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SkyCruiser ago their mission is to spread the world of Thelema. Evil.

SkyCruiser ago

I was at a parade in the French Quarter on February 15 and the "Krewe What Thou Wilt" was marching. OTO, Spiral symbols, a Sex & Rockets banner float with a shout out to Jack Parsons. Appalling.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

And on the other side of town, someone briefly evacuates his colleagues at City Hall.

ASolo ago

Speaking of REX and CDAN, Tricia13, the star guesser in the comments section, who is most definitely a Hollywood insider, who reports that she LIVES in the Caribbean, a "Stones throw" away from Little St. James, said the the damage the net and Q is reoporting is FALSE, that there is NO TYPE OF VISIBLE DAMAGE like what is protrayed in the pictures and that the TEMPLE IS STILL INTACT and no substantial damage to ANYHING has been done.

I think Q has lied to us all.

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Blacksmith21 ago

Was this Miss Robichaux's Academy?

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Vindicator ago

Had exactly the same thought!


Cdan Comment

It wasn't just a house. It was an altar for Krewe of Rex

The Occult History of Mardis Gras and the Krewe culture is an unexplored aspect of elite pedophilia we still need to research/integrate into our understanding of pizzagate/US good'ol boy deep state networks

Kahlypso79 ago

In Greek mythology, Comus (Ancient Greek: ??µ??) is the god of festivity, revels and nocturnal dalliances. He is a son and a cup-bearer of the god Bacchus. Comus represents anarchy and chaos. His mythology occurs in the later times of antiquity. During his festivals in Ancient Greece, men and women exchanged clothes. He was depicted as a young man on the point of unconsciousness from drink. He had a wreath of flowers on his head and carried a torch that was in the process of being dropped. Unlike the purely carnal Pan or purely intoxicated Dionysos, Comus was a god of excess.***************

On February 23, 1857, United States President James Buchanan was poisoned at the National Hotel in Washington, DC. Not a single Southern man was affected or harmed. (it is believed that arsenic was sprinkled in the bowls containing tea, and the southerns preffered coffee.... (gives new meaning the the Tea Party in the Republican Party..) Fifty or sixty persons dined at that table that evening, and as nearly as can be learned, about thirty-eight died from the effects of the poison. President Buchanan was poisoned but, because of knowledge he had of the symptoms, he was able to communicate to his physician what may have happened, such as arsenic poisoning, and be treated accordingly, thus saving his life.

President James Buchanan survived the incident and began to politically clamp down on those who were secretly engaged in breaking up the United States Republic by fostering slavery and a Civil War. In 1859, seven states succeeded, headed by South Carolina, taking seven forts, four arsenals, one navy yard, and the United States Mint at New Orleans holding $511 million. The total value of government property stolen was worth $27 million; in addition, $8 million in Indian Trust Bonds was taken.

New Orleans before Civil War was the wealthiest city in America and a hotbed for banker-agents of the House of Rothschild headquartered in Britain...

Before the Civil War, on a per capita basis, New Orleans was the wealthiest city in America. In 1857, Judah Benjamin was an agent of the House of Rothschild living in New Orleans. His job was to fund the Confederacy and help foster a devastating Civil War. Judah Benjamin started in the Confederate government as Attorney General and later became Secretary of State. Judah Benjamin also became head of the Confederate intelligence and was a key player in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The House of Rothschild was fearful that the new United States Republic would begin printing its own money and have a central bank not tied into the House of Rothschild. This would weaken the House of Rothschild ' s control over the monetary currencies of the world. They had already established a secret bloodline elitist society, incorporating thirteen of the world ' s most wealthy families, to eventually establish a New World Order with control over the world ' s economy.

William Russell founded Skull and Bones-Chapter 322-Brotherhood of Death at Yale University in 1832...

In 1832, William Russell, whose family fortunes were made smuggling opium to China through Turkey, founded a chapter of the House of Rothschild ' s Illuminati - Knights of Templar at Yale University and called it Skull and Bones. Caleb Cushing partner of William Russell and an agent of Skull and Bones Level 33..(it has been suggested that a Killing of the King ritual is required to pass to level 33). was involved in the arsenic poisoning deaths of United States Presidents William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841, and Zachary Taylor on July 9, 1850. These two Presidents had opposed admitting Texas and California as slave states. Caleb Cushing dispatched Albert Pike to Arkansas and Louisiana. Albert Pike ' s mission was to further the cause of slavery and to foster a United States civil war, and to establish a line of communication with other fellow Illuminati. Albert Pike founded the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Ku Klux Klan. He was chosen by Caleb Cushing to head an Illuminati branch in New Orleans and to establish a New World order. Albert Pike moved his law office to New Orleans in 1853 and was made Masonic Special Deputy of the Supreme Council of Louisiana on April 25, 1857.

Albert Pike and Judah Benjamin needed a secret society in order to meet and communicate their plans to foster a civil war in the United States and to establish the House of Rothschild - Illuminati ' s plan to establish a new world order control over the United States Republic. Judah Benjamin ' s mentor was John Slidell, whose niece married August Belmont connected to the Rothschild ' s bank. Judah Benjamin ' s connection to John Slidell further connected Benjamin to European banking in order to fund the Confederacy. It should be noted that after the United States Civil War, Judah P. Benjamin fled to England, and was the only member of the Confederacy never to return to the United States. Judah Benjamin became legal advisor to Queen Victoria.

Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin, and John Slidell founded the Mystick Krewe of Comus.


Thank you for this comment. A lot to unpack/research/verify

Any resources/links you can recommend?

Kahlypso79 ago

Hello. Sure thing.. Judah Benjamin fled to Queen Victoria.. I wonder what her story was... she claimed to be a Jew directly descended from David... and she married a Saxe Coburg..(who's family sheltered Adam Weishaupt when he was kicked out of Bavaria..) Her son.. started up a full scale prostitution (with youngish samples) ring in London. Cavendish House I think it was called..

Kahlypso79 ago

The headquarters for the Mystick Krewe of Comus became the Picwick Club. Here before the days of computers, telephones, etc, a place of secret communication was established for those in the higher levels of the Illuminati ' s New World Order. The king's identity of the Mystic Krewe of Comus was kept secret.

In the beginning of the Mystick Krewe of Comus in 1857 the secret Comus king participated in the ritual passage of the number 33. This meant, this Comus King participated in the secret ritual titled " Killing of the King." Both Albert Pike and Judah P. Benjamin were secret Kings of the Mystic Krewe of Comus. Both Albert Pike and Judah Benjamin participated directly in the killing of the United States President Abraham Lincoln.

During the Civil War (1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War from the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. (because the european bankers wanted to keep the United States seperated into the North and the South.. easier to control) President Lincoln was advised to get Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point he wrote:

“... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had – their own paper money to pay their own debts...”

The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them “Greenbacks”.

Lincoln printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War.

Shortly after that happened, “The London Times” printed the following: “If that mischievous financial policy, which had its origin in the North American Republic, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and the wealth of all coun­tries will go to North America. That govern­ment must be destroyed, or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe.”

The Bankers obviously understood. The only thing, that is a threat to their power is sovereign governments printing interest-free and debt-free paper money. They know it would break the power of the international Bankers.

The British Government, which was controlled by the London and other European Bankers, moved to support the Confederate South.

Kahlypso79 ago

Lincoln knew the British people, and he knew that Britain would not support slavery, so he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which declared that slavery in the United States was abolished. At this point, the London Bankers could not openly support the Confederacy because the British people simply would not stand for their country supporting slavery. (BANKERS LOVE SLAVERY AND DRUG TRANSPORT AND WARS HASHTAG THAT MOTHERFUCKERS!! - SEE ASTOR AND OPIUM DEALERS THROUGH AMERICA AND EASTERN INDIA TRADING COMPANY)

Second, the Czar of Russia (see why the Rothschild and co financed and supported Lenin?) sent a portion of the Russian navy to the United States with orders that its admiral would operate under the command of Abraham Lincoln. These ships of the Russian navy then became a threat to the ships of the British navy which had intended to break the blockade and help the South.

Lincoln was assassinated by an agent of the Bankers shortly after the War ended.Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth, left, was a member of Pike's Knights of the Golden Circle. He was in New Orleans during the winter of 1863-64 and conspired with Pike, Benjamin, Slidell and Admiral G.W. Baird to assassinate Lincoln.

It should be noted that Albert Pike after the Civil War was indicted and sent to prison for treason by the United States government. After Abraham Lincoln ' s assassination, Andrew Johnson Vice President became the United States President and pardoned Albert Pike. Albert Pike awarded Andrew Johnson for this pardon the thirty-third degree rite of passage. Most Masons were hard working judges, doctors, bankers, lawyers and just good old business men attempting to do what they thought was the right thing in life. However, these vast majorities of Masons never went beyond the 3rd degree. True they were sworn to blood oath secrecy but only within the 3rd level and what is called the " rite of blue passage." The Masons were used by the Illuminati-Skull and Bones as a disguise. Those who passed into the 33rd level were part of the " Killing of the King " ritual. The stage and drama of a stage is part of this ritual. Those in the lower levels were directed and in many cases did as they were told without realizing at the time their part in the " Killing of the King."

Caleb Cushing participated in the " Killing of the King " ritual by poisoning with arsenic United States President William Henry Harrison on April 4, 1841. Caleb Cushing was also involved in poisoning by arsenic of United States President Zachary Taylor on July 5, 1850. Caleb Cushing was also involved in the massive arsenic poisoning that occurred at the inauguration of the United States President James Buchanan on February 23, 1857. Caleb Cushing for his role in the " Killing of the King " political assassinations of U.S. political leaders-received his passage into the 33 ritual-and was made a secret King of Comus. Albert Pike, Judah Benjamin, John Slidell, and August Belmont assassinated Abraham Lincoln and were also secret Kings of the Mystick Krewe of Comus.

theHubrisOfMan ago

"Rex is a New Orleans Carnival Krewe which stages one of the city's most celebrated parades on Mardi Gras Day. Rex is Latin for 'King', and Rex reigns as 'The King of Carnival'.

Every year, one member of the Rex organization is selected to be Rex, the monarch of the krewe for the year. Rex is always an influential resident involved in a multiple civic causes and philanthropic pursuits. Rex’s identity is kept secret until Lundi Gras, the day before Mardi Gras. Traditionally, the mayor hands Rex a symbolic key to the city. Traditionally, the secretive membership was restricted to New Orleans residents of European ancestry for most of its history, including the first Rex, Louis Solomon a Jewish businessman."

In New Orleans Grand Duke Alexei Alexandrovich attended the 1872 Mardi Gras celebrations, where he was guest of honor reviewing the inaugural Rex parade. It has been claimed that local business leaders had planned the first daytime parade to honor him, but this was not true. New Orleans was struggling to recover from the lingering effects of the Civil War. At the same time, many city leaders saw the need to bring some order to the chaotic street parades of Mardi Gras day.

Some think Mardi Gras may be linked with the ancient Roman pagan celebrations of spring and fertility such as Saturnalia, which dates back to 133–31 BC. This celebration honored the god of agriculture, Saturn.

Just a could things I could with some quick searches. I'm sure it just scratches the surface.

Kahlypso79 ago

Saturnalia is NOT at Spring...and has nothing to do with fertility.. Spring and Fertility you want to look at Eostre (although modern day distractions may call her Ostara) Concept of Krewe dates back to Greek times. Greek Theatre and pageant young man.. ah.. I see what you've done.. don't trust Wiki too much young traveller.. Its misleading for a reason.
You have the same type of entertainment in Bohemian and pageant and ritualistic abuses...

theHubrisOfMan ago

Yeah I just pulled some info from top search results.

Kahlypso79 ago

as do we all.. dont stop as it helps you educate yourself. but dont trust wiki.. tooooooo much :)


Cdan comment:

Christopher Montgomery (Family that owned house on St Charles in NOLA) Helped start the Prodigy Talent Group in 2015 that had an office in Rockledge Florida. Jeffery Epstein related pedophile case? Grandfather type person showing interest to minors...

Business Spotlight: Prodigy Talent Training Address: 634 Barnes Blvd, Suite 202, Rockledge,Fla Owner: Jonathan McFadden Rockledge, FL, January 05, 2017 --( It’s been a whirlwind past few months for A.J. Peters.

Only weeks after becoming a student at Prodigy Talent Training in Rockledge, the 12-year-old Port St. John resident was signed by Los Angeles-based talent manager Ryan Glasgow and appeared in the short film “Hostile,” directed by Djuan Ballinger.

Kids are recruited through Twitter, FB and sometimes directly through Email.

Kahlypso79 ago

Just as context.. any town with the word 'ROCK' in it is a Rockefeller hotbed.. it stokes their egos somehow.. Little Rock Ark. being the largest base... Yes Little Rock.. so.. Kids being szent to Rockledge would have ended up tied and drugged at the mercy of Rockefeller.. except he had none.. he loved to rape kiddies as hard and as much as George Snr..Gods I hope he's really dead...


While I doubt every town w/ rock in it is a Rockefeller hotbed, the elite seem to have to "confess/brag"

I've heard Rockford Illinois is especially dirty with Rockefellers, Bush associates, and mormon mafia


Comment on CDAN

Substance D: The sex trafficking is a feint. Human experimentation has been going on in the south since before the Civil War. The Louisiana Purchase was a sell off by Napoleon to give his Anglo/American brother Masons a huge pool of human lab rats to work on. (Napoleon had Haiti-- until he didn't) This rubble was a safe house for those involved. Calling it a brothel makes people shrug. Somebody with means, but out of the loop, caught on and torched the place.

gamepwn ago

Interesting, I can imagine it as a place of many horrors including Human experimentation. The most horrific of deeds have been done in that house. It was a few decades old, and I remember when the original CDAN thread was reported people were saying it could of inspired the song "The House on the Rising Sun"


Looking through the accounts of people who replied to the tweet you included, I saw ex-marines, cops and dumptrumpers lamenting the loss.

derram ago :

Michael DeMocker on Twitter: "Video from scene: Fire breaks through the roof of a St Charles Ave mansion as NOFD battles a 5-alarm blaze… "

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