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shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I have a question. Since this user insists on acting like a wannabe AI (or not idk) couldn't it be banned on some sort of interpretation of the spam rule? @think- @Vindicator

Piscina ago

I can only speak for myself and for my experiences with ES. I've been here for close to a couple of years, taking a break in between. From my experience, ES was a good researcher with interesting info to add. I question the motives of the mods when they insist on stickying this garbage for months on end. All I have seen is Voat brigading, bullying, trolling and the most vile verbal abuse from the mods towards good people. Crensch is only implicating himself by insisting on such ridiculous stickies. The links he posts are unclear and nebulous and are not evidence of the claims he makes.

Vindicator ago

So, you don't have any problem at all with Esoteric "posting good research" to win over a bunch of folks, and then creating a bunch of fake accounts to violate the rules of Voat, echoing and upvoting his opinions and downvoting those he wanted to silence? You don't have a problem with him pretending to be a good guy, and then viciously attacking numerous users he wanted shut down?

That pretty much shows you are not fit for this subverse.

Crensch is only implicating himself by insisting on such ridiculous stickies.

Oh really? Is that like me banning Jem777 for repeatedly refusing to honor the submission rules "implicated" me in her "murder"?

What a joke.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

That pretty much shows you are not fit for this subverse.

Temper/temper. I believe @Piscina is more than fit for this place, she's just a little distracted, I would say blinded but are any of us blind anymore? I try so very hard to not interfere with the battles that occur here, but dammit this one has me shattered, focus is being lost, resources are being wasted and energy is being pissed up a rope. Me:

SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

Temper/temper. I believe @Piscina is more than fit for this place, she's just a little distracted, I would say blinded but are any of us blind anymore? I try so very hard to not interfere with the battles that occur here, but dammit this one has me shattered, focus is being lost, resources are being wasted and energy is being pissed up a rope.

Some of us came here because we wanted to be here. AND, some people are here because they feel like it gives them power and they HAVE TO BE HERE because they have no other life. (@crensch i'm looking at you)

Dedicated volunteers like you, and me, don't grow on trees. But I won't fight with idiots in control like @crensch.

I don't necessarily think @vindicator is an idiot, but he has A LOT TO LEARN, and I somewhat like vindicator, even though he is petty and vindictive, he does a pretty good job. He claims not to know enough about Zionism to "make a judgement on it" and I find that hard to swallow. Either he is really dumber than a box of rocks or he is lying his ass off.

Because we all know that Zionism is a plague upon the earth. @vindicator claims not to understand this, and I find that hard to understand, for a mod in this place....Feel me?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Feel me?

no, but I can smell you.

ESOTERICshade ago

no, but I can smell you.

roflmao...I didn't enjoy the job I felt compelled to do, but I did it anyway. I was always told that when a person steps into a role they hate, but do it anyway for the greater good, that it is a mark of good character. I did that. Hated it, and did it anyway. Somebody had to drive the Q cult out of here and into it's own niche. It was vital for the survival of pizzagate's credibility. I consider it one of better contributions I have made to society. Some people feel otherwise but I have ZERO doubts that it was necessary.


And now think- quit as a Mod.

It's fascinating how this stickied shitshow has only fractured the community

...under the guise of "protecting" it