Narcissism ago

Kama - when the scum catch the Deep States own eugenics bio-weapon developed by Litton Industries under the Special Virus Program. Aka HIV.

dassaer ago

Yup... when clandestine trials on the San Francisco gay community 'bites them on the bum'..... lol.

King_Freya ago

I’m sure to get downvoted hard but I don’t believe the whole thing is devoted to fuckery. I know 3 people who have gone and still go. It’s apparently relatively easy to go if you’re not going to fuck things up. While gaining membership takes awhile, anyone can apply, and anyone can go if they’re invited. The people I know who go aren’t any more special than your average Joe, don’t hold any real power and don’t come from money or celebrity background. As I said, based on what I’ve read and what I know personally, I wonder if they have specific times for crazy shit to go down and times for the organization to let in non crazy members for a specified period of time so you get people like Bob Weir or the guys I know who go and generally have a normal experience compared to what you read, so they can spread the message that nothing weird happens when in reality it does, they just wouldn’t know since they’re not in those crowds. Just a thought.

ASolo ago

Found this interesting bit today:

Blind Items Revealed #18

December 10, 2017

New York, 1992: If you're a bright-eyed 18 year old gay college boy invited by your mid-twenties boyfriend to the birthday party (at a private midtown Manhattan club) of an aging counter-culture celebrity hero who popularized/invented/manufactured something still very much in use today hosted by a female member of the former Yugoslav Royal Family, you realize in retrospect that that was the case for three reasons: 1) pr, as in the kids of the new generation, just like the last, are hip to him 2) plausible deniability vis a vis the teen girls in attendance (related to #1 but also because if they're only one sex some people might raise eyebrows - also note the death of a 17 year old girl in his midst, a few decades earlier and 3) to be "available" for the older, powerful closeted gay men in attendance.

Aging counter-culture celebrity hero: Timothy Leary (LSD)

Female member of the former Yugoslav Royal Family: Catherine Oxenberg

Death of a 17 year old girl: Charlene Renee Almeida

ASolo ago

Naw, I agree, what you describe could be easily achieved.

Please though, don't offer up any excuses for poor ol Bobby (lol I know you really weren't only joking) I'm sure he has had his share of hair raising expieriences and still doesn't excuse The Grateful Deads' very close friendship with Alan Trist, who's familial heritage was a co-founder of the Tavistock institutes Eric Trist. Of course there are other close connections with the CIA and clandestine operations with drug testing but this is one of he most direct.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Now I know where that song from Queen came from.

GenghisSean ago

Mind blown. It fits quite well, and I never put that together.

shawnfromnh69 ago

and the aids also. Hell I saw this video once "not on purpose" and he was getting fucked over and over in the ass by guys and they were just lining up and no condoms. I knew then why gays have such high aids rate.

AnonymousG ago

The only person that comes to my mind about Bohemian Grove is, Alex Jones..He seen all there secrets and has never said anything else about it , only posted that video on youtube.. He's a shill. He was invited to go there.. He stated that he snuck into Bohemian Grove. The famous youtube video where it shows a screaming man being burned alive under the owl / pit. He filmed it. You can't sneak into Bohemian Grove. There security is better than fort knox. Ever hear of the game / The Fox & the owl.. You can run..but you can't hide forever..You will get caught..Bohemian Grove is a private men hunting camp. Hunting - Fishing.. Cook outs where, fine gentlemen can relax and enjoy the OTHER things in life that aren't available to the public..They have a day camp for wives and children as well. They provide activities for them as well. Mainly along the Russian River..River rafting ( Mild ).. Crafts for the kids / Art and so one.. Just like being at summer camp..Source: I have been there twice..Most of the members are skull & Bones.. There is a degree in the Scottish Rite that's not mentioned..You have to be invited first. Then tested before coming a member. 33 beyond.. In order to land a spot at the Grove..

carmencita ago

When I heard that Jones said he sneaked in, I nearly died laughing. There are Armed Military Guards dressed in Camo there. They have the latest Firearms at their disposal and you can bet NO One and I MEAN NO ONE gets passed them. After reading what goes and went on there, I was even more convinced that they are Extremely Well Protected. Anyone that thinks he actually got in there and lived to tell it, Think Again.

Narcissism ago

Yeh and UK's channel 4 provided the camera equipment and support. Like no way authorities didn't know. Just the Narcissists showing off and throwing it in our faces.

carmencita ago

Seems that there was collaboration here to get that video made. Hmm. Inquiring minds want to know AJ what is the truth, if you know it.

GreenDell144 ago

Infra red, dogs, helicopters, armed patrols, private security, cameras, microphones, tripwires... the only thing missing was drones, which were arguably not available then. No, Jones’ expose’ of the groves was an allowed event, evidence of the cabal’s hubris. Remember when he worked with Jesse Ventura and exposed guillotines, coffins and playgrounds at th e FEMA camps? Probably the same story...

carmencita ago

We will never really know for sure, but I think there is more chance as you say, that it was a planned event. The elites know how to pull our legs, that is for sure.

GreenDell144 ago

It might not be about us or Alex. Consider the Machiavellian shenanigans that these snakes may pull on each other. Example scenario: “One elitist occultist spills some beans to Alex about the project of another more powerful elitist occultist. Later, for vengeance, the injured, yet more powerful one invites Alex on a field trip to the grove, opening a path for him to get some juicy but harmless Bohemian footage. Then, ‘a bloody glove’ is placed in the car or briefcase of the upstart occultist that started this little ‘tit-for-tat’. Then the whole cabal hoists the upstart by his own petard.” There are other possible scenarios, but there is definitely a power struggles. Some definitely get ousted, as others rise. The fallout from these events causes ripples that affect our reality.

carmencita ago

I guess the Moral of the Story is too never trust them, and we can never second guess them. There can be many answers to this for sure. But as I said, they should never be trusted.

GreenDell144 ago


angry_mob ago

i think at that point jones probably was able to sneak in, i don't think it was as heavily guarded as it is now. we used to protest there in the early 1990's & i never once saw any military people around. i'm not a jones apologist or anything, i just don't believe he was invited & i think ramping up security was probably done gradually over time as people became more aware of the place. it was pretty relaxed when i was there & there were people lined up at the entrance screaming at all of the limos going in.

carmencita ago

Wow! I admit you could be right if it things were that lax when you were there. I still don't know though, why there is not more outcry about this place. It is a Hell Hole of Iniquity. It amazes me that people don't get a large group of about 200 or more people that start protesting near there. Mind you not really close, but drawing attention. Also the whoever ones this there must be an address and protests could be arranged for that as well. This is a House of Sacrificial Horror if what is in print, is really true.

merica_fk_yeah ago

he snuck in through the back wooded area... he tells how he did it. look up the video where he confronts david gergen about bohemian grove... david gergens face says it all... check it out!

rooting4redpillers ago

Not a funny subject, but this is pretty damn funny. Jones should have asked him how long he’s been rockin that stutter.

AnonymousG ago

Yes your 1000% correct..Even the road along the Russian River is monitored. They know every car entering on that road..And who's cars are who's.. It become a private road 500 ft before the main gate. There are 4 ranches that surround the grove.. These are the care takers in the off season.

carmencita ago

Yes. Think Guarded and Patrolled. Think as you say Fort Knox Style. These guys are not fooling around. I wonder if there have been any people Killed or Locked Up for trying to get past these guys. If any one believes AJ got in on his own, there is a Brooklyn Bridge for sale.

ASolo ago

Grateful Dead’s Bob Weir on chillin’ at the Bohemian Grove

What a lying turd.

Sharing glorious stories of hanging with 'movers and shakers' like 'wild bill' Donovan of the oss and cia.

F.U.C.K:. Y.O.U:. Bob Weir.

Shillaxe ago

Bob Weirdo the pedo... There is a Weir tower at Yale that overlooks the Skull n Bones clubhouse,

ShootKikes ago

Weir and his faggot butt buddy John Perry Barlow are both criminal satanist pedo trash working for the CIA.

Shillaxe ago

I would say Bob is a fairly high ranking scumbag.

ASolo ago

Jon Hinson

Stewart McKinney

He raced cars and was involved in several car-related businesses, including Auto Interior Decorators, Inc. and Fairfield Firestone, and was President of a chain of tire stores called CMF Tires. He also owned Lantern Point Real Estate Development and other ventures.

(Fairfield, Ct. Another MK hospital. Right down the street from sandy hook)

In 1970, McKinney ran for the U.S. House and won. He served in the House as a moderate Republican until his death in Washington, DC. He is widely known for the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act of 1986, which provides federal money for shelter programs. McKinney served on the Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee[4] and is credited with coining the phrase "too big to fail" in connection with large banks.[5] In Congress, he served on the House Select Committee on Assassinations. During this time, he also served as a director of Bridgeport Hospital.

(Center for Mk-ultra experiments)

ASolo ago

Although the intercourse described above appears consensual, age discrepancies and the fact that the teenage employee was just that, an employee, proves blatant disregard for societal propriety.