Phenomenonanon ago

He posted her pic (lisa) in the thread. Blonde lady.

Factfinder2 ago

Lisa Brown was the Host Committee chair for this year's Transformer Silent Auction:

"Transformer’s Auction is supported by a diverse range of DC community and business leaders, as well as an illustrious Host Committee, chaired this year by: Lisa Brown, Kate Damon, Carole Feld, Izette Folger, Deborah Kalkstein, Janice Kim, Amy Kuhnert, Allison Marvin, Semi Nasseri, Dana Rooney, Juliana Stein, and Blair Wunderlich."

Factfinder2 ago

Thanks. I hadn't seen the previous post on this. Good research you've done, but yes, as you say, the connection to Welch remains to be made with her.

Singleservename ago

What bothers me is there's no indication where all the Browns' money might come from. I found another DC property owned by Bruce Brown but all he ever seems to have done is run a defunct promo company called Doubletake Promotions. Lisa is supposed to have had a successful corporate career according to her bio, but all I found was a tiny and also defunct A Sturdy Rock Inc. Yet they own over $4mn in DC property alone. How?

Factfinder2 ago

Gregory Nixon is a person of interest for me.

At DynCorp, "...he is responsible for and oversees all aspects of the legal, contracts, compliance, human resources, procurement, security, export controls and crisis management functions..." It's like he has a finger in every pie, knows all the rules and regulations, including export controls, how to procure things, all about security, and he can handle a crisis.

Also, he's a money man: "He serves as an Advisor to Tracker Capital Management LLC. He also serves on the board of UMUC Ventures. Mr. Nixon previously served as a Managing Director of Cerberus Operations and Advisory Company, the operational arm of Cerberus Capital Management. Cerberus is one of the world’s leading private equity firms, with over 60 portfolio companies and over $30 billion under management."

Is it possible to launder money by "selling" a house to someone? I'd like to know whether there's a relationship between the Browns and Nixon beyond the house transaction.


As an aside, I notice that P Street Galleries hosts children's art parties. "Reserve your child's FREE space." I do not see the "Eventbrite" link they refer to.

And the offer of a FREE space doesn't match up with the Party Packages booking page, where a child's party will cost you $400 and up.

You have to wonder what it takes to qualify for a FREE space.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

I like what he says here: we need some memes making fun of these losers

"Just fight them at their own game, expose them for the shitbags they are, post memes with their pics, they fucking HATED that. This one girl Karla Towe was brought to tears because you found her pictures and spread them and her mom's pics. The biggest thing these people fear is to be brought into the spotlight, their flaws exposed for all. THIS IS HOW YOU BEAT THEM.

Just like that "Nipplegate" thing, people have feelings and tapping into their basest emotions is what works best. Oliver's lisp. Angelo's chicken legs and affair with Brock. Etc."

Shiggz ago

I Like the cut of your jib!

Yuke ago

To find out the identity of the woman named 'Lisa' might only take running through archives of Alefantis' Facebook friends named Lisa, and, if someone archived it (which I'm sure someone would have) Edgar Welch's. That could provide a match.

Alefantis currently has four Facebook friends called Lisa:

  • Lisa Marie Thalhammer - Artist

  • Lisa Caruso - Entertainment Media

  • Lisa Bonos - Staff Writer for The Washington Post (style)

  • Lisa Gold - Involved in the Arts (Can't see exactly what)

Singleservename ago

I think it's Lisa C. Brown, see other thread

Shiggz ago

Gotta catch em all?

Joe10jo ago

Bwaa! Yes! All the Pokie’s!

11296935? ago

Good to be alert re: our enemies.

ASolo ago

A cursory search of this woman has convinced me she surely is a major gatekeeper in this entire saga. I don't doubt Q is 100% right about this woman. Suprised, but not suprised this woman escaped our radar for so long.

They all new Edgar Madison Welch through a woman named Lisa? Fuckin heavy.

11297206? ago

I like to dream.

Hoping Edgar Welch will open his mouth ..

And do what? Sing. Sing Sing.

It sure seems to me that alluring a subject.. to commit the crime Welch did..

potentially even providing subject with a firearm..should be hand cuffs on prison type

of offense. With extra penalty for luring a mentally deficient person. Sing. Sing. Sing.

Edgar. Nice And Loud Now.

11296955? ago

Procuring Edgar Welch and their evil inter-connections?

They are showing themselves to be the fools that they are.

Hoodwinking does not work any more.

Gothamgirl ago

I say we make them famous, let's shine the light on these people for obstructing pizzagate. I hope this is true because I am going to troll the shit out of them,

I found a pic of Neena with Jason Trudeau.

SecureYourSeats ago

We call him "Justin" here in Canada, but what do we know. : )

Gothamgirl ago

Oh yes I got that wrong.

Warnos44 ago

This is amazing. I hope more things like this continue to happen. I hope he remains safe, either he's very secure in his safety, or very unaware of the things that happen to leakers.

Devious1 ago

Was there, can confirm. Interdasting stuff

Mad_As_Hell ago

"you're asking pretty good questions, just that nobody has talked about Tavistock for awhile and they are literally all over memos at Shareblue. No idea who or why, but they must be funding some shit, research?"

Mad_As_Hell ago

"Oh, some dirt - Zac Petkanas (sp) and Ryan Clayton are also on payroll and paid $9k/mth through various shell companies to shill against trump. They also smoke tons of meth together, and have been into boy ass for awhile. Young, think 12-14."

11296904? ago

🆒 Thank You For Info.

Mad_As_Hell ago

"im not familiar with certain visuals, but the entire place was on edge when PG was happening, like they didnt know what was going on. Then Brock gets the genius idea to send one of Alefantis' friends over to destroy any evidence, but at the same time "frame it" like they are the victims to cool down any press. The one fuckup was asking Brock's friend Megan Kelly to interview Alefantis, it came off scripted and people blew holes through it so they tried their best to bury it."

Onetime1 ago

That Alefantis/Kelly interview provided a smoking gun lie that should allow the unravelling of this false narrative. JA responded that the girl taped to the table was encumbered by her (slightly older) sister. There is NO WAY a young girl would have her torso pressed up against a table and 14 pieces of tape (at least) put on her forearms. In addition, the appearance of her left and right arms are different (hand position, shirt sleeve, tape length and appearance of strips). At least 2, probably 3 people held that girls arms down and taped them to the table.

srayzie ago

How do you make a link with just his posts like that?

fartyshorts ago

You see the end of that URL? That's his unique ID. Change that to another ID to see posts from that ID.

srayzie ago


albatrosv14 ago

''They have narrative points each week/month ''

Same on voat.

fartyshorts ago

i know /r/politics was bought out for $2.8M (mod payouts) before the election right around middle of the state primaries iirc. I saw the contracts myself. I think the ceo or whatever got 2 of that 2.8mil though, the Huffman guy.

11297016? ago

Really Good To Know. Thank you. Just a hunch, ok?

Seems to me that /v/conspiracy is in someone's pocket. My

opinion only.

dundundunnnnn ago

I was recently banned for posting about Pizzagate connections

scoobatron ago

That doesn't make any sense. How does a volunteer get paid? He doesn't own anything.

Mylon ago

And this is why the popular subs have 200 mods. Each mod has like 4 or 5 alts so they can collect that sweet payout multiple times.

dooob ago

No, alts are used to censor stuff, they are heat takers, when shit hits the fan, other mods can condemn the lone wolf mod and clean their hands.

darkknight111 ago

So Neera Tanden is the mastermind of the shills. She deserves a seperate thread.

Angelo Caursone

mooteensy ago

Names to remember, for sure.

EricKaliberhall ago

James Alefantis knows Edgar Maddison Welch thru some lady Lisa... Hmm, very interesting.

shooglenifty ago

XSB dropped that JA knew her through the Transformer Gallery. This guy is a gold mine.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I wonder if this is 'the' Lisa.

vahelper ago

Some Lisas connected to PG...

Lisa Jackson (Clinton Foundation aka Richard Windsor) was connected to CPP thru the supposedly hacked email account of David Stone aka Bif Skipman to Sasha Lord.

Lisa Larson the event manager at CPP.


Voatwontletmesignin ago

PugAnon said the 'Lisa' was involved in Art.

vahelper ago

Most of the CPP events involved artists.

fartyshorts ago

Edgar Welch drove from NC.

Here's a "Lady Lisa" in NC:

She also shows up here:

MolochHunter ago

yes thats what slapped me inda face

Phenomenonanon ago

Thread is archived by the time you see it