neverobey ago

yes, and their twitter account loves to make inaproperiate jokes …

Are_we_sure ago

Mook in Mean Streets is pronounced like kook. Robby is more like cook

Mook — pronounced like “book” with an “m”

redditsuckz ago

The Puppet Master: Leaked Emails Show Clinton Team's 'Make Soros Happy' Mission to Please Uber-Liberal Billionaire

Newly revealed emails posted by WikiLeaks show top aides to Hillary Clinton went out of their way to keep a certain VIP happy: Uber-liberal billionaire George Soros.

The emails, hacked from the account of Clinton Campaign Chairman and Soros ally John Podesta, disclose that Clinton was advised to do fundraisers simply to make Soros “happy.” They also indicate the 85-year-old Hungarian-born heavyweight, through his top aides, freely reached out to Podesta to make Soros’ wishes clear on issues ranging from trade to migration to the Supreme Court.

In one instance, trusted Clinton adviser Huma Abedin wrote to now-Campaign Manager Robby Mook on Oct. 7, 2014, to tell him Clinton was having dinner with Soros. Abedin said she expected Soros would eventually ask Clinton to appear at a fundraiser for America Votes, one of the many liberal organizations Soros helps fund, and Abedin wanted to know how to proceed.

“I would only do this for political reasons (ie to make Soros happy),” Mook replied.

NEED QUICK FEEDBACK: Invitation from America Votes - "Make Soros Happy"

Wikileaks is being scrubbed

SecondAmendment ago

Was he in the page program when the infamous BARNEY FRANK was in the House? That guy was busted for running an underage male prostitute ring out of his apartment in the late 1980s or 1990s, if I remember correctly. And I recall that there's a video on YouTube showing Barney Frank, on the floor of Congress, threatening to spill the beans on his colleagues in Congress if anyone pursued action against him. I'm not able to look on YouTube for a link right now, but I'll bet the video is out there. Oooh, here's a start, anyway: . My point is that the "page program" is pretty fucked up. So if creepy Robby Mook got his start there, well . . . uh . . . there's that.

thisisnotagame ago

Thank you for posting this. I've been wondering this myself. Is it just me, or does Robby Mook look suspiciously like a biological relative of John Podesta? He looks like a young JP to me.

DarkMath ago

What's the over/under on Robby Mook being in Deep Wasserman Schitz?

Technically he's avoided the steaming pile of dog schit but stuff's coming out every day now.

MysticMa ago

Too friggen funny, but spot fuk'n on!

EricKaliberhall ago

I believe that Young Psychopath Robby Mook Will Sing! Definitely the Type to do so!

DarkMath ago

Yep. And that's good. He wouldn't last long in prison.

EricKaliberhall ago

Wouldn't it be fun to see How Mook handles real Pressure?! By being under the Spotlight!

DarkMath ago

"By being under the Spotlight!"

He won't last a New York Minute.

EricKaliberhall ago


Mooka_Molaka ago

I wonder if pretty little baby faced Robby Mook is starting to have any nightmares where the shower heads of a Federal Pound Me In The Ass Prison showers turn into Spotlights?


WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Page program???? So was Ben Sasse and Mark Foley. Both known to be involved in pedophilia.

Commoner ago

I think researching Mook and Matt Dunne would be beneficial. Both of these two guys got into politics very, very early.

From Wikpedia,, Mook was born and raised in Vermont. Mom was hospital administrator and dad was physics professor.

Dunne met Mook when he auditioned for a school play, and Mook volunteered for Dunne's re-election campaign. , who was drama coach and served in Vermont's House of Representatives. More on Dunne:

"At age 22, Dunne was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives representing Hartland and West Windsor in 1992. He served four terms in the Vermont House, during which he served as Vice-Chair of the Transportation Committee. In 1998 he became the youngest House majority whip in the country.[4] After serving in the legislature for 7 years, President Clinton asked Dunne to serve as Director of AmeriCorps VISTA, an organization that oversees over 6,000 full-time volunteers in the fight against poverty. As director, Dunne improved recruitment numbers and overhauled the organization's training programs. He served as director for two and a half years, under both President Clinton and President Bush."

Back to Mook: Mook graduated from Columbia University in 2002 with a Bachelor of Arts in Classics.[9][10][11] Mook also served in the United States Senate Page program.[8]

Celticgirlonamission ago

Look like senate page programs are how they get their message out when something needs to get taken care of ie: propaganda, student walkouts, demonstrations, looks to me to be a democratic only thing(I could be wrong), are they using this to lure young kids? The Senate Page Program offers a unique opportunity for high school juniors to learn in depth how Congress works. Page responsibilities include delivery of correspondence and legislative material within the Congressional Complex. Pages may also take messages for Members, prepare the Senate Chamber for session and carry bills and amendments to the desk.

Q. I don't live close enough to the Capitol to commute? Where can I stay and how much will it cost?

A. The Senate maintains a list of local families who house pages. This list includes specific information about charges and accommodations. Charges for housing during the 2014 legislative session were between $100 and $150 for a 5-day week. The housing list will be included in your information packet. Housing arrangements are your responsibility. If you choose to stay in a home on the provided list, you and your parents should inspect the home as this is not done by the Senate. Staying with friends or in a hotel is also an option.

This looks creepy to may be all innocent, but I would never let my kid stay with some politician that I don't know ugh

EricKaliberhall ago

"A new grandchild, another new hair style, a new email account, why not a new relationship with the press? So here goes, no more secrecy, no more zone of privacy. After all, what good did that do me?" Clinton said at the event to award a political reporting prize in Washington last month.

They are all Psychopaths!

DarkMath ago

Yes they are indeed. Psychopaths have no rules and will suck all those around them into their insanity using this little trick of logic right here:

The Ends Justify The Means
