DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Note to self, focusing on Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong sends Are_We_Sure into a mouth frothing rage. Let us ratchet it up a notch shall we? The Rothschilds extermination and public nude upsidown hanging and bleed out, would be the first step in humanity getting a relief from their epic small man syndrome and child obsession. The death and suffering of others and the bullying of children makes their day. Not a one of them would be able to hand themselves in any conflict with another human being without the help of the weak willed who they pay off to protect them and carry out their creepy obsessions. Time for the elite and the Sheeple to fight a war of double extermination. I don't care which side wins.

zarthos1 ago

I can believe that the shooter and Alefantis knew each other, as I saw with my own eyes the man's profile on a movie site, which listed him as a minor actor.

chiseldistinct ago

this sounds %100 legit

neurotica ago

Ivory lepus!

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing as important.

AJ-Styles ago

I always was so pissed off at the shooting. No one EVER asks why the cameras were conveniently turned in different directions the time of the shooting and then switched back? How did ONE BULLET happen to go EXACTLY where it needed to? The second it happened I felt upset because I knew this would be used to silence the critics or those that were too scared to speak up.

GreenDell144 ago

IT was unavoidable. We uncovered the beast’s soft spot, so it naturally had to defend itself. This is just something that we have had to work around. Now, thanks to our perseverance, we are getting results. Don’t worry too much. Most people can discern that it’s a crock if they really look into it.

PedoStomper ago

And that's exactly what it did. The day after the shooting, when I brought up PG to some coworkers, some jerkoff that I didn't even know started piping up: "SEE THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WITH THIS FAKE NEWS SHIT! PEOPLE SAY FAKE STUFF ONLINE AND THEN SOMEONE TAKES IT TOO FAR AND SHOOTS UP A PLACE! PEOPLE COULD HAVE DIED, AND YOU'RE STILL GOING ON ABOUT THIS CONSPIRACY? PEOPLE LIKE YOU SHOULD BE LOCKED UP!"

Once the general population has that hateful mindset towards "conspiracy people," the New World Order can move forward with it's next agenda...silencing all of its dissidents. It won't be hard for the elites to convince the "useless eaters" that conspiracy theorists need to be "removed" from society.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

That is exactly why I am rooting for the elite to carry out agenda 21. I hate those sheeple more than I hate the elite. It gives me common ground in the understanding of how disposable most of those programmed idiots are. Give them truth and they reject it violently. They need the lies as much as the elite do. DeathToSheeple. I am happy to say agenda 21 is already getting started. The nexty 12 years should be joyous.

AJ-Styles ago

I hate to say it, because even my own family members can be guilty of it, but to ANYONE that dismisses a conspiracy theory because it's a "conspiracy theory" or because mainstream TV told them it's fake (Colbert) they are a FUCKING MORON

micha_ ago

Yes. And sadly it prooves how dumb people are. But is that really news? They told people that feces can be art - and the sheep believe it...

RighteousWrath18 ago

I liked the fact that one of the fake news photos has Welch holding his hands behind his head while there is a policeman right behind him, gun readied, with the photographer in the line of fire. Most importantly, the scene is already TAPED before the situation has even been resolved. But the lemmings will never see anything out of the ordinary here...

Verite1 ago

I know it was such bullshit. And wasn’t a Clinton inside her attorney present having lunch with his children at the time of the shooting? Completely staged.

PizzaHunter ago

I believe the same attorney was in the studio when Alex Jones took back his PG stuff.

Shizy ago

And the lawyer said he never heard a gun shot despite CPP being a rather small place

EngelbertHumperdinck ago

Can we please have a source for this or at least a name?

SterlingJB ago

Think they're talking about Sharif S. Silmi.

EngelbertHumperdinck ago


Herbvendor ago

Of course it wasa false flag

yewotm8 ago

You can't "prove" that you were part of shareblue, unfortunately, so this really can't be regarded as anything more than a LARP.

darkknight111 ago

We DID get plenty of good leads as a result of that pic, including the mastermind of the PG shills Neera Tanden. Lots of info on her as a result.

This is still a good lead.

The fact that this topic pissed off one of the primary shills here (Are We Sure), means that this thread and the pic are most certainly legit and not w LARP.

2impendingdoom ago

LOL. triggering AWS is fun.

avgwhtguy1 ago

There was no shooter, no one fired a shot. The headlines change, but the original story was a man went into Comet Ping Pong with a gun and started asking questions, no shots fired.

Gothamgirl ago

And there was a witness that stated that as well.

WeirdlyEerie ago

There used to be a video of two guys with brit accents whose wives and child were on lockdown i think in politics and prose and they really wanted the childs stuffed animal left in cpp. They were easy breezy, not scared in the least, mentioned no shots fired.The yt person i saw this on deleted account.

realkingrobbo ago

Stuffed animals can be used as hard drives.

WeirdlyEerie ago

Good point. These two guys were laughing and not distressed in the slightest. It was really inappropriate. Plus, they seemed more like they were a gay couple, not married with children dudes, which made them seem like crisis actors. The deleted yt was called "nobody watches this channel" i think.

Are_we_sure ago

I usually react to what is stupid and easily disprovable. So of the more far out theories have way too woo to even engage in them.

I rather debate a thermite guy than a no planer.

ScannerDarkly ago

I’d like to see evidence that a plane crashed in Pennsylvania, and the pentagon too. Where did all the plane parts go? I’d also like to know how thermite ends up mixed with bone fragments 100s of yards away from the collapsed towers. Is there any logical reason to find thermite in the dust at high concentrations?

Are_we_sure ago

No thermite was ever found. In fact the guys who ran the test that supposedly showed thermitic materials did not run any tests that would actually reveal if they had thermite or not. They promised to six years ago after their paper, but they have not.

A very simple test is to see if the material would ignite in an inert, non-oxygen environment. Thermite has its own oxygen sources so it would ignite. If it didn't ignite, you have conclusively proven no thermite.

It's now known what substance they did examine. It's an thin layers of aluminum silicate expoxied to rust.....tiny flakes of primer paint bound to steel.

You would also not need to examine the dust to prove thermite.

You would enormous qualitities of thermite for that collapse to work because while thermite get very hot, it's has less heat energy than regular stuff that would burn in a office fire. Paper has more heat energy than thermite. (Thermite is super heavy and burns out super quick.) An ice berg has more heat energy than a cigarette lighter too. To knock down two steel columns from the Chicago World's Fair they used 1500 pounds of thermite.

These enormous quantities of thermite would release an enormous amount of molten iron slag. You would see blobs of iron all around the columns when the Structural Engineers Association of New York examined them and they did not. There would be thousands of pounds of this slag around.

Thermite is also insanely bright even in sunlight. You need an arc welders mask to look at it. In Chicago, the bright light was visible two miles away.

Thermite is not used in demoltion for a variety of reasons. It's too slow to control the reaction. High Velocity explosives are much easier to work with and you get repeatable reactions. It would be virtually impossible to achieve the simultaneous collapse of the WTC floor by floor using thermite. The truthers only turned to thermite after realizing that high explosives would be far too loud to cover up. Windows would have smashed all around the WTC. If you make the explosive quiet they don't have the power to cut steel. It's impossible.

Ever high explosives sometimes fail.

The Pontiac Silverdome was supposed to be brought down Sunday, but the first attempt failed

srayzie ago

Me too!

Onetime1 ago

Most effective, yet TOO powerful red pill exercise ... Ask anyone if a man can completely recover, in 2 1/2 weeks time, from getting both legs blown off at the knees. Then, show them the 2 minute video of Jeff Bauman on the ice at the championship Bruins hockey game, vigorously waving a large, pole mounted flag overhead ... all this 19 days after having his legs blown off at the Boston Marathon.

FloridaJackalope ago

For some reason messaging this lady with a formal heads up doesn't seem like the best route. Trump comes to mind, and his disgust with formally announcing your military plans to the public, and therefor indirectly to your enemy.

This would be taking it a step further and warning her directly - "Hey we know". In a world of 4D chess, we must think.

shooglenifty ago

He also said Paul Ryan funds SB through a McCain front. That name keeps coming up.

dreamdigital ago

I had a conversation over Facebook with Angelo Carusone about an hour ago just trying to inquire how Pizzagate has been debunked and pretty much how can he prove that it has been debunked. He eventually took to twitter and called me fucking nuts. I have all the screen grabs.

Redpilled_Canadian ago

Should have mentioned his chicken legs and the fact that he was used like a little bitch by Brock lol

PedoStomper ago

This. You gotta get personal with these people; keeping it "professional" just makes you look like a little bitch. If you ever get a chance to speak to a high-powered person for some reason, scream in their fucking face, get MAD. Let them know that their little game is up, and no amount of Aleister Crowley magick bullshit can help them.

Shizy ago

That's how they play and it's time to play dirty back!!!

LightlyToasted ago

Please create a post w/the screen gabs.

surgeson ago

While I agree that the Edgar Welch story is odd and rickety, this definitely reads like PG fanfic to me.

Singleservename ago

Most likely it's Lisa C. Brown. She's been involved with Transformer since she moved to DC in 2011 and for the Transformer Auction 2014 Host Committee she's listed first alongside Kate Damon and Izette Folger.

Through EB Brown LLC she owns the P Street Gallerie where 'Black Art Matters'. The property is valued at well over $1.3mn.

Lisa Brown (nee Johnson) is married to Bruce Marion Brown. In 2011 they bought a $1.5mn house on Fessenden St. in DC Not bad for a gallery owner. So far I'm not sure what her husband's business is.

In 2014 they bought another house in Highland Beach, MD, valued at $440k. They bought it from Gregory S. Nixon, who works for DynCorp and Cerberus Capital. Not sure what that means, but possibly connected to Bruce Brown's job.

Lisa and Bruce Brown moved to DC from Oakland, CA and before that they lived in LA where Lisa Brown was president of Sturdy Rock LLC. So far no concrete link to Welch.

Factfinder2 ago

FWIW as a data point, Gregory Nixon and Mae Podesta (John's daughter) have both worked for McKinsey & Company but not at the same time:

Gregory Nixon:

"DynCorp International has appointed Gregory S. Nixon Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Corporate Secretary, effective 21 September 2009. Mr. Nixon joins DynCorp International from McKinsey & Company, Inc., where he has served since 2007..."

Mae Podesta:

"McKinsey & Company Engagement Manager 2011 - Present (over 6 years)"

Blacksmith21 ago

How about someone with the right database access pull EMW's dad criminal record up? Last I saw, he did 10 years for rape of a child...

2impendingdoom ago

I'm not sure that was the same guy. I think the rapist was in Ohio. I tried digging into proving this and got nothing reliable. Surprisingly (or maybe not) there were a lot of Welch Jr.s out there. Someone with more resources might do better though.

Blacksmith21 ago

There was a common link between OH and NC. The grandfather founded pedo films. And the "dad" in OH prison system had ties back to the same town in NC.

Someone posted the arrest record and supporting links which all but proved the relations. Then about 12 hours all disappeared. the archives, the post, the records, etc.

Sure would love to revisit that again...

carmencita ago

I remember being on reddit during pizzagate, We were pummeled every day all day.

PedoStomper ago

I hated Reddit from the beginning, but I tried going on there during the beginnings of PG. I couldn't do it. The stupidity there, the unbelievable unwillingness of those people to believe ANYTHING outside of the "official story," just baffled me. Going on Reddit made my head hurt.

RighteousWrath18 ago

Well I mean, wasn't reddit founded by a self-confessed cannibal kike?

PedoStomper ago

If you're talking about Spez, yeah, he was a mod on a subreddit about cannibalism, and had made several posts in reference to eating people.

dellcos ago

Reddit is 90% shills and bots. It's a mind control program.

carmencita ago

I know. I have the same feeling on here some days. We all have to contend with politics and religion we may not agree with and being called swear words, but i have learned to work around those. I make my way through the weeds, for that is the only way to be able to come back here day after day. I just explained this to two people I had lunch with yesterday. One of them is the kindest person ever, but she could not get it. The other one is not quite as blocked. It is all about how to keep going. Our Goal Is To Save Our Children.

2impendingdoom ago

if the church survives, I want you elected Pope.

carmencita ago

Thank You for the Honor. I Accept!

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Those were the times....

carmencita ago

Yes, when we did not know how deep this all went. And we are still here..........

Fetalpig ago

I know his father is connected.....but I mean, I'm still at the odds....of some kid coming in and shooting the very item we needed to look at.....really people what are the odds? Trillion to one?

Are_we__sure ago

Such a stupid fucking claim.

And how did these two gentlemen meet? And this friendship was unknown to any of his other close friends the ones he tried to recruit in his mission? The ones he was talking pizzagate with?

How did those conversations go?

"There's a pizzeria in Washington, DC that's sexually abusing kids in their basement. I'm going to up there to get them out. You want in? It's called Comet Ping Pong."

"Don't you know that guy?"


Shizy ago

Awww, somebody angry

Voatwontletmesignin ago


PrideOfOshtekk ago

So many things wrong with this comment.

Tsuishika ago

Your ccp is at -999. You got no credibility to even say if it's a stupid fucking claim or not. The media didn't even focus so much on that edgar welch fella, we hardly have any info on him. Normally, they would reveal all the necessary info like recently James Paddock but that time they seemed to omit a lot of info.

Are_we__sure ago

CCP does reflect credibility whatsoever.

Had I been promoting every fake bit on nonsense I've see on here I'd be over +1,500

Nonsense like

NYPD will revolt if Clinton and her crew aren't arrested because of Weiner's laptop

Pizzagate arrests will begin once Trump is sworn in.

Pizzagate arrests will begin once Sessions is sworn in.

Eric Braverman is missing and defected to Russia.

Hillary is smuggling heroin in Pakistani mangos

The massive northern California wildfires that were miles from Bohemia grove were set in order

to clean up evidence at Bohemian Grove.

A fire at shopping mall in Virginia was set to clean up evidence.

The massive southern California wildfires were set in order to clean up evidence at the Getty Center, which houses 100,000 children underneath it.

The Russian investigation was debunked.

The 32BJ SEIU union killed Seth Rich.

MS13 killed Seth Rich.

The Doctor's killed Seth Rich.

Steve Scalise was about to be killed by the doctors and then Trump appeared and saved his life.

All of that nonsense got upvoats. As for my credibility, you can try and find a single lie I have posted.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Most of that is true. You are just a dupe. Sorry Peter Pan, you need to fly back to neverland where the elite never go to prison because they never commit these crimes. You are nice and safe there. The TV has never let you down on the truth yet and never will. Your special cupcake.

Are_we__sure ago

You're very gullible if you swallowed that list. It's a certain type of gullibility, but you have it.

You also completely mistate what I believe.

Point to one single thing on that list that is true and the reasons you believe it.

srayzie ago

Uh oh. Someone's triggered.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Oh boy... you're losing it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Notice this is the topic which gets Are_we_sure nice and agitated? I wonder why?

Are_we__sure ago

Gobsmacked is a better word for it, not agitated. It's jaw-droppingly stupid.

This guy shoots up Alefantis' pizzeria. Alefantis knows this guy AND apparently many other people know that Alefantis knows him and this is not discovered for year? Ludicrous.

I mean other than wanting this to be true, why would you believe such nonsense enough to pass it along.

None of his friends talk about this? None of Alefantis's friends talk about this? The internet hive which goes as far to make up fake movie roles for Welch doesn't discover this. He doesn't tell anyone at the prison he is in this?

So it's highly, highly dubious on the face of it. It basically reads like LARPing fan fic.

It's put out by some anonymous source.

And you put any stock in this story......why?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He went to prison? You is a real dumb dumb.

Are_we__sure ago

Yes. He is at FCI ELKTON in Ohio.

shooglenifty ago

You're good at making good on your threats James. If not you, then your friends are.

Blacksmith21 ago

Kinda like Judge Moore's rape accuser.

EricKaliberhall ago

"Such a stupid fucking claim."

Whoa, calm down there, such bad language... What's next, Death threats?

darkknight111 ago

Looks like this thread got under his skin. Keep digging and make him angrier. Do expect death threats like what he did to Jem.

Just wait til he sees the one about the shill mastermind. He'll blow an artery from that one, and then we'll all LOL at the fallout.

PedoStomper ago

You know that in real life, that guy is the most pathetic, weak, limp-wrist faggot you'd ever meet. I imagine him as a hunched over, nasally, victim complex-riddled Jew.

VicariousJambi ago

Could you make a shittier crop?

User890020 ago

Monsanto could

Shizy ago


Piscina ago

How do you know it's her?

iSa63vXCC8 ago


This bitch think she's a fuckin' Dwarf lord of something?

2b1ask1 ago

I just sent her a "friendly" message here:

I suggest we all say "hi"!

SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, but while this might be emotionally satisfying, it's a bad idea. Even if she really was involved (which is not proven), it comes across as pointless harassment. It will play out badly for our side in the media.

2b1ask1 ago

Crap. Total crap.

These fuckers need to be shamed.

They need to know that we know.

They have been doing bad things for a long time because we never had the tools to find out about their nonsense.

You sound like you are on the wrong side of things.

SoberSecondThought ago

If you want to know which side I am on, you can read my series exposing "insiders" and explaining the Glenn Beck whistleblower incident and cover-up. See my submissions list for all the details.

One problem I have with this story is that I did a lot of research into Brock's various organizations, and I find the original story unlikely on several counts.

  1. It is very unlikely that Edgar Welch knew or knows James Alefantis. Why in God's name would Alefantis recruit a friend for this task? Welch will be spending something like four years in prison. His future job prospects are bad. If he's a crisis actor, it's likely that he has debts, or some terrible personal secret, that made him willing to take the fall for the Comet Pizza thing. (I realize that this means I'm agreeing with @Are_we_sure, but such is life. When he's right, he's right.)

  2. We know with certainty that Brock siphons money illegally from Media Matters, to pay for a deliberate cover-up. We don't have any similar information about Correct The Record (which shut down on Dec 31, 2016), or ShareBlue. Both of those organizations were/are in any case smaller than MM, and funded in ways that make diverting money quite difficult.

  3. If the operation wasn't funded through CTR or ShareBlue, then it is very unlikely that anyone in those organizations would know anything about Edgar Welch, or if they knew something, would talk about it where they could be overheard by an entry-level employee.

You have to consider the possibility that this entire story is deliberately crafted disinfo, to take attention away from the real backstory of Edgar Welch, and to provoke Voaters into harassing someone unconnected to Pizzagate. It's one thing to do research and share it here; it's another thing entirely to have dozens of people sending "Fuck You" messages to some woman with possible shady connections.

srayzie ago

Lol great idea

icuntstopswearing ago

Or commission her to produce a narrative painting of the fateful day when she conspired with her friends to cause a public affray, waste police time, incur incarceration and court costs, etc. From a feminist perspective, of course.

shooglenifty ago

White rabbit?

Cc1914 ago

😂 Ha

srayzie ago


letsdothis1 ago

Good catch. She's listed here in this 2008 Transformer DC catalogue on the staff list, page 6..Lisa Marie Thalhammer, Auction Artwork Coordinator