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ESOTERICshade ago

Are you done accusing innocent members of Voat of being me? How many members will you alienate that will never come back and contribute to this sub again? You done yet? You already ran off all the old regulars that used to contribute here. They left because of your bullshit. You are the most destructive thing that ever happened to Voat. You are cancer. If I owned this site I would ban your IP address and run you the fuck out of here. You are a disgrace of a human being. You need to go to rehab and get your life straight. You have bombed this sub with your dumbass for too long and I wish @puttitout would nuke your stupid ass. You need a break from the internet.

Piscina ago

The problem IS the owner of this site. Voat is now owned by the pedos and their protectors. When Voat showed signs of being an independent source of research, they bought it. The mods are following orders and doing what they're told.

Vindicator ago

Try to produce one iota of evidence for anything you just claimed. You can't, because it's bullshit.

Gothamgirl ago

Neither do you.

Vindicator ago

Neither do you Vindicator, you and your mods claim I am crazy

That was my charitable explanation for your destructive behavior. We've got a number of mentally ill people on this board, including several with DID. I do my best to discern them from actual shills.

I wasn't even going to comment on this thread until you dragged me into it.

Hmmm. Where, exactly, did I "drag you into it"? You are replying to a comment I made to Piscina, who was once again making dishonest assertions she cannot defend with evidence. By inserting yourself into the conversation, you are taking a position supporting her and the proven liar and manipulator Esoteric, whom she was defending.

That seems pretty dumb for someone "smart" enough to "have enough income from royalties, investments, and annuities that I was able to retire at 32". How did you even know this conversation was going on? Is Piscina an alt that you control?

Clitorissa ago

@Gothamgirl is schizophrenic and stopped taking her medications.

@Shizy @Srayzie

Gothamgirl ago

Here we go lol you people are pretty pathetic you need to come up with some new tactics.

Shizy ago

You sound like an illiterate high school drop out. Admit it, you didn't graduate because you were either knocked up or you had a drug problem. Which was it?

@clitorissa @srayzie

Clitorissa ago

@Gothamgirl is a nigger loving whore who’s stupid enough to post her address on Voat and even showed pictures of it like a dumb fuck. It’s filled with cock roaches and she does drugs. She stalks guys on a Voat and accuses people of crazy shit. She’s friends with that fake bitch @Carmencita too.

Gothamgirl ago

Haha your fucking stupid.

Clitorissa ago

You don’t even know me. I don’t do pizzagate. I just read your shit because you stalk my man.

Gothamgirl ago

Hahaha no.... Have a great life together. Stop stalking me skank.