Nunquam-Dormio ago

I don't mean to be a party pooper but I think you're entirely wrong. Maybe I've been around too long and have grown too cynical. You've only made it this far because THEY'VE ALLOWED you to make it this far. You do not scare them at all. You excite them. They've grown so bored, can't you see it? That's why you're making progress.

Not saying you should give up but you're definitely counting chickens that haven't hatched.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

This is very good advice and it is greatly appreciated, especially the part about not reposting verbatim on other platforms as that could be used to uncover your identity (self doxxing). Thank you!!!

SorosIsCancer44 ago

This post appears geared towards making v/pizzagate patrons too paranoid to continue investigating unless they are hacker geniuses.

No, Tor won't save you, but it will instantly make you an NSA target just for using it.

Work on the assumption that there is no privacy. But that no one is going to kill you for reading a god damned voat post. Scaring you away from this sub would definitely make John Podesta happy.

Vindicator ago

I agree with this. At some point, you just have to be willing to take the risk. Freedom is never free.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Please can someone link ways to hide our information. And I’m guessing I’d make myself seem stupid to ask how we can protect ourselves using Apple products?!

TrishaUK ago

Thx Blacksmith21, Simple point but - be aware of the 'Autoplay' on YouTube - The other day I was watching this video from Victurus Libertas VL and because it mentioned ‘Child Porn’ in the title, the following autoplay video that was suggested, was ‘5 Best Porn Sites’!!! I did not notice this as my screen was on full screen, and I had popped out to the other room get something real quickly, when I came back in this video started to play. I immediately paused it and deleted it from my history, but I think this is a ‘SNEAKY’ way for YT to put these things on as though you are watching sick stuff. Now, I don’t know if this video would have shown porn, but just in case it would have its an easy way for them to put it on your history.

mrfetus ago

It voat accessible via an .onion domain?

Papa_John_Podesta ago

It's not hard to make a IP+browser+time log from successful access requests. If you care about leaking data, even if you're using a spoof method, you should avoid links to blogs and other "non-professional" web-space. I'm aware this is limiting but if you choose to not protect yourself you will become a target on a list.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Ya I have thought about that, self-plagiarism. I just really don't care. Use your voice, you have every right to say what you are saying, there is no need to hide.

Blacksmith21 ago

For many that is the case. For folks like me, this isn't a joke or a game. Only you know what your real threat matrix looks like.

darkknight111 ago

Alternate tactic: False flags or false flag baiting.

Ie stuff like planting CP on us, incendiary comments from sociopaths like Donkeyhote designed to make us look REALLY bad, posting terrorist threats, etc.

Blacksmith21 ago

Donkeyhole is busy elsewhere....; )

UnicornAndSparkles ago

The boards aren’t the same without his nonsense. Where did he go?!

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I told him everyone hates him and then he disappeared lol. He's having a sook.

think- ago

Please don't say you miss him! ;-)

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Tee hee .. I don’t miss the being concerned newbies here falling victim to him. But I do miss reading the little spats between him and everyone. It must be lonely for are_we_sure around here now ;’)

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Lol we don't! It's been great without him/ it! 😸

Shillaxe ago

We chased him outta town.

iamlegion ago

post everywhere, post often, and post elite in rhyme or using any abstract literary device. and only post images with text, using your comment form for specific obfuscation.

AI is not smart enough for abstract human thinking.

Legion ≠ AI

Blacksmith21 ago

Not yet, at least. Thanks. I was just sitting here mulling about an edit with this ^.

classy_nigger ago

HTTPS, tor, VPN. Its essentially impossible for anyone to discover you by traffic (They can still be in your router, on your computer).

Tor browser disables scripts and enables HTTPS everywhere by default.

SorosIsCancer44 ago

Holy shit the ignorance hurts. Using Tor makes you an NSA target. Just for using it.

classy_nigger ago

As long as you have https and a vpn, what are they going to do about it? The OP is suggesting that we're already a target because of this subverse/website, so you're not losing anything anyway.

ThePuppetShow ago

If you're going to run TOR you should be running your VPN before it. I find it hard to trust either of them, clowns created TOR and VPN's will turn your info over to clowns.

EvilSeagull ago

TOR and VPNs may be the first things monitored. Those clowns realize if you're seeking privacy you may have something to hide.

think- ago

Using a VPN may not protect you from alphabet guys observing your habits, but it will prevent that web site owners get to know your IP address.

ThePuppetShow ago

It can stop you ISP from seeing that you're using TOR too.

EvilSeagull ago

But how would I get to see how those personalized ads?/s.

think- ago

LOL. That, of course, might be a problem.... ;-)

Joe10jo ago

Thanks for sharing; I agree with all you said.

ThePuppetShow ago

If you're digging into some mucky shit, use Tails ( ) on a public wifi. If you just have to sit at home, build a biquad dish. Then you can pull open wifi from over 5 miles away. My 2¢

Blacksmith21 ago

Can you expound?

ThePuppetShow ago


Tails is a operating system that you can run off of a memory stick that doesn't leave any traces on your computer. It runs TOR by default for the web. The reason I say public wifi... I personally don't trust TOR, because clowns created it. NSA might not be able to crack it, but I'm pretty sure one of the alphabets can. (Just my opinion) Plus, people make mistakes.. A biquad dish is a pimped out wifi antenna made out of a old satellite dish..

Personally I would do all this on a "throw away" from craigslist too, but I'm a bit of a freak.

Blacksmith21 ago

Dude....that is a trove of good info. That is exactly what I was hoping to see.

I'm not sharp in this area, but can I search on "tails" and save to local drive and then execute local from the stick?

Is pub wiifi versus home net? Or versus hotspot? Pub wifi always gets slammed, but is that due to local skimmerskum?

NOt seeing how CL fits in. Advise.

ThePuppetShow ago

I'm not sharp in this area, but can I search on "tails" and save to local drive and then execute local from the stick?

Yes. Tails is a full mini operating system based on Linux. It comes with it's own version of the TOR browser. Everything runs off the stick. As a matter of fact after you set it up you'll have to edit your boot options to boot the stick first when you want to use it. Your original system doesn't even start up with it.

Hotspot generally needs account login, I know Comcast does, so no if you have to log in. Anywhere that has open wifi works. There's a Starbucks on every corner.

NOt seeing how CL fits in. Advise.

Anonymous cash transaction for a device that has no connection to you. Just keep it off your wifi and never access any personal bullshit with it.

haghammadi ago

to use unlimited xfinity hotspots download "tmac", change MAC address, sign into xfinity prompt with bogus info (can literally just keyboard smash ex: you do not have to authenticate account before you can activate a 1 hour free pass on xfinity. when the hour long free pass runs out, simply change MAC with tmac and repeat process.

ThePuppetShow ago

Good info.. I didn't know that.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank for the reminder.

new4now ago

Some here are not as computered skilled as others here

What can folks do, in simplest terms, do to protect themselves?

Blacksmith21 ago

Understand NOTHING is secure. You are only making it much harder to dox.

Use this browser:

Search "vpn". Pay the 5 bucks per month to buy a VPN. Use it.

Obtain new ID on browser frequently. Don't use same speech patterns. Don't pigeonhole yourself with dialectic or other specific speech patterns. Vary speech style. Don't duplicate on social media. Even better, get off SM.

SorosIsCancer44 ago

Well use tor if you like the idea of becoming an NSA target for using it.

"The source code contains both technical instructions and comments from the developers that provide an insight into the mind of the NSA. Thus, all users of such programs are equated with "extremists". Such is the concern about Tor that even visitors to Tor sites -- whether or not they use the program -- have their details recorded."

ThePuppetShow ago

This is why you run a VPN before TOR, so your ISP can't see it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh I know. The only comfort is that the NSA are white hats. Hopefully the DS doesn't have the key. Adding a VPN and other tactics makes it much harder to pinpoint. If "they" want to find you, they will.

SorosIsCancer44 ago

"The NSA are white hats." No. They aren't.

Blacksmith21 ago

LOL. Pretty funny stuff there.

MadWorld ago

Don't use same speech patterns.

Besides protecting the ip and geolocation. I think varying the speech patterns and avoiding the cut/paste habit are also one of the most important precautions to take. A couple of wrong moves, by pasting certain passage onto known social media such as facebook, is all it takes to put a red-flag on your back.

Furthermore, be very very careful of any detail too specific to your identity, such as location and timing of certain specific events, which may be recorded/published by third parties.

millennial_vulcan ago

uh, hello mods: this is why commenters (especially new ones) who throw up a click bait title to some stupid video or random website with no synopsis should be immediately deleted.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

This is a good reason for why it's smart to have the Share a Link button used solely for xposting to other voat threads.

YouKnowItIKnowIt ago

Don't just not post the same things on other accounts, recycle your accounts regularly too. Stop using an account after a month or two max.

Is it possible someone can give a list of google etc ip's so they can be banned by a firewall to limit tracking etc?

forgot_p4ssword ago

Is it possible someone can give a list of google etc ip's so they can be banned by a fireall to limit tracking etc?

Sounds like tedious fucking work buddy, why not just put this in your host file and call it a day - no more google!

ivoatedf11 ago

+1 for this. Also don't use the same account name or even similar across multiple platforms. I have seen many pgaters doing that.

@Blacksmith21 VPN services are not super trustworthy. They may sell you out especially if they hear the warrant knock. There are scripts to further obfuscate the TOR network but I've never tried it. A lot of the tor "compromises" are computer specific (someone physically planting a tap), your isp selling you out, no one in your area is using tor except you+a combination of you having really specific habits/searches, and revealing personal info.

The government has an incentive to keep tor safe and public because it's set up to keep their agents anonymous. Actually hacking TOR/backdooring means throwing billions down the toilet and having to find a new way to communicate. Of course the gov shoots themselves in foot sometimes.

The best thing you can do is encrypt everything but you hardly ever see people do that. It really slows down conversations if that's what you want it for.

Vindicator ago

Thanks Blacksmith. Giving this an "IMPORTANT" flair.

EvaEverywhere ago

Great post!!

Blacksmith21 ago

Another good point. Time is money. The harder it gets to track you, the more it costs. Make it worth it.