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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You'll also notice BOTH Esoteric and his smurfy69 account commenting in this concern troll thread by @ArtificalDuality -- both claiming to have suffered torture from directed energy weapons. Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit known liar and drama queen @Jem777 was posting before Vindicator banned her - and she's also helping push it in this thread. You'll also find twistedmac11 joining in there.

I read that post about Tis and there were lots of regular users on it commenting. I now suspect argosciv is a part of Cicada or anonymous based on his edited comment towards me on it and his frequent defense of Satanism while mocking Scientology. The post is a year old. Why not let users here know?

srayzie ago

Everyone knows about Argosciv. @Crensch has called out many people. Do you butt in and fight everyone’s battles or just the ones that send you money?

aimeejamey ago

Try to keep up srayzie. I'm pointing out the creepy behavior of argosciv on a post about Targeted Individuals and his editing of a 1 year old comment 4 days ago that occurred on a thread linked by Crensch. Do I need to get your permission and approval now in order to make a comment on this board?

srayzie ago

Oh did you forget another password? Yeah, It’s obvious what you are really doing, Argos has done this shit for over a year. Suddenly you take interest? What you are really doing Miss Thang, is pointing out Argosciv to get the heat off your sugardaddy Esoteric. Did you forget he’s a big boy?

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch

Vindicator ago

@argosciv has his issues but he is not part of that gang. EYPJ is full of crap. argo got brigaded by that crew worse than anyone else on here (one reason I have known he wasn't part of it).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Isn't editing year old threads a habit of Media Matters shills? Sounds like what they were doing in the past.