18957824? ago

Melvin The Reanimated said...

J. Michael Riva. Died at age 63 of a stroke in New Orleans, where the House is
Last film he worked on was Django Unchained, which makes the A+ list actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

Also, the movie Enty mentions in the first paragraph that actually has nothing to do with this blind is F/X.

18945279? ago

I worked on a different movie where Mike Riva was the production designer. While I have no idea about the above, I wouldn't be surprised if he was in fact the person referenced. 1) He was extremely talented and 2) he was a HUGE OUTSPOKEN LIBERAL, as in he used to walk around the set (which is rare for a prod designer esp on a big budget A list movie that this was) and openly try and pick arguments with anyone who said anything bad about Obama which of course wasn't many in that cesspool.

These people who are coming on here saying they are from Hollywood and they know all this stuff but not naming names or things should just let it fly. First off, there is an absolutely huge cover up for gay actors and here is how it works. The publicists set up all the "fake" relationships and then they are leaked to the press to provide false sex appeal for male stars to unsuspecting viewers. It's really not hard to look around and see who these people are, as it's often the same.

Bradlee Cooper is gay The Jonas Brothers are gay. Taylor Swift is gay Aaron Rodgers is gay. (What other NFL players do you know who spend their offseason in West Hollywood? WTF Olivia Munn, Danica Patrick are beards) And many, many more. And often the beards are recycled but they are the same if you are paying attention.

I don't think it's a big deal except for the fact that they rail on people who won't accept LGBQT but yet they are not even coming clean themselves and are deceiving the public to sell movies and records. Of course everything is run and controlled by Jewish run studios/press. So to be honest, fuck all of them for being hypocrits. And you motherfuckers on here not naming names, you need to speak up or go away.

I do not know about any specific pedophilia incidents but it's beyond rampant how much of a cesspool that young Hollywood has been and places like Disney. There are tutors, chaperones, and many execs that prey on these kids and their families are so fame hungry they let it happen. The Nickelodean kids are ALL FUCKED UP. The guy who played Dennis on head of the class had his hand on all of that as he ran that.

So again, if you have proof, speak up. They are all total pussies and their main tactic is to shame people and call them homophobes. You need to stick it right back up their ass and start exposing them. We dont need to see some bullshit Bradlee Cooper-Lady Gaga fake love story when they all know they are lying. Put them on the defensive and make them explain themselves.

18945156? ago

At the time of the fire an Anon posted info on ownership of the house lead to Nat Rothschild. The A+ actor was thought to be Depp and were blackmailing him after he went on a bender and then supplied under age entertainment which was filmed.

18944997? ago

The house of the Rising Sun.

18944145? ago

Great comment and could be it. By Melvin the Reanimated.

"Since y'all are just throwing names out there:

Production Designer: J. Michael Riva. Worked on everything from The Color Purple to the first Garfield Spiderman. Died in New Orleans in 2012. Last film he worked on was Django Unchained.

A+ Actor: Leonardo DiCaprio, star of Django Unchained

House: is in New Orleans. Rumored by enty to be the home of...bad stuff. Probably involving kids.

Django Unchained was filmed in New Orleans



Also, the film in the first paragraph, completely unrelatedm is F/X, a late 80s thriller starring Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehy about an effects man hired to help stage an assassination.


J. Michael Riva


18944916? ago

Maybe the movie he is referring to is "Dave," since Riva worked on that as well. It's 26 years old which rounds to three decades.

18944095? ago

St. Charles Guest House on Prytania ?