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Vindicator ago

To be fair they could just be stupid and easily manipulated. There are a lot of NPCs about.

Yes, this is what @twistedmac11 claimed initially

"I never supported anyone trying to destroy this sub. I never saw ESOTERICshade as attempting to do that until he/she was exposed for using rarepeeks as an alt. Notice I haven't said anything in support since."

Except, three months ago when he was helping ES astroturf, I clearly explained the brigading, and linked to evidence supporting it. Yet he continued to participate in helping ES brigade and manipulate.

He is playing the victim.

Does whether he is a literal sock puppet, or a functional one, actually make a big difference? The effect is the same. Especially since he is still doing it.

@Crensch @think-

twistedmac11 ago

Your link doesn't support the claims that you make. Try again.

I wasn't helping anyone "astroturf". I was explaining to you why that post got downvoted, which is because it was a shitty post that was completely unrelated to pizzagate. LOOK AT THE REST OF THE COMMENTS ON THAT POST. Why aren't you accusing them of being alts?

You're stringing a whole lot of nothing together and trying to make something of it. What a fucking joke.