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Cc1914 ago

After trying to actually process all this I’m going to take @EsotericShade s advice that he always gave me and , “ Speak my mind “ or was it really donkey ? This thought disgusts me ! I’m not going to go on and chastise you because that’s not my style. I will say you hurt a lot of people who actually developed friendships with you and that’s just wrong on so many levels . Call me over emotional or whatever ..

Vindicator ago

Thanks for giving all these links some serious consideration, Cc. I have been very concerned about Esoteric's behavior for a very long time, ever since he tried to win my trust with a bunch of private messages calling other users into question. I think there are numerous folks who have been cultivated and manipulated by him. You are not alone.

Cc1914 ago

Yw . I see you guys have been trying to tell us for 6 months at least . I didn’t know because I didn’t see that deleted “ ES is donkey post “ until today . I Wonder why donkey answered a statement that was made towards ES . I haven’t seen ES or donkey explain. Unless I missed something.. what mods knew he was donkey ?

SchlongKeyhote ago

The entire thread is called "ES=DONKEY"

He then accused ES of a behavior.

I, donkeyhote, replied that I don't do that behavior -- because it's evidence against the thread's premise itself.

I don't know what's hard to understand about this.