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Crensch ago

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @kevdude

I trust there are no issues with me posting this given the amount of manipulation of this subverse that has gone one just form what's shown above?

think- ago

Well, we always said that proven shill activity would adhere to Rule 4, so I'm fine with it.

Especially, since I was able to see myself during the last couple days what Esoteric did when I went through his comment histories, and those of his alts.

I have a reputation to uphold of being impartial, but I must say that in this case, I was really shocked to see what this man has done. Unbelievable.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Kevdude @Srayzie

EricKaliberhall ago

This submission should be stickied for a long time... Maybe a 'important' flair as well.

think- ago

Thanks for the suggestion, done. ;-)

auralsects ago

At least for me (idgaf about Esoteric) This is blatant defamation of character with no basis, i.e. slander.

I've never even done any shill activity; I simply have unpopular opinions. My alts were literally the same name.

Great shame on you, vile slut

Vindicator ago

This is blatant defamation of character with no basis, i.e. slander

In your dreams Donkey. Too bad you forgot to log out of your "oral sex" account when replying in the first person here. You've been running your little joke on folks in here long enough. It's over.

auralsects ago

Are you retarded?

If you accuse 2 people of being just 1 based on an allegedly shared behavior you can FULLY EXPECT one of them to point out they don't actually share that behavior. That's NOT a suspicious 'doth protest too much.'

You're employing the exact same illogical bullshit that @srayzie did in accusing me of being Equineluvr:

"you're also Donkeyhote and you asked me for tech help" --> I see the comment and reply that she knows I'm much younger and more tech-savvy than her. "LOLOL FORGOT TO LOG OUT DID U!!?"

Unlike her you're not merely a stupid overconfident woman; you are a literal kike and shill, which is why YOU show up out of nowhere to defend JEWS every single time.

Talk about exposing yourself, faggot, LMAO!

You don't even believe that bullshit; you're just gaslighting the other dumb cunts who infest this sub. You are transparent, KIKE!

Vindicator ago

based on an allegedly shared behavior

Nice attempt to muddle the facts, "Donkey". I didn't base anything on "shared behavior." :-) Unfortunately for you, I based it on your very own words:

"when have I ever "buddied up" to anybody LMAO"

You were replying to an accusation made to ESOTERIC. In the first person.

Now why would Donkey try to defend himself against a claim made about Esoteric, unless they are the same person?

Y'all done fucked up, as liars and fakes are wont to do. :-)

@Crensch @think- @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

srayzie ago

I’m curious too. What’s really confusing tho is that he replied with the personality of donkey. Not the personality of ESO.

ESOTERICshade ago

Of all people on this planet, you should know that i'm not the Donkey.

srayzie ago

I don’t think you are Donkey. I’ve said that.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t think you are Donkey. I’ve said that.

You are correct. I am not the Donk.

Vindicator ago

Interesting how ES refers to Donkey with the definitive article, here and further above...almost as if he were a character in a script...

@kevdude @Crensch @think- @srayzie

Crensch ago

Can't say I could see myself using "the" when referring to someone I wasn't.

"I am not the Putt"

And his shortening of "donkey" to "donk" is also a little strange. Two letters, why? Something I would maybe do to a buddy's name IRL just to fuck around, but in almost any other setting I can think of? Nah.

If I were a low-IQ faggot, I might refer to my own alt account in such a way.

Vindicator ago

If I were a low-IQ faggot, I might refer to my own alt account in such a way.

If I were a shitty novelist writing a pulp fiction thriller, it's the kind of thing I'd have my alcoholic, cocky-but-despairing Spook obstacle character brag about to his buddies in a bar after work: "I unleashed the Donk on srayzie and had her typing all afternoon..." Next scene would be him staring at the ceiling fan in his shitty DC apartment, looking at her Twitter pic and wondering if she wears a translucent peignoir when she tucks in her kids.

"...the Donk." LMAO.