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darkknight111 ago

Quick question. Are there ways to do an IP check in these accounts to see if they are the same user?

I’m positive our resident “Shariah Shill” donkeyhote is NOT the same person as ES. Eagerly look foward tgat that expose. Donkey is also a pedo given his defending of Mohamad doing a 9 year old girl.

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Derpfroot ago

The admin's can check IP's, not us plebs (legally). Even then there's VPN's, tor, etc. that can change your IP in a second.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

they can, or can't see our IP address?

The admin's can check IP's, not us plebs (legally).

Crensch ago

The admins can see the IP address you connect with. You can mask your IP with a VPN. Very little can be done about that unless you have logs of the different type he's that someone logged in on, and they made a mistake like esoteric just did.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Ok, so then you should be able to track the IPs that I logged in with from the accounts that I told you my recollection of in a PM yesterday, all would be in the same metroplex since I never mask my IP. I didn't know admins could see that but what is an admin? Is it the same as modding your own subverse or are you referring to kevdude or puttitout?

Vindicator ago

Voat only has one admin: PuttItOut. Mods and board owners see nothing but what you post.