gamepwn ago

God I really hope there's a faction of the government helping us... thats incredible

GeorgeT ago

Like I had been saying, ever since Trump election White Hat agents are coming out in droves. It's over for the monsters - their cover had been blown.

User2060 ago

Woah, I heard Michael Best speaking of these codes, one was John Kerry, one was NSA and one was Ecuador. in an interview with Ed Opperman...although the guy is rummaging through so many files and subjects, he didn't mention this. Anyone tried image searching the NSA screengrab? I'm behind a vpn and a few proxies and i don't have the balls to.

AngB23 ago

I remember seeing this tweet myself. It was real. But coming from flag in my book but who knows anymore.

SterlingJB ago

Did you really see it from their actual acct, or just the screenshot shared by 2d? Y'all know who 2dAmMuslim is right? Guy's pretty left politically, and also very dry with his humor (hence the handle). Kind of funny seeing all the flags and MAGA handles, some with antimuslim stuff in their bios, RTing and liking his post.

AngB23 ago

I saw it directly on Twatter...not retweeted from someone else nor copied from a forum or what have you. Date/time on pic

SterlingJB ago

Huh, I'll be

AngB23 ago

I remember that even tho I did see it, I was sceptical. I mean, it's NSA after all. Push towards censorship? Who knows.

Blacksmith21 ago

Does someone want to explain the "pre-committment" and hash? Inquiring minds want to know...

Jem777 ago

I posted this below when I posted the tweet originally. The Pre-Committment codes were tweeted by Wikileaks Julian Assange just priot to Podesta email release. There were also pre-committment codes released specifically regarding John Kerry Secretary of State.

The belief is the codes are keys to unlock the encrypted files located on hidden servers all over the world in various countries under the control of Wikileaks. Remember three of Assange attorney's were murdered in cold blood last summer. The pre-commitment codes were assumed to be the keys to these files. The codes unlocked them and they are in possession of highly placed assets.

The NSA tweet on December 4, 2016 also mentions pre-commitment codes and tells citizen investigators to not give up..pizzagate is real then mentions John Podesta.

This could indicate there is a working relationship between factions of the NSA and Assange as has been stated by some in FBI. Wikileaks is an US intelligence operation by seemingly the good guys (white hats) trying to stop evil.

So in summary the codes are information provided to some in possession of files that will expose John Podesta and CIA child trafficking by unlocking the encryption.

Jem777 ago

I just posted the tweet one hour ago with Pre-commitment codes...see below.

derram ago :

Daniel Patrick Adsit on Twitter: "@johnpodesta This was sent by the National Security Agency of the United States of America on December 4th, 2016 Don't ever think we have forgotten!" : :

This has been an automated message.

ConcernedAutism ago

This concerns me.