Immelda ago

Jared Leto is a dick, turned his pissy followers on to me when i called him out for bitching about parental advisory stickers on his albums.

gaystapo ago

Leto supports the Art Of Elysium, that marina abromovic/John legend foundation :s

PedoStomper ago

When Jared Leto played The Joker in Suicide Squad, he allegedly mailed disgusting "gifts" to the other actors, including a dead rat. The guy is sick in the head for sure.

chowmetal92 ago

he was in blade runner 2049, which was executive produced by frank giustra, who has a foundation with bill clinton: The Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP), linked with the clinton foundation.

Altmight ago

Wow. Giustra! Amazing how this shit intertwines.

NutCase10325 ago

He owns Laurel Canyon compound

DerivaUK ago

The MetalDen piece is mighty revealing

Astrotheologist ago

i have a friend who works with him. I wont say anything he does for him but ive grilled him about leto.

He says he fucks twins all the time. He says he'll get twins on his plane and fuck em silly. I honest tried to get more out of him cause with his whole walk on water and sleeping with the devil lyrics i think there is more.

I dont think my friend knew much... Probably knew he fucked boarderline underage chicks or some shit like that but nothing super under age.

But I'll try to pick his brain more next time i see him

PedoStomper ago

Watch it, you don't want your friend to start asking the wrong questions in his circles and get himself in "trouble."

FlippantLaker ago

No need to be afraid of maggots. They are easily crushed under foot.

@MacPhisto @Cheesebooger @gaystapo @Mad_As_Hell

MacPhisto ago

Leto is rumored to be into both men and women, boys and girls. He should be a person of interest to law enforcement agencies around the world. Enty has reported a lot about him.

Cheesebooger ago

He's also rumored to be half jewish.

Altmight ago

Boom. There it is. Jews are creepy satanic parasites. The goyim know. "Shut it down" Leto is so comet ping pong, its his style, its how he rolls. To the oven.

Cheesebooger ago

Some jew downvoted you

realityisinsanity ago

Archived version

PedoStomper ago

The same Terry Richardson who has taken photos with beastiality and satanic themes? The same guy that Barack Obama insisted photograph him? Throw him into the fire with the rest of 'em.

GreenDell144 ago

Thats a lot of smoke. Smells like somethings burnin in the kitchen. There must be a fire then.

Piscina ago

According to CDAN commenters, Leto is also into underaged girls. He sounds like a pig.

MirrorMan ago

He's an emo band front man. If that doesn't scream I like young girls I don't know what else does.

PedoStomper ago

Ian Watkins is a person who should be brought up more when trying to expose the music industry, but his name is rarely mentioned. Sick fucker had women willingly giving him their kids to rape and his comment on the whole thing was that it was "mega lolz."

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Pretty sure these women are from a cult.