fogdryer ago

Just for info trump did say he had to go. This was months ago Said he was a pedo.
So I’m good with his absence

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Just for info trump did say he had to go. This was months ago Said he was a pedo.

Do you have a link for that?

So I’m good with his absence

It's a start.

fogdryer ago

No I don’t I could look around. How important is it to you Stringer is here in my district. I believe the issue was his boss called him a racist for a comment he made.
In my opinion it was not. The argument continued. His boss would not let it go. Short time later this issue of pedo came up. Some time later evidence came out 2 boys accused him . The found all the documents . That was it for me

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

No I don’t I could look around. How important is it to you Stringer is here in my district.

It's not important to me at all. I just figured that since you said,

Just for info trump did say he had to go. This was months ago Said he was a pedo.

that you might have a link to share, or something.

Sorry your legislature is so corrupt.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Oooooh. This one got my blood a-boiling.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago


Factfinder2 ago

The private investigator who came up with the police report also reported that one of the victims — it does not say which one -- went on to become a sex offender himself

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Thank you for the article. This guy makes Biden look like a saint, disgusting.

carmencita ago

WHAT? In Arizona? What planet is he living on anyway? So he is in PRESCOTT? He operates an Inn? Has that Inn been researched? Hmm. Stringer should be put under a microscope.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Well it seems he's not picky in his personal preferences for kids, being involved in trafficking would definitely give him a steady supply.

With such an alleged pervert owning a motel, I'd be more concerned with CP and other sorts of illegal activity he might allow to take place on his property.

carmencita ago

And supplying Children for "elite clients" especially since he has political connections. Those Inns are not really as seedy as Motel 6 but they are not High Class either. So possibly he has lower case clients he brings Children in for as well. Yes, most def there could be CP activity there. He could be doing all of it. His speaking out like this really is a little KOOKY imo. He's drawing attention to himself really. Strange.

Baichu ago

OMFG these politicians are absolutely sickening, all over the world, not just the US. I have no words either, except to swear a lot.

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NinaSparrow ago

Absolutely stunning how these people are supposed to be "our leaders" - These people are revolting evil maniacal demons. I seriously have no words. And even though this us shocking, sadly not much shocks me anymore. The only solace I get is that these mofos will have to stand in front of God to be judged.

think- ago

He stepped back last week, and only yesterday his colleagues decided against the introduction of a window for survivors to sue their attackers:

Arizona: Proposal To Give Sex Abuse Victims More Time To Sue Dies In House

tossitrightinthere ago

These people are sick.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

House Speaker Rusty Bowers said Stringer’s resignation ended the ethics probe and public documents gathered over the course of the investigation would soon be released.

Two days later, the ethics committee released 426 pages of documents, including a 1983 Baltimore Police Department report that said Stringer was arrested for allegedly paying boys younger than 15, one of whom had a mental disability, to perform sex acts multiple times.

On Saturday, Stringer issued a long statement on Facebook defending himself, saying the “salacious allegations of sexual improprieties … had no basis in fact.”

think- ago

Stringer was arrested for allegedly paying boys younger than 15, one of whom had a mental disability, to perform sex acts multiple times

Without words.

They have documents, and he still denies it?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Perfect prison material, he'll fit in well with the rest of the innocent.

think- ago

We can hope. But it seems he was arrested, but never convicted.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

According to documents obtained by the Arizona Republic, Stringer told an activist in 2018 that he doesn’t believe sex trafficking does “damage” to the children and that he doesn’t “like to demonize it.”


“I like being a daddy figure for the little girls when they sit on my lap,” he reportedly said.

Factfinder2 ago

My god. How was this filth allowed to walk away from eight counts of sex crimes against children with NO PRISON TIME and then have the court records expunged?! Who was the Baltimore judge is what I'd like to know.

Stringer, who was 36 when he was arrested, was charged with eight counts of sex crimes. He later accepted a plea deal on some combination of charges and was sentenced to five years of supervised probation.

He also was required to seek admission to what appears to be a treatment clinic for sex offenders.

But few details of Stringer's sentence are known because a Baltimore judge expunged the case in 1990, erasing the court records.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

It was probably a sweetheart plea-deal worked out with DAs office.

Although Stringer said he was never convicted of a crime, court records obtained by the Phoenix New Times show a Maryland court entered a judgment of guilt on some combination of charges.

He said he took a plea of "probation before judgment," a Maryland sentence that allows someone to have a charge cleared after completing probation.

Factfinder2 ago

No doubt that's what happened. I don't know how cops find the incentive to show up for work when the creeps they nail so often go scot-free to offend again--and this time with potential future victims not even warned by sex offender registration. Thoroughly disgusting.

think- ago

“I like being a daddy figure for the little girls when they sit on my lap,” he reportedly said.

'Daddy figure' for the kids - now where did we hear that before recently.....?

think- ago

Arizona lawmakers opposed a bill that would have given survivors more time to sue:

Arizona: Proposal To Give Sex Abuse Victims More Time To Sue Dies In House

April 4, 2019

Victims of child rape and sexual abuse in Arizona won’t get more time to sue their assailants, at least not this year.

Rep. Regina Cobb, R-Kingman, refused to allow a vote on the measure Thursday in the Senate Appropriations Committee, which she chairs.