badastrid ago

Thanks for this. I think voat is taking a turn for the better!

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "Potential Lead" flair, Malignment.

darkknight111 ago

There's enough on Leto to warrant a seperate thread. Will post by tommorrow morning.

new4now ago

When Jared was 12 yrs old, he, his Mother and Brother spent some time in Haiti

His Mother, Constance, help run 2 medical clinics for a year

So after the earthquake he returned to Haiti to help

He worked with the J/P Hatian Relief Org

I have to tell ya, a lot of warning signs with Jared

Still looking him up

Piscina ago

The A list singer is definitely Chris Cornell. He was on tour. He told the woman he'd meet up with her in the city that Monica Peterson was living before she went to Haiti. That place is Denver. If you look at Chris Cornell's tour dates, he was only a few days away from being in Denver when he was killed.

Monica must've gone to Haiti to look further into the people involved in the child sex ring the FBI had her investigating. I just wish that all the people who have the USBs that Monica gave to everyone would go to SOMEONE or make copies and send them to media outlets or independent investigative journalists. I've no doubt that they fear for their lives.

ReddittRefugee ago

Here's the consensus (and I'm certain they're right:)

Investigator - Monica Peterson Actress - Alexis Arquette Actor - Jared Leto Singer - Chris Cornell

BTW: Alexis Arquette was HIV positive, and close to death in 2016. That is why all that was needed was "a little push" to make the naming names problem go away.

And that *naming names" problem was much bigger than the CDAN post makes out. There was going to be a book if something wasn't done to put a stop to it:

Remember everybody: this shit gets real when the bad apples got wind of someone who might expose them. Far too many people have been killed over these investigations.

Oh, and keep in mind that Jared Leto is one of the nastiest player in the entertainment industry. It's an open Hollywood secret that he's been molesting underage girls. This guy needs a lot of investigation:

But be careful.

darkknight111 ago

A look into the charities Leto supports.

carmencita ago

I noticed in the Blind comments someone mentioned a Raid on a house in Des Peres Mo. Chris Cornell was suppose to do a concert there, but he died right before, in Detroit. Could this have been a result of the Investigation? I don't think this is the only house. Unless this was a really large operation, there has to be more. They had to replace Wonderland that was part of the Operation Cathedral investigation. It was in St. Charles, not far from Des Peres.

carmencita ago

This Blind was so good I am reading the comments twice. All of the info was very telling although some answers must have been incorrect. They are very eye opening as well. Worth every minute. Thanks for posting. Upvoat.

reasonedandinformed ago

It totally fits:

  • Investigator - Monica Peterson (she fits it to a tee; was killed in Haiti while investigating and reporting back)
  • Actress - Alexis Arquette (she had done a sex change from Robert but regretted it late in life; she is said to have died of AIDS)
  • Actor - Jared Leto (he's a very strange guy; bisexual; he had a strange upbringing around all kinds of weirdos, from a broken home; lots of connections to Haiti and children's orgs; he's been alleged to be a pedo:
  • Singer - Chris Cornell (fits perfectly; he died on 5/18 but was scheduled to be in Denver, Monica's hometown for the meeting referenced with the friend, on 5/22. The timeline and suspicious info around his death fit perfectly).

pby1000 ago

I wonder what happened to all the USB drives.

reasonedandinformed ago

This stuff is all going to hit. I don't think #POTUS will stop until we get to the root of PedoGate. Sequence:

  • FISAGate...rolls up legal/judicial players
  • ...up to intel (CIA-Brennan, DNI-Clapper...)
  • ...UraniumOne pulls in more...then ProjectPelican
  • ...bringing in #Obama Admin (his whole cabinet +) + HRC/DNC/corrupt GOP (McCain, Graham) + DeepState + leave behinds w/in agencies, SES, etc.
  • ...rolling up to NWO players and role of PedoGate

PedoGate should run a parallel track of disclosures, starting w/PedoWood and then moving into the elite circles (politics/biz). It's a huge RedPill and will take time. Trump is playing things in a drip-by-drip release, but once they are ready, the Mueller trap will be sprung, and things will move quickly.

pby1000 ago


UnicornAndSparkles ago

We need to go back in time about 18 months or so. You have an up and coming expert who has been getting tip after tip about a group of men who are involved in a child sex ring. Yes, the same ring that produces thousands and thousands of photos for sale on the dark web. Yes, the same people that took all the photos that Mark Salling had in his possession when he was arrested a day or two prior to 2016. There was a lot happening in 2016. It was a very big year. People on both sides of the aisle were throwing money everywhere to make problems disappear or appear. One of the things that happened when Salling got arrested, were the questions. Where does someone get 50,000 images of kids? Most of these 50,000 images and videos had not been seen in other arrests. These were not the ones you were scooping up off 4chan. Many of the 50,000 were recent. Very recent. One person, who along with her NGO, was asked by the FBI to see if they could help track down any of the victims or locations. This person started asking around. As they were asking around, they were also leaving detailed notes they were backing up every single day. Not just in one place either. They were leaving the USB drives everywhere. At one point, the investigation led to this B- list actress/entertainer who comes from an acting family. This actress had been with some men, including an actor who enjoys sleeping with men and women who bragged about the trove of kids they had access to for child porn. They named some names. Those names were not names known to the actress but she wanted to pass them along. So, she got in touch with the investigator who she had known for a long time and possibly could help with all of this. Within a month, the actress was dead. The actress was easy to kill. Her body was failing anyway. All she needed was a little push. Our investigator decided to go to the location where the people named by the actress were located. The investigator kept backing up information and even though was out of the country, sent it to various family members for them to back up on the USB drives the investigator had been using. Shortly after the investigator began seriously digging around and asking questions, she was killed. Fast forward a few months. This A list singer has been in touch with a woman who says that one of the last things the investigator wrote was related to the singer. This woman has no idea what half the stuff on the USB drive has to do with anything, but would the singer be interested. The woman is in the town where the investigator was living prior to her trip and death. Yes, the singer would be interested and is going to be in that town in a couple of weeks and they can get together. A few days before the singer arrives in town, he is killed.

Desi Derium 10:49 AM

Investigator - Monica Peterson Actress - Alexis Arquette Actor - Jared Leto Singer - Chris Cornell

waxdino ago


These were not the ones you were scooping up off 4chan.

People get cp on 4chan?

Malignment ago

there are a LOT of seedy places on the chan’s that no one in their right mind should ever go - so it wouldn’t surprise me. I kind of wonder if that isn’t an oblique reference to pizzagate though ... since it started on 4chan

pby1000 ago

DuPont? Any relation to the others, I wonder.

"Robert Dupont, a former boyfriend of Arquette's, also confirmed that Arquette had transitioned back to her male identity prior to her death. Dupont said "My twin brother Richard and I had lunch with him in Santa Monica less than a month [before his death]". According to Dupont, "Alexis had changed over and was living as a man again, and he asked me if I had any clothes I didn’t want that he could wear." After Arquette's death, Dupont and his brother Richard shared pictures showing the activist and actor living as a man.[20]

Arquette was placed in a medically induced coma and died on September 11, 2016, surrounded by close family, at the age of 47. Arquette was serenaded with David Bowie's "Starman".[21][22][23] The cause of death was cardiac arrest caused by myocarditis ultimately stemming from HIV, which Arquette had contracted 29 years earlier."