mooteensy ago

Thank you for the alert. This is deeply troubling. All we can do is stay vigilant and work toward real justice. Those kids are counting on us. God bless you all.

GreenDell144 ago

Everyone here is awesome and appreciated. Upvoats all around.

slickleg64 ago

Are IP addresses being logged? Also log anything that could doxx these creeps..., nothing like pedos having their lives destroyed. I have no remorse for these degenerate pieces of shit.

Vindicator ago

Yes. Admins log IP addresses and machine ID's of those reported for posting CP.

Saufsoldat ago

Top kek

Sure, post some more anonymous bullshit to fuel your victim complex.

LightlyToasted ago

hateful anti-pedophile fears

Pedophilia is a crime; it is perfectly reasonable to hate child rapists and molesters who destroy their victims in every sense of the word.

Fetalpig ago

Yeah. No. Never in my lifetime will I ever think business with children is ok. Never as long as I have a breath in my body will I stop fighting against people who think differently. Never ever going to fly.

GreenDell144 ago

To the end. I’m with you. You are definitely not alone friend.

bernitdown ago

I'm not clicking on any of that shit.

Shizy ago

Oh boo-effen-hoo, the poor pedos think people are being "hateful" towards them. Well you're DAMN RIGHT freaks, everyone who isn't a sick twisted fuck like you HATES pedophiles! Pedos are the scum of the earth, the most vile of all humans. I don't give a rats ass if they are offended by that, if you're too sick to know that raping children is wrong then I don't give a rats ass about your "feelings"! Burning in hell is where you belong

PedoStomper ago

All I have to say is bring it on, you fucking freaks. We all knew that one day you'd come slithering into our domain to try and shut us down. We may be a disorganized bunch of misfits, but you know what most of us have in common? We fucking hate pedophiles. Your "way of life" will never come to fruition, because people like us will always be in your way, you pieces of Satanic human garbage.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Yep. 😙

darkknight111 ago

I have a plan to take them all out.

Excuse me while I enact it. Hopefully it works like I plan it.

Gothamgirl ago

Show solidarity where ever you see a pizzagater being targeting, and pray.

Shizy ago

Great point! We need to stick together!!

Anyone feel free to ping me if you encounter one of these slithering scumbags and I will gladly help back you up and shit talk them into retreat!

JewsLose ago

No one comes to Voat for porn anyway. Just ban it all and wash our hands of the filth. No one who legitimately uses this site would care.

duhiki ago

Flooding fb groups with cp is what got a bunch of Bernie Sanders groups shut down pre-election.

Makes me wonder if the same entities are recycling those images for researchers, in hopes of pulling the same shitty shit.

slickleg64 ago

I wonder if its open society/ idf botfarms? sounds like the kinda shit they would pull

darkknight111 ago

It has begun. Ever since that bill @carmencita talked about, I've been suspecting we'll be targeted for false flags involving CP or "shut down via framing comments".

Stay strong my brothers and sisters. If we give up, death...may be a blessing should we fail here, for we stand against an enemy that seeks to defile all sentience...all life. I say to thee as long as I still draw breath, I shall not let that come to pass. Earth will not fall. Don't forget, WE ARE WHAT NIGHTMARES FEAR! We stand now at the twilight of humanity. It is up to us to ensure that said twilight guides them not to that final night, but instead to the way to the dawn.

Know how I keep saying "Don't forget. Alwats somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember that, you are not alone." Well, the kids need us to be "that someone" more than ever.

If the pedos and the deep state are getting this aggressive, then it is they who are truly frightened. It is they that are truly in the corner. Remember the proverb about the dying beast and its death throes.

I may have lost my faith a LONG time ago (due to it being betrayed at a critical moment), but I find it oddly ironic that its me that giving the rallying cry.

Vindicator ago

Know how I keep saying "Don't forget. Alwats somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember that, you are not alone."

I like how Tolkein put it:

Though here at journey's end I lie

in darkness buried deep,

beyond all towers strong and high,

beyond all mountains steep,

above all shadows rides the Sun

and Stars for ever dwell:

I will not say the Day is done,

nor bid the Stars farewell.

carmencita ago

Amen. I am confident that you have just spoken for all of us. Thank You.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago


carmencita ago


nameof ago

@lobotomy the spiral is a great study regarding the TOLERANCE MOVEMENT how many hundreds of years in the making? Ok the tree of life.. religious shit turned upside down.. becomes luciferianism and the spiral is very special to that. It's about higher education, like you see the bishops with the spiral topped rod. Creepy. Ok Or the horn of the goat...on and on but the thing about the spiralfagging is it's really really old. Spiral branch of Tree of Life Agenda of tolerance socially and medical progress, we all know what medical progress looks like heart transplants, heart progress. Pizzagate.

lgbtqp etc and that's the symbolism.

nameof ago

@lobotomy I spiralfag all the time. Symbols are the luciferianism message board. Symbols are everything to those who are organized.

It's more strange to me to claim the pedo symbols are meaningless or useless. Not true. If more people spiralfagged more often we might be able to track down some children in danger, or just prevent a child ever being harmed by these harmful individuals. These individuals have to communicate with each other Don't underestimate this fact. They blatently message surreal shit that WE DONT UNDERSTAND.

but we are coming to understand as we accept the prevelence of the culture.

Im still talking about ORGANIZED, BUT u said DC. THEYRE NOT JUST ORGANIZED IN DC, but Consider they are fucking organized if voat has to worry constantly.

This is war. Let it be quick. It's not just pedophilia it's beastiality it's cannibalism it's a bunch of the opposite of the ten commandments. And it's being pushed.

I say it's best to let ppl play themselves out show their true colors, but not at the risk of compromising a site like this. So vigilance, it's good cause I m not paying 100% attention every second, reminders help, like this. Even though this has been going on. Reminders help every one and help draw consensus.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

We don't need to get down in the dirt to fight this. Symbols are the the messageboard of those that seek to hide. BECAUSE THEY HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE. We don't. The only thing we have to hide is troop movements, which on a public board is pretty much impossible. So the option we really should be heading toward is prayer. I know it has a bad name, but it's more powerful than people realize. My 2 cents.

Lobotomy ago

I said D&C you illiterate. As in, the Divide and Conquer Stratagem. Thanks for proving my point.

Not every spiral form you find is a pedo symbol, in fact, less than a percent would be a realistic estimate.

emtpayislow ago

So I looked at a few of these forums, they are sick. The anime is beyond the pale. I am a moral person. I believe in free speech. I would ban that shit immediately. I would like to meet the fucks who enjoy that shit and make this world a better place. What can i do to make it go away?

Shizy ago

We need to NEVER tolerate this sickness in any form and shove these disgusting freaks back into the shadows. Legitimizing, tolerating, or mainstreaming pedophilia as just another sexual preference will only serve to embolden these shitbags. This needs to be shut down right from the start!

nameof ago

So my little fuck up was really bad. Im talking about my post coded messages a study q posts to patriots as Twitter messages it's pedos and basically luciferianism agenda. My theory... But one of the twotter screenshot shots had a link on it so I've reposted and blocked the link. Im sorry that happened , it won't happen again. Also I did send that link crap page to the FBI.

think- ago

Im sorry that happened , it won't happen again.

Yes, it won't happen again, because after posting a link to child porn twice, @Vindicator banned you today.

GreenDell144 ago

We CANNOT fail to protect our children. I personally would die protecting my kids. If this twisted insanity somehow gets accepted, I will move to an island somewhere and take my kids with me.

Tanngrisnir ago

No, it looks like you were right yesterday. The forum is indeed under attack. My only thoughts on the matter is the Elites are currently terrified of the populace which explains the current crackdown on free speech and gun ownership. I'm sorry you have to deal with this since I know it is a heinous situation fraught with peril. I will try to be extra careful about clicking any links. The kids need us now more than ever though.

It looks like we are collectively really close to finding something big.

think- ago

It's great that you are back, @Tanngrisnir, and chiming in.

Tanngrisnir ago

No problem, good to be back.

Lobotomy ago

They've been doing this since the sub was started. If you hadn't noticed, there are a lot of people who have been throwing out totally bum leads that are basically just spiral designs on logos, without any tangible connection to the pedo rings we know about. There are also the flat earthers and chemtrail fags coming in here and shilling their spirit science garbage, too.

It's all a D&C effort. Inject a little bit of another conspiracy here, some more outlandish subconspiracies there, and unfortunately, a lot of people here eat it up, because they don't think that anything posted here can be wrong.

Stay skeptical of outlandish claims. Stop spiralfagging. Seek substance over symbolism. That's the only way that this investigation will survive.

mooteensy ago

slow clap

Vindicator ago

Spiralfagging. Fucking awesome. Have an upvoat!

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They use symbolism religously but I get your point. However many have showed more than just the symbols, but other obvious signs with pizza parlors and ping pong establishments. The fact that ping pong places exist is suspicous itself. The real problem in this sub is the selling of good guy poltitcians fighting for us, selling that we are winning and they are losing despite the fact they control all apparatus of government and the spooks work for them. Selling that the FBI is about to arrest people, Podestas arrested and sent to Gitmo, CIA was taken down by the Marines, Trump is fighting them and not one of them etc etc etc. Deleting blatantly signifcant threads on site and trying to distract with sexual impropriaty of celebrities, and how news of this means Trump is fighting the cabal? The mods have taken this forum down and James Rothschild Alefantis is off the hook, Comet Ping Pong is off the Radar, the FBI is given legitimacy back in this sub. A disaster in every direction.

Lobotomy ago

I'm very much aware that certain spiral forms are INDEED pedo symbolism. However, there are retards coming in here and showing of the fucking SEGA Dreamcast logo, and passing it off as if the people who made Sonic the Hedgehog are trafficking children through their doors. It's stupid, and those people have no investigative ability.

The more we cloud this place with white noise disinformation like that, the harder it is to find real leads, and the more ridiculous we look, from the outside looking in.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

So agree. I call them out when I can.

GreenDell144 ago

I totally agree. Even if we are tempted to give credence to something, which I admit is sometimes true even for me, we NEED to follow the rules and stay on topic to the extent possible. The safety of our place to speak depends on it. If we do not have a place to connect, the privilege and responsibility of this work will be out of our hands. That said, maybe we should begin a sticky of allied sites, and alternative places to connect. Maybe we should develope our own codes and secret protocols, as well? Hmmmm...

Lobotomy ago

8/pol/ is the only other site actively investigating PG at the moment.

GreenDell144 ago

I was thinking about “medical kidnap dot com” or maybe listing video channels that are relevant, as well. Maybe it’s not a worthy idea...

think- ago

I think it is a good idea. Would you consider doing a post about websites and video channels that are worthwhile reading / watching? I know you are very busy, but would you maybe keep it in mind and collect some good links in the next weeks for us? That would be great! I think many here would appreciate it.

GreenDell144 ago

I posted something. I hope it’s useful.

GreenDell144 ago

Let me brainstorm... a lot of decent youtubers are getting purged from YouTube. I’ll see if they moved anywhere else, like bit chute.

There are a few blogs, like lastamericanvagabond, some whistleblowers have blogs, satanist exposer too, etc

Lots to collate and consider

Immelda ago

We can beat this, stay true folks.

yurisrevenge ago


DoJustice ago

Don't be afraid of the showdown PGers. Keep fighting. We are on the right side.

GreenDell144 ago

Show no fear to pedophiles.

Vindicator ago

LOL. Why would anyone be afraid of them? They are pussies who are too intimidated by women to have normal sexual inclinations.

GreenDell144 ago

I have fear that they will push their agenda and continue to hurt kids and contaminate society. I have no fear of one that is within arm’s reach, or making comments on the interwebz.

think- ago

@gamepwn, I will flair this post 'Important'.

GreenDell144 ago

Is this one of those “all hands on deck” moments? We want our community here to be aware of things.

think- ago

It is indeed one of these moments, @GreenDell144. Thank you for your comments!

Gorillion ago






Lol, nope.

Fear implies some irrational response to your unreasonable provocation.
Our response is VERY rational. And VERY reasonable.

Oh, and great work by using the tactic of "We'll show those mean pedo-haters by trick-linking them to our vast collections of child porn!", really supports your narrative as being virtuous and trustworthy.

Shizy ago

Pedos are absolute reprobate and there are zero redeeming qualities to be found in them. They may be able to pretend to be normal or decent, but nothing about them is.

I am not scared of pedos, but they should fear me. I know I'm nowhere near alone in my dedication to protecting my children but I fear nothing that can happen to me and will protect my kids at any cost to myself.

Any pedo that even looks sideways at my kids will start his burn in hell a lot sooner than he counted on

darkknight111 ago

I don't even have kids (being the forever unlucky in love type).

I'm here because my sense of justice won't allow this shit to go unopposed.

Shizy ago

I think that we all have a duty I protect the young of our species, whether you birthed them or not, so thank you for being a good person! Sending you good vibes on love luck!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Can I get some amens up in here?!

Shizy ago

Thanks friend!

literallyoprah ago

Why would voaters attack their own site though?

Shizy ago

Why do black people kill other black people? Was that a serious question?

Lobotomy ago

Because you seem to think that all of Voat is just one community. Reddit had that problem too, and now look at them. We're not all friends here.

i_scream_trucks ago

We also have people attempting backdoor attempts by trying to get people to download PDFs.

Yuke ago

They're probably not even pedo's, but Shareblue cunts trying to fuck us over.

Lobotomy ago

It's a little of both columns.

475677 ago

While I'm massively against censorship one of the only things I hate more is pedos. I hope they all get turned into literal jail bait for the homo rapists in prison and get fucked to death by a king kong tier nigger.

sandywhitewater ago

Since I've discovered pizzagate I've had trouble sleeping and have panic attacks, that's how much I despise these creeps. Can't believe how deep the depravity goes. I do what I can as a journalist, but as an independent it feels like not much.

GreenDell144 ago

It’s not your fault. We all hate it, too. This is against all that is good. It’s against nature, against life, against God. I imagine the only reason that He didn’t just erase the earth and start over, is because of ones like you, that have taken this opportunity to take a stand for what’s right. If He put an end to it tomorrow, soon enough it would just start again. The human race needs to get this straight once and for all. Take comfort, if you believe, in the hope that a loving creator had the power to restore all the victims, dry the tears and erase all of the pain when the time is right.

Revelation 21:4 “And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

sandywhitewater ago

Thank you! This is beautiful. I am a woman of faith, so I appreciate your kind words. Thank you for being one of the good ones! :)

Vindicator ago

Sad to year this, sandy. What helps me is 300mg of 5htp, 6000mg of glycine, 5mg of Melatonin. I've been able to mod here daily for over a year, including removing hentai which is utterly foul. You can't help the kids if you can't sleep and get burned out. They need us all strong and lucid.

sandywhitewater ago

Very true! Thank you.

GenghisSean ago

Stay strong. This stuff can take a toll on you, so there is no shame in taking a break if you have to. There are a lot of good people fighting the good fight and there can never be too many. Keep shining the light on these dark, dark places and some more people will see the truth. Our numbers will grow stronger yet.

sandywhitewater ago

Thank you so much! Very comforting to hear I'm not alone. I agree with the break thing. Definitely smart. Thanks for being one of the good ones! :)

MolochHunter ago

Its surely some kind of sign of impending wrath of the Gods when theres a war between pedos and anti pedos and the anti-pedos are the ones at risk of losing their platform on account of child pornography being used as a weapon

GreenDell144 ago

The circumstances surrounding us speak volumes. I think you are spot on, sir.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Did the 230 get changed? Can they hold the owners liable?

0fsgivin ago

This is incredibly serious. I hope voat is alerting the FBI. And keeping there own proof of when and how often they alert the FBI to these postings.

I'm pretty Anti-Censorship but every forum I've ever been on at some point has to close down sections that are obviously CP related.

preteens. Kidskissingkids. loli. Jailbaitanon.

No... You just can't have that shit. In an odd way I applaud voat for trying. But the day will come when voat will have to step over the line and ban those subs. or voat will get shut down.

The content may indeed by legal by U.S. law. But the thing is those communities never stay on the up and up. And over time enough iinifractions happen and they gotta go.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"This is incredibly serious. I hope voat is alerting the FBI. And keeping there own proof of when and how often they alert the FBI to these postings." ............ What exactly is wrong with you? The FBI is part of the opperation. Voat is compromised. Why do you guys spend so much time here if you can't retain anything?

twistedmac11 ago

Why do you guys spend so much time here if you can't retain anything?


Joe10jo ago

Pizzagate 101: the FBI’s complicit

go1dfish ago

Same thoughts here.

Voat banning content that sexualizes minors is fine with me given the unique legal situation surrounding that sort of content banning it may well be necessary to ensure the continued existence of the site.

This is not true of any other content in the US at the moment.

Banning r/jailbait isn’t where Reddit went wrong. Breaking the promises made when they did so is:

riposte ago

I left when they were clearly censoring any post or user that mentioned the TPP ahead of an important vote. That wasn't a slippery slope, that was all the way down at the bottom of the valley.

TurdLord5000 ago

Thats around the time I came here (I think) There would be 5 or 6 posts about the TPP on the front page... then one day nothing.

anotherdream ago

same here

anotherdream ago

they use a kind of suicide bomber strategy. They come in flood the boards, destroy the quality and integrity, and implicate it legally if possible. The board collapses and we are back to square one while they are waking to CP and laughing about it. - Very serious situation.

anotherdream ago

i’m leery of new members as well. Chances are they are flying under the radar until they get downvoat upvoat CCP high enough to cause chaos. Last month a fucking massive herd of new members started flooding the boards with both old and so-so posts. Indicated to me they were trying to build up stats quickly. Then all of the sudden there wee whispers of moderation and rules changing etc.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

No one will ever accept you pedophiles and your CP will be removed and you will be tracked down and put in jail. No one will ever accept or enable pedophiles on Voat. Protect Voat. No child porn. No pedophiles. No NAMBLA. No child lovers. No degenerates. Fuel the bombers go to DEFCON 1. Prepare to defend our home. Prepare for war. For our Father Land.

gaystapo ago

Who the fuck down voted this.

anotherdream ago

scumbag pedo rapist fucks

Shizy ago

A scumbag pedo!

yurisrevenge ago

Indeed comrade the purge of this scum must come swiftly

GreenDell144 ago

Like a tsunami. Like a hurricane. Like the whirlwind....

theoldones ago


think- ago

Thank you for this post, @gamepwn.

I would like to ask all users to be careful, and not link to any incriminating material. We will delete it for good and report it.

Showing child porn and asking us to research the perps is not an option here.

yurisrevenge ago

Da comrade shit poster

gamepwn ago

You mad pedo? I'm going to expose all of you motherfuckers.

yurisrevenge ago

Am not mad or pedo used to fight assholes like this in college

You cuck have miss read me like most cucks do

GreenDell144 ago

GREAT clip. Totally apropos.