redditsuckz ago

Here is a few;

George Soros mentioned 56 times in 11 batches of Wikileaks Hillary Clinton – John Podesta emails

Soros gave Clinton step-by-step instructions on how to tackle Albania unrest – WikiLeaks email


The non-searchable 598 (missing) Podesta emails... (All of them except for 5)

Votescam ago

True -- I was mentioning that I was noticing missing information on internet.

banenya ago

I have no problem accessing Soros meeting emails on Here's one: from the Podesta dump ID # 34074

Here's a condensed summary of what is in that email which contained the agenda for a meeting at Soros home in NY:

DonKeyhote ago

Heres the only relevant fact: if its being scrubbed, i.e. destroying evidence in plain view of the public, its cuz they've determined that WE are so few in number that they can get away with it.

No one comes cuz you Webb larp fags have made this place so goddamn boring.

FE_Rebekah ago

I still think WLeaks was compromised late last year. Nothing has made any damn sense since then. The twitter polls, sourcing WaPo and HufPo, getting involved in BS news, and giving tons of "opinions" when they used to just publish 100% facts. Not to mention the edited videos of Assange where his collar floats around as "proof of life."

Too much of this nonsense has made me absolutely mistrustful of them now. We have to keep our critical thinking hats on.

Konran ago

Yeah - I'm with you. Too many coincidences in late October - smartphone confiscation around Ecuadorian embassy, power cut in the soho area, police with semi-automatics, the lock-down of London City Airport the day after, the Wikileaks hash codes containing 1984 and 101 as well as the misspelt tweets that coded into HELP HIM. Stupid little leaks released about inconsequential CIA details from that time onwards (if you are the gatekeeper you try to distance yourself by publishing 'leaks' about yourself). No outside visual proof of life since then until last week.

I am very cynical that we are seeing anything close to the real truth when it comes to Wikileaks nowadays. Assange has probably been MK'd IMHO.

Kacey ago

I believe these are the Stratfor files. I believe the negative Podesta e-mail concerning Hillary never said she was a bitch. It said this "We've taken on a lot of water that won't be easy to pump out of the boat. Most of that has to do with terrible decisions made pre-campaign, but a lot has to do with her instincts. " You may have conflated it with e-mails about her coming off as a bitch in interviews Can't all the Wikileaks e-mails be downloaded by viewers. If so there should be originals as people have become suspicious of anything on the internet and download stuff as protection against it getting lost. Certainly many of the Podesta emails have been saved by multiple sources - the ones with the pizzagate related code words are all over and do not have to be found on wikileaks.

Judgejewdy ago

What the hell are you talking about? I never said anything about hrc being called a bitch. Nor did I "conflate" anything. And why the hell would I lie about it??? I know why you shills would like us to believe that all the damning emails are there. Can't see why I'd "shill" to say worse stuff was there abs now it's not. But I don't play with the psychological bs mind games so don't expect me to go back and forth about that. Or about the use of headings. It's called fast typing on a shitty phone. Suck it.

neverobey ago

very questionable.

First of all: Why the heading?

and why won't you edit or delete after all those comments?

EDIT: by heading I mean the use of headings in your submission, not the title.

neverobey ago

I am just saying it is a dirty practice to ignore all the comments here which challenge the claims.

Judgejewdy ago

Bc I have a job that sometimes keeps me away from voat...... sheesh.

neverobey ago

Fine. I saw you commenting but not editing. You don't just have a job. You really have a temper … Don't get angry, rather delete this thread. We are working together not against each other. Thanks.

EDIT: oh, and I see you downvote critic. That's really not the way we roll here.

WeWazKangz ago

Are you saying OP is full of shit? I haven't bothered to verify his claims. Is he just encouraging doubt in wikileaks?

Fatsack ago

Lol 70% of the posts in this thread are deep state accounts. Such shilling has never been seen on the face of the earth before. So many many cucks with so few spines between them.

anotherdream ago

Stay frosty, shits gonna get hairy soon. We won't know which way is up once they start spinning it.

Riva ago

Already happening

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Er, maybe I'm doing something wrong, but I get plenty results on Soros: ... or am I missing something? Even this semi-smoking gun mail is still there:

Maybe WL was just updating its search indexes?

Judgejewdy ago

The Issue isn't that there aren't results. It's that some old results (emails) aren't there. It's extremely apparent. I'm take screen shots to prove I'm not full of shit once I'm, you know, done working.

Judgejewdy ago

And I didn't do it before bc it was Damn late at night and anyone who tries should get the same results unless they are LYING.

Judgejewdy ago

P.s. I like that people think they can use multiple handles and no one will catch on. Just sayin.

bdiminishedminor7 ago


Judgejewdy ago

I was hopeful he was OK but...... yeah, not good.

fartyshorts ago

The only Seth Rich entry I know of on Wikileaks is this one: (still there)

I found 118 emails about Putin in Hillary's files:

I never saw any Soros emails or searched for his name as far as I can remember, so I can't comment on that, but I don't see anything missing. 65 emails there right now.

Judgejewdy ago

No offense farty, but if you didn't look for soros in those emails then I have to question....a lot.

WeWazKangz ago

consider suicide.

Judgejewdy ago

All you have to do is do your search, see how many appear in whatever heading (podesta, clinton, whatever) choose one and see how many are GONE. I just did another search for Clapper. Same thing. Though this one got left up. Interesting for many reasons including further evidence of govt collusion/ control of msm, but also skippy's comment about "offing." Scroll down to the bottom and check it out:

Judgejewdy ago

Of course now that I've drawn attention to it somebody will probably fix the discrepency issue and it will look as though the emails never existed in the first place. Effers.

Kacey ago

I just searched on "Podesta" and got a return of 129. And there were 129 emails.. Counted them. Right now your comment is 38 mins old. Pretty quick fixing if what you say is true. Did you do a search and get a discrepancy? If so did you do a screen shot or archive to show the number you got so we can compare it to the number showing now?

reasonedandinformed ago

I think you are correct. I am not seeing the evidence of results being screened. I do see that the searches have always been imprecise depending if it is global or within the grouping, but that is a search glitch. We need screenshots to support the post as I am not seeing it either.

dickface888 ago

Well surely we can assume that a few people backed up the entire WikiLeaks emails, or at the very least the ones that mean something. Surely they did.

ArtificalDuality ago

They got bust. Damage control mode. I hope there are massive backups elsewhere. This also gives much credit to the recent Julian Assagne being a body double, after having been taken from the embassy in London. Pamela was never his girlfriend and never visited him before.

When this issue about Pamela Anderson giving him a Subway meal came out, all in a sudden, Media re-invented history and claimed they had a relationship going, backtracking dates on newly spammed fake propaganda describing their relationship.

Assange may have become a liability to the cartel someway.

srayzie ago

He was on the balcony showing his face and everything. He's been interviewed. That isn't a body double.

ArtificalDuality ago

I remember the facial goniometrics of the real Assagne (prior to the kidnap) appearing at the balcony. The "new" face does not match the previous facial goniometrics and since then had not made an appearance for a long time.

srayzie ago

Maybe he's lost weight and stuff. He's been locked up without sunlight. I don't think they can fake it that good yet. He would have worn sunglasses or something

seekingpeace ago

Of course he's a liability.

"In 2008, a secret Pentagon document prepared by the “Cyber Counterintelligence Assessments Branch” foretold a detailed plan to discredit WikiLeaks and smear Assange personally.

The “mission” was to destroy the “trust” that was WikiLeaks’ “centre of gravity”. This would be achieved with threats of “exposure [and]criminal prosecution”. Silencing and criminalising such an unpredictable source of truth-telling was the aim."

Judgejewdy ago

That whole PamA thing was weird and suspicious. As i'm known to say, "if it doesn't make sense it isn't true. "

BertieMcDuffy ago

That dosent make sense :P

Pizzalawyer ago

Pamela was at one of Marina Abramovic's spirit cooking events in LA partaking of consuming "human" flesh so I for sure would not trust her.

TRUTH1234 ago

Gross. Is there anyone in Hollywood who hasn't drank the Kool-Aid? (Or whatever else these people drink?)

seekingpeace ago

Personally, I think it was a stunt to embarrass his wife and family.

goodguy1367 ago

Hmmmmm... So what does this mean, does the admin at wiki have to take them down or can it be done by outsiders?

Judgejewdy ago

Imo - Best case scenario the hackers got hacked. .. In which case it only adds to evidence of guilt (hrc, podesta, etc) by virtue of their decision to eliminate it. Seems unlikely though... Worst case, wikileaks is compromised/overthrown. By Assange's choice (plea deal? plan from the start?) or by force....

Judgejewdy ago

Also considered that perhaps someone has "subpoenaed" it (nor sure if that's the proper term) for a trial. If used in a trial perhaps it has to be removed???? Anyone with legal experience know?

Riva ago

WikiLeaks aren't hackers. Down vote.

Judgejewdy ago

Dont be so touchy.