Shillaxe ago

"Neera Tanden co-hosted an ADL event about "Hate Rhetoric as a Political Weapon." Exactly how she uses @DungKeyho & @I_am_ChristIAN , say anything bad about Judaism and your a racist hater that needs to go before the ADL.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

The exshareblue posts mention this: we should be sharing memes making fun of these losers

" Just fight them at their own game, expose them for the shitbags they are, post memes with their pics, they fucking HATED that. This one girl Karla Towe was brought to tears because you found her pictures and spread them and her mom's pics. The biggest thing these people fear is to be brought into the spotlight, their flaws exposed for all. THIS IS HOW YOU BEAT THEM.

Just like that "Nipplegate" thing, people have feelings and tapping into their basest emotions is what works best. Oliver's lisp. Angelo's chicken legs and affair with Brock. Etc."

Gothamgirl ago

You can't make this stuff up. How comical is this article?

(CNN) — This week's WikiLeaks publication of stolen emails from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta reveals some inner turmoil about negative campaigning against Democratic primary opponents -- and it seems to be Bill and Hillary Clinton themselves who are on the nastier side of the debate.

Related Article: What we've learned from the hacked emails of Hillary Clinton's campaign (so far) On Saturday, January 16, 2016, Neera Tanden, who currently helps run the Clinton campaign transition team, wrote to Podesta to tell him "well done tweet!" The tweet in question, sent that day, was likely one from Podesta to David Brock, telling him to stop demanding that Clinton's then-rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, release his medical records. "Chill out," Podesta tweeted to Brock. "We're fighting on who would make a better President, not on who has a better Physical Fitness Test." .@davidbrockdc: Chill out. We're fighting on who would make a better President, not on who has a better Physical Fitness Test. — John Podesta (@johnpodesta) January 17, 2016 Podesta responded that he was irritated because he'd wanted to send the tweet the day before but had been told to hold it. "I am passed (sic) about one thing," Podesta responded. "I suggested doing that at 4:30 and got held." "You mean pissed?" Tanden asked. "Got held by who? Hillary. God. Her instincts are suboptimal. Pretty typical though. I would not be surprised if wjc told him to do it. Just as I'm pretty sure mark Penn didn't do his cocaine rang against Obama without some higher up approval."

Related Article: John Podesta emails: Latest Wikileaks release Tanden here is giving voice (in a private and since stolen email) to a concern that President Bill Clinton told Brock to attack Sanders' health, and also suggesting that in 2007 when Clinton aide Mark Penn on MSNBC repeatedly mentioned then-Senator Obama's high school era cocaine use, he had been told to do so by someone much higher up.

InsideYourHeadILive ago

Re: New Clinton emails

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2016-01-01 20:01 Subject: Re: New Clinton emails

Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.

On Friday, January 1, 2016, Brent Budowsky wrote:

John, assume I wrote a thousand words about this. It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama. At least Tanden I regard as a serious person. Sid and Lanny I do not by standards of a secretary of state or potential president.

I was not in touch with you at the time of the healthcare debate, but what Sid suggests does not strike me as your style. I was in very regular and close touch with Daschle at the time, and he would never have said to the press what Sid suggests, and since I am in the press I know those were not his views. I guarantee that based on direct personal knowledge of Tom's views and actions at the time. Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me---and frankly troublesome.

This whole subject, to use vernacular, gives me the creeps. Secretaries of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending their time on this kind of minor league stuff.

Sent from my iPad

Gothamgirl ago

I think I am the reason she made that fb comment today lulz.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

X marks the Spot

Voatwontletmesignin ago

Omg that tweet!!! My blood is boiling I'm so mad! This vile bitch is the gatekeeper for Pizzagate, Hillary, Podesta etc. She has caused so much damage.

EricKaliberhall ago

Excellent @darkknight111 Neera Tanden most definitely deserves her own thread... So does Robby Mook.

InsideYourHeadILive ago

Re: New Clinton emails

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2016-01-01 20:01 Subject: Re: New Clinton emails

Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.

On Friday, January 1, 2016, Brent Budowsky wrote:

John, assume I wrote a thousand words about this. It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama. At least Tanden I regard as a serious person. Sid and Lanny I do not by standards of a secretary of state or potential president.

I was not in touch with you at the time of the healthcare debate, but what Sid suggests does not strike me as your style. I was in very regular and close touch with Daschle at the time, and he would never have said to the press what Sid suggests, and since I am in the press I know those were not his views. I guarantee that based on direct personal knowledge of Tom's views and actions at the time. Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me---and frankly troublesome.

This whole subject, to use vernacular, gives me the creeps. Secretaries of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending their time on this kind of minor league stuff.

Sent from my iPad

independenceday ago

YALE needs to be smudged....after HARVARD.

Gilderoy ago

I wonder if she's connected to the mysterious Ashok and Amrita Mahbubani.

Amrita sent an email thanking John Podesta for the the Casa Podesta Pizza Party and mentions Neera's husband:

Dear John, A quick note to thank you and Mary for a most enjoyable dinner and conversation yesterday. Needless to say, both Ashok and I were delighted to be with you and Mary again for such a special evening. It was a pleasure to meet your brother Tony, ( I did not know earlier you had a brother) We had not met Neera's husband Ben before, and it was good to meet him, too. Wishing you safe and successful journeys for your planned schedules ahead. Warmest regards, and big hugs to you and Mary, Amrita

InsideYourHeadILive ago

She is connected to David Brock. Re: New Clinton emails

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2016-01-01 20:01 Subject: Re: New Clinton emails

Sid is lost in his own web of conspiracies. I pay zero attention to what he says.

On Friday, January 1, 2016, Brent Budowsky wrote:

John, assume I wrote a thousand words about this. It is disquieting that when HRC was secretary of state she spent a good time of time doing gossip emails with Sid Blumenthal about various matters, the ubiquitous Lanny Davis shilling for himself in pathetic ways, and Neera Tanden gossiping about what Soros thinks of Obama. At least Tanden I regard as a serious person. Sid and Lanny I do not by standards of a secretary of state or potential president.

I was not in touch with you at the time of the healthcare debate, but what Sid suggests does not strike me as your style. I was in very regular and close touch with Daschle at the time, and he would never have said to the press what Sid suggests, and since I am in the press I know those were not his views. I guarantee that based on direct personal knowledge of Tom's views and actions at the time. Blumenthal did not have the slightest idea of what he was talking about in his girlie gossip with the secretary of state about this. Why she places such great stock over so much time in these exchanges with Blumenthal is mystifying to me---and frankly troublesome.

This whole subject, to use vernacular, gives me the creeps. Secretaries of state, presidential candidates and presidents should not be spending their time on this kind of minor league stuff.

Sent from my iPad

Gilderoy ago

I'd forgotten about this angle. Thanks for bringing it up. Confirms that Neera was a major power broker in the Democrat Party.

InsideYourHeadILive ago

v/politics - Voat Think About This >> If Hillary Had Been Elected, John Podesta Would Be Secretary of State. The Same Position .... Pizzagate is Hillary's punishment for Bhengazi ... FBI Deputy Director McCabe Told Agents To Lie About Benghazi Investigation, Says GOP Lawmaker

InsideYourHeadILive ago

This woman hires trolls to try and hinder paedophile investigations



David Brock > Sid Blumenthal > Libya/Syria > Brownstone

[–] carmencita 0 points (+0|-0) 22 minutes ago (edited 21 minutes ago) Hillary holds a lot of stock in Sid. She may just talk what we think is gossip and fluff with him but when at home or in secret I am sure there are much more interesting topics of discussion. Sid goes way back. I think we talked about him way back on here, he was very involved during Bills reign. He has investments in Benghazi and elsewhere in the Middle East. They are going to try to convince us from every way to Sunday that it was the Russians and not Seth. Something set them off and it could be a few things. The Voter Outreach, the solar control of voting vvoting machines, Molly Macauley also was killed the same weekend.

Primus_Pilus ago

Interesting. I wonder if this guy Matt Bruenig might know a little more on Neera Tanden.

Progressive blogger fired for calling Hillary Clinton ally a 'scumbag'

@joanwalsh Your dishonesty on these topics is only matched by your level of animus towards young people. It's kind of disgusting.
— Matt Bruenig (@MattBruenig) May 19, 2016

Are_we__sure ago

You should totally tweet to him about it.

ASolo ago

A cursory search of this woman has convinced me she surely is a major gatekeeper in this entire saga. I don't doubt Q is 100% right about this woman. Suprised, but not suprised this woman escaped our radar for so long.

SecureYourSeats ago

Q didn't mention this woman. This was from an ex-employee of ShareBlue leaking names and modus operandi.

derram ago :

How Neera Tanden Works | New Republic :

Neera Tanden🖖🏼 (@neeratanden) on Twitter

This has been an automated message.

argosciv ago

/me giggles