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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You'll also notice BOTH Esoteric and his smurfy69 account commenting in this concern troll thread by @ArtificalDuality -- both claiming to have suffered torture from directed energy weapons. Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit known liar and drama queen @Jem777 was posting before Vindicator banned her - and she's also helping push it in this thread. You'll also find twistedmac11 joining in there.

I read that post about Tis and there were lots of regular users on it commenting. I now suspect argosciv is a part of Cicada or anonymous based on his edited comment towards me on it and his frequent defense of Satanism while mocking Scientology. The post is a year old. Why not let users here know?

srayzie ago

Everyone knows about Argosciv. @Crensch has called out many people. Do you butt in and fight everyone’s battles or just the ones that send you money?

aimeejamey ago

Try to keep up srayzie. I'm pointing out the creepy behavior of argosciv on a post about Targeted Individuals and his editing of a 1 year old comment 4 days ago that occurred on a thread linked by Crensch. Do I need to get your permission and approval now in order to make a comment on this board?

srayzie ago

Oh did you forget another password? Yeah, It’s obvious what you are really doing, Argos has done this shit for over a year. Suddenly you take interest? What you are really doing Miss Thang, is pointing out Argosciv to get the heat off your sugardaddy Esoteric. Did you forget he’s a big boy?

@Vindicator @Think- @Kevdude @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

lol, i'm not her sugardaddy. I never met Amy. She was being heavily targeted by some potentially very dangerous people. She was going through a rough divorce. She was having some health problems. She was under financial pressure. She was under a lot of stress. I wanted to help her a little bit so I did. Its pretty simple.

srayzie ago

Well look at her now. Now she’s obsessed with you and acts like you can’t handle yourself. I’ve always liked her, I think she’s funny, but damn.

littlestar ago

I went back and looked at the history, and it was actually @srayzie who was worried about me at the time. I talked to @Cc1914 on the phone a few times. She's the only person who ever got my phone number besides Travis Smith. I WISH I had a sugar daddy. If only I could make that $200 grow like magic jellybeans or something into some huge, super gay cult run by traffickers and agents, that charges people subscription fees to decode garbage.

IF I HAVEN'T SAID THANK YOU ENOUGH, thanks ES. I still appreciate what you did. And I still am humble enough to admit that at the time, I was completely defenseless against these assholes. Some of them on the board.

Vindicator ago

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Oh you know how much we love to run psychological operations and experiments on unsuspecting users and journalists around here

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no srayzie, I gave crunch a list of the accounts I have and that is my phone account. If you were not too busy to see the posts about that in the past you would know I have one main account on my laptop but I now have one on my phone as well. You're pretty rude, though.

Vindicator ago

@argosciv has his issues but he is not part of that gang. EYPJ is full of crap. argo got brigaded by that crew worse than anyone else on here (one reason I have known he wasn't part of it).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Vindicator, go look at the comment he edited. It's on a year old thread and he edited it 4 days ago to single me out.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Isn't editing year old threads a habit of Media Matters shills? Sounds like what they were doing in the past.

srayzie ago

Do you mean when she said that Argos was with Anonymous or Cicada? 😂

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

why is that funny srayzie?

srayzie ago

Why would you think he’s with a Anonymous or Cicada?

ESOTERICshade ago

Targeted Individuals are real. It happened to me. If you come to the attention of the wrong people they will try to utterly destroy you. It is real. They targeted me for years. They did serious physical damage to me, not to mention the stress of it all. It is hell.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Indeed it is real.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

They are real, indeed. There is an old post on here about cops planting some fentanyl on some posters regarding gang stalking in order to make regular people afraid to touch the fliers. Nobody wants to talk about it because it sounds paranoid and crazy but yet we can talk about MK Ultra being done on sex slaves, blood drinking organ harvesting and Satanism / cannibalism. Liberals literally think it's "batshit crazy" to claim that a high ranking democrat ever committed a crime, then they regularly go and abort their own children until their numbers are so small they have to bring in illegal immigrants to win elections.

Recently I found my grandfather's name on an address in South Carolina and a listing for him being 108 years old. He died in 1990. Wonder how often illegals are able to move here to participate in sleeper cells and use fake SSNs from dead people. I've heard that it's pretty often the case that they'll have multiple fake SSNs for each illegal person in a household and they'll be getting food stamps for like 5 times as many people as actually live in the house.

It isn't hard to convince a Satanic pedo to target good people or a drug trafficker or a low life scum to do some targeted harassment on good people if they know they won't get in trouble for it. They probably find it fun.

Some people do not have a conscience and they actually "feel more powerful" when they're in conflict with Christians. They think that they're "winning" and that the dark forces that they operate on with their black magic are going to win / beat the enemy. I lived in denial of this fact for a long time. It's a spiritual battle.

My research lately shows me that MK Ultra is more than just technology. It's also based in witchcraft and Satanism. No coincidence that when they paper clipped the Nazis into the US they immediately started NASA, the CIA and other covert ops. We act like the CIA is a legitimate arm of the government. Yet they're experimenting on people left and right in violation of the Nuremberg code, and nobody cares.

Stop drinking fluoride, people.

think- ago

Nobody here believes your stories anymore, Esoteric. Neither your old stories nor any new fairy tales. Game over.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall