jews, and chinks? If you disagree with this idea, you're a shill.

17778733? ago


supposedly the guy that hacked into comet ping pong site- found CP

17778734? ago

He was one of the contributors to the digging thread if I'm not mistaken.


I'm honestly having trouble following what this guy is saying. I get that he's angry over a database of child exploitation images. But his anger over consent is confusing me. Does he mean the images of kids in the normal family photos? Or does he mean the kids being raped? Because that, I honestly agree in terms of who the hell is actually regulating this shit, and who has access? (not that we don't all know anyway.) But also, how can he be pissed about parents consent if the whole purpose is to actually identify victims who are otherwise unknown?

I have a cold right now, so it might just be that that's making me unable to follow him. Could someone explain this to me?

17734174? ago

Sara Packer sentenced to life and then some for killing daughter with boyfriend. "Evil attracts evil," judge tells her.



44-year-old former Northampton County children and youth case worker

This is big.

17734177? ago


Some Google reviews

"Watch out for Kristen Cooper and Jared Myers there both corrupted Kristen tryed to fabricate info in my case and i proofed to the detective that she was committing perjury along with the doctor she deals with. Im taking them to court on 3/15/19 to proof my innocence and have them prosecuted for falsification on my case!"

"Beware, the caseworker magoline Oconnor In 2001 - 2002 destroyed my life and greatly affected my sons life as well! Definitely tell them you wish too talk to a lawyer first if they knock on your door. In a meeting her and her supervisor were intimidating me and when I said ide like too speak with a attorney the supervisor stood up and screamed at me saying “you will never see your child again if you do that”! I have witnesses on this also. They also encouraged me and my girlfriend at the time too split up saying we weren’t right for each other and they pushed that! That’s exactly what ended up happening. Yes I had issues at the time but they never even offered me help that I did end up getting later. I never hurt, neglected, or abused my child… never. I had a drug problem! Thing was they had no idea untill I told them that. They were there for another minor issue caused by someone else. I ended up getting help on my own after a family was torn apart and it was years later that I met my son for the first time. If they actually helped me get too a rehab and pointed me in the right direction, things would have been better for my son as well. It was horrible what they did. They encouraged 2 parents too not be together too raise a child. They should be ashamed.! Today I am clean and I help fellow recovering addicts. It’s a disease, a disability. Help should have been offered! It’s very hard for me to pubically admit this, but I need too warn parents out there. You can have a revengeful neighbor report you on a bogus complaint and if you say the wrong thing, it can be used against you. They can make your life a living hell out of a bogus complaint. Also this is Northampton county. I had a previous expirence with Lehigh county and they were very nice and helpful!"

"This Child protective services did not pursue or even check into well being of child that is slowly dying due to her mothers habits of smoking meth in the house along with cigarettes and pot. When the doctors told her it could kill her and the other kids. All three children suffer severe respiratory issues yet this so called mother gets to keep these kids while slowly killing all of them!"

17734172? ago

17734171? ago

17726508? ago

I think this still works…


It is pretty simple shit.

Here is alefantis' facebook, the last post he made was 2017.


The next question, even if we did get his phone number, what would we do with besides fuck with him?

I think that pizzagate will get no further just doing online investigations. I lack the technical skills to take things further (hack into their shit) :( and call me a faggot, but im not ready quite yet for the other option available (some amateur SWAT activity)

depressing as it is, i dont know where else to with this…

17726505? ago

Just a little reminder how to drain the swamp. Or better how to do gods own work. These sick bastards will continue until they get forced to stop. Politics is kiked to the max, sp they will not do it:


"The conquistadores were horrified by the wide-spread acceptance of homosexuality, ephebophilia, pederasty, and pedophilia among Mesoamerican and South American peoples, and used torture, burning at the stake, mass beheadings, and other means to stamp it out both as a religious practice and social custom.["

17726501? ago

Defrocked New Jersey priest who molested boys now teaches kids English in Dominican Republic

https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/defrocked-jersey-priest-who-molested-boys-now-teaches-kids-english-n980716 Archive: https://archive.is/Y6IEA

17726498? ago

Anyone see his instagram? He is an artist in NYC with multiple exhibits in Hong Kong & London. His art seems to follow the similar motifs of other PG associated artists. These include children, masks, monsters, different heads, costumes, death, parades, masks, and a lot of feminism (occult propaganda push)

I noticed his tag #aflowerofevil


digging further, I apologize if this has been posted already.

He's friends on instagram with David Wirner some of his work is just as creepy. He was the art director on this song by N.A.S.A. - who ironically got NASA to use one of their tracks on official page.



Source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3125997

17734173? ago


Nasa Official used one of this N.A.S.A songs.

Lyrics snippet

How are the seeds in the ground?

How is my garden growing now?

A tender kiss, a little smile

The way a mother holds its child

Tasty little human beings (Tasty little human beings)

I grow them on the people tree (I grow them on the people tree)

I will eat them one by one (Eat them one by one)

If there's enough for everyone (Like you and you)

Songwriters: Sam Spiegel / Albert Johnson / Kejuan Muchita / Charles Stewart / Timothy Parker / Ze Gonzales / David Byrne The People Tree lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Source: kaonashiii on Voat

17726506? ago

One of the ones following this account has disturbing 'art' on it too. Not to mention the dark circles on that kid's eyes in the first pic that suggest he isn't getting enough sleep.

17726500? ago

17714490? ago

17714484? ago

17714482? ago


Die Antwoord are Satanists and everyone knew that.

17714483? ago

Jehovah's Witnesses 'kept a secret database of tens of thousands of child molesters for two decades and hid it from the authorities



17778745? ago

all those people in the comments complaining with whataboutism instead of condeming them for being pedos

Funny how when christian priests do it the entire church is for pedos, but not all jewhovas witnesses!

17714475? ago

Another bump to avoid obvious sliding

17686732? ago

Newly Uncovered Clinton Email Exchange Describes Plan To Thwart U.S. 'Jewish Leadership'

"The bad cop must be a political appointee, Jewish, considered the true friend of Israel.."



17714480? ago

Keep coming

17686729? ago

Pizzagate is a Fact: The Totality of the Evidence


17678066? ago

17778751? ago

byproducts of Pitesti.

Duane Azuta.

tfw Codreanu was right, but couldn't have stood the Iron Curtain without Hitler, thereby subcombing to his own purity spiral.

17678063? ago

17678060? ago

That Lupercalia holiday aka Valentine's Day is all about the ancient Roman/ Babylonian spirit of bestiality, sodomy, and hedonism. Wolves howl at the moon. Saturn/Moon matrix of Satan

17778762? ago

You should consider editing these a bit better if it's OC. They're hard to parse through.

17678055? ago

17678054? ago

ω is the frequency of a spin in the frame rotating at an angular frequency Ω, given by ω=Ωo2−Ω2, and Ωo is the applied static magnetic field in frequency units.

17678053? ago

17678047? ago

Wrong thread even though I dislike black people too.

17678057? ago



u wot m8

17678044? ago




Police suspect that material with brutal exploitation of children has been produced in Finland - gross violence in the material brought into Finland

17678043? ago


17671324? ago

WTF is on second pic?

17671325? ago

I'm no doctor but I believe it's a heart

17671320? ago

17671309? ago

I remember digging up some shit on Podesta's brother, Tony, (the one with all the child rape art). Lives roughly equally between three schools, all are pre-8th grades. Something like 300+(?) girls taken in that area alone in one year (with no news stories btw, at all), majority black (they like them almonds). I may dislike blacks, but no child is deserving to be some Jewish pedo's plaything, Black, Asian, White. I could try and find my data, but its been so long I'm not sure where I put it. (keep in mind, this is off brain research from nearing on 3 years ago, take everything with a grain of salt), but that sick fuck only shows off 10% of his total "art" collect.

Wanna talk about one hell of a black pill? This shit. No wonder my brain had blocked half this shit out. I need a smoke, and a drink. This.. keeps you up at night.

I'm not a "Q" follower, I don't believe in shit like hollow earth. Some strangeness true, questions unanswered, hell, the fascination the elite have with this shit makes you question the validity of established views. But PG… man. I apparently forgot this shit for good reason. Well, least I'm jaded and quite up on the JQ now, it can be put productively over blocked out now.

17851399? ago

I may dislike blacks, but no child is deserving to be some Jewish pedo's plaything, Black, Asian, White.

The reason to stop child abusers is so they don't abuse OUR children. Other races are not important.

17671315? ago

Quit ruining food you niggers.

People are not food.

17671295? ago

CP foot fetish video masquerading as children's entertainment.

Singer looks like a kike.

17671317? ago


His high-energy, interactive shows have delighted audiences throughout North America and Europe, including two performances at The White House.

The White House


17671296? ago

No connection w pedo symbolism here, r-right?

17671294? ago


17671292? ago

Why is every single pizzagate thread filled with links to reddit and voat? FUCK OFF. When are you going to realize you aren't helping. Its worse than that actually, you are being destructive. All of you need to shut the fuck up and follow orders and stop larping like you are the ones digging up data on jews like the few anons that actually are.

17671290? ago

Daily reminder that pizzagate is redditfag boomers trying to look smarter than they are.

All you are doing is make legitimate conspiracy look stupid.

17671289? ago

Could we get a list of all email addresses that were recipients of the more incriminating emails John Podesta received.

I know some of the clear coded emails where not just sent to podesta, also I think we could build a network of friends of the people who were sending and receiving the really bad obviously coded emails.

My thinking is that while Podesta may have a good sense of survival and keep his shit under wraps some of his pedo friends are probably nowhere near as good with opsec and getting rid of loose ends. Maybe this has been done already-

17671282? ago

17671281? ago


This is all of voat's old stuff pizzagate investigation

17778732? ago

Too bad Voat isn't as active as it was in 2016/17.

17851400? ago

Isn't it more active now though? Because of all the Q cancer? I really don't have any numbers to back it up, your statement just doesn't feel right. Still love Voat.

17726509? ago


17671287? ago


Bump. Don't let (((them))) slide this thread.

17671280? ago

Can somebody (maybe a mod with server-side access) grab all the files in this thread and put them into a torrent?

I'd do this myself client-side but my browser keeps crashing due to the size of the page now (need to generate the DOM first to load the bigger images and then grab and download them)

17671269? ago


17671268? ago

A celebrity faith healer - John of God - has been arrested last month. He sold babies for thousands as he impregnated teenage slaves he kept at his rural gem mines and farms in Brazil:

Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6657805/John-God-faith-healer-kept-teenagers-sex-slaves-sold-babies-40-000.html

According to his tour coordinator Dominique Sauzier, Bill Clinton was healed by John of God.

Source: http://www.travel-joaodedeus.com/en/

Naomi Campbell also visited John of God in April 2015. Naomi Campbell was just like Bill Clinton, also on Jeffrey Epsteins flight logs.

Source: https://imgur.com/a/VmXI5K3

Spirit Cooker Marina Abramovic made a film called "The Space In Between" in 2016 where she went to Brazil and visited John of God.

Source: https://vimeo.com/blog/post/vimeo-original-documentary-marina-abramovic-in-bra

Marina with John of God: https://imgur.com/a/IO3o7yC

Marina with children: https://imgur.com/a/NivGAGH

17671303? ago

I am quite sickened by the depth of this rabbit hole.

17671262? ago

Requesting data on John of God and his connections with Abramovic

17671261? ago

Brand New Podesta Emails. From Collection #2. The Collection #1 ones were from last month. Some overlapping data. Very first place on the Internet I'm posting is here.


Generally looking for previously unknown connections, incriminating passwords, or unique passwords that can be reverse searched to find alternate accounts. Occasionally passwords still work, but not for any major service like gmail, who already knows about this list.

17671259? ago

[email protected]:hedera

[email protected]:555953

[email protected]:madam1

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:helix

[email protected]:hedera

[email protected]:brv391

[email protected]:66bob

[email protected]:proctor

[email protected]:aadm1n

[email protected]:lofgoudz35

[email protected]:sweet

[email protected]:95Wrangler

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:hedera

[email protected]:rhiannon

[email protected]:brv391

[email protected]:brv391

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:primes86

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:ulyksvmv33

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:xewrwjxs12

[email protected]:egilmor28

[email protected]:mzrtdnqh39

[email protected]:mYoHTsWgmOVilYCAIvG

[email protected]:aadm1n

[email protected]:madam1

[email protected]:555953

[email protected]:danny1

[email protected]:vne2tkom

[email protected]:iloveeric1

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:ez5ahah4ei

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:chynxIVMw2Hx2

[email protected]:brv391

[email protected];Nxivm

[email protected]:Nxivm

[email protected]:555953

[email protected]:d2rjml3

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:xewrwjxs12

[email protected]:ulyksvmv33

[email protected]:egilmor28

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:primes86

[email protected]:mzrtdnqh39

[email protected]:mzrtdnqh39

[email protected]:555953

[email protected]:proctor

[email protected]:ez5ahah4ei

[email protected]:66bob

[email protected]:primes86

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:ilsvumli24

[email protected]:35223522

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:bpdhbulw59

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:dkvqzbhg04

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:uqrejlhv78

[email protected]:fbchsuhs10

[email protected]:aadm1n

[email protected]:lofgoudz35

[email protected]:NXivmjIP

[email protected]:NXivmjIP

[email protected]:mYoHTsWgmOVilYCAIvG

[email protected]:morra93941521

[email protected]:egilmor28

[email protected]:xewrwjxs12

[email protected]:iloveeric1

[email protected]:madam1

[email protected]:hedera

[email protected]:helix

[email protected]:brv391

[email protected]:brv391

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17547126? ago


not on reddit lol

17547118? ago

My favorite part about the mentally broken new fascist youth is that they’re like a death’s knell for reproduction. Who would ever want to have kids in a society so uniformly abusive that children shatter into fascists?

17547121? ago

kike claims fascism is in any way a "broken man" ideology

17547115? ago

Woah niggers calm down that's a lot of shit. Which messages are the most important to check the attachments of? This is just a psychotic amount of shit.

17734167? ago

You aren't being subtle kike. All of it is important and took months of research by dedicated anons. Trying to label it as unstable in a covert effort to illegitimize it isn't going to work.


Kikes aren't the same as whites, nigger. Get your black ass a real brain and learn to tell the difference.


Thanks anon. I'm still missing some of their stuff too.



You aren't fooling anyone. I doesn't matter where the information is posted. No site discredits this shit when the information is good. Fuck off, and eat a shotgun shell.

17547111? ago

17540608? ago


17540603? ago

17540605? ago


Time Space Reaction

Ba'al worshipers

17540595? ago

17540602? ago

Where does James Alefantis live?

Why isn't he dead yet?

17508006? ago

17508007? ago


So let's have another bump for defending the innocent.

17508005? ago

PPH is through the roof. I bet this is the last thing the shills want all the newfags to see

17508004? ago

17508003? ago


Newfriends, educate yourselves on the Pedophile Abuse Network that spans the globe. Thousands were killed for trying to share this with the public. Don't let their sacrifice be for nothing, and think outside your comfort zone.

17508002? ago


17508001? ago

Bumping. Do not let the latests influx of casuals and newfags help the shills on sliding this thread.

17508000? ago

17507999? ago

Image 2

FYI TV meme gags and duct tape over the mouth 100% don't work.

17426314? ago

17426308? ago

Pizzagate is dumb as fuck

17426312? ago

Like the "NXIVM Conspriacy theory"

Who's the crazy one, now?

17540598? ago

Just found a connection between the SNC-Lavalin scandal and pizzagate through NXIVM:

Justin Trudeau shuts down the Justice Committee and public investigation into his SNC-Lavalin scandal

lies in Parliament that he is listening to the committee when he just shut them up and turned it into the Justin Committee

spends $41 billion in tax hikes to cover up his corruption

his family inheritance came from offshore tax havens revealed in the Panama Papers

Stephen Bronfman, Trudeau's chief fundraiser and advisor, was involved in the Cayman Islands tax scheme revealed in the Paradise Papers

Stephen Bronfman's father is billionaire Charles Bronfman, the brother of Edgar Bronfman, Sr., who was head of Seagram and president of the World Jewish Congress

Edgar Bronfman, Sr. is the father of Clare and Sara Bronfman, who became heiresses to the Seagram fortune and helped run the NXIVM sex cult for Keith Raniere by using blackmail to scam money and power out of rich fools and get them entangled in their sex-slave trafficking ring, DOS (short for "master over the slave daughters" in Latin)

Clare and Sara Bronfman bankrolled silencing lawsuits against NXIVM adversaries

Here's where it gets interesting:

Sara Bronfman's husband is Basit Igtet, a Libyan national who founded the Swiss International Management and the Swiss Mideast Finance Group

In 2011, her husband worked to support the Libyan revolution through international lobbying and was consequently appointed as a Special Envoy to the Libyan National Transitional Council

Trudeau asked Jody Wilson-Raybould, the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada at the time, over ten times not to prosecute SNC-Lavalin

SNC-Lavalin bribed several Libyan officials prior to the overthrow of Gaddafi

And here's where it gets really interesting:

SNC-Lavalin procured very expensive prostitute entertainment for Gaddafi's son via NXIVM, through Stephen Bronfman

Jody Wilson-Raybould realizes how deep this rabbit hole goes and continues forward with the prosecution

Trudeau fires her

he continues lying in Parliament that their parting was amicable and she said everything she wanted to say

gets BTFO and stutters but muh economy is better!

forgot he took the $1.4 billion budget surplus from the Conservatives and turned it into a $18 billion deficit while grocery store prices skyrocket

Sara and Clare Bronfman are also members of the Clinton Global Initiative, which requires a $15,000 membership fee

Trudeau's government handed over $20 million to the Clinton Foundation to "support projects that will provide critical sexual and reproduction health (SRH) services" in Nigeria

NXIVM cultists also funded Hillary's presidential campaign


Trudeau's SNC-Lavalin scandal is covering up for the Libyan War, Hillary Clinton's involvement in corruption, Stephen Bronfman and NXIVM

17540607? ago

Bumping this thread because of the influx of casuals and the obvious shills.

17426305? ago

Dude we're all down in the non-existent basement of that pizza place

17426302? ago

17426306? ago

What the hell?

17426309? ago


its a girl who was killed by a dog

17426300? ago

I dont know if this is old info but this vid:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nY6A0_uxyvs from about 20:50

shows a pentagram and graffiti that references Adriaticos pizza in Cincinnati:


17426278? ago

17338367? ago

what about a video on the father of pizzagate scandals?


17340023? ago


Crowley had sex with dogs and goats.

17426276? ago

I think the speculation that a campaign against pedophilia might have backfired has some potential.


Epic Zeu-sy gossip-bro!

17339691? ago

Alister Crowley didn't do what you think he did, anon.

17338363? ago

Be willing to accept apology, and willing to offer it. Anger is not charismatic.

One of the big reasons I remain intensely skeptical of government surveillance is that what happens out of sight cannot have its errors amended, and visible surveillance regimes are not very effective. It is something less than law as expressed by courts; there is room for arrogance to loop and reinforce itself.

17338358? ago

People who were paranoid of government were approached with bribes if they would do horrible, horrible things…

Or were they?

I have as much evidence as anyone in PG has.

All any of you actually have is causality conjectures, and most of you are dreadful at it. Pictures are not persuasive.

The Obama administration wanted to take down child abuse.








However, there were good intentions in play.

17338361? ago

Pizzagate is proven. Follow the money trail and the money laundering.

17338364? ago

I actually tried that. It was legitimately fun! It also proved nothing to me. I am not a financial crimes expert, and I am not the kind of moron who thinks everything dug for is found. Just because I went proves nothing. What I learned by tracing money flows - the only real peculiarity is I found a non-farmer taking agriculture subsidies. I doubt there was anything illegal about that, and it didn’t involve large sums. What I learned is chiefly that I am not a financial crimes expert.

Other people are. Many of them very dearly want society to have trust and rationality. If this was real, those people would expose it.

17426279? ago

The proof is here

17338366? ago

How did I spot Dojo Pizzeria two years before the conviction?

Stop being stubborn stupid.

The proof is there.

If you don't believ eme, go give your kid to Kevin Reynolds.at http://easthamptonbabysitters.com.

He was trained by "Liddle Kids" in infant massage.

17338355? ago

Official Statement given to the 1977 Senate Hearing by CIA Director Admiral Stansfield Turner

17338357? ago

Dr. Timothy Leary truly was a hero for his crusade to "Get LSD out of the hands of the CIA and into the hands of the individual"

17338354? ago

"Is Military Research Hazardous to Veterans Health? Lessons Spanning Half A Century", part F. Hallucinogens Archived 2006-08-13 at the Wayback Machine Archived 2006-08-13 at the Wayback Machine 103rd Congress, 2nd Session-S. Prt. 103-97; Staff Report prepared for the committee on veterans' affairs December 8, 1994 John D. Rockefeller IV, West Virginia, Chairman. Online copy provided by gulfweb.org, which describes itself as "Serving the Gulf War Veteran Community Worldwide Since 1994". (The same document is available from many other (unofficial) sites, which may or may not be independent.)

17338353? ago

17338351? ago

It really isn’t difficult to disrupt a place like this.

17337456? ago

17337455? ago

There are two basic Lucifer concepts. Firstly, Lucifer is the one who must be lying. Secondly, Lucifer is the one against whom all combinations are formed. To make one’s enemies ally with each other is therefore very much core Luciferianism. As a point of social dynamics, it should also be pointed out that whosoever must be lying is very often not.

Luciferian thinkers have been abused throughout history, but a basic function of progress has been the declining abuse of Luciferian thought as petty combinations have proliferated and the acknowledgment of individual integrity has been noticed to be efficacious.

17337454? ago

This post is a lie This post is a lie This post is a lie

From the CIA’s perspective, they accidentally kicked off Pizzagate by infiltrating right wing narcissist groups who molested children. They got caught and “exposed” for the crimes their agents were only pretending to be performing. Believing their opposition wholly rooted in the abuse of children and not conceiving of the possibility that any mistargeting or coincidental simultaneous conception could have occurred, they set about investigating and victimizing all supporters of the Pizzagate scandal. Yet there were in fact errors…

This post is a lie This post is a lie This post is a lie

17337453? ago

that MKUltra pic

There were several subsets of Project MKUltra that involve unwanted patients. One involved luring buisness men via prostitutes to a CIA Werehouse, locking them in a cell, and forcing them to take LSD in an attempt to see how one would react on the drug out of pure fear. This was called Operation Midnight Climax and can be read about here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Midnight_Climax

Also interesting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKOFTEN

There are full-fledged retards in the real fucking world who think that MKUltra never happened and is some kind of conspiracy. I have met them.

17338352? ago

"Project MKUltra, the Central Intelligence Agency's Program of Research into Behavioral Modification. Joint Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research of the Committee on Human Resources, United State Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, First Session" (PDF). U.S. Government Printing Office (copy hosted at the New York Times website). August 8, 1977. Retrieved 2010-04-18.

17343782? ago

Parkland, FL gun control connection.

17343784? ago

Parkland, FL Gun Control cont.

John Podesta and Sherrif Scott Israel connection.

John Podesta spent the night at the home of Michael Moskowitz who did fundraising to get Scott Israel elected as sherrif of Broward County.

17336799? ago


just kys faggot nigger, go back to reddit and kys.

17334877? ago

Well....that kind of shows who voats pizzagate people are.

17332060? ago

This submission was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @EveryBladeOfGrass.

Posted automatically (#27693) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

17330873? ago

Bump. Don't let this thread get slid by (((their))) massing shilling.

17330879? ago

bump i guess

17330877? ago


17318467? ago

loads of incest porn coming out

more and more famous people getting called out as pedos

people denying michael jackson was a pedo just because he made some good songs

Whats happening?

17343785? ago

multipost botspam scripts flood the thread

moderation ignores it


You and your still friends are spamming is what's happening.

Jackson gets murdered and slandered because he called out the jews

low IQ retards believe the slander

17426280? ago

But he was a pedo.

17318463? ago

Don't let this thread get buried

17301039? ago

There are two basic Lucifer concepts. Firstly, Lucifer is the one who must be lying. Secondly, Lucifer is the one against whom all combinations are formed. To make one’s enemies ally with each other is therefore very much core Luciferianism. As a point of social dynamics, it should also be pointed out that whosoever must be lying is very often not.

Luciferian thinkers have been abused throughout history, but a basic function of progress has been the declining abuse of Luciferian thought as petty combinations have proliferated and the acknowledgment of individual integrity has been noticed to be efficacious.

17301037? ago

17301036? ago


17280629? ago

Speaking of my sister, if anyone ever somehow knows who is posting this story, try telling my sister I didn’t want to be held down and forced to drink soap.

You see, she knows that. She thought I wanted it, but I informed her otherwise. Oh, she succeded, and I didn’t exactly get any vengeance on her for it. It’s just that I managed to quite literally inform her of how I felt, and she acknowledged it. It was a rather peaceful interaction at the end.

Whatever she’s done to her own mind in the interim, I’m pretty sure she’ll still remember that scene in particular.

She was physically stronger than I was, and our mother left her in charge.

17301040? ago

Okay, Stan.

17334904? ago


17301042? ago

Rock on. You go help that Stan.

17280628? ago

Finally, something to Donald Trump. If you or Podesta or Alephantis or anyone is a pedophile, you don’t have to fear me. I will never submit myself to violence - by which I mean both that I broke someone’s arm once, and also thst it only happened because he attacked me first.

I’m a pacifist. Having to fight people is an oppression.

17280627? ago

I’m never going to hide the past at the behest of fucked up creeps, and neither should anyone.

If we tolerate simulations of pedophilia, two things will happen. First up, actual pedophiles will look at the material with both their public and private minds. Second up, children will innocently bust compartmentalizations.

17280625? ago

That’s one if the ways you learn when evil shit goes down. Children aren’t ONLY vulnerable to political manipulation, they’re also open and informative. I still try to be the best channel of information I bloody well can be and it’s just not the same. My mother’s ranting hatred of the evil of all people was abusive too, sure enough, but it’s also a common prejudice. My mother rather stridently informed me about all the biases people would think applied to me due to my genitalia, as she informed me that I would fulfill all the stereotypes myself. Creepy leering bitch.

17280624? ago

Can you imagine some sweet innocent child seeing the wrong thing and being like, “my sister did that to me!”

17280623? ago

If the right kind of pedophilia simulation had been out there, I might have seen it when I was young enough to blab and be believed, but as it is my goddamn sister gets away with hurting me.

17280186? ago

A live and honest government could bring about paradise on this earth. As honesty is the root of science, I tell you, your body is a sacred machine. It can be improved and made everlasting, not in some unknown future era accessible to your distant descendants, but in fifty years. People alive today need not have fifty years of life in them to see that day, for there will be new repairs as there have been new repairs.

Those who trust only that potential they have murdered and bound will kill us all one way or another, dragging us into their own suicide, if they cannot be put in abeyance long enough to heal them.

Swear all oaths against violence, and uphold them. A new era dawns if we can but live in peace!

17280185? ago

found these on other threads

17280183? ago

That secret which a man would die to take to his grave - I have no such thing! I am an asexual pacifist! How many supposedly powerful politicians are already dead inside, their whole potential raped out of them by personal weakness, privacy molestation, and the assurance that a violent public would murder them if they were exposed? Is that why humanity faces only death to climate change, and can no longer organize in any real way towards the common weal?

17280182? ago

Pedophilia, if acted upon, takes someone out of my book of life. I am not obligated to preserve those who molest children; I am not obligated to regard those who kill child molesters as murderers.

And yet, as I suspect my violently incestuous sister would blame me for whst she did to me still today as she did then, I do not leap upon all accusations of pedophilia as inevitable truth. Nor am I obliged to see the death of anyone just because I am not obliged to preserve them. Whosoever I would kill, still I would prefer to save them.

Perhaps, if the incompetence on high is sufficiently extreme, there is no way to see honest governance but to offer up the assurance that harm reduction will be made available in preference to execution.

17318468? ago

Whosoever I would kill, still I would prefer to save them.

Then why don't you? If you haven't killed them yet, there is the possibility that they could be taught the error in their ways

17301038? ago

They have to psychologically abuse people and live in a perpetual hell of victimizing each other because it’s the only way they can think of to “not” be at war forever. They have no superior hedonism, no particular replacement for it, and no real idea what they’re doing. They put themselves willingly into a pit, and anyone who might subsequently have a sufficient resilience to help them is a threst to be destroyed.

I agree with you 100 per cent. I'd like to point out that we live in an era of constant and agressive victmization.

17301041? ago

Nah, it’s just a few knots of people at this point. Society is maturing despite holdouts who want their hatreds massaged rather than rejected.

17280181? ago

I think the people who “rule” America have so little capability with governing philosophy that they can’t bind any living soul by voluntary agreement. They have to psychologically abuse people and live in a perpetual hell of victimizing each other because it’s the only way they can think of to “not” be at war forever. They have no superior hedonism, no particular replacement for it, and no real idea what they’re doing. They put themselves willingly into a pit, and anyone who might subsequently have a sufficient resilience to help them is a threst to be destroyed.

17280180? ago

I think Donald Trump is actually a pedophile. Pizzagate was from my perspective intended as a demonstrative to Bartack Obama regarding the hazards of being accepting of sexuality on one hand while also being a militaristic grundy who lead the punishment of sexuality on the other. From a different POV, I think Pizzagate was meant to prove to Trump that he had to be the submissively corrupted bitch he was told to be, or he’d be exposed and assassinated.

17280179? ago

There's an insane amount of shilling in /pol/ right now, so don't let this thread be slid and archive everything.

17263166? ago

The House on St. Charles street from the CDAN thread was burned down. It was used as a cabal honeypot.

CDAN wrote on it yesterday.


Original CDAN thread.

Today's Blind Items - St. Charles House Of Horrors


People in the comments believe this was the house. It was burned down on February 20.

Historic St. Charles Avenue home burns in 7-alarm fire


Video of the fire


The cabal just burned down the house they used as a honeypot to film children being raped and other blackmail. They are covering their tracks.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3083578

17263157? ago



The topic of tunnels under DC, some being hundreds of years old, has been the subject of debate. It is rumored that there is a main tunnelway up Connecticut Ave, extending past CPP. It has been theorized that many places of pedo activity occur within close proximity to these tunnels. Access is tightly controlled. Strategic real estate. Think underground arcade area.

Consult for background: https://searchvoat.co/?t=tunnel&s=pizzagate&u=&d=&df=&dt=&nsfw=off

There have also been some stories of little sections of tunnels here and there. If the main tunnel was a "superhighway" built for secret transports in 1791, then anyone who could build clandestine access to the main tunnel (like building an exit off I-95) could be tempted to connect if they had resources. This was Victorian Silk Road on the Darkweb. Liquor, drugs, women, children, slaves, all of "this" existed back then.

September 26, 1924:

Mysterious Dupont Circle Tunnel Found Blocked Up During Night [top center of pg 1]

Page 2 starts column 5

What if the tunnels were built by Pierre L'Enfant (<<←-HELLO? L'Enfant v Alefantis) under DC for the purposes of trafficking in _ ?

Search 21st & P NW DC. It's 3 blocks and then onto Connecticut Ave NW for 4 miles straight shot right past CPP and the 5000 block off Conn NW Saudi owned pedo playground.

"Possibly used by spies, bootleggers, robbers"

Love tryst between two brothers and a woman.

Lots of interesting stuff. Enjoy.

Edit: Credit to https://twitter.com/HousatonicITS for the random article about Mueller's family ties!


17263154? ago

This could be a LARP, but if true it is very interesting.

17263155? ago

Descendants of Cain?

17263151? ago

simply follow the pizza

17263152? ago

pink All Seeing Eye



That's why African slaves where brought to the Americas.

17263148? ago

This is sick.

17263149? ago

From the same uploader.

17223740? ago

They consider this "culture."

17223733? ago

lenfant café bar.png) (h) (u)

That bitch is like a copy of kike eunuch's wife.

17221645? ago

17223732? ago


Isn't there also an episode of the Simpsons where their basement is flooded and they hire a mason? Homer tries a secret handshake to get a discount, but they guy is just a mason, not a Freemason. This confused me as a child as it was the first time I heard about Freemasons. Does the episode exist or is it my personal Mandela Effect or some shit?

17223736? ago

yes this episode exist

17507993? ago

3rd pic

What does that home alone/the scream type gesture mean? I've noticed a lot of symbolism pertaining to it.

17507998? ago

The Scream painting?

17507996? ago

Beyond just being a screaming kid? I figured that was enough for them.

17221174? ago

The owners look like homos.


17223730? ago

https://www.instagram.com/obscene_eats/ Another account that commented on one of their posts. Their user photo is a drawing of a dildo holding a fork and knife.

17221638? ago

They are afflicted with a salami maker that is a member of Slow Food NYC. Their logo features a snail with a spiral. http://www.slowfoodnyc.org/

17221640? ago

archive all plz

17221627? ago


This Catholic parish has a church situated right across the street from the restaurant.

17220291? ago

17220290? ago

17220289? ago

Wrong thread.

17220288? ago


This is a bizarre children's clothing brand. It screams MK Ultra.

17220287? ago

17220283? ago

The right used to smack down every expression of idealism. “That’s not how the world works,” “nobody will go for that,” and “you shouldn’t get ideas above your station,” were tools of abusive right-wingers to stop people who threatened to make the world a happier place despite them. The only acceptable idealisms were the right’s holy sanctimonies.

Then… they learned better! That shit stopped. The right started looking forward to a changing world with real energy.

Around that time the left started learning to treat idealism as a command. Every favorable sentiment was met with world-weary cynicism, outright rebuke, or histrionic spite. These tools were deployed against anyone who threatened to make the world a happier place despite them.

They were worse than the right, because even uttering their canned sanctimonies was not acceptable. Everyone was to know good was hopeless and only angry unhappy fearful people huddling in “safety” were tolerable.

That was the power that made Pizzagate sociologically inevitable. The far right is pathetic, but hostility to kindness doesn’t work either.

17220284? ago

Nice demoralization post there, shill.

17220276? ago


Might be a nothing burger, but an interesting logo regardless…

17220278? ago

stylized AG

17220279? ago

Ah, a nothing burger it is. Forgive my autism gents.

17220275? ago

Lefties scream about the vulnerability of their opponents in lefty spaces, and they ain’t wrong; ain’t nothin’ more pathetic than someone obediently bigoted. Problem is they’re worse than wrong; doin’ it where they do keeps their allies scared obedient, too.

17220274? ago

Gotta love how this thing pins to the top when truth goes elsewhere, and slides hard if something true goes in it. Y’all ought to stand up against psychological abuse a littld better.

17220273? ago

Did you hear about that R Kelly shit where he talked about a whole bunch of people havin’ better access to his money than he did? I’m Putin’ it in this thread because of some of what that guy’s accused of, but man, I don’t know about the accusations. Man says he doesn’t know how to hogtie someone and that sounds embarrassing enough to be real; who nowadays doesn’t know how to tie a gal up for some fun? Not even always gals, either. S’yeah… Thing is, a whole buncha people having their hands in his kitty treatin’ him like the Black Bank of New Slavery though, that sounds real too. I believe in that bit even more’n I believe he doesn’t how to tie anyone up. Maybe it ain’t so hot to be a celeb; maybe they’re being exploited and held to bad behavior on an’ or-else basis, y’hear?

17714479? ago


17220277? ago



You aint foolin no one cohen.

17208193? ago


Former politicians, police and security services are to be summoned before a new inquiry into alleged child sex abuse “involving people of public prominence associated with Westminster”.

Starting today, the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA) is to examine allegations of historic coverups, conspiracies and a tolerance for paedophilia in the highest levels of government.

MI5, Scotland Yard, former ministers, MPs, party whips and peers are among witnesses to be called over three weeks of hearings.

A spokesperson for IICSA said it will be examining “whether Westminster institutions, including political parties, government departments, law enforcement or intelligence agencies, have failed or are still failing to protect children from sexual abuse”.

Police investigations, charging decisions, political parties, the honours system and the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a British pro-paedophile activist group which openly lobbied parliament in the 1970s, are all within the inquiry’s remit.

A former Home Office consultant is to give evidence on allegations PIE received public money, and the inquiry will also hear claims that police seized a supposed dossier of VIP paedophiles drawn up by late Labour peer Barbara Castle in the 1980s.

Hearings will examine whether “political parties turned a blind eye to allegations of inhouse child sexual abuse, or whether there were attempts to cover up such allegations”.

They will also look at allegations police officers were “warned off” investigating prominent paedophiles, and suggestions that party whips sought to use the claims for their own advantage.


17208195? ago



17208192? ago

Im out of the loop, what is the latest development in things?

17426310? ago


17198189? ago

Inasmuch as Epstein was pleading guilty to a state charge, the matter of his confinement was out of the U.S. attorney’s hands. It was Democratic county prison officials — not the feds — who placed Epstein in a private wing of the county jail and allowed him to spend 12 hours a day, six days a week at his Palm Beach mansion throughout his 13-month “imprisonment.”

In 2014, the brilliant conservative lawyer Paul Cassell and Bradley Edwards brought suit against the federal prosecutors for violating the Crime Victims’ Rights Act in the Epstein case.

As bad as the U.S. attorney’s office was, at least it did something. Democrat Krischer gave Epstein a walk. But no matter how appalling Krischer’s behavior was, the Crime Victims’ Rights Act only applies to federal prosecutions.

When Cassell and Edwards filed their case, they included the claims of various Epstein victims, who reported that the men at “Orgy Island,” where underage girls were being used as “sex slaves,” included Bill Clinton, Alan Dershowitz, and Prince Andrew.

CNN gave extensive coverage to the celebrity-filled allegations, inviting Dershowitz on to defend himself and lavishing attention on the irrelevant prince. Amazingly, but characteristically, not once did CNN mention that Bill Clinton was named in the pleadings.

Only one show on MSNBC, “All In With Chris Hayes,” so much as acknowledged the bombshell case, also without letting on that Clinton had been named as a frequent Epstein guest by the child victims.

But recently, the very news outlets that spiked any news about this case for the past 13 years are suddenly hot on the trail of Jeffrey Epstein. Why the newfound sense of decency?

The answer is: Because they found a Trump connection. There’s a 2002 quote from Donald Trump saying nice things about Epstein and photographic proof that Epstein was one of the hundreds of thousands of people who have been to Mar-a-Lago. (There are rumors he has also been to the Grand Canyon and the Empire State Building.)

This is how the modern American media work: I’ll tell the same story that we’ve been frantically suppressing for a decade, connect it to Trump — and win a Pulitzer Prize!

Here is MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell describing Epstein a few weeks ago in a single segment:

“… a friend of Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein …

“… child sex trafficker and child rapist and friend of Donald Trump, Jeffrey Epstein …

“… a billionaire friend of Donald Trump’s …”

Epstein was a “friend” of Donald Trump’s the same way he is a “friend” of Pinch Sulzberger by virtue of reading The New York Times. He’s been to Trump’s club. (That is, until Trump barred him for propositioning the underage daughter of a member.)

But pay no attention to Jeffrey Epstein and his roster of Democratic enablers — this is a Trump scandal!

It seems that the U.S. attorney who oversaw the federal prosecution, Alex Acosta, is currently Trump’s Labor secretary. Trump didn’t know Acosta’s name during the Epstein prosecution, but liberals think they’ve unraveled Trump’s decade-long scheme to reward Acosta for being lenient on Epstein –- aka “friend of Donald Trump’s.”

The silver lining is that we finally have a way to make Hillary Clinton pay for her crimes. Trump has to appoint her to his Cabinet. Then we’ll see the entire American press corps chanting, “Lock her up!”

17198188? ago

I wondered why was so much concentration being put into Epstein and Trump. It turned out it was good way for the democrats to throw their own fault at someone else.


Strangely, the media have suddenly taken an intense interest in the case of pedophile and major Democratic donor Jeffrey Epstein.

In 2005, the Palm Beach police were told by the mother of a young girl in West Palm Beach that her daughter had been brought to the Democratic donor’s mansion and asked to have sex with him for money. This kicked off an intensive, one-year undercover investigation.

The police sifted through Epstein’s garbage and interviewed 17 witnesses, including the housemen, who told of sex toys and dildos left behind after the underage girls left. One of Epstein’s procurers, a 20-year-old local woman named Haley Robson, who was paid $200 for every teenaged girl she brought to Jeffrey, was cooperating with police, telling them she was like “Heidi Fleiss.” They obtained statements from five of Epstein’s young victims, who said they’d been paid $200 to $300 to engage in various sex acts with him. Police raided Epstein’s home, finding explicit photographs of teenaged girls, incriminating phone records — and one girl’s high school transcript.

But when the police chief brought this mountain of evidence to Palm Beach County’s Democratic prosecutor Barry Krischer, he punted, charging the Democrat child molester with only one count of soliciting prostitution — yes, the child victims were labeled “prostitutes” — and offered Epstein probation.

Perhaps Krischer was exhausted, having just spent three years hounding Rush Limbaugh for abusing back pain medication.

Palm Beach Police Chief Michael Reiter exploded in rage. (Meanwhile, Epstein claimed to be the victim of an anti-Semitic conspiracy on Palm Beach.) Chief Reiter wrote an open letter to Krischer asking the Democrat to remove himself from the case. Then he turned to the Bush administration to seek justice against a Democratic donor/accused child rapist.

As stories go, a child sex case involving a Palm Beach billionaire was pretty big. It was covered in the British press, in Florida media, at The New York Post, and at Fox News. Bill O’Reilly led with the story on his Fox News show.

But CNN and MSNBC did not breathe a word about a Democratic prosecutor refusing to hold a Democratic child rapist accountable.

Epstein had given more than $145,000 to Democratic candidates and causes, including Bill Clinton, John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, and Chuck Schumer. He was a big Israel backer. Bill Clinton and Democratic activist Ron Burkle were frequent guests on Epstein’s private plane, dubbed the “Lolita Express.” And Krischer was a hero for his dogged pursuit of Rush Limbaugh! Why bring up all this unpleasantness?

Thanks to Chief Reiter, President Bush’s U.S. attorney for the Southern District of Florida, Alex Acosta, did take the case, despite the fact that only Epstein’s child rapes on his plane, on his private island, or with girls brought across state lines would make it a federal case.

As a result of the (Republican-led) federal investigation, Epstein was finally required to plead guilty to two state felony charges, accept a sentence of two years in prison, register as a sex offender, and pay restitution to his victims.

Still no coverage by MSNBC or CNN.

17198181? ago



The rituals most likely occurred at Oheka Castle or Coindre in Long Island. Even though Mariah's sister, Alison is crazy she is most likely right about this.

17220292? ago





Definitely some Sodomite stuff.

17198182? ago



Oheka Castle owner Gary Melius, 69, shot in the head by masked gunman in Suffolk County

This is a story from 2014.

17198178? ago

17198176? ago

This thread really sucks

Bill Clinton's bastard son.

This is from Rachel Chandler's collection.

17182579? ago

I will write this post fast & hard so the message sticks.

The McMartin abuse scandal was the flag of the Satanic Ritual Abuse panic in the 80s. The case was delegitimized intentionally in order to install the idea that there was a paranoid witch hunt in the american society with no real evidence. Abused children showed real signs of abused corroborated by experts. Also they spoke of tunnels below the school which were never corroborated by the police, though the media used the statement to further reinforce the theory of all being fabricated fantasies of the children. Fact is there are tunnels, the families of the abused children dig them up in the 1990s."The tunnels are extensive, include a large room just as the children said, and lead to further sites off the property. The tunnels were found in an archeological dig under the pre-school conducted by Dr. E. Gary Stickel, archaeologist and director of Environmental Research Archaeologists, a Scientific Consortium." Here is the link http://web.archive.org/web/20010412085022/http://members.cruzio.com/~ratf/McMartin.html

And now, the most important part of my findings. Paul and Shirley Eberle were the authors chosen by the Cabal to dismiss the McMartin abuses as fantasies and paranoia, bringing down the entire SRA panic to a mockery. He wrote "The Abuse of Innocence" which is basically a lie and established the idea that children were forced to declare fantasies. The Eberles also wrote the Politics of Child Abuse (Secaucus, N.) Lyle Stuard Inc., 1986) which centers on the McMartin case as the bellwether of the nationwide “child abuse witch hunt” (p. 285) “resulting in the devastation of innocent peoples lives and families (p, 283). Both books lionized defendants and defense interests while defaming everything and everyone associated with child protection. Such polemics also illustrate the gospel of the dual attack on child protection. Ritual abuse cases are first debunked as de factor frauds, then all sexual abuse complaints are tarred with the same brush..” We believe that every molestation case in which there has been a conviction should be reopened and reviewed.” (The Politics of Child Abuse, p. 284). The Eberles have been cited as experts in sexual abuse trials. They were featured speakers at a conference of the Victims of Child Abuse Laws, a group formed to protect accused parents.

Now, who were the Eberle? This is where it gets interesting. The Eberle were publishers of and Underground magazine called FINGER (a word easily recognizable by the pedocommunity and widely used in the Elsagate videos). This magazine featured zoofilia, scat, S&m and yes, pedophilia. So i found a cover of the mag. And check the title "Masters, Slaves, Babies, Dog, etc" Editorial by Paul & Shirley Eberle. (if somebody can archive this image please)


I also found this issue complete. It features a lot of hardcore stuff. https://archive.org/details/Finger1980D.D.TeoliJr.A.C.1

Check this out https://ia902903.us.archive.org/3/items/Finger1980D.D.TeoliJr.A.C.1/Finger%201980%20D.D.%20Teoli%20Jr.%20A.C.%20(4).jpgJPG

So basically what you have just read is evidence that the writers that wrote the book which summarised and delegimitized the McMartin case (which mas the most important case of the SRA panic in the 80s) and which were later cited for counsel on how to make the McMartin movie (Indictment) which was based, of course, on their book, yes, they were publishers of the most important pedo-magazine in USA.

“the Eberles were the most prolific publishers of child pornography in the United States” a statement made by Sgt. Toby Tyler, a San Bernadino deputy sheriff who is a nationally recognized expert on child pornography. The Tampa Tribune-Times, July 25, 1993, p.10.

Please help me spread this like wildfire and archive everything.

source: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3078165

17200694? ago

https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_and_Shirley_Eberle (((Incredibily little info)))

In 1972 they wrote The Adventures of Mrs. Pussycat, a children's book.

17198175? ago

Langenwalter, Paul E., Kevin Peter, Jane King, and Robert Beer, 1985. Report on a forensic archaelogical investigation conducted at the Goldstein property at Manhattan Beach, California. Report prepared for the Los Angeles County District Attorney. Unpublished report on file at the contracted firm of Scientific Resource Surveys, Inc., Huntington Beach, California, and at the Office of the District Attorney.

Nobody is going to find that. Where are the photographs of the tunnels?

17220293? ago


This magazine cover literally says "child abuse" on it.

17198173? ago

how is this related to pizzagate retard

17201362? ago

17208185? ago

"George Yong-Boon Yeo served in the Singapore Government, as Minister of State for Finance, then as Minister for Information and the Arts, Health, Trade and Industry, and Foreign Affairs (1988 to 2011). Prior to 1988, George served in various capacities in the Singapore Armed Forces, Republic of Singapore Air Force and Defense Ministry, attaining the rank of Brigadier-General."

MK Ultra?



17178975? ago

Remember to archive everything.

17178974? ago

What do you fellas make of "Conspiracy of Silence" the un-aired discovery documentary?

Worth a watch?

17177643? ago


we are fighting!

goes to pedo website

freaking pedos

Useless garbage OP

half the thread is calling people shills


I hate pedophiles just like the 99% of the population but i'm not a normalfag

I have never seen such potent cancer on here. Go back to cuckchan.

17177644? ago

Sage negated.

17165303? ago

17161643? ago

Does anyone remember the cult someone discovered that was based around album related? I infer that because they followed the Cthulhu mythos and their artwork (on IG, I'm pretty sure) was obviously based on this album art + lyrical subject matter.

17161646? ago

I do remember that. It could be Leviathan worship.

17160981? ago

17160983? ago

Kit Laybourne, a producer for children shows on Nickelodeon was on Epstein's flights before. He is married to Geraldine Bond, a founder of Nickelodeon. 6:28 in the video

17160987? ago

Gerry Laybourne and Linda Ellerbee may have been lesbian lovers.

17160988? ago



Some more info about them.


Hurricane Katrina and Africa Aid

Penn State


17161641? ago

EDIT 3: "TALKING SEX…with your KIDS"

HBO Doc written, directed, and produced by Kit Laybourne in 1982


Edit 2:


(Pdf warning)

Kit & Gerry Laybourne and Jeffrey Epstein both donated in 1995 to the Brooklyn Academy of Music/The Dance Theater of Harlem, (which has ties to Bill Cosby)


17165301? ago



Emmy Laybourne took the stage with her younger brother, Sam. It was a benefit night at the Kitchen for the Center for Discovery, a camp for people with severe disabilities, and the audience wasn’t the usual alternative comedy crowd, but men in suits and women in cocktail dresses. A tape started playing a schmaltzy melody, and Ms. Laybourne, dressed in a sleeveless red top and long black skirt, began to sing lyrics she’d written: “We could walk on sandy beaches,” Emmy began innocently enough. “We could backpack through Europe,” Sam responded.

Soon brother and sister were chiming in on a disturbing chorus: “But we can’t make love–because we are related! It’s taboo for me and you!” They danced lasciviously with each other, then backed off guiltily.

In the audience were the Laybournes’ mother and father–Geraldine Laybourne, the former head of Nickelodeon and now potentate of the new women’s cable and Internet channel, Oxygen, and Kit Laybourne, the former head of the Colossal Pictures animation studio who is now developing programming for Oxygen.

The little duet kept going: “I used to watch you sleeping when you were a little child,” sang Emmy. “And I thought to myself as I saw you, so weak, so defenseless–man, it would be wild!” To which Sam replied: “I used to watch you bathing when you went through puberty. And I thought to myself as I saw you emerge from the water–why can’t she be with me?”

At the end of the number, the Laybourne parents applauded loudly for Emmy’s paean to incest. What parent wouldn’t be proud?

“She was born creative,” Geraldine Laybourne said after the show. “She really didn’t have a choice. This poor kid was tortured. She and Sam used to say, ‘Please, Mom, no more TV!'”

17165302? ago

She rearranged Nickelodeon with the force of a tornado, starting as a consultant at the network launch in 1979. After getting a master's degree in elementary education at the University of Philadelphia, she formed an independent production studio and, with her husband, Kit, an independent filmmaker, was creating pilots for the network. The following year, Laybourne joined as a programming manager and was elevated to general manager in 1986. At the time, Nickelodeon was losing $10 million a year as a commercial-free channel with the lowest ratings in cable. It was the "spinach channel," bitter tasting–but good for kids.

Guided by rigorous focus groups with children, Laybourne honed a philosophy for the network based on the mind-set that growing up is tough. But the network had little money for developing programs to help kids cope, so Laybourne bought cheap old shows and packaged them to look cool. She started accepting advertising and retooling the economics of production to make originals affordable. Game shows came first, with "Double Dare" debuting in 1986, shattering the myth that kids would only watch nimation. She produced the show with neighborhood kids in the basement of her New Jersey home.



17177642? ago

the basement

Oh dear…

17160984? ago

We have to look more into Nickelodeon. I have a feeling that Stephen Hillenburg's death might not be ALS, but something more akin to a prion disease.

17160973? ago

Nothing to see here.

17160969? ago

Bump to counter all the slide threads

17160968? ago

Fucken kike.




by a Faggot hillary clinton supporter @seansli head of reddit and discord trust and safety because we cant have "witchhunts" against spirit cooking oto cakes of light baby fucking pedophiles.

the same cunt who censors haters of kikepeds all day.

17160966? ago

Should the massive uptick in issues of female teachers having sex with their students be looked into in terms of if those female teachers have also been in the position to indoctrinate or recruit kids into similar trafficking issues?

There are several very suspicious trends that I continue to notice even though I have very rarely looked into PG related issues and that is I have definitely noticed that foster systems (which is already known), youth offender groups (not discussed), boys/girl scouts (not discussed), United Methodist Church (VERY suspicious and always comes up nationwide), and of course teaching positions appear to have some connection. In Miami recently the article came out about how many teacher sexual assaults of students had not been reported and were covered up. There was also a major article from CA on how the state attorney was attempting to block all criminal records or reports against the PD in that state. Perhaps these should be looked into?

18071355? ago

Should the massive uptick in issues of female teachers having sex with their students

I doubt there is an uptick in such "abuse". In the past it would not have been considered a problem. Most teen boys would be thrilled if they got some from their 20 or even 30something teacher

17160971? ago

Hundreds of those scandals happen every year in America alone.

17138313? ago

Largest violent pedo network on the net. It's called 8chan. Located at 8ch.net

Pics, vids of "loli" and "3d" children being rape, tortured and murdered.


"lolis being raped, crying, bleeding etc"


18071357? ago

/pol/ is heavily pro child sex too. Lots of arguments that age of consent is a Jewish conspiracy

18229686? ago

/pol/ is one person, and that person is a shill

17165296? ago


/Int*/ is trying this tactic yet again


Hell, all of the articles 404 on that shit website, and no updates have been posted in 10 months.

17160967? ago

I have been looking at and taking part in discussions for a long while now and I have never once seen anything like that on /pol/. No idea why this bullshit continues to be pushed as I have never once seen any anon try to recruit, act, and definitely not post bullshit that is anything like that.

17138322? ago

Yep. I might get banned for mentioning this, but the owners of this site are openly Masonic.

17160978? ago

Jim loves his mason buddies


Yup, they're a bunch of niggers

keep your friends close, ..

17138320? ago


17138315? ago

These faggots posting bizarre conspiracy theories of pedos everywhere yet they never mention the site they use is quite the pedo haven.

17138311? ago

cool and good advertising

17138308? ago

So where can I join up in the pedo gangs?

17129915? ago

Hey look, we're pizza slices.

17119772? ago

17119769? ago

Didn't you get the memo.

This is Russia territory.

17119767? ago

I always wondered what the weird things people in Kim Noble's art hold.

I presume it's cattle prods?

17160980? ago

I thought they were cumming benises but they're kinda high up for that

17131075? ago

Looks like cigarettes to me, people casually smoking near caged babies

17131076? ago

Looks like cigarettes to me

It's nothing goy

What does the children in a cage look like to you shill?


get in

17119765? ago

A young girl named Yuliana Samboni was kidnapped outside her home last Sunday in Bogotá, Colombia¹. Police traced the car through CCTV footage and found her body, tortured and abused, at the residence of wealthy architect Rafael Uribe Noguera. Lots of mainstream coverage on the news here and hundreds of vigils in her honor.

With this version that participated in the rape another person, suggested, for example, columnist Jorge Hernán Peláez The Republic, which detracts said there were at least two dental records bites Yuliana's face .

[bite marks from 2 different individuals]*

With this evidence, the prosecution says have "certainty" for, with a theory on this case, go to the indictment stage "about the authorship of this man [Rafael Uribe Noguera] in the killing, kidnapping and torture "Yuliana Samboni said Luis González León, national director of sectional of the entity, at a news conference, Monday.

The girl was found dead in the apartment of architect, on Sunday December 4, after the girl's family denounced his kidnapping in the nearby neighborhood Bosque Calderon.

With this statement of Forensic Medicine it is clear that efforts were unsuccessful "third parties" who attempted to alter the crime scene to disappear the evidence that Uribe Noguera, indeed, sexually abused her, tortured and murdered.

This could indicate that Mr. Rafael would be accompanied by someone else, it could be one of your brothers or a close do not know. At least this is what he said Jorge Hernán Peláez columnist for the newspaper La República.

On the other hand, the journalist of Caracol Radio, Darcy Quinn, through his Twitter account, suggested that Rafael Uribe Noguera did not act alone, but behind these grisly facts is a "pedophile ring" in the that would be involved very powerful and wealthy of the capital of the republic personalities.

The building he lives in, which was built by his famly, is called Equus 66.

Equus is a degenerate jewish novel / movie involving ritual child sacrifice and animal mutilation.

Martin envies the boy's passionate paganism, in comparison to his own empty life, where he has ceased intimacies with his wife and is plagued by nightmares of ritualistically slaughtering children in Homer's Greece, wearing the Mask of Agamemnon.


17105263? ago

If any dutch anons are lurking: take notice of this pedophile, (((Benjamin Kirssen))) openly wishing to have a 11 year boyfriend. This kike also went on 'Spuiten en Slikken' to promote "understanding of pedophiles". Prepare for the push of tolerance to pedophiles

17105264? ago

It won't get through, people are waking up. I swear every week i meet a new red pilled person. I hope they do start to push it, it'll work against them.

17119766? ago

Probably. I'm considering which tactic to use: either encouragement ("You should definitely go to the Pride Parade!") to red pill many or burning them to the ground. I guess the first one is better, since it will make the second easier on the long rung


Tnx anon. I'm looking for a face and an address.


Rectification: (((Gabriël Levi))) was the one that went on "Spuiten & Slikken". For any non-dutch anons: Spuiten & Slikken translates to "Shoot & Swallow", a television show created by the (((State Broadcasting System))) that deals with Sex and Drugs. A truly degenerate program and sign of the times in The Netherlands.

Totaal offtopic, maar ik moet het delen: 't Gooi lijkt wel erg op Goy. Zou het . . ?

17138296? ago

Gabriël Levi



Prostasia Inc


18 Bartol Street #995

San Francisco CA 94133

United States

18 Bartol Street #995

San Francisco CA 94133

United States

17138299? ago

17104784? ago

17104776? ago

Instagram biggest for child grooming online - NSPCC finds


Who would've thought?

17104774? ago

I mean Aubrey Plaza. Not Ludgate

17104769? ago

17133037? ago

A Satanic Ritual Abuse survivor talks about her abuse and names the ones who raped and abused her

Dieter Franz

Lindy Franz

Hilmar Franz

Charles Hensley

Shell(e?)y Hensley

& Her mother

17133038? ago

Franz is both a common name for German and Austrian Christians and Jews.

17104768? ago

18229682? ago








kind of suspecting these are fake in the style of podesta's favorite art in order to discredit the legitimate.

can you share where you got these from?

18229683? ago

Fiona Barnett, and I don't think she's lying at all. Jews are both sides in almost all wars in modern history. Look into the Chabads.

18229697? ago

probably not lying, but she is insane. She claims she's been to underground bases and seen aliens there and that jesus personally visited a satanic ritual she was involved in and lit everything up like stadium flood lights and all the satanists fell to the floor screeching trying to claw through the ground, and then she ran away and ran into the house of random people who just so happened to be christians, and she asked them to pray for her not even knowing that they were christians.

17426325? ago

Is the pen writing by the kid or an adult?

17104767? ago


There are other ones, but you can't really see anything due to them being small.

17426285? ago

this is beyond fucked up what the fuck

17426311? ago

Oh, you weren't aware? This is what actually happens behind the smiling faces of politicians, tv personalities and jews.

17103699? ago

17104751? ago

17104753? ago

17104754? ago

Oldie but still relevant

17103698? ago

Everyone seems to have forgotten about this Joel Davis.

17119763? ago

why would he try to procure victims from some random guy who might be an undercover officer when he can just go to the "boom boom room" ? just another pedo in high places but unlikely to have access to any elite venues like comet pizza

jimmy on the other hand is pretty much proven to be participating in unimaginable things…

17085780? ago



Greek politician molests children and gets a laughable sentence

This is fresh news.

A politician from Greece, who in 2010-2011 was a political adviser to the vice-premier and minister of economy of Moldova, paid for by the EU and the PNUD program, was convicted of pedophilia.

55-year-old Nikos Georgiadis, who is one of the closest advisers to the leader of the Greek opposition Kyriakos Mitsotakis

Georgiadis was sentenced to two years and four months in prison and fined 20,000 euros for sexual abuse of children from the Republic of Moldova.

Georgiadis was sentenced to TWO YEARS AND FOUR MONTHS in prison and fined 20,000 euros for sexual abuse of children from the Republic of Moldova.


A court in Athens sentenced Georgiadis to 16 MONTHS in prison for the first victim and to 12 MONTHS for the same actions against the other two.

17085778? ago

Impressive infodump. OP is a pretty cool guy today.

17070866? ago

OP, you are calling for a raid by a board that is only getting 60 PPH.

Think about that for a second.

17085777? ago

Shut it down!

17070865? ago

Pizzagate happened because the most misdirected leftists decided psychological abuse was a good substitute for progressivism. No more, no less. They created a society whose ultimate expression was concealed at every front and firmly believing in the power of lying about history. Societies like that conceal child abuse helplessly. Aristocrats rape their own, and still they have good breeding; that is human nature in darkness. Kindness is solely a product of honesty, and not even of invasion, but of the will for history to progress as it truly did. We rely on children to report their own treatment, knowing we will have work to do thereby.

People who shatter into fascists are of a mind with the leftists who made Pizzagate possible; this is why the far right also rose. The only true defiance is truth indeed; those who cannot be commanded even by kindness are never, ever free. And yet the only sense in which the left is pedophilic remains that they manipulate and mistreat idealists to fabricate cynical liars of their own cloth; the left will rise again when it learns to apologize for lies. For if they remain dishonest, they will discover they cannot compete with the shattering submission of the right, and even the broken remnants of cultures that have been lying for milennia will be more skilled than the new liars of the left.

17070860? ago

Amos Yee Has “Committed Suicide” bullshit

Supposedly He lost it and took a heroine overdose. It’s all over for him. I’m guessing someone actually killed him and made it look like suicide

17070859? ago

Incite normalfags to hunt and kill pedos. Normalfags are cattle and can easily be mobilized to form masses that can be directed to do our will. Mobilize them all to unite with their nearest equals to search and kill pedos that live in their regions.

17043648? ago

Rachel Chandler (with Bill Clinton)

The other 3 are from Rachel's close friend, Alba Hodsoll.

She took pics of the sculpture before Podesta bought it.

Take note of the double heart symbol.

17070863? ago

The plot thickens

17041697? ago

its also important to drop some seeds of distrust in the older generation. just ask them if theyre familiar with shirley temples first movie. its called "baby burlesque" and paints a much different picture of oldschool hollywood.

they were even more blatant back then.

the movie actually has scenes of mock cumshots from bottles into babys face, has them putting their mouths around phalluses… and the actors are babys too young to even walk. ive only seen clips on youtube and its one of the most disturbing things i've ever seen.

17041699? ago

This is disgusting.

17138302? ago

This is disgusting.


the nig on the table dancing the jig?

17070858? ago

From 1932

17041701? ago

Post video instead of linking it.

17041691? ago

17104780? ago



This is the source of the Finders Pelzer SC MK Ultra videos.

17104782? ago

A bizarre connection between Toy Freaks and George Webb.


17165295? ago

Is that really a source you want to use?

17041692? ago

17041677? ago

17041682? ago

Blue and white logo again

17041684? ago

Yikes, so many kikes.

17041698? ago


Yael Ashkenazi

Fucking kek.

17039668? ago

You think it might be because Pizzagate threads are suppressed by our benevolent overlords?

17039670? ago

no shit


those saluts

17671313? ago

meanings of each?

17024773? ago


17024771? ago

Related, the disposed pedo cardinal Ted McCarrick had deep connections with the Bush's, Obama and Podesta. As it goes further Podesta was funding pro-gay pro-abortion catholic groups that were pressuring the church to accept degeneracy.

16977174? ago

16976112? ago

so are there any other videos?

how deep does this shit go?

17039663? ago

All the most depraved and gory shit on /d/ times a 100

17070864? ago

That's from a kike masturbation movie called Hostel 2, you kike faggot.

Eli Roth made this movie so the kikes could say "you watch too many movies" when you try to expose them.

17070872? ago

Fuck. Thanks for pointing it out.

17043646? ago

Is this shooped? Kind of looks like it…

16976106? ago

16976103? ago

Who TF gets away with having shit like this not questioned?



16976102? ago

Excellent thread. Now I have an even larger collection of info to catalogue and review.

The archives in here contain some utter gold, kryptnonite and still uninvestigated leads too. The biltmore pool is a doozy thread for one.

That thread has changed my entire perspective on fine art and fashion elite worlds. These debauched frolicking grounds contain not just all manner of evil depravity but also act as signalposts for attracting the corrupted & corruptable. I aim to prove that the fine arts in particular use symbology and aesthetics of art n design for occult influence.

Here is something i'm surprised no one else has picked up. Remember ray.chandler and her IG being mentioned by Qanon?




16968853? ago


16968850? ago

Bump. Don't leave this thread being slid.

16946381? ago

Archive of all the damning evidence in Pizzagate, Luzzato, Podesta, Emails, Alefantis instagram, all archived.

16968845? ago

That pdf has links to several websites, both news, some voat stuff, and others. Since those could be taken down at any time, the information in the pages linked by that pdf also need to be added.

16944943? ago

Aha! Here's one. This has all the phone numbers of everyone Epstein associated with. This is the redacted version dropped, so relatively useless. Now let me see if I can't find what it was that detailed he flight schedules. That might be a separate document and I'm a retard thinking it was this one. I know it's here somewhere.

16944938? ago

Sorry if repost

17678042? ago

And please don't let THIS get slid

16943273? ago

A judge ruled on Thursday that federal prosecutors, including Trump's labor secretary Alexander Acosta, violated the law by striking a sweetheart plea deal with wealthy financier Jeffrey Epstein, in which Epstein averted federal prosecution for his participation in an international sex operation, reports The Miami Herald.

Acosta, who at the time was the U.S. attorney for the southern district of Florida, opted not to prosecute Epstein on federal sex traffic laws and instead struck a deal that ultimately granted him immunity. More than 30 of Epstein's victims were not notified of the arrangement. "Particularly problematic was the Government's decision to conceal the existence of the [agreement] and mislead the victims to believe that federal prosecution was still a possibility," the judge wrote.



"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,'' Trump booms from a speakerphone. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it – Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


They're all guilty or complicit.

16944109? ago

Nice try nigger. If Trump was apart of the cabal, they would have derailed him entirely during the election, and their vagina would have won. Posting these again since they're relevant to this thread as well.

16944125? ago

Using Epstein to expose Trump would have meant exposing their own.

In the last year the left was willing to completely throw Chris Tucker and Kevin Spacey under the bus. And the Clinton Crime Cabal is falling out of favor with the Democrats. So perhaps they might play this card if they're desperate.

16944921? ago

That's a lot of 'ifs' nigger. And since you apparently haven't been paying attention to this thread, let me spell it out for you: Trump was never apart of the cabal. We would have found that shit like everything else when me and the other diganons were doing our thing during the initial threads. Trump was vindicated by one of Epstein's OWN victims, along with several others who were accusing him. You wanna talk about which of the Trump family went on the Lolita express? That was Trump's ex-wife, Ivana, who brought their daughter, Ivanka, on Epstein's plane. Trump is on record as NEVER HAVING BEEN on the Lolita Express. And again, Epsteing was BANNED from Trump's properties AFTER he was caught trying to scout for young girls. Go take your bullshit somewhere else. This is not a fight you want to have with me. Hillary was supposed to win, not Trump. He was never in the cards to win. If he had actually fucked any young girls, those pictures would have broken ages ago. But guess what? They didn't. Because they don't fucking exist.

16944925? ago

Last image is mostly censored, and was the menu for Comet Pizza for their other "specialties". I feel sick even saying that.

16944929? ago

How was the 'secret menu' uncovered?


And I am grateful for the service you did. Thank you, Anon.


Ivanka is an ex-lolitabunny . . ?

16944930? ago

Thank me when the battle is over.

16944926? ago

mp4 is voice comparison between podesta and the voice from the fatherhood.mp4 video.

16944933? ago


Let me see if I can't dig up Epstein's black book again. Like I mentioned in a previous post, a lot of my files are disorganized, so I'm posting them as I find them. Epstein had all of Trump's numbers, as well as having kept a detailed itinerary of everyone who rode on the Lolita Express. Trump, himself, was never on it. Ivana and Ivanka, on the other hand, were. So give me a sec, and I'll find it for you. I admit being a bit agitated now. Though as for the secret menu, an anon was able to find the url embedded in another file. These fucks use a lot of steg for their shit.

17039664? ago


I remember that. There's so much from back then that's lodged in my mind. It's like a film that constantly plays, a reminder that the horror is real.

Gonna play Devil's Advocate Quite literally.. here

As always with these kinds of happenings, one has to consider timing. PG broke in the weeks before 2016 election day. Seeing as Trump turned out to be a Zionist lackey, it's a scenario that the Kikes played out this breach as to tip the favour in the direction of Trump, The Republican Party & Ultimately Zion

16944942? ago


See video - this led up to the shooter incident at Comet Pizza.

The menu was found on the protected section of the website that some anon hacked into.

The day of the shooting the street camera was also turned around. Very convenient.

16944944? ago

So this was the video that spurned the shooting? I know the url to that section of the comet pizza menu was found in another image, just wish I remembered which one..


You're good anon.


By the way, I should mention the dark-haired woman in the third image is Ghislaine Maxwell. She's one of the ones who procured girls for Epstein and others, and worked closely with the Podestas. Tony and John both also match the police sketches witnesses gave when Madeleine McCann disappeared. Maxwell as well for one of the women who was identified.

16945769? ago

It's incredibly gratifying to see you anons turning a low effort, obvious slide thread into my favorite thread of the day. You are true /pol/acks, and I consider you my brethren.


So this was the video that spurned the shooting? I know the url to that section of the comet pizza menu was found in another image, just wish I remembered which one..

Wouldn't be possible, video was posted Jan 1st 2017 after the event Dec 4th 2016. Unless he reuploaded it, but I don't think that's the case.

16945772? ago

After this, I'm going to bed. I have no fucking idea what this vid is, but it freaks me the fuck out. No, it actually scares me. Another anon found this, and I posted a screenshot from it here:>>12835594

That first image is from the video, and is barely visible on the wall. Maybe fresh eyes on this will help figure it out. Other than that, I can find the one fucking file I had regarding Ivanka and Ivana on the Loli-Express, and I'm a little frustrated with myself for not keeping this shit better organized.

17041686? ago

The Pelzer rabbit hole goes very deep. Dave Pelzer, the author of "A Child Called It" is rumored to be a pedo. There could be a direct connection due to the name.

18229708? ago


This is a Dutch-German occupational surname for a "Maker of Pilches", a leather garment similar in conception to the modern sheepskin coat. The word derives originally from the Latin "pellicia", translating as a skin or hide.


God forgive us for our sins.

18229700? ago


The original publisher of the book is Health Communications, Inc. located in Deerfield Beach, Florida which is in Broward County. Florida connection. Definite Finders connection

18229701? ago


They focus in publishing motivational works.

I believe there is a possible connection to MOSSAD and the Parkland "Shooting." Deerfield Beach is right near Parkland.

18229699? ago

Daly City, California is where most of the events take place.

18229698? ago

17138307? ago

rumored to be a pedo

Can you elaborate? I thought he was a victim

17160964? ago

There's rumors that he is molesting children. There was a post on Voat that got deleted by the ((mods)) discussing this.

17138314? ago


17138317? ago

That makes no sense as a response to my post.

17138319? ago

I meant the tor fag below you sorry.

17041688? ago


Dave Pelzer also is from San Francisco, the same city where the Finders had their West Coast base. The Presidio Daycare Scandal of 86-87 also comes to mind.

17039681? ago

No fucking way am I looking at that.

16945773? ago

Almost forgot this. This is another of Emilio Perez's fucking vids.

17070867? ago

Are we going to get to finally deal with these people?

16946380? ago

That was seriously fucking deranged… >>12836444

Think it might be a fake artsy thing. I'm a nurse and losing that much blood would mean hypervolemic shock, basically you wouldn't still be moving. Especially if you lost that much from the head. I've been wrong before though. You know where the anon got it?

17426299? ago

My take is the person is in a tub full of water and bleeding out slowly overtime.

16945770? ago

It's probably a re-upload. A lot of videos and articles concerning pizzagate were shoah'd due to attempts to get rid of evidence. I only remember the place getting shot up once a lot of information was dug up, as well as once that secret menu was uncovered here. Outside of that, I admit a lot of it was a blur mostly due to drinking… Regret, and drinking.

16976110? ago

Underground tunnel system (now used for art displays) connected to that building and nearby residences.

Comet is at the upper-right part of the circle.

17160975? ago

Comet is at the upper-right part of the circle.

The building is even shaped like a slice of fucking pizza.

16944920? ago

Forgot pic and quote. Notice the mention of Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker along with Bill Clinton in the lead.

"He's pals with a passel of Nobel Prize–winning scientists, CEOs like Leslie Wexner of the Limited, socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, even Donald Trump. But it wasn't until he flew Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker to Africa on his private Boeing 727 that the world began to wonder who he is."


16944112? ago

Part two of the files. These were dropped last year and are from the initial Epstein investigation.


Unfortunately, I don't think it was.

16944113? ago

I'm searching through my other folders since this isn't all I have.

16944121? ago

Shit pertaining to the Owl of Minerva shop.

16943271? ago

the fall from grace will not be pleasant.


the fire rises

16944110? ago


I'm interested in this as well. It's the first time I've seen it.

16944107? ago

that NSA post ever been archived?

16944118? ago

The tweet was posted the same day as the alleged Comet Pizza shooter.

16944119? ago

Yes, the same guy that already had an IMDB page with a previous gig as .. you guessed it a shooter.

Shooter walks into Comet Pizza and fires one round.. round goes right through the hard drive of their computer (the one that had a menu for more than pizza)

/pol/ researches perp, found to have ran over a 13yo in a car accident in either NC/SC.

alleged is an understatement

16944917? ago

Maybe not the best wording on my part, sure. Thanks for the refreshing, I almost forgot about the hard drive. I remember one anon actually predicting the event.

Those were interesting times.

16944923? ago

im glad to see some of us still here fighting. Those were the days of coordinated digs on pedoesta emails and perpetual pizzagate threads. We cannot afford to let this go away. Someone has to have something very convincing out there. Its a matter of time now. Remember the term 'fake news' was invented to counter pizzagate talk.

16968840? ago

I miss those threads. ill be forever grateful for all the research you anons did. I wonder how much longer it can perpetuate itself, the system of abuse. The wiki leaks staff are dead. I dont think we will ever have another " podesta emails ". However these pedo motherfuckers are not smart, they are technologically retarded and are proud, arrogant. Its in their nature to almost give it away. It;s just a matter of time, and work.

I remember how they spun fake news during the standoff with that actor at comet. Crazy to see it spun before your eyes, or how besta changed their logo, how how they removed laura sislby from amber alert. Thats how i know we are not wrong. And, that they are watching.

16944927? ago

You're here forever isn't just a meme :^)

I miss those perpetual pizzagate/research threads, even though the world will never be the same in my eyes again because of the research we did back then. Nevertheless, I have zero regrets.

Remember the term 'fake news' was invented to counter pizzagate talk.

Yeah, I do. Still think Trump did a great job at turning it against them even though I don't trust the guy. Also reminds me of when the term alt-right was introduced, and anons immediately dismissing it. Things were somewhat simpler back then.

16944937? ago


we will win.

16944940? ago

No doubt in my mind. I just hope I'm there to see it happen.

16944924? ago

Remember the term 'fake news' was invented to counter pizzagate talk.

And now everyone assumes it's something Trump coined. People are so fucking dumb.

16943246? ago


17726510? ago


17263163? ago


You mean like in the "holocaust"?

16941943? ago

One of the most important ways to build a society that respects boundaries is to respect boundaries. Pizzagate was used to prove that people “secretly approved” of stalking and threats. Before it, many other things have been used that way. The people who are most desperately unreciprocated with the world around them cling to this as some manner of solace.

Part of why I ignore all celebrities and take no notice of the people in entertainment is to preserve the sense in which I’m not ever watching them. It makes no difference to me if somebody is famous or obscure, watched or unwatched.

16941946? ago

Don't forget the bread and circuses element to celebrities, to keep the populace dumbed down and distracted, preoccupied with trivial non-entities

16943255? ago

Yeah that’s real too, but what’s wrong with that bit? Most people don’t need to know about most things. It should be okay for people to find quiet pleasures.

16943235? ago


No one cares you fucking nigger. You're trying to derail, and it's failing. So either cut the shit and make yourself actually useful, or go muse on a blog. Other than that fuck off.

17039673? ago

The animal masks are for simulating bestiality. This is why the furries are a thing.

16943267? ago

17039671? ago

What the hell?

17119761? ago


probably at comet ping pong, they only book bands with bizarre performances

16941914? ago

What do we know about gay pedo Brock Pierce? Who'd he pay off?

16941918? ago

I'm honestly not too sure. I'll need to go back through my files. I think there is something about him here somewhere.


17119758? ago

Is the Obama photo real though? Looks shopped to me.

Her real full name is Maggie Nixon btw. and she is the granddaughter of a pedowood actress and has a mother with a tired 1000 cock stare.

The number one rule in Washington seems: Use codes and abbreviate full names or use fake names.

Maybe someone can track her down on Instagram as she should be 18 by now and ask her if she was passed around?

Is there any proof of the claim that she's dead?


16940803? ago

When you like pizza, but the Mexicans won't leave you alone when you eat it.

The fuck I am not Mexican.

16939703? ago

already a thread >>11883114

one of my normalestfag friends just got into "conspiracy" podcasts. said on reddit they're requesting a Dutroux one next

mfw Trump's been draining the water of fluoride and the slumbering normalniggers are waking

16939701? ago

This thing was fun when it seemed like a game, but real people got hurt. It fueled the biases of abusive people. I mostly kept my ethics - other people suffered total ethical collapses. VIPs descended into paranoia and narcissism; surveillance expanded without gaining efficacy; the integrity and sincerity of the left decayed; huge amounts of money got funneled towards fundamentally dishonest people abusive of the trust of others. This PG thing is kind of a potent tactic, but potent tactics aren’t powerless games. It initially only seemed like an excuse for amysing web searches.

I’ve found exposing causal structures is a pretty good way to turn people. False types get nauseated; the efficacy points make them fear their own pattern. Honest people notice that they’re not powerless and on realizing power they turn towards brighter conducts.

Let me tell you why there’s no statistically valid reason to fear pedophilia in modern society: the birth rate trend. Pedophilic societies breed. I do mean the full molestation pattern. Premature sexual contact makes people promiscuous. It’s so profoundly unpopular, even people who want grandchildren almost never want grandchildren that badly.

The only sense in which the left is pedophilic is that they manipulate young people and occasionally discard them when they’re not young anymore. That pattern is 1) emotional, not sexual manipulation, 2) sometimes helpful in helping people escape more serious abuse, 3) so indistinguishable to ragite conservatives from every other form of interaction that the right doesn’t have a platform to object.

Or it shouldn’t, at least. Maybe rightists have cleaned up. Leftism-the-movement is stagnantly abusive in the current year; they lost the art of looking away, have enforced taboos against emotionally healthy quiet life patterns, and are not honest enough to be tolerant anymore. Maybe they’ll be better by year’s end. A reliance on disloyalty was, after all, core to their engagement with youth. They were relying on children to be sufficiently disloyal as to report actual conditions without sweet face-saving lies.

16939697? ago

/pol/ has existed for almost 2 decades

<world keeps getting worse

all you do is talk.

17671286? ago

Kill yourself for not lurking and for not knowing the history of boards. All you alphabet fags do is talk. Try and do something about it, nigger.

16938711? ago




16968849? ago

What's the thing with Cernunnos?

What does it have to do with rape and murder of kids?

And can someone please explain the astronomy relation to this too because duh?

17105266? ago

more stuff from their jewtube channel released two years before pizzagate

it's typical degenerate jewish art / music

I'm not sure if it was mc culkins subtle redpill or his way to process what has happened to him, (he's clearly messed up) but there was no way for him to tell that pizzagate would become a thing.


16938706? ago

Look, the answer to pedophiles is what it was: depravity’s acceptance and basic candor. Pedophilia is an output of repression. Get better pleasures! Pizzagate-the-scandal never would have happened if Obama’s administration hadn’t encouraged the financial industry to squeeze porn vendors.

17119760? ago

tfw I grew up on Nickelodeon

tfw I remember that line Jack Black says to the parents of his students in School of Rock

"My name is Dewey Finn, and no, I'm NOT a licensed teacher. But I have been touched by your kids, and I'm pretty sure I touched them." :D

tfw produced by Nickelodeon films

It finally happened /pol/…something clicked in me where I'm no longer afraid of the collapse of modern society…now I welcome it.





17851415? ago

i don't understand the one called 'BECHTEL_COCK_SUCK.jpg

16938695? ago


17987560? ago

Damn this dude was a hero

17671306? ago

wait WTF why havent i ever seen this vid

17671311? ago

I second that. When Avicii died, I didn't know he had put out a new vid/song, and on this topic? The media shilled an OD. Black-clad skull-masked people hanging a politician? Extra marks for hanging a Pedo. Apparently, Avicii read Siege before he was poisoned by the JIDF.

17671314? ago

check date. 2015

16940806? ago


16940812? ago

Never forget. Spread it if you can.

16938693? ago

So stay there you cock sucking cunt.

16938682? ago

I'm dumping my entire folder from the previous dig threads. A lot of what I have is condensed, but should help new diggers get up to speed.

17547116? ago

these posts really make me realize how fucked up white folk are. cause lets be honest…

17547117? ago

You mean jews, they're mostly jews

16938667? ago

i'm fighting pedophiles

oh that's great-

on reddit


17070862? ago

Settle down there Satan. Youll still be able to trick goyim to rape kiddies when back on your throne in hell.

17085783? ago

For real though this is definitely not "Satan's kingdom" as evangelicuck boomercons want you to believe. Satan would of made this place beautiful and twisted instead of just twisted. You would actually be tempted to fuck trannies in satans world instead of being tempted to light them on fire with a flamethrower.

17043647? ago

How about some parkland kids throwing the pyramid symbol?

16938664? ago




sits on fat ass

eats tendies

boots up google image search

search: spirals and pizza

"hunts" pedophiles


16938666? ago



This is 80s satanic panic tier shit.

16939720? ago

satanic panic

that term was coined by an actual pedophile you mental midget.

16941941? ago


nixon knows the jew

nixon says jews were behind ww2

nixon is in pedo drawing that was clearly done last week with dialogue clearly written by an adult

jesus christ, you people are actively trying to subvert real attempts to oust pedos, arent you?

16976105? ago

17024774? ago

Aww look, they are practicing plebe sacrifices and stuff.

Next they will be practicing on the homeless and then graduating to the first asshole that tries to manipulate them. I only hope my own daughters are this threatening.

17338370? ago

Anon, please tell me about the Oddfellows. My grandfather who served as SS to Truman was part of this group, but I know little about it.

16938680? ago

Remember that these sick fucks will openly flaunt their degeneracy and smile like the smug fucks they are.

17177646? ago

I couldn't find evidence of the third photos. Is it false? Can you point me toward any well made documentaries?

17177647? ago

Sorry, second question is not related to the first. I would just appreciate any well made docs on the topics discussed in this thread.

17160979? ago

That nxivm link doesn't work anymore :(

16938656? ago

Fuck off back to reddit. Any decent researcher moved to voat long ago, when the sub was actually shoah'ed. Where do you think you are?

16938655? ago

Fuck off nigger. Name one pedophile you have ever taken down or gotten arrested. You are wasting everyones time chasing shadows at the wall instead of fighting the horde of browns that are already inside the gates.

Consdier suicide.

18113857? ago

Fuck off nigger. Name one pedophile you have ever taken down or gotten arrested. You are wasting everyones time chasing shadows at the wall instead of fighting the horde of browns that are already inside the gates.

"dont focus on the kikes that are causing all these problems! get sucked into on their diversion plan!"

get filtered, kike.

18229694? ago


17851403? ago

Can you read? Point out the flaws in my post to me. You want us to go to fucking reddit of all places, the place that got rid of PG as soon as they got wind of it? Instead you have the gall to call me a fucking pedophile, when I've been in the research threads since the beginning. That shit nearly ruined my dispostion and motivation. You don't even bother to research the rest of the thread, nor my posts, you just fucking virtue signal in this thread that's all about research. As if your job is done with your nice little image contribution. Goebbels would shake his fucking head. Good job man, you little fucking nobody.


I hate you faggots so goddamn much.

sage for slightly inebriated rant GOD DAMN IT

17686731? ago


17671284? ago

Inciting revolution and outrage against kidfuckers is actually a great point for normalfags. Fuck off kike first poster.

17340024? ago

Found the pedo

17165298? ago

Fuck off nigger. Name one pedophile you have ever taken down or gotten arrested

Sarah Nyberg.

17070870? ago


lol shills really hate this subject don't they?

17039674? ago

Honestly this. Not to mention the fringe cringe associated with the whole pizzagate thing will make normal people shun you and the rest of your beliefs if you bring it up

17024776? ago


Keep in mind, THESE are the shills also trying to shut down any insiders leaking and accusing everyone as larping. They are trying to shut this down because they are in panic mode.

17024777? ago

Have you read my other posts? Read the thread before you start spouting nonsense. The PG subreddit got killed off late 2016, and nobody should ever have the intention to go back again. I have dedicated way too much time, energy and my sanity researching PG to be called a shill by some fag who doesn't take the time to read a goddamn thread.

16977172? ago

the pedophiles who run the CIA didn't arrest themselves

therefore you failed

so just shut up and don't take about it anymore

holy fucking judaism

16968847? ago

don't fight pedophiles who invited the browns in, goy!

16968842? ago

just about mcfucking had it with these pedo vampire jew shills.

16943253? ago

Don Pannell: 31, 1500 Lorene Drive, Harvey, housed for marshal.

different anon, but fuckyou anyway

16939732? ago

They are cowards that are "keyboard warriors".

16939724? ago

You're dead, child-raping kikeroach.

16938658? ago

thank you based anon, let's ignore kikes raping children and talk about religion instead

Kill yourself kike.

16938657? ago





16939714? ago

Yes, I know, I was there. Next thing you'll tell us is that we can still trust the Wikileaks subreddit. Faggot.

16939717? ago

Reddit isn't trustworthy to any degree. Better to err on the side of caution when dealing with it and use a condom when you go into that den of inequity.


16939723? ago

Reddit isn't trustworthy to any degree. Better to err on the side of caution when dealing with it and use a condom when you go into that den of inequity.

See, that's a response I can live with. Instead of claiming this all started on Reddit (it grew there sure, but it started with the Podesta leaks, and it was mostly a concerted effort of the chans that brought it to light remember the 8/pol/ research threads?). It started with Wikileaks, and it fucking cost them nearly all key people, including Assange.

16939725? ago


I remember them as I was one of the ones digging. Shit made me more blackpilled than I can stand.

16969906? ago

I remember them as I was one of the ones digging. Shit made me more blackpilled than I can stand



Plenty of the stuff I dug up here in this thread.

The photos of Sarah Silverman holding the phone we proved were fake, but she's done plenty of other sick shit like her pedo comedy sketches and tweets.


Last image was from the anon who carried on and downloaded those encrypted files and decrypted them from the comet ping pong server.


We never heard from him again. The meta data on the server page was enough to know not to touch it. He was either too brave or autistic to stop. Less than 24 hours later an actor listed in IMDB had shot a single magic bullet killing that server and Pizzagate was wall-to-wall coverage in international news as a "hoax conspiracy".

I think those 24 hours woke many of us up to just how deep this rabbit hole goes. It has no bottom to it.


So this was the video that spurned the shooting?

No. Read above. Anons found the encrypted server, mad anon downloaded and decrypted a file. Server was (((shot))) & international shoah happened across ALL MSM the very next day.



That was during a mad digging sprint. I can't remember the chain of events. There were at least 4 levels of encryption/compression one of which was the book, but it contained some audio files inside, and other files. It was like every file decrypted had more stuff encrypted within it. The video was from a link discovered along the way.


That was the branding mark from the video tied to the catholic church(?). It was around the time we uncovered Stormy Daniels & NVIXM branding marks.


Think it might be a fake artsy thing.

For the video to be fake it was pretty elaborate, and it tied into a lot of other stuff we were finding like GPS locations of rundown barns innawoods along human trafficking routes.

t cookbook & video anon

There's a lot of artsy types like the Comet Ping Pong artists still in Instagram. I dug up a nest of them last year. Sick fucks. Glowniggers killed my data some time back and I'd need to do forensics to recover any of it. Even with no loli, those digs aren't the kind of shit you keep backups of anon

17318464? ago



Is there anyway to verify that last image was real and not just something made up?

16939728? ago

I'm sorry to hear that anon. It wasn't a fun ride, going into that rabbit hole. It fucked me up as well.

16939731? ago

The only real thing that keeps me going now is absolute hate for these people. That, and for the anons from those threads who probably offed themselves out of absolute disgust.

17973120? ago


17973119? ago

Thanks for existing, anon

i feel the same

16968844? ago

Take note of this post anons and remember, the blackpill is a fraudulent jewish pill, there is only redpills and bluepills, and its a fucking basic metaphor

16976113? ago

Found the gay invading border jumper

16976114? ago

le blackpill

le redpill

le pill

the only people that give out pills are jews and they make sure you swallow

17778761? ago

There's a reason why actors used to be on the same level of prostitutes especially in Asian countries.

17778767? ago

There's a reason why actors used to be on the same level of prostitutes especially in Asian countries.

This was also the rule in the West

17714478? ago

that was hard to watch

17714477? ago

Holy shit this is fucking gay.

17160976? ago

jew runs controlled op website

jew rolls over on jew user to save his own skin

shitty acting by all around

If this is what tv has become I'm glad I cut the cord 5 years ago.

17024775? ago

Are you asking for a pill? Pick a color and it'll find your way to you.

16977173? ago

jew media impregnating goy mind with wrong think deserves jail

16968846? ago


Stay patient, anons. This is part of humanity's accession back into blissful deathlessness. I'm not a christ cuck, but revelations is a genuine prophecy regarding the timeline of humanity.

"And the devil that decieved them, was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. And Shall be tormented day and night forever and ever."


Checked and kekd

17085781? ago

Thanks, anons. I've saved a lot from this thread, for what it's worth. Haven't been able to convince anyone but myself so far. Nobody wants to talk about "icky" stuff.


not a christ cuck

but revelations is a genuine prophecy

If you really believe that, then you're signing up to get scammed hard by a fraudulent "accession", and you know exactly how it's going to turn out for you.

17085784? ago

One can tell it's genuine because of how it coincides with other spiritual traditions. That it goes back to the source. An accession isn't something that just happens, we must make it happen, but if you truly believe that the material world is an absolute, you are a fool.

16944939? ago

Why do you pretend that everyone who is against these threads is a kid fucker? I'm not a kid fucker. I am just tired of people wasting energy chasing phantoms instead of doing actual meaningful things and working towards achievable goals. You are tilting at windmills.

Jews are the enemy.

Triangles and piece of pizza is just bullshit on the internet.

17851435? ago

Fucking shill

17778764? ago

Confirmed shill says pizza and triangles and pedo codes is bs. So you sayin the fbi is lying about pedo codes? Fucking idiot kikebitch.

17160977? ago

quit fucking kids

16944941? ago

Stop investigating and LARP!

It doesn't get any more CIA than this.

16940774? ago

It's anons like you that make me feel we still have a shot, brother.

16940779? ago

Appreciate it. Knowing there are still real anons on here is what keeps me going. Hopefully, my disorganized files here will give some fresh motivation for those new to it.

16940804? ago

Hopefully, my disorganized files here will give some fresh motivation for those new to it.

Even if just one anon gets intrigued by these files, it'll be worth it. It's a slow struggle, but ultimately worthwhile. I wholeheartedly believe that.

Never slacken, anon.

17778760? ago

I love children in French is "J'aime les enfants", "J'aime l'enfant" is actually dehumanizing, it would akin to saying "I love liberty".

17119757? ago

It seems they got Instagram to purge their location based pictures and the place closed down:
