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King_Freya ago

I’m sure to get downvoted hard but I don’t believe the whole thing is devoted to fuckery. I know 3 people who have gone and still go. It’s apparently relatively easy to go if you’re not going to fuck things up. While gaining membership takes awhile, anyone can apply, and anyone can go if they’re invited. The people I know who go aren’t any more special than your average Joe, don’t hold any real power and don’t come from money or celebrity background. As I said, based on what I’ve read and what I know personally, I wonder if they have specific times for crazy shit to go down and times for the organization to let in non crazy members for a specified period of time so you get people like Bob Weir or the guys I know who go and generally have a normal experience compared to what you read, so they can spread the message that nothing weird happens when in reality it does, they just wouldn’t know since they’re not in those crowds. Just a thought.

ASolo ago

Found this interesting bit today:

Blind Items Revealed #18

December 10, 2017

New York, 1992: If you're a bright-eyed 18 year old gay college boy invited by your mid-twenties boyfriend to the birthday party (at a private midtown Manhattan club) of an aging counter-culture celebrity hero who popularized/invented/manufactured something still very much in use today hosted by a female member of the former Yugoslav Royal Family, you realize in retrospect that that was the case for three reasons: 1) pr, as in the kids of the new generation, just like the last, are hip to him 2) plausible deniability vis a vis the teen girls in attendance (related to #1 but also because if they're only one sex some people might raise eyebrows - also note the death of a 17 year old girl in his midst, a few decades earlier and 3) to be "available" for the older, powerful closeted gay men in attendance.

Aging counter-culture celebrity hero: Timothy Leary (LSD)

Female member of the former Yugoslav Royal Family: Catherine Oxenberg

Death of a 17 year old girl: Charlene Renee Almeida