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think- ago

Thank you for your post, @Tanngrisnir.

Since many people here don't know who Jeff Kasky is, and also don't know JAFCO, I would like to ask you to edit the headline and include this information.

Please point out that Jeff Kasky is the father of the Florida school shooting survivor Cameron Kasky, and that JAFCO is an adoption agency you think we should look into as there have been allegations that kids were molested in one of their shelters.

Please see Rule 3 in sidebar (please switch to desktop view when on mobile)

3: Clarity: All titles must adequately describe post content and must establish direct relevance to pizzagate.

Also, please point out in the body of your post who Cameron Kasky is - you might want to link to his Wikipedia article:

In the first sentence of your post, linking to the interview with Jeff Kasky, please give a time stamp for the moment when he talks about JAFCO, this was at 15:00, so that people won't have to watch the whole video. Please also link to one of the recent posts on v/pizzagate about the Florida shooting, and please explain why the people connected to the shooting (e.g. as survivors or the relatives) would be worthwhile researching.

You might want to link to this post by @MolochHunter:

Please also point out why you think there could be indeed child trafficking going on at shelters of the organization, or why you think that some of their foster parents might be involved in such crimes. (There might be a possibility that children were molested - which is horrible enough - but actually not trafficked for this purpose.)

Rule 2: If you ask a question: Explain what led to your question and provide sources. If you present opinion/argument, connect your dots and provide sources for them. Avoid baseless speculation.

Thank you!

I will flair the post with an 24 hours 'Edit Warning'. Unfortunately, headlines can't be edited on Voat, so please self-delete within 24 hours, edit headline and the body of your post, and re-submit.

If the post won't be edited within 24 hours, I will unfortunately have to remove it.

Tanngrisnir ago

No problem, think-. I will try to make the needed changes.

Vindicator ago

Glad to see you posting, @Tanngrisnir. :-) Thanks for helping us administer the submission rules.

Also, since you are closely following the proposed pizzagate connection to the Florida school shooting, I'd love to hear your take on the pattern I just highlighted in this thread:

Tanngrisnir ago

Maybe I'm wrong but there have always been a lot of "OMG a swirl!" type posts. I am going to assume that it probably not intentional shilling, but who knows?

Vindicator ago

There haven't been many in quite a while. Then, all of a sudden, a whole pack of them. Wierd. Also, we had someone post CP today -- first time that has happened in this year plus I've been modding. Hentai yes, actual CP, no.

Tanngrisnir ago

No, it looks like you are right. The forum is indeed under attack. My only thoughts on the matter is the Elites are currently terrified of the populace and that is why the Stoneman Douglas school shooting was immediately used to advance gun control by students whose parents were either former cops or former FBI. I'm sorry you have to deal with this since I know it is a heinous situation fraught with peril. I will try to be extra careful and clicking any links. The kids need us now more than ever though.

The truly strange thing is the info on Jeff Kasky and One World Adoptions still wouldn't be enough to convince the average CNN watcher. It looks like we are collectively really close to finding something big.